const Rectangle CodeEditorComponent::getCharacterBounds (const CodeDocument::Position& pos) const throw() { return Rectangle (roundToInt ((gutter - xOffset * charWidth) + indexToColumn (pos.getLineNumber(), pos.getIndexInLine()) * charWidth), (pos.getLineNumber() - firstLineOnScreen) * lineHeight, roundToInt (charWidth), lineHeight); }
void CodeEditorComponent::mouseDoubleClick (const MouseEvent& e) { CodeDocument::Position tokenStart (getPositionAt (e.x, e.y)); CodeDocument::Position tokenEnd (tokenStart); if (e.getNumberOfClicks() > 2) { tokenStart.setLineAndIndex (tokenStart.getLineNumber(), 0); tokenEnd.setLineAndIndex (tokenStart.getLineNumber() + 1, 0); } else { while (CharacterFunctions::isLetterOrDigit (tokenEnd.getCharacter())) tokenEnd.moveBy (1); tokenStart = tokenEnd; while (tokenStart.getIndexInLine() > 0 && CharacterFunctions::isLetterOrDigit (tokenStart.movedBy (-1).getCharacter())) tokenStart.moveBy (-1); } moveCaretTo (tokenEnd, false); moveCaretTo (tokenStart, true); }
bool update (CodeDocument& codeDoc, int lineNum, CodeDocument::Iterator& source, CodeTokeniser* tokeniser, const int tabSpaces, const CodeDocument::Position& selStart, const CodeDocument::Position& selEnd) { Array <SyntaxToken> newTokens; newTokens.ensureStorageAllocated (8); if (tokeniser == nullptr) { const String line (codeDoc.getLine (lineNum)); addToken (newTokens, line, line.length(), -1); } else if (lineNum < codeDoc.getNumLines()) { const CodeDocument::Position pos (codeDoc, lineNum, 0); createTokens (pos.getPosition(), pos.getLineText(), source, *tokeniser, newTokens); } replaceTabsWithSpaces (newTokens, tabSpaces); int newHighlightStart = 0; int newHighlightEnd = 0; if (selStart.getLineNumber() <= lineNum && selEnd.getLineNumber() >= lineNum) { const String line (codeDoc.getLine (lineNum)); CodeDocument::Position lineStart (codeDoc, lineNum, 0), lineEnd (codeDoc, lineNum + 1, 0); newHighlightStart = indexToColumn (jmax (0, selStart.getPosition() - lineStart.getPosition()), line, tabSpaces); newHighlightEnd = indexToColumn (jmin (lineEnd.getPosition() - lineStart.getPosition(), selEnd.getPosition() - lineStart.getPosition()), line, tabSpaces); } if (newHighlightStart != highlightColumnStart || newHighlightEnd != highlightColumnEnd) { highlightColumnStart = newHighlightStart; highlightColumnEnd = newHighlightEnd; } else if (tokens == newTokens) { return false; } tokens.swapWith (newTokens); return true; }
void CodeEditorComponent::moveLineDelta (const int delta, const bool selecting) { CodeDocument::Position pos (caretPos); const int newLineNum = pos.getLineNumber() + delta; if (columnToTryToMaintain < 0) columnToTryToMaintain = indexToColumn (pos.getLineNumber(), pos.getIndexInLine()); pos.setLineAndIndex (newLineNum, columnToIndex (newLineNum, columnToTryToMaintain)); const int colToMaintain = columnToTryToMaintain; moveCaretTo (pos, selecting); columnToTryToMaintain = colToMaintain; }
bool getIndentForCurrentBlock (CodeDocument::Position pos, const String& tab, String& blockIndent, String& lastLineIndent) { int braceCount = 0; bool indentFound = false; while (pos.getLineNumber() > 0) { pos = pos.movedByLines (-1); const String line (pos.getLineText()); const String trimmedLine (line.trimStart()); braceCount += getBraceCount (trimmedLine.getCharPointer()); if (braceCount > 0) { blockIndent = getLeadingWhitespace (line); if (! indentFound) lastLineIndent = blockIndent + tab; return true; } if ((! indentFound) && trimmedLine.isNotEmpty()) { indentFound = true; lastLineIndent = getLeadingWhitespace (line); } } return false; }
void CtrlrLuaMethodCodeEditor::mouseDown (const MouseEvent &e) { CodeDocument::Position pos = editorComponent->getCaretPos(); String url; if (isMouseOverUrl (pos, &url)) { URL(url).launchInDefaultBrowser(); } owner.setPositionLabelText ("Line: " + String(pos.getLineNumber()+1) + " Column: " + String(pos.getIndexInLine())); }
void GenericCodeEditorComponent::findNext (bool forwards, bool skipCurrentSelection) { const Range<int> highlight (getHighlightedRegion()); const CodeDocument::Position startPos (getDocument(), skipCurrentSelection ? highlight.getEnd() : highlight.getStart()); int lineNum = startPos.getLineNumber(); int linePos = startPos.getIndexInLine(); const int totalLines = getDocument().getNumLines(); const String searchText (getSearchString()); const bool caseSensitive = isCaseSensitiveSearch(); for (int linesToSearch = totalLines; --linesToSearch >= 0;) { String line (getDocument().getLine (lineNum)); int index; if (forwards) { index = caseSensitive ? line.indexOf (linePos, searchText) : line.indexOfIgnoreCase (linePos, searchText); } else { if (linePos >= 0) line = line.substring (0, linePos); index = caseSensitive ? line.lastIndexOf (searchText) : line.lastIndexOfIgnoreCase (searchText); } if (index >= 0) { const CodeDocument::Position p (getDocument(), lineNum, index); selectRegion (p, p.movedBy (searchText.length())); break; } if (forwards) { linePos = 0; lineNum = (lineNum + 1) % totalLines; } else { if (--lineNum < 0) lineNum = totalLines - 1; linePos = -1; } } }
void CodeEditor::codeDocumentChanged(const CodeDocument::Position& affectedTextStart, const CodeDocument::Position& affectedTextEnd) { static const String BRACKETS[] = {String(L"("), String(L")"), String(L"{"), String(L"}"), String(L"["), String(L"]"), String(L"<"), String(L">"), String(L"'"), String(L"'"), String(L"\""), String(L"\"")}; if(do_bracket_closing.getValue() && affectedTextEnd.getPosition() - affectedTextStart.getPosition() == 1){ //assume that the length of the affected text is 1 //We're finding an opening character and inserting the other one. const String C = String::charToString(affectedTextStart.getCharacter()); int index = 0; for(; index < numElementsInArray(BRACKETS); index += 2){ //search for an existing parenthesis if(C == BRACKETS[index]){ break; } } if(index < numElementsInArray(BRACKETS)){ //If the index is out of range, we couldn't find the first character editor->insertTextAtCaret(BRACKETS[index+1]); editor->moveCaretTo(affectedTextEnd, false); } } static const String LOOK_UP_CHARS[] = {String(L"{"), String(L"}")}; if(do_auto_indent.getValue() && affectedTextStart.getLineNumber() < affectedTextEnd.getLineNumber()){ //assume that we're at the beginning of a line //calculate the number of tabs that will be inserted to the next line const String LINE_ABOVE = affectedTextStart.getLineText(), LINE = affectedTextEnd.getLineText(); const int TAB_SIZE = editor->getTabSize(); const int LENGTH_BEFORE = LINE_ABOVE.trimEnd().length(); const int LENGTH_AFTER = LINE_ABOVE.trimStart().length(); const String TARGET_STRINGS[] = {String::charToString(affectedTextStart.movedBy(-1).getCharacter()), String::charToString(affectedTextEnd.getCharacter())}; int tab_size_to_add = (TARGET_STRINGS[0] == LOOK_UP_CHARS[0] && TARGET_STRINGS[1] != LOOK_UP_CHARS[1]) ? ((LENGTH_AFTER - LENGTH_BEFORE) / TAB_SIZE) + 1 //add another tab : (TARGET_STRINGS[1] == LOOK_UP_CHARS[1] && TARGET_STRINGS[0] != LOOK_UP_CHARS[0]) ? ((LENGTH_AFTER - LENGTH_BEFORE) / TAB_SIZE) - 1 //remove one tab : ((LENGTH_AFTER - LENGTH_BEFORE) / TAB_SIZE); for(; tab_size_to_add > 0; --tab_size_to_add){ editor->insertTabAtCaret(); } } }
void CtrlrLuaMethodCodeEditor::reportFoundMatch (CodeDocument &document, const String &methodName, const Range<int> range) { CodeDocument::Position pos (document, range.getStart()); AttributedString as; as.append ("Method: ", Colours::black); as.append (methodName, Colours::blue); as.append ("\tline: ", Colours::black); as.append (String(pos.getLineNumber()+1), Colours::darkgreen); as.append ("\tstart: ", Colours::black); as.append (String(range.getStart()), Colours::darkgreen); as.append ("\tend: ", Colours::black); as.append (String(range.getEnd()), Colours::darkgreen); owner.getMethodEditArea()->insertOutput (as); }
//============================================================================== void CodeEditorComponent::codeDocumentChanged (const CodeDocument::Position& affectedTextStart, const CodeDocument::Position& affectedTextEnd) { clearCachedIterators (affectedTextStart.getLineNumber()); triggerAsyncUpdate(); ((CaretComponent*) caret)->updatePosition (*this); if (affectedTextEnd.getPosition() >= selectionStart.getPosition() && affectedTextStart.getPosition() <= selectionEnd.getPosition()) deselectAll(); if (caretPos.getPosition() > affectedTextEnd.getPosition() || caretPos.getPosition() < affectedTextStart.getPosition()) moveCaretTo (affectedTextStart, false); updateScrollBars(); }
bool update (CodeDocument& document, int lineNum, CodeDocument::Iterator& source, CodeTokeniser* analyser, const int spacesPerTab, const CodeDocument::Position& selectionStart, const CodeDocument::Position& selectionEnd) { OwnedArray <SyntaxToken> newTokens; if (analyser == 0) { newTokens.add (new SyntaxToken (document.getLine (lineNum), -1)); } else if (lineNum < document.getNumLines()) { const CodeDocument::Position pos (&document, lineNum, 0); createTokens (pos.getPosition(), pos.getLineText(), source, analyser, newTokens); } replaceTabsWithSpaces (newTokens, spacesPerTab); int newHighlightStart = 0; int newHighlightEnd = 0; if (selectionStart.getLineNumber() <= lineNum && selectionEnd.getLineNumber() >= lineNum) { const String line (document.getLine (lineNum)); CodeDocument::Position lineStart (&document, lineNum, 0), lineEnd (&document, lineNum + 1, 0); newHighlightStart = indexToColumn (jmax (0, selectionStart.getPosition() - lineStart.getPosition()), line, spacesPerTab); newHighlightEnd = indexToColumn (jmin (lineEnd.getPosition() - lineStart.getPosition(), selectionEnd.getPosition() - lineStart.getPosition()), line, spacesPerTab); } if (newHighlightStart != highlightColumnStart || newHighlightEnd != highlightColumnEnd) { highlightColumnStart = newHighlightStart; highlightColumnEnd = newHighlightEnd; } else { if (tokens.size() == newTokens.size()) { bool allTheSame = true; for (int i = newTokens.size(); --i >= 0;) { if (*tokens.getUnchecked(i) != *newTokens.getUnchecked(i)) { allTheSame = false; break; } } if (allTheSame) return false; } } tokens.swapWithArray (newTokens); return true; }
bool CtrlrLuaMethodCodeEditor::keyPressed (const KeyPress &key, Component *originatingComponent) { if (key.getModifiers().isCommandDown() ) { if(key.getKeyCode() == 9) { owner.keyPressed (key, originatingComponent); return (true); } if (key.getKeyCode() == 83) // CTRL + S { saveDocument(); return (true); } if (CharacterFunctions::toUpperCase ((juce_wchar) (key.getKeyCode())) == 70) // CTRL + F { // Show search Dialog editorComponent->showFindPanel(); return (true); } if (CharacterFunctions::toUpperCase ((juce_wchar) (key.getKeyCode())) == 71) // CTRL + G { // Show Go To Dialog editorComponent->showGoTOPanel(); return (true); } if (CharacterFunctions::toUpperCase ((juce_wchar) (key.getKeyCode())) == 72) // CTRL + H { // Show search Dialog editorComponent->showFindPanel(true); return (true); } if (key.getKeyCode() == KeyPress::deleteKey) // CTRL + Delete { owner.keyPressed(key, originatingComponent); return (true); } // search selected previous in current if (key.getModifiers().isShiftDown() && key.getKeyCode() == KeyPress::F3Key) // CTRL + SHIFT + F3 { editorComponent->findSelection(false); return (true); } } // search selected next in current if (key.getModifiers().isShiftDown() && key.getKeyCode() == KeyPress::F3Key) // SHIFT + F3 { editorComponent->findSelection(true); return (true); } if (key.getKeyCode() == KeyPress::F7Key) { saveAndCompileDocument(); return (true); } if (key.getKeyCode() == KeyPress::F8Key) { owner.saveAndCompilAllMethods(); return (true); } CodeDocument::Position pos = editorComponent->getCaretPos(); owner.setPositionLabelText ("Line: " + String(pos.getLineNumber()+1) + " Column: " + String(pos.getIndexInLine())); return (false); }
bool CtrlrLuaMethodCodeEditor::keyStateChanged (bool isKeyDown, Component *originatingComponent) { CodeDocument::Position pos = editorComponent->getCaretPos(); owner.setPositionLabelText ("Line: " + String(pos.getLineNumber()+1) + " Column: " + String(pos.getIndexInLine())); return (false); }