Exemple #1
size_t UnitUtil::GetAllUnitCount(BWAPI::UnitType type)
    size_t count = 0;
    for (const auto & unit : BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->getUnits())
        // trivial case: unit which exists matches the type
        if (unit->getType() == type)

        // case where a zerg egg contains the unit type
        if (unit->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Egg && unit->getBuildType() == type)
            count += type.isTwoUnitsInOneEgg() ? 2 : 1;

        // case where a building has started constructing a unit but it doesn't yet have a unit associated with it
        if (unit->getRemainingTrainTime() > 0)
            BWAPI::UnitType trainType = unit->getLastCommand().getUnitType();

            if (trainType == type && unit->getRemainingTrainTime() == trainType.buildTime())

    return count;
Exemple #2
void UnitClass::build(TilePosition target, BWAPI::UnitType type)
		const Position targetPosition(target.x()*32+type.tileWidth()*16, target.y()*32+type.tileHeight()*16);
		if(getDistance(type, targetPosition) > 48 || !MapHelper::isAllVisible(target, type))
			move(targetPosition, 0);

		if(mUnit->getOrder() == BWAPI::Orders::PlaceBuilding)
			if(mUnit->getBuildType() == type && mUnit->getOrderTargetPosition() == targetPosition)

		if(mUnit->getLastCommand().getType() == BWAPI::UnitCommandTypes::Build && mUnit->getLastCommand().getUnitType() == type && mUnit->getLastCommand().getTargetTilePosition() == target)
			if(mLastOrderExecuteTime >= BWAPI::Broodwar->getFrameCount())

		if(mUnit->build(target, type))
			mLastOrderExecuteTime = BWAPI::Broodwar->getFrameCount() + BWAPI::Broodwar->getRemainingLatencyFrames();
			move(targetPosition, 0);
        void checkSupportedUnitType(const BWAPI::UnitType & type)
            if (type == BWAPI::UnitTypes::None || type == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Unknown)
                System::FatalError("Unknown unit type in experiment file");

            if (type == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Corsair || 
                type == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Devourer || 
                type == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Scourge ||
                type == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Valkyrie)
                System::FatalError("Units with just air weapons currently not supported correctly: " + type.getName());

            if (type.isBuilding() && (type != BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Photon_Cannon || type != BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Sunken_Colony || type != BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Missile_Turret))
                System::FatalError("Non-attacking buildings not currently supported: " + type.getName());

            if (type.isSpellcaster())
                System::FatalError("Spell casting units not currently supported: " + type.getName());
	// get the attack priority of a type in relation to a zergling
int RangedManager::getAttackPriority(BWAPI::UnitInterface* rangedUnit, BWAPI::UnitInterface* target) 
	BWAPI::UnitType rangedUnitType = rangedUnit->getType();
	BWAPI::UnitType targetType = target->getType();

	bool canAttackUs = rangedUnitType.isFlyer() ? targetType.airWeapon() != BWAPI::WeaponTypes::None : targetType.groundWeapon() != BWAPI::WeaponTypes::None;


	// highest priority is something that can attack us or aid in combat
	if (targetType == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Medic || canAttackUs ||
		targetType ==  BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Bunker) 
		return 3;
	// next priority is worker
	else if (targetType.isWorker()) 
		return 2;
	// then everything else
		return 1;
bool BuildOrderManager::hasResources(BWAPI::UnitType t)
  if (BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->cumulativeMinerals()-this->usedMinerals<t.mineralPrice())
    return false;
  if (BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->cumulativeGas()-this->usedGas<t.gasPrice())
    return false;
  return true;
Exemple #6
void sim::UnitProps::SetType(BWAPI::UnitType type)
	this->type		= type;
	maxEnergy[0]	= maxEnergy[1]		= type.maxEnergy();
	sightRange[0]	= sightRange[1]		= type.sightRange() << pixelShift;
	extraArmor[0]	= extraArmor[1]		= 0;
	speed[0]		= speed[1]			= static_cast<int>((1 << pixelShift) * type.topSpeed());
bool BuildOrderManager::hasResources(BWAPI::UnitType t, int time)
  pair<int, Resources> res;
  bool ret=hasResources(res);
  return ret;
void UAlbertaBotModule::onSendText(std::string text) 
	if (Config::Modules::UsingBuildOrderDemo)
		std::stringstream type;
		std::stringstream numUnitType;
		size_t numUnits = 0;

		size_t i=0;
		for (i=0; i<text.length(); ++i)
			if (text[i] == ' ')

			type << text[i];

		for (; i<text.length(); ++i)
			numUnitType << text[i];

		numUnits = atoi(numUnitType.str().c_str());

        BWAPI::UnitType t;
        for (const BWAPI::UnitType & tt : BWAPI::UnitTypes::allUnitTypes())
            if (tt.getName().compare(type.str()) == 0)
                t = tt;
		BWAPI::Broodwar->printf("Searching for %d of %s", numUnits, t.getName().c_str());

        if (t != BWAPI::UnitType())
            MetaPairVector goal;
		    goal.push_back(MetaPair(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Probe, 8));
		    goal.push_back(MetaPair(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Gateway, 2));
		    goal.push_back(MetaPair(t, numUnits));

            BWAPI::Broodwar->printf("Unknown unit type %s", type.str().c_str());

bool BuildingPlacer::canBuildHere(BWAPI::TilePosition position, BWAPI::UnitType type) const
  if (!BWAPI::Broodwar->canBuildHere(NULL, position, type))
    return false;
  for(int x = position.x(); x < position.x() + type.tileWidth(); x++)
    for(int y = position.y(); y < position.y() + type.tileHeight(); y++)
      if (reserveMap[x][y])
        return false;
  return true;
Exemple #10
// add a new building to be constructed
void BuildingManager::addBuildingTask(BWAPI::UnitType type, BWAPI::TilePosition desiredLocation, bool isGasSteal)
	_reservedMinerals += type.mineralPrice();
	_reservedGas += type.gasPrice();

	Building b(type, desiredLocation);
	b.isGasSteal = isGasSteal;
	b.status = BuildingStatus::Unassigned;

void UnitCommandManager::drawCommandStatus(BWAPI::UnitInterface* unit)
	BWAPI::UnitType type = unit->getType();
	int width = type.dimensionRight();
	int height = type.dimensionDown()/6;

	int x1 = unit->getPosition().x - width;
	int x2 = unit->getPosition().y + width;
	int y1 = unit->getPosition().y - height;
	int y2 = unit->getPosition().y + height;
void BuildOrderManager::buildAdditional(int count, BWAPI::UnitType t, int priority, BWAPI::TilePosition seedPosition)
  if (t == BWAPI::UnitTypes::None || t == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Unknown) return;
  if (seedPosition == BWAPI::TilePositions::None || seedPosition == BWAPI::TilePositions::Unknown)

  if (items[priority].units[t.whatBuilds().first].find(t)==items[priority].units[t.whatBuilds().first].end())
bool BuildingPlacer::canBuildHere(BWAPI::TilePosition position, BWAPI::UnitType type) const
	//returns true if we can build this type of unit here. Takes into account reserved tiles.
	if (!BWAPI::Broodwar->canBuildHere(NULL, position, type))
		return false;
	for(int x = position.x(); x < position.x() + type.tileWidth(); x++)
		for(int y = position.y(); y < position.y() + type.tileHeight(); y++)
			if (reserveMap[x][y])
				return false;
	return true;
EntityClassType StarCraftTechTree::TireBaseBuilding(BaseType p_tireId) const
    BWAPI::UnitType baseType;
    if (p_tireId == BASETYPE_END)
        return ECLASS_END;

    baseType = m_player->getRace().getCenter();

    return g_Database.EntityMapping.GetByFirst(baseType.getID());
bool BuildingPlacer::canBuildHereWithSpace(BWAPI::TilePosition position, BWAPI::UnitType type) const
  if (!this->canBuildHere(position, type))
    return false;
  int width=type.tileWidth();
  int height=type.tileHeight();
  if (type==BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Command_Center ||
    type==BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Factory || 
    type==BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Starport ||
  int startx = position.x() - buildDistance;
  if (startx<0) startx=0;
  int starty = position.y() - buildDistance;
  if (starty<0) starty=0;
  int endx = position.x() + width + buildDistance;
  if (endx>BWAPI::Broodwar->mapWidth()) endx=BWAPI::Broodwar->mapWidth();
  int endy = position.y() + height + buildDistance;
  if (endy>BWAPI::Broodwar->mapHeight()) endy=BWAPI::Broodwar->mapHeight();

  for(int x = startx; x < endx; x++)
    for(int y = starty; y < endy; y++)
      if (!type.isRefinery())
        if (!buildable(x, y))
          return false;

  if (position.x()>3)
    int startx2=startx-2;
    if (startx2<0) startx2=0;
    for(int x = startx2; x < startx; x++)
      for(int y = starty; y < endy; y++)
        std::set<BWAPI::Unit*> units = BWAPI::Broodwar->unitsOnTile(x, y);
        for(std::set<BWAPI::Unit*>::iterator i = units.begin(); i != units.end(); i++)
          if (!(*i)->isLifted())
            BWAPI::UnitType type=(*i)->getType();
            if (type==BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Command_Center ||
              type==BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Factory || 
              type==BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Starport ||
              return false;
  return true;
Exemple #16
CancelTrainTest::CancelTrainTest(BWAPI::UnitType unitType1, BWAPI::UnitType unitType2, BWAPI::UnitType unitType3)
                                               : unitType1(unitType1),
  fail = false;
  running = false;
  producerType = unitType1.whatBuilds().first;
// add a new building to be constructed
void BuildingManager::addBuildingTask(BWAPI::UnitType type, BWAPI::TilePosition desiredLocation) {

	if (debugMode) { BWAPI::Broodwar->printf("Issuing addBuildingTask: %s", type.getName().c_str()); }


	// reserve the resources for this building
	reservedMinerals += type.mineralPrice();
	reservedGas	     += type.gasPrice();

	// set it up to receive a worker
	buildingData.addBuilding(ConstructionData::Unassigned, Building(type, desiredLocation));
Exemple #18
bool UnitHelper::unitProducesGround(BWAPI::UnitType type)
    static std::set<BWAPI::UnitType> unitData;
        for each(BWAPI::UnitType type in BWAPI::UnitTypes::allUnitTypes())
            if(!type.isFlyer() && type.whatBuilds().first.isBuilding())

    return unitData.count(type) != 0;
/// Returns target attack priority.
/// Returned value must be greater than 0
int VultureManagerExt::getAttackPriority(BWAPI::Unit * selectedUnit, BWAPI::Unit * target)
	BWAPI::UnitType selectedUnitType = selectedUnit->getType();
	BWAPI::UnitType targetType = target->getType();

	bool canAttackUs = targetType.groundWeapon() != BWAPI::WeaponTypes::None;
	int selectedUnitWeaponRange = selectedUnitType.groundWeapon().maxRange();		// 160, Concussive
	int targetWeaponRange = targetType.groundWeapon().maxRange();

	// Larvas are low priority targets
	if (targetType == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Larva
		|| targetType == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Interceptor)
		return 1;
	else if (targetType == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Pylon)
		return 3;
	else if ((targetType.isBuilding()) && !(targetType.canAttack()))
		return 2;
	else if (targetType == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Photon_Cannon)
		return 4;
	// Templars are extremely dangerous to bio units and should be eliminated asap.
	else if (targetType == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_High_Templar
		|| targetType == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Medic)
		return selectedUnitWeaponRange + 10;
	// Faster than Marine (without Stimpack)
	else if ((targetType.topSpeed() >= selectedUnitType.topSpeed())
		|| ((targetType == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Zealot)
		&& (BWAPI::Broodwar->enemy()->getUpgradeLevel(BWAPI::UpgradeTypes::Leg_Enhancements) > 0)))
		return selectedUnitWeaponRange;		// return 160
	// Slower than Vulture
		int priority = selectedUnitWeaponRange - targetWeaponRange;
		if (priority <= 0)
			priority = 1;

		return priority;

void ProductionManager::drawProductionInformation(int x, int y)
    if (!Config::Debug::DrawProductionInfo)

	// fill prod with each unit which is under construction
	std::vector<BWAPI::Unit> prod;
	for (auto & unit : BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->getUnits())
        UAB_ASSERT(unit != nullptr, "Unit was null");

		if (unit->isBeingConstructed())
	// sort it based on the time it was started
	std::sort(prod.begin(), prod.end(), CompareWhenStarted());

    BWAPI::Broodwar->drawTextScreen(x-30, y+20, "\x04 TIME");
	BWAPI::Broodwar->drawTextScreen(x, y+20, "\x04 UNIT NAME");

	size_t reps = prod.size() < 10 ? prod.size() : 10;

	y += 30;
	int yy = y;

	// for each unit in the _queue
	for (auto & unit : prod) 
		std::string prefix = "\x07";

		yy += 10;

		BWAPI::UnitType t = unit->getType();
        if (t == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Egg)
            t = unit->getBuildType();

		BWAPI::Broodwar->drawTextScreen(x, yy, " %s%s", prefix.c_str(), t.getName().c_str());
		BWAPI::Broodwar->drawTextScreen(x - 35, yy, "%s%6d", prefix.c_str(), unit->getRemainingBuildTime());

	_queue.drawQueueInformation(x, yy+10);
Exemple #21
bool MorphManager::morph(BWAPI::UnitType type)
    //morph order starts here

    //we only accept buildings that are made from other buildings
    //and units that are made from other units

    //fix: we should check to make sure the type is not an addon

    if (type.isBuilding()!=type.whatBuilds().first->isBuilding())
        return false;
    return true;
void BuildOrderManager::build(int count, BWAPI::UnitType t, int priority, BWAPI::TilePosition seedPosition)
  if (t == BWAPI::UnitTypes::None || t == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Unknown) return;
  if (seedPosition == BWAPI::TilePositions::None || seedPosition == BWAPI::TilePositions::Unknown)
  if (t==UnitTypes::Protoss_Pylon && this->getPlannedCount(t)==0)
    if (!this->buildManager->getBuildingPlacer()->canBuildHereWithSpace(seedPosition, t, 3))
      seedPosition = this->buildManager->getBuildingPlacer()->getBuildLocationNear(seedPosition, t, 3);
  if (items[priority].units[t.whatBuilds().first].find(t)==items[priority].units[t.whatBuilds().first].end())
Exemple #23
bool HLUnitData::finishUnit(BWAPI::UnitType type)
	bool found = false;
	for (auto &item : _unitMap){
		if (item.second.type.getID() == type.getID() && !item.second.completed){
			item.second.completed = true;
			found = true;

	UAB_ASSERT(found,"Couldn't find unit to finish: %s\n",type.getName().c_str());
	return found;
//returns the BuildOrderManager's planned count of units for this type
int BuildOrderManager::getPlannedCount(BWAPI::UnitType t, int minPriority)
  //builder unit type
  UnitType builder=t.whatBuilds().first;

  int c=this->buildManager->getPlannedCount(t);

  //sum all the remaining units for every priority level
  for(map<int, PriorityLevel>::iterator p=items.begin();p!=items.end();p++)
    if (p->first<minPriority) continue; //don't consider planned units below min priority
    map<BWAPI::UnitType, map<BWAPI::UnitType, UnitItem > >* units=&(p->second.units);
    map<BWAPI::UnitType, map<BWAPI::UnitType, UnitItem > >::iterator i=units->find(builder);

    if (i!=units->end())
      map<BWAPI::UnitType, UnitItem >* units2=&(i->second);
      map<BWAPI::UnitType, UnitItem >::iterator j=units2->find(t);
      if (j!=units2->end())
  if (t==UnitTypes::Zerg_Hatchery)
  if (t==UnitTypes::Zerg_Lair)
  return c;
// selects a unit of a given type
BWAPI::Unit ProductionManager::selectUnitOfType(BWAPI::UnitType type, BWAPI::Position closestTo) 
	// if we have none of the unit type, return nullptr right away
	if (BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->completedUnitCount(type) == 0) 
		return nullptr;

	BWAPI::Unit unit = nullptr;

	// if we are concerned about the position of the unit, that takes priority
    if (closestTo != BWAPI::Positions::None) 
		double minDist(1000000);

		for (auto & u : BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->getUnits()) 
			if (u->getType() == type) 
				double distance = u->getDistance(closestTo);
				if (!unit || distance < minDist) {
					unit = u;
					minDist = distance;

	// if it is a building and we are worried about selecting the unit with the least
	// amount of training time remaining
    else if (type.isBuilding()) 
		for (auto & u : BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->getUnits()) 
            UAB_ASSERT(u != nullptr, "Unit was null");

			if (u->getType() == type && u->isCompleted() && !u->isTraining() && !u->isLifted() &&u->isPowered()) {

				return u;
		// otherwise just return the first unit we come across
		for (auto & u : BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->getUnits()) 
            UAB_ASSERT(u != nullptr, "Unit was null");

			if (u->getType() == type && u->isCompleted() && u->getHitPoints() > 0 && !u->isLifted() &&u->isPowered()) 
				return u;

	// return what we've found so far
	return nullptr;
Exemple #26
void UnitClass::drawUnitTilePosition()
	TilePosition tile = getTilePosition();
	BWAPI::UnitType type = getType();
	Player player = getPlayer();

	BWAPI::Broodwar->drawBox(BWAPI::CoordinateType::Map, tile.x()*32, tile.y()*32, (tile.x()+type.tileWidth())*32, (tile.y()+type.tileHeight())*32, player->getColor());
Exemple #27
 UnitGroup SelectAll( BWAPI::UnitType type )
   if ( type.isNeutral() && UnitGroupManager::s_UnitGroupManager->neutral != NULL )
     return UnitGroupManager::s_UnitGroupManager->data[UnitGroupManager::s_UnitGroupManager->neutral][type];
   return UnitGroupManager::s_UnitGroupManager->data[BWAPI::Broodwar->self()][type];
Exemple #28
	// get the attack priority of a type in relation to a zergling
int MeleeManager::getAttackPriority(BWAPI::Unit attacker, BWAPI::Unit unit) 
	BWAPI::UnitType type = unit->getType();

    if (attacker->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Dark_Templar 
        && unit->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Missile_Turret
        && (BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->deadUnitCount(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Dark_Templar) == 0))
        return 13;

	if (attacker->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Dark_Templar && unit->getType().isWorker())
		return 12;

	// highest priority is something that can attack us or aid in combat
    if (type ==  BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Bunker)
        return 11;
    else if (type == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Medic || 
		(type.groundWeapon() != BWAPI::WeaponTypes::None && !type.isWorker()) || 
		type ==  BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Bunker ||
		type == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_High_Templar ||
		type == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Reaver ||
		(type.isWorker() && unitNearChokepoint(unit))) 
		return 10;
	// next priority is worker
	else if (type.isWorker()) 
		return 9;
    // next is special buildings
	else if (type == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Spawning_Pool)
		return 5;
	// next is special buildings
	else if (type == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Pylon)
		return 5;
	// next is buildings that cost gas
	else if (type.gasPrice() > 0)
		return 4;
	else if (type.mineralPrice() > 0)
		return 3;
	// then everything else
		return 1;
Exemple #29
ActionID ActionTypeData::GetActionID(const BWAPI::UnitType & type) 
    const RaceID raceID = GetRaceID(type.getRace());
    BOSS_ASSERT(raceID < Races::NUM_RACES, "Race ID invalid: %d %s", (int)raceID, type.getName().c_str());

    for (ActionID a(0); a < ActionTypeData::GetNumActionTypes(raceID); ++a)
        const ActionTypeData & data = GetActionTypeData(raceID, a);
        if (data.isUnit() && data.getUnitType() == type)
            return data.getActionID();
	BOSS_ASSERT(false, "Could not find UnitType: %d %s", type.getID(), type.getName().c_str());
    return 0;
Exemple #30
TrainTest::TrainTest(BWAPI::UnitType unitType) : unitType(unitType),
  fail = false;
  running = false;
  producerType = unitType.whatBuilds().first;