		// Usually all examples try to build the CompilerInstance Object from CompilerInvocation object.
		// However, CompilterInstance already has an in-built CompilerInvocation object. So we use it.
		// Only problem is: target options are not set correctly for the in-built object. We do it manually.
		// This below line is just to assert that the object exist.
		clang::CompilerInvocation& invocation = m_CompilerInstance.getInvocation();

		// Diagnostics is needed - set it up

		// set the include directories path
		clang::HeaderSearchOptions & headerSearchOptions = m_CompilerInstance.getHeaderSearchOpts();
		headerSearchOptions.AddPath("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\\VC\\include", clang::frontend::IncludeDirGroup::Angled, false, false);
		// headerSearchOptions.Verbose = true;

		// set few options
		clang::LangOptions& langOptions = m_CompilerInstance.getLangOpts();
		langOptions.CPlusPlus = 1;
		langOptions.Bool = 1;
		langOptions.RTTI = 0;
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
		langOptions.MicrosoftExt = 1;
		langOptions.MSVCCompat = 1;
		langOptions.MSBitfields = 1;
		langOptions.DelayedTemplateParsing = 1; // MSVC parses templates at the time of actual use
		//clInstance.getTargetOpts().ABI = "microsoft";

		// Need to set the source manager before AST

		// Need to set the target before AST. Adjust the default target options and create a target
		m_CompilerInstance.getTargetOpts().Triple = llvm::sys::getProcessTriple();
		m_CompilerInstance.setTarget(clang::TargetInfo::CreateTargetInfo(m_CompilerInstance.getDiagnostics(), &m_CompilerInstance.getTargetOpts()));

		// Create pre-processor and AST Context
		if (m_CompilerInstance.hasPreprocessor())
			clang::Preprocessor & preprocessor = m_CompilerInstance.getPreprocessor();
			preprocessor.getBuiltinInfo().InitializeBuiltins(preprocessor.getIdentifierTable(), preprocessor.getLangOpts());