Exemple #1
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  // The command line is unusual compared to other fuzzers due to the need to
  // specify the target. Options like -triple, -mcpu, and -mattr work like
  // their counterparts in llvm-mc, while -fuzzer-args collects options for the
  // fuzzer itself.
  // Examples:
  // Fuzz the big-endian MIPS32R6 disassembler using 100,000 inputs of up to
  // 4-bytes each and use the contents of ./corpus as the test corpus:
  //   llvm-mc-fuzzer -triple mips-linux-gnu -mcpu=mips32r6 -disassemble \
  //       -fuzzer-args -max_len=4 -runs=100000 ./corpus
  // Infinitely fuzz the little-endian MIPS64R2 disassembler with the MSA
  // feature enabled using up to 64-byte inputs:
  //   llvm-mc-fuzzer -triple mipsel-linux-gnu -mcpu=mips64r2 -mattr=msa \
  //       -disassemble -fuzzer-args ./corpus
  // If your aim is to find instructions that are not tested, then it is
  // advisable to constrain the maximum input size to a single instruction
  // using -max_len as in the first example. This results in a test corpus of
  // individual instructions that test unique paths. Without this constraint,
  // there will be considerable redundancy in the corpus.


  cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv);

  // Package up features to be passed to target/subtarget
  // We have to pass it via a global since the callback doesn't
  // permit any user data.
  if (MAttrs.size()) {
    SubtargetFeatures Features;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i != MAttrs.size(); ++i)
    FeaturesStr = Features.getString();

  // Insert the program name into the FuzzerArgv.
  FuzzerArgv.insert(FuzzerArgv.begin(), argv[0]);

  if (Action == AC_Assemble)
    errs() << "error: -assemble is not implemented\n";
  else if (Action == AC_Disassemble)
    return fuzzer::FuzzerDriver(FuzzerArgv, DisassembleOneInput);

  llvm_unreachable("Unknown action");
  return 1;