void DelaunayMeshMaker::fileDrop( FileDropEvent event ){
	try {
		mSurface = loadImage( event.getFile( 0 ) );

		int width = mSurface.getWidth();
		int height = mSurface.getHeight();
		app::setWindowSize( width, height );

		mFbo = gl::Fbo( width, height, false );

		mBorderPoints.push_back( Vec2f::zero() );
		mBorderPoints.push_back( Vec2f( (float)width, 0 ) );
		mBorderPoints.push_back( Vec2f( (float)width ,(float)height ) );
		mBorderPoints.push_back( Vec2f( 0 ,(float)height ) );


	catch( ... ) {
		console() << "unable to load the texture file!" << std::endl;
static void genPlaneResult(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, ci::TriMesh& mesh)

    float demiW = static_cast<float>(width / 2);
    float demiH = static_cast<float>(height / 2);

    for (float j = -demiH; j < demiH; ++j)
        for (float i = -demiW; i < demiW; ++i)
            mesh.appendVertex(ci::Vec3f(i, j, 0.0f));
                (i + demiW) / width,
                (j + demiH) / height

    //For create face algorithme
    size_t w = width - 1;
    size_t h = height - 1;

    for (size_t j = 0; j < h; ++j)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < w; ++i)
            mesh.appendTriangle(width * j + i, width * (j + 1) + i, width * j + i + 1);
            mesh.appendTriangle(width * j + i + 1, width * (j + 1) + i, width * (j + 1) + i + 1);
void DelaunayMeshMaker::setup()
	mSurface = loadImage( app::loadAsset( "texture0.jpg" ) );
	int width = mSurface.getWidth();
	int height = mSurface.getHeight();
	app::setWindowSize( width, height );

	mFbo = gl::Fbo( width, height, false );

	mBorderPoints.push_back( Vec2f::zero() );
	mBorderPoints.push_back( Vec2f( (float)width, 0 ) );
	mBorderPoints.push_back( Vec2f( (float)width ,(float)height ) );
	mBorderPoints.push_back( Vec2f( 0 ,(float)height ) );


	mParams = params::InterfaceGl( "Parameters", Vec2i( 300, 250 ) );
	mParams.addParam( "Alpha", &mAlpha, "max=1.0 min=0.0 step=0.005" );
	mParams.addParam( "Blend", &mBlend );
	mParams.addParam( "Phong Shading", &mApplyPhongShading );
	mParams.addParam( "Depth Offset", &mDepthOffset, "step=0.1" );
	mParams.addParam( "Draw wireframe", &mDrawWireframe );
	mParams.addText("Edge detection");
	mParams.addParam( "Edge detection scale down", &mScaleDown, "min=1" );
	mParams.addParam( "Minimum threshold", &mCannyMinThreshold, "min=0.0f" );
	mParams.addParam( "Maximum threshold", &mCannyMaxThreshold, "min=0.0f" );

	mParams.addButton( "Tesselate", std::bind( &DelaunayMeshMaker::tesselate, this ) );

	mScaleDown			= 8;
	mScaleDownPrev		= mScaleDown;
	mCannyMinThreshold	= 60.0;
	mCannyMaxThreshold	= 70.0;
	mAlpha				= 0.0f;
	mBlend				= false;
	mApplyPhongShading	= false;
	mDrawWireframe		= false;
	mDepthOffset		= 0.0f;
	mPrevDepthOffset	= mDepthOffset;
	mPrevBlend			= mBlend;

	mPhongShader = gl::GlslProg( loadAsset("phong_vert.glsl"), loadAsset("phong_frag.glsl") );

	mEdgeDetectSurface = edgeDetect( Surface8u( mSurface ), mCannyMinThreshold, mCannyMaxThreshold, mScaleDownPrev );

	mTesselator = Tesselator::makeTesselator();
	mTesselator->sDone.connect( boost::bind( &DelaunayMeshMaker::onTesselationDone, this ) );