AttributeSelector::AttributeSelector(SelectorOperator op, boost::string_ref key, boost::string_ref value) : m_operator(op), m_attributeNameString(key.to_string()), m_attributeNameRef(m_attributeNameString), m_attributeValueString(value.to_string()), m_attributeValueRef(m_attributeValueString) { if (m_attributeNameRef.size() == 0) { throw std::runtime_error(u8"In AttributeSelector::AttributeSelector(SelectorOperator, boost::string_ref, const bool) - Supplied attribute identifier has zero length."); } if (m_attributeValueRef.size() == 0) { throw std::runtime_error(u8"In AttributeSelector::AttributeSelector(SelectorOperator, boost::string_ref, const bool) - Supplied attribute value has zero length."); } if (m_operator == SelectorOperator::ValueContainsElementInWhitespaceSeparatedList) { if (m_attributeNameRef.find_first_of(u8"\t\r\n ") != std::string::npos) { throw std::runtime_error(u8"In AttributeSelector::AttributeSelector(SelectorOperator, boost::string_ref, const bool) - Constructed ValueContainsElementInWhitespaceSeparatedList attribute selector, but spaces exist in the search value. This is not allowed."); } } #ifndef NDEBUG #ifdef GQ_VERBOSE_DEBUG_NFO std::cout << "Built AttributeSelector with operator " << static_cast<size_t>(m_operator) << " with key " << m_attributeNameRef << " looking for value " << m_attributeValueRef << std::endl; #endif #endif switch (m_operator) { case SelectorOperator::ValueEquals: case SelectorOperator::ValueContainsElementInWhitespaceSeparatedList: { AddMatchTrait(m_attributeNameRef, m_attributeValueRef); } break; case SelectorOperator::Exists: case SelectorOperator::ValueContains: case SelectorOperator::ValueHasPrefix: case SelectorOperator::ValueHasSuffix: case SelectorOperator::ValueIsHyphenSeparatedListStartingWith: { AddMatchTrait(m_attributeNameRef, SpecialTraits::GetAnyValue()); } break; } }
std::string get_directory_listing( boost::string_ref folder ) { namespace fs = boost::filesystem; fs::path p { folder.to_string( ) }; std::ostringstream ss; try { if( exists( p ) ) { if( fs::is_regular_file( p ) ) { ss << p << " size is " << fs::file_size( p ) << "\r\n"; } else if( fs::is_directory( p ) ) { ss << p << " is a directory containing:\n"; std::copy( fs::directory_iterator( p ), fs::directory_iterator( ), std::ostream_iterator<fs::directory_entry>( ss, "\r\n" ) ); } else { ss << p << " exists, but is neither a regular file nor a directory\n"; } } else { ss << p << " does not exist\n"; } } catch( const fs::filesystem_error& ex ) { ss << "ERROR: " << ex.what( ) << '\n'; } return ss.str( ); }
base::OptionalError read_file( boost::string_ref path, base::data_t & buffer, bool append_buffer ) { std::ifstream in_file( path.to_string( ), std::ifstream::ate | std::ifstream::binary ); if( !in_file ) { auto result = base::create_optional_error( "Could not open file" ); result->add( "where", "read_file#open" ); return result; } auto fsize = in_file.tellg( ); if( fsize < 0 ) { auto result = base::create_optional_error( "Error reading file length" ); result->add( "where", "read_file#tellg" ); return result; } if( !in_file.seekg( 0 ) ) { auto result = base::create_optional_error( "Error reseting file position to beginning" ); result->add( "where", "read_file#seekg" ); return result; } size_t first_pos = append_buffer ? buffer.size( ) : 0; buffer.resize( first_pos + static_cast<size_t>(fsize) ); if( ! ) + first_pos, fsize ) ) { auto result = base::create_optional_error( "Error reading file" ); result->add( "where", "read_file#read" ); return result; } return base::create_optional_error( ); }
void history::add (const boost::string_ref& text) { this->lines[this->realpos] = text.to_string(); this->realpos++; if (this->realpos == HISTORY_SIZE) this->realpos = 0; this->pos = this->realpos; }
std::string CExpressionConverter::ToSuffixNotation(boost::string_ref expression) { auto str = expression.to_string(); str.erase(remove_if(str.begin(), str.end(), isspace), str.end()); m_expression = str; string output; HandlePlusAndMinus(output); if (!output.empty()) { output.erase(--output.end()); } return output; }
base::OptionalError write_file( boost::string_ref path, base::data_t const & buffer, FileWriteMode mode, size_t bytes_to_write ) { // TODO: Write to a temp file first and then move if( 0 == bytes_to_write || bytes_to_write > buffer.size( ) ) { bytes_to_write = buffer.size( ); // TODO: verify this is what we want. Covers errors but that may be OK } std::ofstream out_file; switch( mode ) { case FileWriteMode::AppendOrCreate: path.to_string( ), std::ostream::binary | std::ostream::out | std::ostream::app ); break; case FileWriteMode::MustBeNew: { if( std::ifstream( path.to_string( ) ) ) { // File exists. Error auto error = base::create_optional_error( "Attempt to open an existing file when MustBeNew requested" ); error->add( "where", "write_file" ); return error; } path.to_string( ), std::ostream::binary | std::ostream::out ); break; } case FileWriteMode::OverwriteOrCreate: path.to_string( ), std::ostream::binary | std::ostream::out | std::ostream::trunc ); break; default: throw std::runtime_error( "Unknown FileWriteMode specified" ); } if( !out_file ) { auto error = base::create_optional_error( "Could not open file for writing" ); error->add( "where", "write_file#open" ); return error; } if( !out_file.write( ), static_cast<std::streamoff>(bytes_to_write) ) ) { auto error = base::create_optional_error( "Error writing data to file" ); error->add( "where", "write_file#write" ); return error; } return base::create_optional_error( ); }
AttributeSelector::AttributeSelector(boost::string_ref key) : m_operator(SelectorOperator::Exists), m_attributeNameString(key.to_string()), m_attributeNameRef(m_attributeNameString) { if (m_attributeNameRef.size() == 0) { throw std::runtime_error(u8"In AttributeSelector::AttributeSelector(SelectorOperator, boost::string_ref, const bool) - Supplied attribute identifier has zero length."); } #ifndef NDEBUG #ifdef GQ_VERBOSE_DEBUG_NFO std::cout << "Built Exists AttributeSelector with key " << m_attributeNameRef << std::endl; #endif #endif // Add attribute key as a match trait for EXISTS, specifying any ("*") as the value. AddMatchTrait(m_attributeNameRef, SpecialTraits::GetAnyValue()); }
/* Handle message tags. * * See */ static void handle_message_tags (const server &serv, const boost::string_ref & tags_str, message_tags_data &tags_data) { /* FIXME We might want to avoid the allocation overhead here since * this might be called for every message from the server. */ std::istringstream inbuf{ tags_str.to_string() }; for (std::string tag; std::getline(inbuf, tag, ';');) { auto value_loc = tag.find_first_of('='); if (value_loc == std::string::npos) continue; auto key = tag.substr(0, value_loc - 1); auto value = tag.substr(value_loc + 1); if (serv.have_server_time && key == "time") handle_message_tag_time (value, tags_data); } }
/** * コンストラクタ * @param name ファイル名 * @param msg エラーメッセージ */ explicit FileException(boost::string_ref name, boost::string_ref msg) : Exception(name.to_string() + '\n' + msg.to_string(), nullptr) {}
std::streampos file_size( boost::string_ref path ) { std::ifstream in_file( path.to_string( ), std::ifstream::ate | std::ifstream::binary ); return file_size( in_file ); }
/* irc_inline() - 1 single line received from serv */ void server::p_inline (const boost::string_ref& text) { session *sess; char *type; char *word[PDIWORDS+1]; char *word_eol[PDIWORDS+1]; message_tags_data tags_data = message_tags_data(); std::string pdibuf(text.size(), '\0'); sess = this->front_session; /* Python relies on this */ word[PDIWORDS] = NULL; word_eol[PDIWORDS] = NULL; std::string buf; if (text.starts_with('@')) { auto sep = text.find_first_of(' '); if (sep == boost::string_ref::npos) return; /* skip the '@' */ auto tags = text.substr(1, sep - 1); buf = text.substr(sep + 1).to_string(); handle_message_tags(*this, tags, tags_data); } else { buf = text.to_string(); } url_check_line(, buf.size()); /* split line into words and words_to_end_of_line */ process_data_init (&pdibuf[0], &buf[0], word, word_eol, false, false); if (buf[0] == ':') { /* find a context for this message */ if (this->is_channel_name (word[3])) { auto tmp = find_channel (word[3]); if (tmp) sess = &(*tmp); } /* for server messages, the 2nd word is the "message type" */ type = word[2]; word[0] = type; word_eol[1] = &buf[0]; /* keep the ":" for plugins */ if (plugin_emit_server(sess, type, word, word_eol, tags_data.timestamp)) { return; } word[1]++; word_eol[1] = &buf[1]; /* but not for HexChat internally */ } else { word[0] = type = word[1]; if (plugin_emit_server(sess, type, word, word_eol, tags_data.timestamp)) { return; } } if (buf[0] != ':') { process_named_servermsg (sess, &buf[0], word[0], word_eol, &tags_data); return; } /* see if the second word is a numeric */ std::locale locale; if (std::isdigit (word[2][0], locale)) { char* t = word_eol[4]; if (*t == ':') t++; process_numeric (sess, atoi (word[2]), word, word_eol, t, &tags_data); } else { process_named_msg (sess, type, word, word_eol, &tags_data); } }
std::string CHttpUrl::ParseDocument(boost::string_ref & url) { return url.to_string(); }