Exemple #1
void f()
  time_point t0 = Clock::now();
  while (!m.try_lock())
  time_point t1 = Clock::now();
  ns d = t1 - t0 - ms(250);
  // This test is spurious as it depends on the time the thread system switches the threads
  BOOST_TEST(d < ns(50000000)+ms(1000)); // within 50ms
  //time_point t0 = Clock::now();
  while (!m.try_lock())
  //time_point t1 = Clock::now();
  //ns d = t1 - t0 - ms(250);
  // This test is spurious as it depends on the time the thread system switches the threads
  //BOOST_TEST(d < ns(50000000)+ms(1000)); // within 50ms

Exemple #2
void f()
  time_point t0 = Clock::now();
  while (!m.try_lock())
  time_point t1 = Clock::now();
  ns d = t1 - t0 - ms(250);
  // This test is spurious as it depends on the time the thread system switches the threads
  BOOST_TEST(d < ns(50000000)+ms(1000)); // within 50ms
Exemple #3
/* ---[ */
main(int argc, char** argv)
	if (argc > 1)
		for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
			if (std::string(argv[i]) == "-h")
				printHelp(argc, argv);
				return (-1);

	std::string device_id = "";
	pcl::console::parse_argument(argc, argv, "-dev", device_id);

	cld.reset(new pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer(argc, argv, "OpenNI Viewer"));
	cld->setBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0);//背景を白色(255,255,255)に。
	cld->setPointCloudRenderingProperties(pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, 1, "OpenNICloud");

	std::string mouseMsg3D("Mouse coordinates in PCL Visualizer");
	std::string keyMsg3D("Key event for PCL Visualizer");
	cld->registerMouseCallback(&mouse_callback, (void*)(&mouseMsg3D));
	cld->registerKeyboardCallback(&keyboard_callback, (void*)(&keyMsg3D));

	pcl::io::loadPCDFile("data\\robot\\raw_0.pcd", *g_cloud);

	bool cld_init = false;
	// Loop
	while (!cld->wasStopped())
		// Render and process events in the two interactors

		// Add the cloud
		if (g_cloud && cld_mutex.try_lock())
			if (!cld_init)
				cld->getRenderWindow()->SetSize(g_cloud->width, g_cloud->height);
				cld->getRenderWindow()->SetPosition(g_cloud->width, 0);
				cld_init = !cld_init;

			if (!cld->updatePointCloud(g_cloud, "OpenNICloud"))
				cld->addPointCloud(g_cloud, "OpenNICloud");


Exemple #4
 cloud_cb (const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::ConstPtr & cloud)
   if (mutex_.try_lock ())
     cloud_ = cloud;
     mutex_.unlock ();
 depth_image_cb (const boost::shared_ptr<openni_wrapper::DepthImage>& depth_image)
   if (depth_image_mutex.try_lock ())
     depth_image_ptr = depth_image;
     depth_image_mutex.unlock ();
     received_new_depth_data = true;
 depth_image_cb (const openni_wrapper::DepthImage::Ptr& depth_image)
   if (depth_image_mutex.try_lock ())
     depth_image_ptr = depth_image;
     depth_image_mutex.unlock ();
     received_new_depth_data = true;
/* ---[ */
main (int argc, char** argv)
  srand (time (0));

  if (argc > 1)
    for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
      if (std::string (argv[i]) == "-h")
        printHelp (argc, argv);
        return (-1);

  p.reset (new pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer (argc, argv, "OpenNI Viewer"));

  std::string device_id = "";
  pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-dev", device_id);

  pcl::Grabber* interface = new pcl::OpenNIGrabber (device_id);

  EventHelper h;
  boost::function<void(const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::ConstPtr&) > f = boost::bind (&EventHelper::cloud_cb, &h, _1);
  boost::signals2::connection c1 = interface->registerCallback (f);

  interface->start ();
  while (!p->wasStopped ())
    p->spinOnce ();
    if (new_cloud && mutex_.try_lock ())
      new_cloud = false;
      if (g_cloud)
        FPS_CALC ("drawing");
        pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerRGBField<pcl::PointXYZRGB> handler (g_cloud);
        if (!p->updatePointCloud (g_cloud, handler, "OpenNICloud"))
          p->addPointCloud (g_cloud, handler, "OpenNICloud");
          p->resetCameraViewpoint ("OpenNICloud");
      mutex_.unlock ();
      boost::this_thread::sleep (boost::posix_time::microseconds (1000));

  interface->stop ();
Exemple #8
  cloud_cb (const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::ConstPtr & cloud)
    uint64_t timestamp;
#ifdef USE_ROS
    timestamp = cloud->header.stamp.toNSec() / 1000; //Microseconds
    timestamp = cloud->header.stamp;
#endif //USE_ROS
    if (timestamp > 0)
      PCL_INFO ("Acquired cloud with timestamp of %lu\n", timestamp);
    if (mutex_.try_lock ())
      cloud_ = cloud;
      mutex_.unlock ();
Exemple #9
void hpFrequentThread(
    long start,
    long stop,
    std::vector<Conjunction> const& conjunctions,
    std::map<Rule, OrderedCover> const& basicCovers,
    OrderedCover const& trueCover,
    double const treshold,
    std::vector<Conjunction>& result,
    boost::mutex& mutex
    std::vector<Conjunction> _result;
    auto start_i = conjunctions.begin();
    auto stop_i  = conjunctions.begin();
    std::advance(start_i, start);
    std::advance(stop_i, stop);
    long counter = 0;
    for (auto i=start_i ; i!=stop_i ; ++i) {
        OrderedCover _ordc(conjunctionCover(*i, basicCovers));
        //auto xxx = _ordc.metrics(trueCover);
        //printf("%d %d %d %d\n", xxx.tp(), xxx.fp(), xxx.tn(), xxx.fn());
        //printf("%lf\n", _ordc.metrics(trueCover).fprate());
        auto m = _ordc.metrics(trueCover);
        // also require precision to be good enough as fprate is
        // not reasonable metric anyway
        if (m.fprate() <= treshold && m.precision() > 0) {
            counter += 1;
        // try copying intermediate results
        if (counter % 256 == 0) {
            if (mutex.try_lock()) {
                std::copy(_result.begin(), _result.end(),
    // copy to master _result vector
    std::copy(_result.begin(), _result.end(), std::back_inserter(result));
Exemple #10
void runThread(int thread_id, boost::function<S()> threadFn, S& returnValue)
  /* Uncomment line to delay first thread, useful to unearth errors/debug */
  // if(thread_id == 0) { sleep(1); }
  returnValue = threadFn();

  if( mutex_done.try_lock() ) {
    if(global_flag_done == false) 
        boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(mutex_main_wait);
        global_winner = thread_id;
        global_flag_done = true;
      condition_var_main_wait.notify_all(); // we want main thread to quit
Exemple #11
// high recall
void hrFrequentThread(
    long start,
    long stop,
    std::vector<Conjunction> const& conjunctions,
    std::map<Rule, OrderedCover> const& basicCovers,
    OrderedCover const& trueCover,
    double const treshold,
    std::vector<Conjunction>& result,
    boost::mutex& mutex
    std::vector<Conjunction> _result;
    auto start_i = conjunctions.begin();
    auto stop_i  = conjunctions.begin();
    std::advance(start_i, start);
    std::advance(stop_i, stop);
    long counter = 0;
    for (auto i=start_i ; i!=stop_i ; ++i) {
        OrderedCover _ordc(conjunctionCover(*i, basicCovers));
        if (_ordc.metrics(trueCover).recall() >= treshold) {
            counter += 1;
        // try copying intermediate results
        if (counter % 256 == 0) {
            if (mutex.try_lock()) {
                std::copy(_result.begin(), _result.end(),
    // copy to master _result vector
    std::copy(_result.begin(), _result.end(), std::back_inserter(result));
Exemple #12
void mainLoopPlain(pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer *viewer, PointCloudT::Ptr cloud, bool &new_cloud_available_flag)
	while (true)
		if (new_cloud_available_flag && cloud_mutex.try_lock())    // if a new cloud is available
			new_cloud_available_flag = false;

			// Draw cloud and people bounding boxes in the viewer:

			pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerRGBField<PointT> rgb(cloud);
			viewer->addPointCloud<PointT>(cloud, rgb, "input_cloud");



    run ()
      pcl::Grabber* interface = new pcl::OpenNIGrabber ();

      boost::function<void(const pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::ConstPtr&)> f = boost::bind (&OpenNIOrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation::cloud_cb_, this, _1);

      //make a viewer
      pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr init_cloud_ptr (new pcl::PointCloud<PointT>);
      viewer = cloudViewer (init_cloud_ptr);
      boost::signals2::connection c = interface->registerCallback (f);

      interface->start ();

      unsigned char red [6] = {255,   0,   0, 255, 255,   0};
      unsigned char grn [6] = {  0, 255,   0, 255,   0, 255};
      unsigned char blu [6] = {  0,   0, 255,   0, 255, 255};

      pcl::IntegralImageNormalEstimation<PointT, pcl::Normal> ne;
      ne.setNormalEstimationMethod (ne.COVARIANCE_MATRIX);
      ne.setMaxDepthChangeFactor (0.03f);
      ne.setNormalSmoothingSize (20.0f);

      pcl::OrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation<PointT, pcl::Normal, pcl::Label> mps;
      mps.setMinInliers (10000);
      mps.setAngularThreshold (0.017453 * 2.0); //3 degrees
      mps.setDistanceThreshold (0.02); //2cm

      std::vector<pcl::PlanarRegion<PointT>, Eigen::aligned_allocator<pcl::PlanarRegion<PointT> > > regions;
      pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr contour (new pcl::PointCloud<PointT>);
      size_t prev_models_size = 0;
      char name[1024];

      while (!viewer->wasStopped ())
        viewer->spinOnce (100);

        if (prev_cloud && cloud_mutex.try_lock ())
          regions.clear ();
          pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>::Ptr normal_cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>);
          double normal_start = pcl::getTime ();
          ne.setInputCloud (prev_cloud);
          ne.compute (*normal_cloud);
          double normal_end = pcl::getTime ();
          std::cout << "Normal Estimation took " << double (normal_end - normal_start) << std::endl;

          double plane_extract_start = pcl::getTime ();
          mps.setInputNormals (normal_cloud);
          mps.setInputCloud (prev_cloud);
          mps.segmentAndRefine (regions);
          double plane_extract_end = pcl::getTime ();
          std::cout << "Plane extraction took " << double (plane_extract_end - plane_extract_start) << std::endl;
          std::cout << "Frame took " << double (plane_extract_end - normal_start) << std::endl;

          pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr cluster (new pcl::PointCloud<PointT>);

          if (!viewer->updatePointCloud<PointT> (prev_cloud, "cloud"))
            viewer->addPointCloud<PointT> (prev_cloud, "cloud");

          removePreviousDataFromScreen (prev_models_size);
          //Draw Visualization
          for (size_t i = 0; i < regions.size (); i++)
            Eigen::Vector3f centroid = regions[i].getCentroid ();
            Eigen::Vector4f model = regions[i].getCoefficients ();
            pcl::PointXYZ pt1 = pcl::PointXYZ (centroid[0], centroid[1], centroid[2]);
            pcl::PointXYZ pt2 = pcl::PointXYZ (centroid[0] + (0.5f * model[0]),
                                               centroid[1] + (0.5f * model[1]),
                                               centroid[2] + (0.5f * model[2]));
            sprintf (name, "normal_%lu", i);
            viewer->addArrow (pt2, pt1, 1.0, 0, 0, false, name);

            contour->points = regions[i].getContour ();
            sprintf (name, "plane_%02zu", i);
            pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom <PointT> color (contour, red[i], grn[i], blu[i]);
            viewer->addPointCloud (contour, color, name);
            viewer->setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, 4, name);
          prev_models_size = regions.size ();
          cloud_mutex.unlock ();

      interface->stop ();
Exemple #14
void startRecording(string PCDfilepath, string TRJfilepath, pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer *viewer, PointCloudT::Ptr &cloud, float dist, bool& new_cloud_available_flag)
//	Writer::startWriting();
	while (flag3)
		if (new_cloud_available_flag && cloud_mutex.try_lock())    // if a new cloud is available

			new_cloud_available_flag = false;
			// Perform people detection on the new cloud:
			std::vector<pcl::people::PersonCluster<PointT> > clusters;   // vector containing persons clusters
			people_detector.setGround(ground_coeffs);                    // set floor coefficients
			people_detector.compute(clusters);                           // perform people detection
			ground_coeffs = people_detector.getGround();                 // get updated floor coefficients

			// Draw cloud and people bounding boxes in the viewer:

			pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerRGBField<PointT> rgb(cloud);
			viewer->addPointCloud<PointT>(cloud, rgb, "input_cloud");

			unsigned int k = 0;


			for (std::vector<pcl::people::PersonCluster<PointT> >::iterator it = clusters.begin(); it != clusters.end(); ++it)
				if (it->getPersonConfidence() > min_confidence)             // draw only people with confidence above a threshold
					Eigen::Vector3f centroid_coords; //vector containing persons centroid coordinates

					centroid_coords = it->getCenter(); // calculate centroid coordinates

					int person_on_screen; // person number displayed on screen

					person_on_screen = if_same_person(centroids_prev, centroid_coords, dist); // check if current person existed in prev frame

					// add coordinates to vector containing people from current frame

					float x = centroid_coords[0]; // extract x coordinate of centroid
					float y = centroid_coords[1]; // extract y coordinate of centroid
					float z = centroid_coords[2]; // extract z coorfinate of centroid

					PointT pp;
					pp.getVector3fMap() = it->getCenter();

					Eigen::Vector4f centroid_coords_person;
					centroid_coords_person[0] = x;
					centroid_coords_person[1] = y;
					centroid_coords_person[2] = z;
					centroid_coords_person[3] = (float)person_on_screen;

					// draw theoretical person bounding box in the PCL viewer:
					it->drawTBoundingBox(*viewer, k); // draw persons bounding box

					cout << "tesst";
					//creating text to display near person box
					string tekst = "person ";

					string Result;

					ostringstream convert;

					convert << person_on_screen;

					Result = convert.str();

					tekst = tekst + Result;

					viewer->addText3D(tekst, pp, 0.08); // display text

					cout << "-------------";

			if (k == 0)
				cout << "Empty in a row: " << empty_in_row;
			else empty_in_row = 0;

			if (empty_in_row == 3) {
				cout << "Czyszcze wektor przechowujacy dane o postaciach";

			if (k > 0)centroids_prev = centroids_curr;

			std::cout << k << " people found" << std::endl;

//			Writer::write(cloud, clusters);


int main (int argc, char** argv)
  // --------------------------------------
  // -----Parse Command Line Arguments-----
  // --------------------------------------
  if (pcl::console::find_argument (argc, argv, "-h") >= 0)
    printUsage (argv[0]);
    return 0;
  if (pcl::console::parse (argc, argv, "-d", device_id) >= 0)
    cout << "Using device id \""<<device_id<<"\".\n";
  if (pcl::console::parse (argc, argv, "-r", angular_resolution) >= 0)
    cout << "Setting angular resolution to "<<angular_resolution<<"deg.\n";
  angular_resolution = pcl::deg2rad (angular_resolution);
  pcl::visualization::RangeImageVisualizer range_image_widget ("Range Image");
  pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer viewer ("3D Viewer");
  viewer.addCoordinateSystem (1.0f, "global");
  viewer.setBackgroundColor (1, 1, 1);
  // Set the viewing pose so that the openni cloud is visible
  viewer.initCameraParameters ();
   viewer.setCameraPosition (0.0, -0.3, -2.0,
                            0.0, -0.3, 1.0,
                            0.0, -1.0, 0.0);
  openni_wrapper::OpenNIDriver& driver = openni_wrapper::OpenNIDriver::getInstance ();
  if (driver.getNumberDevices () > 0)
    for (unsigned deviceIdx = 0; deviceIdx < driver.getNumberDevices (); ++deviceIdx)
      cout << "Device: " << deviceIdx + 1 << ", vendor: " << driver.getVendorName (deviceIdx)
           << ", product: " << driver.getProductName (deviceIdx) << ", connected: "
           << (int) driver.getBus (deviceIdx) << " @ " << (int) driver.getAddress (deviceIdx)
           << ", serial number: \'" << driver.getSerialNumber (deviceIdx) << "\'\n";
    cout << "\nNo devices connected.\n\n";
    return 1;
  pcl::Grabber* interface = new pcl::OpenNIGrabber (device_id);
  EventHelper event_helper;
  boost::function<void (const openni_wrapper::DepthImage::Ptr&) > f_depth_image =
    boost::bind (&EventHelper::depth_image_cb, &event_helper, _1);
  boost::signals2::connection c_depth_image = interface->registerCallback (f_depth_image);
  cout << "Starting grabber\n";
  interface->start ();
  cout << "Done\n";
  pcl::RangeImagePlanar::Ptr range_image_planar_ptr (new pcl::RangeImagePlanar);
  pcl::RangeImagePlanar& range_image_planar = *range_image_planar_ptr;
  while (!viewer.wasStopped ())
    viewer.spinOnce ();  // process 3D Viewer events
    range_image_widget.spinOnce ();  // process Image Viewer events
    pcl_sleep (0.01);
    bool got_new_range_image = false;
    if (received_new_depth_data && depth_image_mutex.try_lock ())
      received_new_depth_data = false;

      int frame_id = depth_image_ptr->getFrameID ();
      cout << "Visualizing frame "<<frame_id<<"\n";
      const unsigned short* depth_map = depth_image_ptr->getDepthMetaData ().Data ();
      int width = depth_image_ptr->getWidth (), height = depth_image_ptr->getHeight ();
      float center_x = width/2, center_y = height/2;
      float focal_length_x = depth_image_ptr->getFocalLength (), focal_length_y = focal_length_x;
      float original_angular_resolution = asinf (0.5f*float (width)/float (focal_length_x)) / (0.5f*float (width));
      float desired_angular_resolution = angular_resolution;
      range_image_planar.setDepthImage (depth_map, width, height, center_x, center_y,
                                        focal_length_x, focal_length_y, desired_angular_resolution);
      depth_image_mutex.unlock ();
      got_new_range_image = !range_image_planar.points.empty ();
    if (!got_new_range_image)
    // Show range image in the image widget
    range_image_widget.showRangeImage (range_image_planar, 0.5f, 10.0f);
    // Show range image in the 3D viewer
    pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<pcl::PointWithRange> color_handler_cloud
      (range_image_planar_ptr, 0, 0, 0);
    if (!viewer.updatePointCloud<pcl::PointWithRange> (range_image_planar_ptr, color_handler_cloud, "range image"))
      viewer.addPointCloud<pcl::PointWithRange> (range_image_planar_ptr, color_handler_cloud, "range image");

  interface->stop ();
void scanCallback (const sensor_msgs::LaserScan::ConstPtr& scan_in)
    if (!we_have_a_map)
        ROS_INFO("SnapMapICP waiting for map to be published");

    ros::Time scan_in_time = scan_in->header.stamp;
    ros::Time time_received = ros::Time::now();

    if ( scan_in_time - last_processed_scan < ros::Duration(1.0f / SCAN_RATE) )
        ROS_DEBUG("rejected scan, last %f , this %f", last_processed_scan.toSec() ,scan_in_time.toSec());

    if (!scan_callback_mutex.try_lock())

    ros::Duration scan_age = ros::Time::now() - scan_in_time;

    //check if we want to accept this scan, if its older than 1 sec, drop it
    if (!use_sim_time)
        if (scan_age.toSec() > AGE_THRESHOLD)
            //ROS_WARN("SCAN SEEMS TOO OLD (%f seconds, %f threshold)", scan_age.toSec(), AGE_THRESHOLD);
            ROS_WARN("SCAN SEEMS TOO OLD (%f seconds, %f threshold) scan time: %f , now %f", scan_age.toSec(), AGE_THRESHOLD, scan_in_time.toSec(),ros::Time::now().toSec() );


    //ROS_DEBUG("count_sc %i MUTEX LOCKED", count_sc_);

    //if (count_sc_ > 10)
    //if (count_sc_ > 10)
        count_sc_ = 0;

        tf::StampedTransform base_at_laser;
        if (!getTransform(base_at_laser, ODOM_FRAME, "base_link", scan_in_time))
            ROS_WARN("Did not get base pose at laser scan time");


        sensor_msgs::PointCloud cloud;
        sensor_msgs::PointCloud cloudInMap;


        we_have_a_scan = false;
        bool gotTransform = false;

        if (!listener_->waitForTransform("/map", cloud.header.frame_id, cloud.header.stamp, ros::Duration(0.05)))
            ROS_WARN("SnapMapICP no map to cloud transform found MUTEX UNLOCKED");

        if (!listener_->waitForTransform("/map", "/base_link", cloud.header.stamp, ros::Duration(0.05)))
            ROS_WARN("SnapMapICP no map to base transform found MUTEX UNLOCKED");

        while (!gotTransform && (ros::ok()))
                gotTransform = true;
                listener_->transformPointCloud ("/map",cloud,cloudInMap);
            catch (...)
                gotTransform = false;

        for (size_t k =0; k < cloudInMap.points.size(); k++)
            cloudInMap.points[k].z = 0;

        gotTransform = false;
        tf::StampedTransform oldPose;
        while (!gotTransform && (ros::ok()))
                gotTransform = true;
                listener_->lookupTransform("/map", "/base_link",
                                           cloud.header.stamp , oldPose);
            catch (tf::TransformException ex)
                gotTransform = false;
        if (we_have_a_map && gotTransform)
            we_have_a_scan = true;


            //pcl::IterativeClosestPointNonLinear<pcl::PointXYZ, pcl::PointXYZ> reg;
            pcl::IterativeClosestPoint<pcl::PointXYZ, pcl::PointXYZ> reg;
            reg.setTransformationEpsilon (1e-6);
            // Set the maximum distance between two correspondences (src<->tgt) to 10cm
            // Note: adjust this based on the size of your datasets
            reg.setMaximumIterations (ICP_NUM_ITER);
            // Set the point representation

            //ros::Time bef = ros::Time::now();

            PointCloudT::Ptr myMapCloud (new PointCloudT());
            PointCloudT::Ptr myScanCloud (new PointCloudT());



            PointCloudT unused;
            int i = 0;

            reg.align (unused);

            const Eigen::Matrix4f &transf = reg.getFinalTransformation();
            tf::Transform t;

            //ROS_ERROR("proc time %f", (ros::Time::now() - bef).toSec());

            we_have_a_scan_transformed = false;
            PointCloudT transformedCloud;
            pcl::transformPointCloud (*myScanCloud, transformedCloud, reg.getFinalTransformation());

            double inlier_perc = 0;
                // count inliers
                std::vector<int> nn_indices (1);
                std::vector<float> nn_sqr_dists (1);

                size_t numinliers = 0;

                for (size_t k = 0; k < transformedCloud.points.size(); ++k )
                    if (mapTree->radiusSearch (transformedCloud.points[k], ICP_INLIER_DIST, nn_indices,nn_sqr_dists, 1) != 0)
                        numinliers += 1;
                if (transformedCloud.points.size() > 0)
                    //ROS_INFO("Inliers in dist %f: %zu of %zu percentage %f (%f)", ICP_INLIER_DIST, numinliers, transformedCloud.points.size(), (double) numinliers / (double) transformedCloud.points.size(), ICP_INLIER_THRESHOLD);
                    inlier_perc = (double) numinliers / (double) transformedCloud.points.size();

            last_processed_scan = scan_in_time;

            pcl::toROSMsg (transformedCloud, cloud2transformed);
            we_have_a_scan_transformed = true;

            double dist = sqrt((t.getOrigin().x() * t.getOrigin().x()) + (t.getOrigin().y() * t.getOrigin().y()));
            double angleDist = t.getRotation().getAngle();
            tf::Vector3 rotAxis  = t.getRotation().getAxis();
            t =  t * oldPose;

            tf::StampedTransform base_after_icp;
            if (!getTransform(base_after_icp, ODOM_FRAME, "base_link", ros::Time(0)))
                ROS_WARN("Did not get base pose at now");

                tf::Transform rel = base_at_laser.inverseTimes(base_after_icp);
                ROS_DEBUG("relative motion of robot while doing icp: %fcm %fdeg", rel.getOrigin().length(), rel.getRotation().getAngle() * 180 / M_PI);
                t= t * rel;

            //ROS_DEBUG("dist %f angleDist %f",dist, angleDist);

            //ROS_DEBUG("SCAN_AGE seems to be %f", scan_age.toSec());
            char msg_c_str[2048];
            sprintf(msg_c_str,"INLIERS %f (%f) scan_age %f (%f age_threshold) dist %f angleDist %f axis(%f %f %f) fitting %f (icp_fitness_threshold %f)",inlier_perc, ICP_INLIER_THRESHOLD, scan_age.toSec(), AGE_THRESHOLD ,dist, angleDist, rotAxis.x(), rotAxis.y(), rotAxis.z(),reg.getFitnessScore(), ICP_FITNESS_THRESHOLD );
            std_msgs::String strmsg;
            strmsg.data = msg_c_str;

            //ROS_DEBUG("%s", msg_c_str);

            double cov = POSE_COVARIANCE_TRANS;

            //if ((actScan - lastTimeSent > UPDATE_AGE_THRESHOLD) && ((dist > DIST_THRESHOLD) || (angleDist > ANGLE_THRESHOLD)) && (angleDist < ANGLE_UPPER_THRESHOLD))
            //  if ( reg.getFitnessScore()  <= ICP_FITNESS_THRESHOLD )
            if ((actScan - lastTimeSent > UPDATE_AGE_THRESHOLD) && ((dist > DIST_THRESHOLD) || (angleDist > ANGLE_THRESHOLD)) && (inlier_perc > ICP_INLIER_THRESHOLD) && (angleDist < ANGLE_UPPER_THRESHOLD))
                lastTimeSent = actScan;
                geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped pose;
                pose.header.frame_id = "map";
                pose.pose.pose.position.x = t.getOrigin().x();
                pose.pose.pose.position.y = t.getOrigin().y();

                tf::Quaternion quat = t.getRotation();
                //quat.setRPY(0.0, 0.0, theta);
                float factorPos = 0.03;
                float factorRot = 0.1;
                pose.pose.covariance[6*0+0] = (cov * cov) * factorPos;
                pose.pose.covariance[6*1+1] = (cov * cov) * factorPos;
                pose.pose.covariance[6*3+3] = (M_PI/12.0 * M_PI/12.0) * factorRot;
                ROS_DEBUG("i %i converged %i SCORE: %f", i,  reg.hasConverged (),  reg.getFitnessScore()  );
                ROS_DEBUG("PUBLISHING A NEW INITIAL POSE dist %f angleDist %f Setting pose: %.3f %.3f  [frame=%s]",dist, angleDist , pose.pose.pose.position.x  , pose.pose.pose.position.y , pose.header.frame_id.c_str());
                strmsg.data += " << SENT";

            //ROS_INFO("processing time : %f", (ros::Time::now() - time_received).toSec());

            //ROS_DEBUG("map width %i height %i size %i, %s", myMapCloud.width, myMapCloud.height, (int)myMapCloud.points.size(), myMapCloud.header.frame_id.c_str());
            //ROS_DEBUG("scan width %i height %i size %i, %s", myScanCloud.width, myScanCloud.height, (int)myScanCloud.points.size(), myScanCloud.header.frame_id.c_str());
    void Run()
    {   //cout << "here0" << endl;
        int w, h;

        // Create camera instances
        _cam = CLEyeCreateCamera(_cameraGUID, _mode, _resolution, _fps);
        if(_cam == NULL)	return;

        // Get camera frame dimensions
        CLEyeCameraGetFrameDimensions(_cam, w, h);

        IplImage *pCapImage;

        // Create the OpenCV images
        pCapImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(w, h), IPL_DEPTH_8U, _isColor ? 4 : 1);

        // Set some camera parameters
        CLEyeSetCameraParameter(_cam, CLEYE_GAIN, 0);
        CLEyeSetCameraParameter(_cam, CLEYE_EXPOSURE, 511);

        // Start capturing

        tMin = 1000;
        tMax = 0;
        tAvg = 0;
        curr = 0;
        measuredCnt = 0;

        //cout << "here1" << endl;

        // Capture camera images
        PBYTE tempBuffer;
        cvGetImageRawData(pCapImage, &tempBuffer);
        CLEyeCameraGetFrame(_cam, tempBuffer);
        Mat imgTemp(pCapImage);

        imgLines = Mat::zeros( imgTemp.size(), CV_8UC4 );
        imgCapture = Mat::zeros( imgTemp.size(), CV_8UC4 );

        //cout << "here2" << endl;

        // image capturing loop
            //oldFrameTimestamp = frameTimestamp;
            //oldFrameTimestamp = getTickCount();
            //cout << "here3" << endl;

            PBYTE pCapBuffer;

            // Capture camera images
            cvGetImageRawData(pCapImage, &pCapBuffer);
            CLEyeCameraGetFrame(_cam, pCapBuffer);

            //IplImage* imgHSV = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(pCapImage), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
            //cvCvtColor(pCapImage, imgHSV, CV_BGR2HSV); //Change the color format from BGR to HSV
            //IplImage* imgThresholded = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(imgHSV),IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
            //cvInRangeS(imgHSV, cvScalar(minH,minS,minV), cvScalar(maxH,maxS,maxV), imgThresholded);

            Mat imgCap(pCapImage);		//creates 8UC4 Mat

            imgCap.copyTo(imgCapture);	//copy to shared variable

            //frameTimestamp = getTickCount();
            //double t = ((double)(frameTimestamp - oldFrameTimestamp))/getTickFrequency() * 1000;
            //cout << "Frame interval: " << t << endl;
        // Stop camera capture
        // Destroy camera object
        // Destroy the allocated OpenCV image
        _cam = NULL;
Exemple #18
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int total_frame = 0;

    ros::init(argc, argv, "pub_pcl");
    ros::NodeHandle nh;
    ros::Publisher pub = nh.advertise<PointCloudT>("/openni/points2", 1);

    // Read
    PointCloudT::Ptr cloud(new PointCloudT);
    bool new_cloud_avaliable_flag = false;
    pcl::Grabber* interface = new pcl::OpenNIGrabber();
    boost::function<void (const PointCloudT::ConstPtr&)> f = boost::bind(&cloud_cb_, _1, cloud, &new_cloud_avaliable_flag);

    // Wait for the first frame
    while (!new_cloud_avaliable_flag)
    cloud_mutex.lock();     // for not overwriting the point cloud

    // Display
    printf("frame %d\n", ++total_frame);
    pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerRGBField<PointT> rgb(cloud);
    viewer.addPointCloud<PointT>(cloud, rgb, "input_cloud");
    viewer.setCameraPosition(0, 0, -2, 0, -1, 0, 0);


    ros::Rate loop_rate(4);
    while (nh.ok())
        ros::Time scan_time = ros::Time::now();
        // Get & publish new cloud
        if (new_cloud_avaliable_flag && cloud_mutex.try_lock())
            new_cloud_avaliable_flag = false;

            printf("frame %d\n", ++total_frame);
            pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerRGBField<PointT> rgb(cloud);
            viewer.addPointCloud<PointT>(cloud, rgb, "input_cloud");

            printf("no %d\n", total_frame);


    return 0;
Exemple #19
			bool try_lock() { return m.try_lock(); }
Exemple #20
/* ---[ */
main (int argc, char** argv)
  srand (unsigned (time (0)));

  if (argc > 1)
    for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
      if (std::string (argv[i]) == "-h")
        printHelp (argc, argv);
        return (-1);

  // Command line parsing
  double bcolor[3] = {0, 0, 0};
  pcl::console::parse_3x_arguments (argc, argv, "-bc", bcolor[0], bcolor[1], bcolor[2]);

  fcolorparam = pcl::console::parse_multiple_3x_arguments (argc, argv, "-fc", fcolor_r, fcolor_g, fcolor_b);

  int psize = 0;
  pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-ps", psize);

  double opaque;
  pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-opaque", opaque);

  cloud_viewer.reset (new pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer (argc, argv, "PCD viewer"));

  img_viewer.reset (new pcl::visualization::ImageViewer ("OpenNI Viewer"));

  //  // Change the cloud rendered point size
  //  if (psize > 0)
  //    p->setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, psize, "OpenNICloud");
  //  // Change the cloud rendered opacity
  //  if (opaque >= 0)
  //    p->setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_OPACITY, opaque, "OpenNICloud");

  cloud_viewer->setBackgroundColor (bcolor[0], bcolor[1], bcolor[2]);

  // Read axes settings
  double axes = 0.0;
  pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-ax", axes);
  if (axes != 0.0 && cloud_viewer)
    float ax_x = 0.0, ax_y = 0.0, ax_z = 0.0;
    pcl::console::parse_3x_arguments (argc, argv, "-ax_pos", ax_x, ax_y, ax_z, false);
    // Draw XYZ axes if command-line enabled
    cloud_viewer->addCoordinateSystem (axes, ax_x, ax_y, ax_z);

  float frames_per_second = 0; // 0 means only if triggered!
  pcl::console::parse (argc, argv, "-fps", frames_per_second);
  if (frames_per_second < 0)
    frames_per_second = 0.0;

  bool repeat = (pcl::console::find_argument (argc, argv, "-repeat") != -1);

  bool use_pclzf = (pcl::console::find_argument (argc, argv, "-pclzf") != -1);

  std::cout << "fps: " << frames_per_second << " , repeat: " << repeat << std::endl;
  std::string path = "";
  pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-dir", path);
  std::cout << "path: " << path << std::endl;
  if (path != "" && boost::filesystem::exists (path))
    grabber.reset (new pcl::ImageGrabber<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> (path, frames_per_second, repeat, use_pclzf));
    std::cout << "No directory was given with the -dir flag." << std::endl;
    printHelp (argc, argv);
    return (-1);
  grabber->setDepthImageUnits (float (1E-3));

  // Before manually setting
  double fx, fy, cx, cy;
  grabber->getCameraIntrinsics (fx, fy, cx, cy);
  PCL_INFO ("Factory default intrinsics: %f, %f, %f, %f\n", 
      fx, fy, cx, cy);
  float focal_length;
  if (pcl::console::parse (argc, argv, "-focal", focal_length) != -1)
    grabber->setCameraIntrinsics (focal_length, focal_length, 320, 240);

  EventHelper h;
  boost::function<void(const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::ConstPtr&) > f = boost::bind (&EventHelper::cloud_cb, &h, _1);
  boost::signals2::connection c1 = grabber->registerCallback (f);

  std::string mouse_msg_3D ("Mouse coordinates in PCL Visualizer");
  std::string key_msg_3D ("Key event for PCL Visualizer");

  cloud_viewer->registerMouseCallback (&mouse_callback, static_cast<void*> (&mouse_msg_3D));
  cloud_viewer->registerKeyboardCallback(&keyboard_callback, static_cast<void*> (&key_msg_3D));

  std::string mouse_msg_2D ("Mouse coordinates in image viewer");
  std::string key_msg_2D ("Key event for image viewer");

  img_viewer->registerMouseCallback (&mouse_callback, static_cast<void*> (&mouse_msg_2D));
  img_viewer->registerKeyboardCallback(&keyboard_callback, static_cast<void*> (&key_msg_2D));

  grabber->start ();

  grabber->getCameraIntrinsics (fx, fy, cx, cy);
  PCL_INFO ("Grabber is using intrinsics: %f, %f, %f, %f\n", 
      fx, fy, cx, cy);

  while (!cloud_viewer->wasStopped ())
    cloud_viewer->spinOnce ();

    img_viewer->spinOnce ();

    if (!cloud_)
    else if (mutex_.try_lock ())
      pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::ConstPtr temp_cloud;
      temp_cloud.swap (cloud_);
      mutex_.unlock ();

      img_viewer->showRGBImage (*temp_cloud);

      if (!cloud_viewer->updatePointCloud (temp_cloud, "PCDCloud"))
        cloud_viewer->addPointCloud (temp_cloud, "PCDCloud");
        cloud_viewer->setCameraPosition (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0);

  grabber->stop ();
inline void Lock_Wait( boost::mutex& m )
	while( m.try_lock() == false ){}
main (int argc, char **argv)
    std::cout << "main function" << std::endl;
    pcl::Grabber* interface;
    ros::NodeHandle *nh;
    ros::Subscriber sub;
    ros::Publisher clusterPub, normalPub, planePub,msgPub;

    bool spawnObject = true;

    K2G *k2g;
    processor freenectprocessor = OPENGL;

    boost::shared_ptr<pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>> cloud;

    std::cout << "ros node initialized" << std::endl;
    ros::init(argc, argv, "hlpr_single_plane_segmentation",ros::init_options::NoSigintHandler);
    nh = new ros::NodeHandle("~");
    // nh->getParam("segmentation/viz", viz_);
    // std::cout<<"viz is set to " << viz_ << endl;

    parsedArguments pA;
    if(parseArguments(argc, argv, pA, *nh) < 0)
        return 0;

    viz_ = pA.viz;
    ridiculous_global_variables::ignore_low_sat       = pA.saturation_hack;
    ridiculous_global_variables::saturation_threshold = pA.saturation_hack_value;
    ridiculous_global_variables::saturation_mapped_value = pA.saturation_mapped_value;

    RansacSinglePlaneSegmentation multi_plane_app;

    pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr cloud_ptr (new pcl::PointCloud<PointT>);
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>::Ptr ncloud_ptr (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>);
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Label>::Ptr label_ptr (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Label>);

    boost::shared_ptr<pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer> viewer;
    multi_plane_app.initSegmentation(pA.seg_color_ind, pA.ecc_dist_thresh, pA.ecc_color_thresh);
    if(viz_) {
        viewer = cloudViewer(cloud_ptr);

    float workSpace[] = {-0.55,0.5,-0.2,0.45,0.3,2.0};
    msgPub = nh->advertise<hlpr_perception_msgs::SegClusters>(segOutRostopic,5);

    switch (pA.pc_source)
        case 0:
                std::cout << "Using ros topic as input" << std::endl;
                sub = nh->subscribe<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>(pA.ros_topic, 1, cloud_cb_ros_);
        case 1:
                std::cout << "Using the openni device" << std::endl;

                interface = new pcl::OpenNIGrabber ();

                boost::function<void(const pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::ConstPtr&)> f = boost::bind (&cloud_cb_direct_,_1);
                boost::signals2::connection c = interface->registerCallback (f);

                interface->start ();
        case 2:
                std::cout << "Using kinect v2" << std::endl;

                freenectprocessor = static_cast<processor>(pA.freenectProcessor);

                k2g = new K2G(freenectprocessor, true);
                cloud = k2g->getCloud();
                prev_cloud = cloud;
                gotFirst = true;

    signal(SIGINT, interruptFn);
    while (!interrupt && (!viz_ || !viewer->wasStopped ()))
        int selected_cluster_index = -1;
        if(cloud_mutex.try_lock ())
            if(pA.pc_source == 2)
                cloud = k2g->getCloud();

            if(viz_ && pA.justViewPointCloud)
                pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr filtered_prev_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<PointT>(*prev_cloud));
                if (!viewer->updatePointCloud<PointT> (filtered_prev_cloud, "cloud"))
                    viewer->addPointCloud<PointT> (filtered_prev_cloud, "cloud");
                selected_cluster_index = -1;
                pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::CloudVectorType clusters;
                std::vector<pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal> > clusterNormals;
                Eigen::Vector4f plane;
                std::vector<size_t> clusterIndices;
                std::vector<std::vector<int>> clusterIndicesStore;

                selected_cluster_index = multi_plane_app.processOnce(prev_cloud,clusters,clusterNormals,plane,clusterIndicesStore,
                        pA.merge_clusters, viz_, pA.filterNoise); //true is for the viewer
                hlpr_perception_msgs::SegClusters msg;
                //msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();

                // Pull out the cluster indices and put in msg
               for (int ti = 0; ti < clusterIndicesStore.size(); ti++){
                    hlpr_perception_msgs::ClusterIndex cluster_idx_msg;
                    for (int j = 0; j < clusterIndicesStore[ti].size(); j++){
                        std_msgs::Int32 temp_msg;
                        temp_msg.data = clusterIndicesStore[ti][j];
                    //clusterIndices.insert(clusterIndices.end(),clusterIndicesStore[ti].begin(), clusterIndicesStore[ti].end()); // For removing ALL cluster points

                for(int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++) {
                    sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 out;
                    pcl::PCLPointCloud2 tmp;
                    pcl::toPCLPointCloud2(clusters[i], tmp);
                    pcl_conversions::fromPCL(tmp, out);

                for(int i = 0; i < clusterNormals.size(); i++) {
                    sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 out;
                    pcl::PCLPointCloud2 tmp;
                    pcl::toPCLPointCloud2(clusterNormals[i], tmp);
                    pcl_conversions::fromPCL(tmp, out);

                std_msgs::Float32MultiArray planeMsg;
                for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                msg.plane = planeMsg;




            /*the z_thresh may result in wrong cluster to be selected. it might be a good idea to do
             * some sort of mean shift tracking, or selecting the biggest amongst the candidates (vs choosing the most similar color)
             * or sending all the plausible ones to c6 and decide there

        if(selected_cluster_index < 0)
    if(pA.pc_source == 1)
        interface->stop ();
        delete interface;
    delete nh;

    return 0;
Exemple #23
/* ---[ */
main (int argc, char** argv)
  srand (unsigned (time (0)));

  if (argc > 1)
    for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
      if (std::string (argv[i]) == "-h")
        printHelp (argc, argv);
        return (-1);

  // Command line parsing
  double bcolor[3] = {0, 0, 0};
  pcl::console::parse_3x_arguments (argc, argv, "-bc", bcolor[0], bcolor[1], bcolor[2]);

  fcolorparam = pcl::console::parse_multiple_3x_arguments (argc, argv, "-fc", fcolor_r, fcolor_g, fcolor_b);

  int psize = 0;
  pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-ps", psize);

  double opaque;
  pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-opaque", opaque);

  cloud_viewer.reset (new pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer (argc, argv, "PCD viewer"));

  img_viewer.reset (new pcl::visualization::ImageViewer ("OpenNI Viewer"));

  //  // Change the cloud rendered point size
  //  if (psize > 0)
  //    p->setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, psize, "OpenNICloud");
  //  // Change the cloud rendered opacity
  //  if (opaque >= 0)
  //    p->setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_OPACITY, opaque, "OpenNICloud");

  cloud_viewer->setBackgroundColor (bcolor[0], bcolor[1], bcolor[2]);

  // Read axes settings
  double axes = 0.0;
  pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-ax", axes);
  if (axes != 0.0 && cloud_viewer)
    float ax_x = 0.0, ax_y = 0.0, ax_z = 0.0;
    pcl::console::parse_3x_arguments (argc, argv, "-ax_pos", ax_x, ax_y, ax_z, false);
    // Draw XYZ axes if command-line enabled
    cloud_viewer->addCoordinateSystem (axes, ax_x, ax_y, ax_z);

  float frames_per_second = 0; // 0 means only if triggered!
  pcl::console::parse (argc, argv, "-fps", frames_per_second);
  if (frames_per_second < 0)
    frames_per_second = 0.0;

  bool repeat = (pcl::console::find_argument (argc, argv, "-repeat") != -1);

  std::cout << "fps: " << frames_per_second << " , repeat: " << repeat << std::endl;
  std::string path = "";
  pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-file", path);
  std::cout << "path: " << path << std::endl;
  if (path != "" && boost::filesystem::exists (path))
    grabber.reset (new pcl::PCDGrabber<pcl::PointXYZRGB> (path, frames_per_second, repeat));
    std::vector<std::string> pcd_files;
    pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-dir", path);
    std::cout << "path: " << path << std::endl;
    if (path != "" && boost::filesystem::exists (path))
      boost::filesystem::directory_iterator end_itr;
      for (boost::filesystem::directory_iterator itr (path); itr != end_itr; ++itr)
        if (!is_directory (itr->status()) && boost::algorithm::to_upper_copy(boost::filesystem::extension (itr->leaf())) == ".PCD" )
          pcd_files.push_back (itr->path ().string());
          std::cout << "added: " << itr->path ().string() << std::endl;
      std::cout << "Neither a pcd file given using the \"-file\" option, nor given a directory containing pcd files using the \"-dir\" option." << std::endl;

    // Sort the read files by name
    sort (pcd_files.begin (), pcd_files.end ());
    grabber.reset (new pcl::PCDGrabber<pcl::PointXYZRGB> (pcd_files, frames_per_second, repeat));

  EventHelper h;
  boost::function<void(const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::ConstPtr&) > f = boost::bind (&EventHelper::cloud_cb, &h, _1);
  boost::signals2::connection c1 = grabber->registerCallback (f);

  std::string mouseMsg3D ("Mouse coordinates in PCL Visualizer");
  std::string keyMsg3D ("Key event for PCL Visualizer");

  cloud_viewer->registerMouseCallback (&mouse_callback, reinterpret_cast<void*> (&mouseMsg3D));
  cloud_viewer->registerKeyboardCallback(&keyboard_callback, reinterpret_cast<void*> (&keyMsg3D));

  grabber->start ();
  while (!cloud_viewer->wasStopped ())
    cloud_viewer->spinOnce ();

    img_viewer->spinOnce ();

    if (!cloud_)

    if (mutex_.try_lock ())
      pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::ConstPtr temp_cloud;
      temp_cloud.swap (cloud_);
      mutex_.unlock ();

      img_viewer->showRGBImage (*temp_cloud);

      if (!cloud_viewer->updatePointCloud (temp_cloud, "PCDCloud"))
        cloud_viewer->addPointCloud (temp_cloud, "PCDCloud");
        cloud_viewer->resetCameraViewpoint ("PCDCloud");

  grabber->stop ();
/* ---[ */
main (int argc, char** argv)
  if (argc > 1)
    for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
      if (std::string (argv[i]) == "-h")
        printHelp (argc, argv);
        return (-1);

  EventHelper event_helper;
  std::string device_id = "";
  pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-dev", device_id);

  pcl::Grabber* grabber = new pcl::OpenNIGrabber (device_id);

  cld.reset (new pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer (argc, argv, "OpenNI Viewer"));

  std::string mouseMsg3D ("Mouse coordinates in PCL Visualizer");
  std::string keyMsg3D ("Key event for PCL Visualizer");
  cld->registerMouseCallback (&mouse_callback, (void*)(&mouseMsg3D));    
  cld->registerKeyboardCallback(&keyboard_callback, (void*)(&keyMsg3D));
  boost::function<void(const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::ConstPtr&) > f = boost::bind (&EventHelper::cloud_cb, &event_helper, _1);
  boost::signals2::connection c1 = grabber->registerCallback (f);

  img.reset (new pcl::visualization::ImageViewer ("OpenNI Viewer"));
  // Register callbacks
  std::string keyMsg2D ("Key event for image viewer");
  std::string mouseMsg2D ("Mouse coordinates in image viewer");
  img->registerMouseCallback (&mouse_callback, (void*)(&mouseMsg2D));
  img->registerKeyboardCallback(&keyboard_callback, (void*)(&keyMsg2D));
  boost::function<void (const boost::shared_ptr<openni_wrapper::Image>&) > image_cb = boost::bind (&EventHelper::image_callback, &event_helper, _1);
  boost::signals2::connection image_connection = grabber->registerCallback (image_cb);
  unsigned char* rgb_data = 0;
  unsigned rgb_data_size = 0;
  grabber->start ();
  bool cld_init = false;
  // Loop
  while (!cld->wasStopped ())
    // Render and process events in the two interactors
    cld->spinOnce ();
    img->spinOnce ();

    // Add the cloud
    if (g_cloud && cld_mutex.try_lock ())
      if (!cld_init)
        cld->getRenderWindow ()->SetSize (g_cloud->width, g_cloud->height);
        cld->getRenderWindow ()->SetPosition (g_cloud->width, 0);
        cld_init = !cld_init;

      pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerRGBField<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> handler (g_cloud);
      if (!cld->updatePointCloud (g_cloud, handler, "OpenNICloud"))
        cld->addPointCloud (g_cloud, handler, "OpenNICloud");
        cld->resetCameraViewpoint ("OpenNICloud");
      cld_mutex.unlock ();
    // Add the image
    if (g_image && img_mutex.try_lock ())
      if (g_image->getEncoding() == openni_wrapper::Image::RGB)
        img->showRGBImage (g_image->getMetaData ().Data (), 
                           g_image->getWidth (), g_image->getHeight ());
        if (rgb_data_size < g_image->getWidth () * g_image->getHeight ())
          rgb_data_size = g_image->getWidth () * g_image->getHeight ();
          rgb_data = new unsigned char [rgb_data_size * 3];
        g_image->fillRGB (g_image->getWidth (), g_image->getHeight (), rgb_data);
        img->showRGBImage (rgb_data, g_image->getWidth (), g_image->getHeight ());
      img_mutex.unlock ();
    boost::this_thread::sleep (boost::posix_time::microseconds (100));

  grabber->stop ();
Exemple #25
 BOOLEAN try_get ()
    return (BOOLEAN) _lock.try_lock () ;
int main (int argc, char** argv)
  // --------------------------------------
  // -----Parse Command Line Arguments-----
  // --------------------------------------
  if (pcl::console::find_argument (argc, argv, "-h") >= 0)
    printUsage (argv[0]);
    return 0;
  if (pcl::console::parse (argc, argv, "-d", device_id) >= 0)
    cout << "Using device id \""<<device_id<<"\".\n";
  if (pcl::console::parse (argc, argv, "-r", angular_resolution) >= 0)
    cout << "Setting angular resolution to "<<angular_resolution<<"deg.\n";
  angular_resolution = pcl::deg2rad (angular_resolution);
  if (pcl::console::parse (argc, argv, "-s", support_size) >= 0)
    cout << "Setting support size to "<<support_size<<"m.\n";
  if (pcl::console::parse (argc, argv, "-i", min_interest_value) >= 0)
    cout << "Setting minimum interest value to "<<min_interest_value<<".\n";
  if (pcl::console::parse (argc, argv, "-t", max_no_of_threads) >= 0)
    cout << "Setting maximum number of threads to "<<max_no_of_threads<<".\n";
  pcl::visualization::RangeImageVisualizer range_image_widget ("Range Image");
  pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer viewer ("3D Viewer");
  viewer.addCoordinateSystem (1.0f);
  viewer.setBackgroundColor (1, 1, 1);
  viewer.initCameraParameters ();
  viewer.camera_.pos[0] = 0.0;
  viewer.camera_.pos[1] = -0.3;
  viewer.camera_.pos[2] = -2.0;
  viewer.camera_.focal[0] = 0.0;
  viewer.camera_.focal[1] = 0.0+viewer.camera_.pos[1];
  viewer.camera_.focal[2] = 1.0;
  viewer.camera_.view[0] = 0.0;
  viewer.camera_.view[1] = -1.0;
  viewer.camera_.view[2] = 0.0;
  viewer.updateCamera ();
  openni_wrapper::OpenNIDriver& driver = openni_wrapper::OpenNIDriver::getInstance ();
  if (driver.getNumberDevices () > 0)
    for (unsigned deviceIdx = 0; deviceIdx < driver.getNumberDevices (); ++deviceIdx)
      cout << "Device: " << deviceIdx + 1 << ", vendor: " << driver.getVendorName (deviceIdx)
           << ", product: " << driver.getProductName (deviceIdx) << ", connected: "
           << (int) driver.getBus (deviceIdx) << " @ " << (int) driver.getAddress (deviceIdx)
           << ", serial number: \'" << driver.getSerialNumber (deviceIdx) << "\'\n";
    cout << "\nNo devices connected.\n\n";
    return 1;
  pcl::Grabber* interface = new pcl::OpenNIGrabber (device_id);
  EventHelper event_helper;
  boost::function<void (const boost::shared_ptr<openni_wrapper::DepthImage>&) > f_depth_image =
    boost::bind (&EventHelper::depth_image_cb, &event_helper, _1);
  boost::signals2::connection c_depth_image = interface->registerCallback (f_depth_image);
  cout << "Starting grabber\n";
  interface->start ();
  cout << "Done\n";
  boost::shared_ptr<pcl::RangeImagePlanar> range_image_planar_ptr (new pcl::RangeImagePlanar);
  pcl::RangeImagePlanar& range_image_planar = *range_image_planar_ptr;
  pcl::RangeImageBorderExtractor range_image_border_extractor;
  pcl::NarfKeypoint narf_keypoint_detector;
  narf_keypoint_detector.setRangeImageBorderExtractor (&range_image_border_extractor);
  narf_keypoint_detector.getParameters ().support_size = support_size;
  narf_keypoint_detector.getParameters ().max_no_of_threads = max_no_of_threads;
  narf_keypoint_detector.getParameters ().min_interest_value = min_interest_value;
  //narf_keypoint_detector.getParameters ().calculate_sparse_interest_image = false;
  //narf_keypoint_detector.getParameloadters ().add_points_on_straight_edges = true;
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr keypoints_cloud_ptr (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>& keypoints_cloud = *keypoints_cloud_ptr;
  while (!viewer.wasStopped ())
    viewer.spinOnce ();
    range_image_widget.spinOnce ();  // process GUI events
    pcl_sleep (0.01);
    bool got_new_range_image = false;
    if (received_new_depth_data && depth_image_mutex.try_lock ())
      received_new_depth_data = false;
      //unsigned long time_stamp = depth_image_ptr->getTimeStamp ();
      //int frame_id = depth_image_ptr->getFrameID ();
      const unsigned short* depth_map = depth_image_ptr->getDepthMetaData ().Data ();
      int width = depth_image_ptr->getWidth (), height = depth_image_ptr->getHeight ();
      float center_x = width/2, center_y = height/2;
      float focal_length_x = depth_image_ptr->getFocalLength (), focal_length_y = focal_length_x;
      float original_angular_resolution = asinf (0.5f*float (width)/float (focal_length_x)) / (0.5f*float (width));
      float desired_angular_resolution = angular_resolution;
      range_image_planar.setDepthImage (depth_map, width, height, center_x, center_y,
                                        focal_length_x, focal_length_y, desired_angular_resolution);
      depth_image_mutex.unlock ();
      got_new_range_image = !range_image_planar.points.empty ();
    if (!got_new_range_image)
    // --------------------------------
    // -----Extract NARF keypoints-----
    // --------------------------------
    if (set_unseen_to_max_range)
      range_image_planar.setUnseenToMaxRange ();
    narf_keypoint_detector.setRangeImage (&range_image_planar);
    pcl::PointCloud<int> keypoint_indices;
    double keypoint_extraction_start_time = pcl::getTime();
    narf_keypoint_detector.compute (keypoint_indices);
    double keypoint_extraction_time = pcl::getTime()-keypoint_extraction_start_time;
    std::cout << "Found "<<keypoint_indices.points.size ()<<" key points. "
              << "This took "<<1000.0*keypoint_extraction_time<<"ms.\n";
    // ----------------------------------------------
    // -----Show keypoints in range image widget-----
    // ----------------------------------------------
    range_image_widget.showRangeImage (range_image_planar, 0.5f, 10.0f);
    //for (size_t i=0; i<keypoint_indices.points.size (); ++i)
      //range_image_widget.markPoint (keypoint_indices.points[i]%range_image_planar.width,
                                    //pcl::visualization::Vector3ub (0,255,0));
    // -------------------------------------
    // -----Show keypoints in 3D viewer-----
    // -------------------------------------
    pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<pcl::PointWithRange> color_handler_cloud
      (range_image_planar_ptr, 0, 0, 0);
    if (!viewer.updatePointCloud<pcl::PointWithRange> (range_image_planar_ptr, color_handler_cloud, "range image"))
      viewer.addPointCloud<pcl::PointWithRange> (range_image_planar_ptr, color_handler_cloud, "range image");
    keypoints_cloud.points.resize (keypoint_indices.points.size ());
    for (size_t i=0; i<keypoint_indices.points.size (); ++i)
      keypoints_cloud.points[i].getVector3fMap () =
        range_image_planar.points[keypoint_indices.points[i]].getVector3fMap ();
    pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<pcl::PointXYZ> color_handler_keypoints
      (keypoints_cloud_ptr, 0, 255, 0);
    if (!viewer.updatePointCloud (keypoints_cloud_ptr, color_handler_keypoints, "keypoints"))
      viewer.addPointCloud (keypoints_cloud_ptr, color_handler_keypoints, "keypoints");
    viewer.setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, 7, "keypoints");

  interface->stop ();
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	// Launch camera polling thread //
	CLEyeCapture *cam = NULL;

	// Query for number of connected cameras
	int numCams = CLEyeGetCameraCount();
	if(numCams == 0) {
		printf("No PS3Eye cameras detected\n");
		return -1;
	// Open serial port
	ArduinoSerialInterface asInterface = *new ArduinoSerialInterface(L"\\\\.\\COM4");
	bool opened = asInterface.openComPort();
	if(!opened) {
		cout << "Failed to open serial port!" << endl;
		return -1;
	// Initialize camera output windows
	if(displayEnabled) {

	// start capture
	cam = new CLEyeCapture(CLEYE_QVGA, (CLEyeCameraColorMode)CLEYE_COLOR_PROCESSED, 100);

	// logging
	ofstream myfile;
	if(loggingEnabled) { myfile.open("asdf.txt"); }
	Sleep(2000);	//wait for camera to initialize -- this could end badly

	ofstream debugInfo;
	if (writeFrameInfo) { debugInfo.open("log.txt", std::ofstream::out); debugInfo << setprecision(9); }

	// puck HSV bounds
	PuckTracker::HSVBounds pbounds;
	pbounds.minH=21; pbounds.maxH=72;
	pbounds.minS=47; pbounds.maxS=106;
	pbounds.minV=163; pbounds.maxV=255;

	// robot HSV bounds
	PuckTracker::HSVBounds rbounds;
	rbounds.minH=0; rbounds.maxH=28;
	rbounds.minS=123; rbounds.maxS=211;
	rbounds.minV=160; rbounds.maxV=255;

	// Initialize puckTracker class -- maintains puck state variables
	float rPuck = 1.60, rPaddle = 1.99;	//paddle radius, inches
	PuckTracker puckTracker(rPuck, pbounds);
	//PuckTracker robotTracker(rPuck, rbounds);

	int colorCycler = 0;
	// set up local state variables to point to pucktracker vars
	//float xPC, yPC, xPT, yPT, vPx, vPy;
	float &xPC = puckTracker.xPC, &yPC = puckTracker.yPC, &xPT = puckTracker.xPT, &yPT = puckTracker.yPT;
	float &vPx = puckTracker.vPx, &vPy = puckTracker.vPy;

	// x,y,t are target defense position (defense) or target puck position (attack). angleTarget is angle of attack
	float xDef = 0, yDef = 0, tDef = 0, xAtt = 0, yAtt = 0, tAtt = 0, xAtt2 = 0, yAtt2 = 0, tAtt2 = 0;
	deque<float> yDefArr, tDefArr, yAttArr, tAttArr, yAtt2Arr, tAtt2Arr;
	float critXvalues[] = { 23, 15, 8.75, 6, 3};		//x locations at which trajectory is evaluated for AI decision-making
	float critYvalues[numberOfCritXvalues], critTvalues[numberOfCritXvalues], critVyvalues[numberOfCritXvalues];
	float tAttThreshold = 0.33, tAtt2Threshold = 0.18, tDefThreshold = 0.02;	//minimum required value of tAtt to send attack command
	bool arduinoReady = false, attInRange = false, defInRange = false, recenterLock = false, centerHomeY = false;
	bool filtPointsReqSet = false, ricochetDetected = false;
	int filtPoints = 0, filtPointsReq = 4, origFiltPoints = 4;
	long prevCommandTime = 0, prevState1Time = 0;
	int vPxHighCounter = 0, vPxNegCounter = 0, vPxFloatingCounter = 0, retransmitCounter = 0;
	float loopTime = 0, timeInState1 = 0, state1Timeout = 1;	//seconds
	// object tracking //
	// towards: puck moving towards robot, away: puck moving away from robot, decision: latest x-value at which attack/defense must be picked
	float xThreshold_towards = 50, xThreshold_away = 30, xThreshold_decision = 35;
	float xPTfilt = 0, yPTfilt = 0, vPxfilt = 0, vPyfilt = 0;
	float xFloatingVMin = -20, xFloatingVMax = 20, xFloatingLimit = 25;
	int noPuckCounter = 0;
	boolean forceRecenter = false;

	int state = 0, prev_state = -1;
	enum StateTypes {
		IDLE = 0,
	while(true) {

		// Copy image from camera thread locally
		Mat imgOriginal;
		if(!cameraUpdated) { mtx.unlock(); continue; }	//go to next loop iteration if camera hasn't updated the image
		cameraUpdated = false;

		static int tick = 0;
		if (writeFrameInfo) { 
			debugInfo << "**************" << endl;
			debugInfo << "Frame " << tick << endl;
			debugInfo << "Time: " <<  (double)getTickCount()/getTickFrequency() << endl;

		// check com port for updates

		//extract puck position from image, maintain state variables
		int trackStatus = puckTracker.UpdatePuckState(imgOriginal);
		//int robotStatus = robotTracker.UpdatePuckState(imgOriginal);
		bool positionUpdated = (trackStatus & 1) == 1, velocityUpdated = (trackStatus & 2) == 2;
		if(!velocityUpdated) { vPx = 100; vPy = 0; }
		//if(!(trackStatus & 1 == 1)) { continue; }	//go to next iteration if position wasn't updated

		noPuckCounter = !velocityUpdated || (xPT > xFloatingLimit && vPx > 0) ? noPuckCounter + 1 : 0;
		if (noPuckCounter == 3) {
			forceRecenter = true;
			vPxHighCounter = 1;
			vPxNegCounter = 0;
			vPxFloatingCounter = 0;
		//cout << "noPuckCounter = " << noPuckCounter << endl;

		//if(state == 1) { cout << xPT << "," << yPT << "\t" << vPx << "\t" << vPy << endl; }
		//cout << positionUpdated << "," << velocityUpdated << "\t" << puckTracker.xPC << "," << puckTracker.yPC;
		//cout << "\t" << puckTracker.xPT << "," << puckTracker.yPT << endl;

		//predict trajectory
		Mat imgTrajectory = Mat::zeros( imgOriginal.size(), CV_8UC4 );

		if (velocityUpdated) {
			vPxHighCounter = vPx > xFloatingVMax ? vPxHighCounter + 1 : 0;
			vPxNegCounter = vPx < xFloatingVMin ? vPxNegCounter + 1 : 0;
			vPxFloatingCounter = vPxHighCounter || vPxNegCounter ? 0 : vPxFloatingCounter + 1;

		//if (vPxHighCounter % 100 == 1 || vPxNegCounter %100 == 1 || vPxFloatingCounter % 100 == 1) {
		//	cout << "C: " << xPT << "," << yPT << "\t" << vPx << "," << vPy << "\t" << vPxHighCounter << "," << vPxNegCounter << "," << vPxFloatingCounter << endl;
		//cout << xPC << "," << yPC << "\t" << xPT << "," << yPT << endl;

		if (writeFrameInfo) { 
			debugInfo << "Position: " << xPT << "," << yPT << "\t" << vPx << "," << vPy << endl;
			debugInfo << "Counters: " << vPxHighCounter << "," << vPxNegCounter << "," << vPxFloatingCounter << endl;
			debugInfo << "State: " << state << endl;

		#pragma region "State Machine"
		int next_state = state;
		switch(state) {
			case 0: {	//idle -- default state
				if(prev_state != 0) { cout << "Entered state 0" << endl; }

				if (noPuckCounter == 0 && vPxFloatingCounter >= 5 && xPT <= xFloatingLimit) {
					float nx = xPT + vPx / 5.0 + 4;
					float ny = yPT + vPy / 5.0;
					if (ny < YATT_LOW) ny = YATT_LOW;
					if (ny > YATT_HIGH) ny = YATT_HIGH;
					if (nx > xFloatingLimit) nx = xFloatingLimit;

					cout << "Pushing the puck: " << nx << "," << ny << endl;
					if (writeFrameInfo) { 
						debugInfo << "Pushing the puck: " << nx << "," << ny << endl;

					asInterface.sendDefendCommand(nx, ny, 0.001);
					next_state = 0;
					recenterLock = false;
				// state transitions -- wait for puck to come towards robot //
				next_state = vPxNegCounter > 1 && xPT <= xThreshold_towards ? 1 : 0;	//transition to receive puck
				//next_state = xPT >= xThreshold_away && vPxHighCounter > 2 && !recenterLock ? 3 : next_state;	//recenter if puck moving away
				next_state = (vPxHighCounter > 0 || (vPxFloatingCounter > 0 && xPT > xFloatingLimit)) && !recenterLock ? 3 : next_state;	//recenter if puck moving away
				if (forceRecenter && !recenterLock) { next_state = 3; }

				// exit actions
				if(next_state == 1) {
					//cout << "State 0: " << xPT << "," << yPT << "\t" << vPx << "\t" << vPy << endl;
					puckTracker.PredictPuckTrajectory(&imgTrajectory, displayEnabled, numberOfCritXvalues, critXvalues,
						critYvalues, critTvalues, critVyvalues);
					//cout << "State 0: " << xPT << "," << yPT << "\t" << vPx << "\t" << vPy << endl;
			case 1: {	//puck moves player -> robot: decide between attack or defense
				// entry -- clear filter values
				if(prev_state != 1) {
					cout << "Entered state 1" << endl;
					cout << xPT << "," << yPT << "," << vPx << "," << vPy << "\t";
					cout << puckTracker.prev_xPT << "," << puckTracker.prev_yPT << endl;
					xPTfilt = 0; yPTfilt = 0; vPxfilt = 0; vPyfilt = 0; filtPoints = 0;
					xDef = 0; yDef = 0; tDef = 0; xAtt = 0; yAtt = 0; tAtt = 0; xAtt2 = 0; yAtt2 = 0; tAtt2 = 0;
					yDefArr.clear(); tDefArr.clear(); yAttArr.clear(); tAttArr.clear(); yAtt2Arr.clear(); tAtt2Arr.clear();
					recenterLock = false; timeInState1 = 0;
					filtPointsReq = 4;
				bool decide = false, noMoves = false;
				if(velocityUpdated) {	//only proceed if we got a position/velocity update
					// adjust required number of filter points based on x-velocity
					if(vPx < -350) { filtPointsReq = min(filtPointsReq, 2); }
					else if(vPx < -200) { filtPointsReq = min(filtPointsReq, 3); }
					else { filtPointsReq = min(filtPointsReq, 4); }
					// state actions -- predict puck trajectory, decide on attack/defense when conditions met
					puckTracker.PredictPuckTrajectory(&imgTrajectory, displayEnabled, numberOfCritXvalues, critXvalues,
						critYvalues, critTvalues, critVyvalues);

					// clear filter and only require 2 points after a ricochet
					if(puckTracker.yRicochetOccurred) {
						if (writeFrameInfo) { 
							debugInfo << "Ricochet Occurred" << endl;
						xDef = 0; yDef = 0; tDef = 0; xAtt = 0; yAtt = 0; tAtt = 0;xAtt2 = 0; yAtt2 = 0; tAtt2 = 0;
						yDefArr.clear(); tDefArr.clear(); yAttArr.clear(); tAttArr.clear(); yAtt2Arr.clear(); tAtt2Arr.clear();
						filtPointsReq = 2; filtPoints = 0;
						puckTracker.yRicochetOccurred = false;	//clear flag
						timeInState1 += loopTime;
						next_state = 1;


					cout << "Curr: " << xPT << "," << yPT << "\t" << vPx << "," << vPy << endl;
					//cout << "Crit1: " << critXvalues[1] << "," << critYvalues[1] << "," << critTvalues[1] << endl;
					//cout << "Crit4: " << critXvalues[4] << "," << critYvalues[4] << "," << critTvalues[4] << endl;

					// check time at critXvalues[1] -- attack point
					xAtt = critXvalues[1]; yAtt += critYvalues[1]; tAtt += critTvalues[1];
					yAttArr.push_back(critYvalues[1]); tAttArr.push_back(critTvalues[1]);
					xAtt2 = critXvalues[2]; yAtt2 += critYvalues[2]; tAtt2 += critTvalues[2];
					yAtt2Arr.push_back(critYvalues[2]); tAtt2Arr.push_back(critTvalues[2]);
					// check y, t values before adding to filter
					//yAtt += checkBounds(critYvalues[1], yAtt, YATT_HIGH, YATT_LOW, filtPoints);
					//tAtt += checkBounds(critTvalues[1], tAtt, 0, 100, filtPoints);
					// determine command point for defense
					int idx = numberOfCritXvalues - 1;
					xDef = critXvalues[idx]; yDef += critYvalues[idx]; tDef += critTvalues[idx];
					yDefArr.push_back(critYvalues[idx]); tDefArr.push_back(critTvalues[idx]);

					if (filtPoints > 5) {
						tAtt -= tAttArr.front(); tAttArr.pop_front();
						yAtt -= yAttArr.front(); yAttArr.pop_front();
						tAtt2 -= tAtt2Arr.front(); tAtt2Arr.pop_front();
						yAtt2 -= yAtt2Arr.front(); yAtt2Arr.pop_front();
						tDef -= tDefArr.front(); tDefArr.pop_front();
						yDef -= yDefArr.front(); yDefArr.pop_front();
					//yDef += checkBounds(critYvalues[idx], yDef, yBoundLow, yBoundHigh, filtPoints);
					//tDef += checkBounds(critTvalues[idx], tDef, 0, 100, filtPoints);
					// compute attack and defend points + times, randomize attack angle
					decide = filtPoints >= filtPointsReq;// || (xPT <= xThreshold_decision && filtPoints > 1);

					//cout << xDef << "," << yDef << "," << tDef << "\t" << xAtt << "," << yAtt << "," << tAtt << endl;
					cout << xDef << "," << critYvalues[idx] << "," << critTvalues[idx] << "\t";
					cout << xAtt << "," << critYvalues[1] << "," << critTvalues[1] << "\t";
					cout << xAtt2 << "," << critYvalues[2] << "," << critTvalues[2] << "\t";
					cout << vPx << "," << vPy << endl;

					noMoves = false;
					if(decide) {
						//send once here for fastest response, continuously send after state 2 transition
						float xD = xDef;
						float yD = yDef / filtPoints; 
						float tD = tDef / filtPoints;
						float xA = xAtt;
						float yA = yAtt / filtPoints; 
						float tA = tAtt / filtPoints;
						float xA2 = xAtt2;
						float yA2 = yAtt2 / filtPoints; 
						float tA2 = tAtt2 / filtPoints;
						//if puck is coming at an angle, offset defense point by paddle radius
						//if(critVyvalues[idx]/vPx < -0.33) { yDef += rPaddle; }
						//else if(critVyvalues[idx]/vPx > 0.33) { yDef -= rPaddle; }
						//if(critVyvalues[idx]/vPx < -0.33) { yDef -= rPaddle; }
						//else if(critVyvalues[idx]/vPx > 0.33) { yDef += rPaddle; }

						// make sure commands are within bounds
						if (yD < YDEF_LOW) yD = YDEF_LOW;
						if (yD > YDEF_HIGH) yD = YDEF_HIGH;

						bool defInRange = tD > TDEF_MIN;
						bool attInRange = yA > YATT_LOW && yA < YATT_HIGH && tA > TATT_MIN;
						bool att2InRange = yA2 > YATT2_LOW && yA < YATT2_HIGH && tA2 > TATT2_MIN;

						if (writeFrameInfo) { 
							debugInfo << "A: " << xA << "," << yA << "," << tA << endl;
							debugInfo << "A2: " << xA2 << "," << yA2 << "," << tA2 << endl;
							debugInfo << "D: " << xD << "," << yD << "," << tD << endl;

						if(attInRange) {
							cout << "A: " << xA << "," << yA << "," << tA << endl;
							if (writeFrameInfo) { 
								debugInfo << "Attacking: " << xA << "," << yA << "," << tA << endl;
						else if(att2InRange) {
							cout << "A2: " << xA2 << "," << yA2 << "," << tA2 << endl;
							if (writeFrameInfo) { 
								debugInfo << "Attacking2: " << xA2 << "," << yA2 << "," << tA2 << endl;
						else if(defInRange) { 
							cout << "D: " << xD << "," << yD << "," << tD << endl;
							if (writeFrameInfo) { 
								debugInfo << "Defensing: " << xD << "," << yD << "," << tD << endl;
						else { 
							noMoves = true; 
							if (writeFrameInfo) { 
								debugInfo << "Give up!"<< endl;
								debugInfo << "Defense info: " << xD << "," << yD << "," << tD << endl;
						}	//both out of range, give up
						prevCommandTime = getTickCount();
				timeInState1 += loopTime;
				//cout << "Time: " << timeInState1 << endl;

				// state transitions
				next_state = timeInState1 > state1Timeout ? 0 : 1;	//timeout after 1 second to avoid getting stuck waiting for more points
				//next_state = decide ? 2 : next_state;	//retransmit attack or defense command
				next_state = decide && vPxfilt > 1 || noMoves ? 0 : next_state;
				//next_state = xPT >= xThreshold_away && vPx > 1 ? 3 : next_state;
				next_state = vPxHighCounter > 0 && !recenterLock ? 3 : next_state;

				if(next_state != 1) { filtPointsReqSet = false; }
			case 2: {	
			case 3: { //puck moves robot -> player: recenter if time is available
				if(prev_state != 3) {
					cout << endl << "Entered state 3" << endl << endl;
					asInterface.recenterCmdAcked = false;
					centerHomeY = /*forceRecenter || */ (vPx > 1 && vPx < 175);	//decide whether shot is slow enough to centerhome y-axis
					retransmitCounter = 3;

				if(recenterLock && !forceRecenter) { next_state = 0; break; }

				if(!asInterface.recenterCmdAcked) {
					cout << "Retransmitting..." << endl;
					if (writeFrameInfo) { 
						debugInfo << "Recentering" << endl;

				next_state = asInterface.recenterCmdAcked ? 0 : 3;
				if(next_state != 3) { recenterLock = true; forceRecenter = false; }
			case 4: {	//goal scored
				//predictPuckTrajectory(&imgTrajectory, critYvalues, critTvalues);

			default: {

		prev_state = state;
		state = next_state;
		#pragma endregion

		//cout << state << "\t" << xPT << "," << yPT << "\t" << xPC << "," << yPC << endl;
		if(loggingEnabled) { myfile << xPT << "," << yPT << "\t" << vPx << "\t" << globalArea << "," << globalRoundness << endl; }

		//bump output to display window, check for key press
		//cvWaitKey() waits for ~10 ms even if a value less than 10 is given -- blame Windows
		if(displayEnabled) {
			// draw puck tracking lines
			//if(initCounts > initCountsNeeded && prev_xPC >= 0 && prev_yPC>=0 && xPC>=0 && yPC>=0) {
				if(colorCycler == 0) {
					line(imgLines, Point(xPC, yPC), Point(prev_xPC, prev_yPC), Scalar(0,0,255), 2);
				else if(colorCycler == 1) {
					line(imgLines, Point(xPC, yPC), Point(prev_xPC, prev_yPC), Scalar(255,0,0), 2);
				else if(colorCycler == 2) {
					line(imgLines, Point(xPC, yPC), Point(prev_xPC, prev_yPC), Scalar(0,255,0), 2);
				colorCycler++; if(colorCycler > 2) { colorCycler = 0; }
			line(imgLines, Point(xPC, yPC), Point(puckTracker.prev_xPC, puckTracker.prev_yPC), Scalar(0,0,255), 2); 
			//line(imgLines, Point(robotTracker.xPC, robotTracker.yPC), Point(robotTracker.prev_xPC, robotTracker.prev_yPC), Scalar(0,255,0), 2); 
				//cout << "lines added" << endl;

			imgOriginal = imgOriginal + imgLines + imgTrajectory;

			if (writeVideo) {
				if (tick == 1) {
					boost::filesystem::path dir("recording");
				char fileName[255];
				sprintf(fileName, "recording/frame_%.4d.jpg", tick);
				imwrite(string(fileName), imgOriginal );
			imshow(OUTPUT_WINDOW, imgOriginal); //show the original image
			int keyPress = cvWaitKey(1);
			//cout << "Pressed: " << keyPress << endl;
			if (keyPress == 27) { //wait for 'esc' key press for 30ms. If 'esc' key is pressed, break loop
				cout << "esc key is pressed by user" << endl;
			else if(keyPress == 32) { //empty out lines
				imgLines = Mat::zeros( imgLines.size(), CV_8UC4 );

		if (writeFrameInfo) { 
			debugInfo << "End time: " <<  (double)getTickCount()/getTickFrequency() << endl;

		frameTimestamp = getTickCount();
		loopTime = ((float)(frameTimestamp - oldFrameTimestamp))/getTickFrequency();
		//cout << "Frame interval: " << t << endl;

		oldFrameTimestamp = getTickCount();

	cam -> Stop();
	return 0;
int main (int argc, char** argv)
  if(pcl::console::find_switch (argc, argv, "--help") || pcl::console::find_switch (argc, argv, "-h"))
        return print_help();

  // Algorithm parameters:
  std::string svm_filename = "../../people/data/trainedLinearSVMForPeopleDetectionWithHOG.yaml";
  float min_confidence = -1.5;
  float min_height = 1.3;
  float max_height = 2.3;
  float voxel_size = 0.06;
  Eigen::Matrix3f rgb_intrinsics_matrix;
  rgb_intrinsics_matrix << 525, 0.0, 319.5, 0.0, 525, 239.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0; // Kinect RGB camera intrinsics

  // Read if some parameters are passed from command line:
  pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "--svm", svm_filename);
  pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "--conf", min_confidence);
  pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "--min_h", min_height);
  pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "--max_h", max_height);

  // Read Kinect live stream:
  PointCloudT::Ptr cloud (new PointCloudT);
  bool new_cloud_available_flag = false;
  pcl::Grabber* interface = new pcl::OpenNIGrabber();
  boost::function<void (const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::ConstPtr&)> f =
      boost::bind (&cloud_cb_, _1, cloud, &new_cloud_available_flag);
  interface->registerCallback (f);
  interface->start ();

  // Wait for the first frame:
  new_cloud_available_flag = false;

  cloud_mutex.lock ();    // for not overwriting the point cloud

  // Display pointcloud:
  pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerRGBField<PointT> rgb(cloud);
  viewer.addPointCloud<PointT> (cloud, rgb, "input_cloud");

  // Add point picking callback to viewer:
  struct callback_args cb_args;
  PointCloudT::Ptr clicked_points_3d (new PointCloudT);
  cb_args.clicked_points_3d = clicked_points_3d;
  cb_args.viewerPtr = pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer::Ptr(&viewer);
  viewer.registerPointPickingCallback (pp_callback, (void*)&cb_args);
  std::cout << "Shift+click on three floor points, then press 'Q'..." << std::endl;

  // Spin until 'Q' is pressed:
  std::cout << "done." << std::endl;
  cloud_mutex.unlock ();    

  // Ground plane estimation:
  Eigen::VectorXf ground_coeffs;
  std::vector<int> clicked_points_indices;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < clicked_points_3d->points.size(); i++)
  pcl::SampleConsensusModelPlane<PointT> model_plane(clicked_points_3d);
  std::cout << "Ground plane: " << ground_coeffs(0) << " " << ground_coeffs(1) << " " << ground_coeffs(2) << " " << ground_coeffs(3) << std::endl;

  // Initialize new viewer:
  pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer viewer("PCL Viewer");          // viewer initialization

  // Create classifier for people detection:  
  pcl::people::PersonClassifier<pcl::RGB> person_classifier;
  person_classifier.loadSVMFromFile(svm_filename);   // load trained SVM

  // People detection app initialization:
  pcl::people::GroundBasedPeopleDetectionApp<PointT> people_detector;    // people detection object
  people_detector.setVoxelSize(voxel_size);                        // set the voxel size
  people_detector.setIntrinsics(rgb_intrinsics_matrix);            // set RGB camera intrinsic parameters
  people_detector.setClassifier(person_classifier);                // set person classifier
  people_detector.setHeightLimits(min_height, max_height);         // set person classifier
//  people_detector.setSensorPortraitOrientation(true);             // set sensor orientation to vertical

  // For timing:
  static unsigned count = 0;
  static double last = pcl::getTime ();

  // Main loop:
  while (!viewer.wasStopped())
    if (new_cloud_available_flag && cloud_mutex.try_lock ())    // if a new cloud is available
      new_cloud_available_flag = false;

      // Perform people detection on the new cloud:
      std::vector<pcl::people::PersonCluster<PointT> > clusters;   // vector containing persons clusters
      people_detector.setGround(ground_coeffs);                    // set floor coefficients
      people_detector.compute(clusters);                           // perform people detection

      ground_coeffs = people_detector.getGround();                 // get updated floor coefficients

      // Draw cloud and people bounding boxes in the viewer:
      pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerRGBField<PointT> rgb(cloud);
      viewer.addPointCloud<PointT> (cloud, rgb, "input_cloud");
      unsigned int k = 0;
      for(std::vector<pcl::people::PersonCluster<PointT> >::iterator it = clusters.begin(); it != clusters.end(); ++it)
        if(it->getPersonConfidence() > min_confidence)             // draw only people with confidence above a threshold
          // draw theoretical person bounding box in the PCL viewer:
          it->drawTBoundingBox(viewer, k);
      std::cout << k << " people found" << std::endl;

      // Display average framerate:
      if (++count == 30)
        double now = pcl::getTime ();
        std::cout << "Average framerate: " << double(count)/double(now - last) << " Hz" <<  std::endl;
        count = 0;
        last = now;
      cloud_mutex.unlock ();

  return 0;
bool service_callback(pcl_perception::PeopleDetectionSrv::Request  &req,
                      pcl_perception::PeopleDetectionSrv::Response &res)

    //the node cannot be asked to detect people while someone has asked it to detect people
    if (node_state != IDLE) {
        ROS_WARN("[segbot_pcl_person_detector] Person detection service may not be called until previous call is processed");
        return true;

    node_state = DETECTING;

    ROS_INFO("[general_perception.cpp] Received command %s",req.command.c_str());

    //command for detecting people standing up
    if (req.command == "reocrd_cloud") {

        PointCloudT::Ptr aggregated_cloud (new PointCloudT);
        bool collecting_clouds = true;
        int num_saved = 0;

        while (collecting_clouds) {

            //collect to grab cloud
            if (new_cloud_available_flag && cloud_mutex.try_lock ())    // if a new cloud is available
                ROS_INFO("Adding next cloud...");

                *aggregated_cloud += *cloud;


                if (num_saved > num_frames_for_detection) {
                    collecting_clouds = false;

                //unlock mutex and reset flag
                new_cloud_available_flag = false;

            //ROS_INFO("unlocking mutex...");
            cloud_mutex.unlock ();


        if (useVoxelGridFilter) {
            pcl::PCLPointCloud2::Ptr pcl_pc (new pcl::PCLPointCloud2) ;
            pcl::toPCLPointCloud2( *aggregated_cloud,*pcl_pc);

            //filter each step
            pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2  > sor;
            sor.setInputCloud (pcl_pc);
            sor.setLeafSize (0.005, 0.005, 0.005);
            sor.filter (*pcl_pc);

            //covert back
            pcl::fromPCLPointCloud2(*pcl_pc, *aggregated_cloud);

        if (useStatOutlierFilter) {
            // Create the filtering object

            pcl::StatisticalOutlierRemoval<PointT> sor;
            sor.setInputCloud (aggregated_cloud);
            sor.setMeanK (50);
            sor.setStddevMulThresh (1.0);
            sor.filter (*aggregated_cloud);

        /*current_frame_counter = 0;
        bool collecting_cloud = true;
        node_state = DETECTING;

        while (collecting_cloud){

        	if (new_cloud_available_flag && cloud_mutex.try_lock ())    // if a new cloud is available
        		ROS_INFO("Detecting on frame %i",current_frame_counter);

        		new_cloud_available_flag = false;

        		// Draw cloud and people bounding boxes in the viewer:

        		//increment counter and see if we need to stop detecting
        		if (current_frame_counter > num_frames_for_detection){
        			collecting_cloud = false;

        	cloud_mutex.unlock ();

        	//spin to collect next point cloud

        	if (visualize){

    node_state = IDLE;

    return true;