Exemple #1
bool Console::Cmd_DecompileScript(int argc, const char **argv) {
	if (argc >= 2) {
		uint index = atoi(argv[1]);

		Common::Array<Resources::Script *> scripts = listAllLocationScripts();
		if (index < scripts.size()) {
			Resources::Script *script = scripts[index];

			Tools::Decompiler *decompiler = new Tools::Decompiler(script);
			if (decompiler->getError() != "") {
				debugPrintf("Decompilation failure: %s\n", decompiler->getError().c_str());

			debug("Script %d - %s:", index, script->getName().c_str());

			delete decompiler;

			return true;
		} else {
			debugPrintf("Invalid index %d, only %d indices available\n", index, scripts.size());
	} else {
		debugPrintf("Too few args\n");

	debugPrintf("Decompile a script. Use listScripts to get an id\n");
	debugPrintf("Usage :\n");
	debugPrintf("decompileScript [id]\n");
	return true;
Exemple #2
bool Console::Cmd_ForceScript(int argc, const char **argv) {
	uint index = 0;

	if (argc >= 2) {
		index = atoi(argv[1]);

		Common::Array<Resources::Script *> scripts = listAllLocationScripts();
		if (index < scripts.size() ) {
			Resources::Script *script = scripts[index];
			script->goToNextCommand(); // Skip the begin command to avoid checks
			return true;
		} else {
			debugPrintf("Invalid index %d, only %d indices available\n", index, scripts.size());
	} else {
		debugPrintf("Too few args\n");

	debugPrintf("Force the execution of a script. Use listScripts to get an id\n");
	debugPrintf("Usage :\n");
	debugPrintf("forceScript [id]\n");
	return true;
Exemple #3
void VisualText::createTexture() {
	// Get the font and required metrics
	const Graphics::Font *font = StarkFontProvider->getScaledFont(_fontType, _fontCustomIndex);
	uint scaledLineHeight = StarkFontProvider->getScaledFontHeight(_fontType, _fontCustomIndex);
	uint originalLineHeight = StarkFontProvider->getOriginalFontHeight(_fontType, _fontCustomIndex);
	uint maxScaledLineWidth = StarkFontProvider->scaleWidthOriginalToCurrent(_originalRect.width());

	// Word wrap the text and compute the scaled and original resolution bounding boxes
	Common::Rect scaledRect;
	Common::Array<Common::String> lines;
	scaledRect.right = scaledRect.left + font->wordWrapText(_text, maxScaledLineWidth, lines);
	scaledRect.bottom = scaledRect.top + scaledLineHeight * lines.size();
	_originalRect.bottom = _originalRect.top + originalLineHeight * lines.size();

	// Create a surface to render to
	Graphics::Surface surface;
	surface.create(scaledRect.width(), scaledRect.height(), _gfx->getScreenFormat());
	surface.fillRect(scaledRect, _backgroundColor);

	// Render the lines to the surface
	for (uint i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) {
		font->drawString(&surface, lines[i], 0, scaledLineHeight * i, scaledRect.width(), _color);

	// Create a texture from the surface
	_texture = _gfx->createTexture(&surface);
Exemple #4
bool Console::Cmd_EnableScript(int argc, const char **argv) {
	uint index = 0;

	if (argc >= 2) {
		index = atoi(argv[1]);

		bool value = true;
		if (argc >= 3) {
			value = atoi(argv[2]);

		Common::Array<Resources::Script *> scripts = listAllLocationScripts();
		if (index < scripts.size() ) {
			Resources::Script *script = scripts[index];
			return true;
		} else {
			debugPrintf("Invalid index %d, only %d indices available\n", index, scripts.size());
	} else {
		debugPrintf("Too few args\n");

	debugPrintf("Enable or disable a script. Use listScripts to get an id\n");
	debugPrintf("Usage :\n");
	debugPrintf("enableScript [id] (value)\n");
	return true;
Exemple #5
void VisualText::createTexture() {
	Common::CodePage codePage = StarkSettings->getTextCodePage();
	Common::U32String unicodeText = Common::convertToU32String(_text.c_str(), codePage);

	// Get the font and required metrics
	const Graphics::Font *font = StarkFontProvider->getScaledFont(_fontType, _fontCustomIndex);
	uint scaledLineHeight = StarkFontProvider->getScaledFontHeight(_fontType, _fontCustomIndex);
	uint originalLineHeight = StarkFontProvider->getOriginalFontHeight(_fontType, _fontCustomIndex);
	uint maxScaledLineWidth = StarkGfx->scaleWidthOriginalToCurrent(_targetWidth);

	// Word wrap the text
	Common::Array<Common::U32String> lines;
	font->wordWrapText(unicodeText, maxScaledLineWidth, lines);

	// Use the actual font bounding box to prevent text from being cut off
	Common::Rect scaledRect;
	if (!lines.empty()) {
		scaledRect = font->getBoundingBox(lines[0]);
		for (uint i = 1; i < lines.size(); i++) {
			scaledRect.extend(font->getBoundingBox(lines[i], 0, scaledLineHeight * i));

	// Make sure lines have approximately consistent height regardless of the characters they use
	scaledRect.bottom = MAX<int16>(scaledRect.bottom, scaledLineHeight * lines.size());

	if (!isBlank()) {
		_originalRect.right = StarkGfx->scaleWidthCurrentToOriginal(scaledRect.right);
		_originalRect.bottom = originalLineHeight * lines.size();
	} else {
		// For Empty text, preserve the original width and height for being used as clicking area
		_originalRect.right = _targetWidth;
		_originalRect.bottom = _targetHeight;

	// Create a surface to render to
	Graphics::Surface surface;
	surface.create(scaledRect.right, scaledRect.bottom, Gfx::Driver::getRGBAPixelFormat());

	uint32 color = surface.format.ARGBToColor(
			_color.a, _color.r, _color.g, _color.b
	uint32 bgColor = surface.format.ARGBToColor(
			_backgroundColor.a, _backgroundColor.r, _backgroundColor.g, _backgroundColor.b

	surface.fillRect(Common::Rect(surface.w, surface.h), bgColor);

	// Render the lines to the surface
	for (uint i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) {
		font->drawString(&surface, lines[i], 0, scaledLineHeight * i, surface.w, color, _align);

	// Create a texture from the surface
	_texture = _gfx->createTexture(&surface);

Exemple #6
void Graphics::renderPolygonEdge(Common::Array<Common::Point> &points, byte colour) {
	::Graphics::Surface *surf = _vm->_system->lockScreen();
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
		if (i + 1 < points.size())
			surf->drawLine(points[i].x, points[i].y, points[i + 1].x, points[i + 1].y, colour);
			surf->drawLine(points[i].x, points[i].y, points[0].x, points[0].y, colour);
Exemple #7
bool Console::Cmd_GiveItem(int argc, const char **argv) {
	if (argc != 2) {
		debugPrintf("Usage: %s <ID | name>\n", argv[0]);
		return true;

	Common::List<Item>::iterator item;

	char *end;
	uint id = strtoul(argv[1], &end, 0);

	if (*end != 0) {
		Common::Array<Item *> matches;

		Common::String name = toAppleWord(argv[1]);

		if (!_engine->_nouns.contains(name)) {
			debugPrintf("Item '%s' not found\n", argv[1]);
			return true;

		byte noun = _engine->_nouns[name];

		for (item = _engine->_state.items.begin(); item != _engine->_state.items.end(); ++item) {
			if (item->noun == noun)

		if (matches.size() == 0) {
			debugPrintf("Item '%s' not found\n", argv[1]);
			return true;

		if (matches.size() > 1) {
			debugPrintf("Multiple matches found, please use item ID:\n");
			for (uint i = 0; i < matches.size(); ++i)
			return true;

		matches[0]->room = IDI_ANY;
		return true;

	for (item = _engine->_state.items.begin(); item != _engine->_state.items.end(); ++item)
		if (item->id == id) {
			item->room = IDI_ANY;
			return true;

	debugPrintf("Item %i not found\n", id);
	return true;
Exemple #8
void DirectorEngine::loadSharedCastsFrom(Common::String filename) {
	Archive *shardcst;

	if (getVersion() < 4) {
		shardcst = new RIFFArchive();
	} else {
		shardcst = new RIFXArchive();


	Score *castScore = new Score(this);
	Common::SeekableSubReadStreamEndian *castStream = shardcst->getResource(MKTAG('V','W','C','R'), 1024);

	*_sharedCasts = castScore->_casts;

	Common::Array<uint16> dib = shardcst->getResourceIDList(MKTAG('D','I','B',' '));

	if (dib.size() != 0) {
		Common::Array<uint16>::iterator iterator;
		for (iterator = dib.begin(); iterator != dib.end(); ++iterator) {
			debug(3, "Shared DIB %d", *iterator);
			_sharedDIB->setVal(*iterator, shardcst->getResource(MKTAG('D','I','B',' '), *iterator));

	Common::Array<uint16> stxt = shardcst->getResourceIDList(MKTAG('S','T','X','T'));

	if (stxt.size() != 0) {
		Common::Array<uint16>::iterator iterator;
		for (iterator = stxt.begin(); iterator != stxt.end(); ++iterator) {
			debug(3, "Shared STXT %d", *iterator);
			_sharedSTXT->setVal(*iterator, shardcst->getResource(MKTAG('S','T','X','T'), *iterator));

	Common::Array<uint16> bmp = shardcst->getResourceIDList(MKTAG('B','I','T','D'));

	if (bmp.size() != 0) {
		Common::Array<uint16>::iterator iterator;
		for (iterator = bmp.begin(); iterator != bmp.end(); ++iterator) {
			_sharedBMP->setVal(*iterator, shardcst->getResource(MKTAG('B','I','T','D'), *iterator));

	Common::Array<uint16> sound = shardcst->getResourceIDList(MKTAG('S','N','D',' '));

	if (stxt.size() != 0) {
		Common::Array<uint16>::iterator iterator;
		for (iterator = sound.begin(); iterator != sound.end(); ++iterator) {
			_sharedSound->setVal(*iterator, shardcst->getResource(MKTAG('S','N','D',' '), *iterator));
void OpenGLGraphicsManager::displayMessageOnOSD(const char *msg) {
#ifdef USE_OSD
	// HACK: Actually no client code should use graphics functions from
	// another thread. But the MT-32 emulator still does, thus we need to
	// make sure this doesn't happen while a updateScreen call is done.
	Common::StackLock lock(_osdMutex);

	// Slip up the lines.
	Common::Array<Common::String> osdLines;
	Common::StringTokenizer tokenizer(msg, "\n");
	while (!tokenizer.empty()) {

	// Do the actual drawing like the SDL backend.
	const Graphics::Font *font = getFontOSD();
	Graphics::Surface *dst = _osd->getSurface();

	// Determine a rect which would contain the message string (clipped to the
	// screen dimensions).
	const int vOffset = 6;
	const int lineSpacing = 1;
	const int lineHeight = font->getFontHeight() + 2 * lineSpacing;
	int width = 0;
	int height = lineHeight * osdLines.size() + 2 * vOffset;
	for (uint i = 0; i < osdLines.size(); i++) {
		width = MAX(width, font->getStringWidth(osdLines[i]) + 14);

	// Clip the rect
	width  = MIN<int>(width,  dst->w);
	height = MIN<int>(height, dst->h);

	int dstX = (dst->w - width) / 2;
	int dstY = (dst->h - height) / 2;

	// Draw a dark gray rect.
	const uint32 color = dst->format.RGBToColor(40, 40, 40);
	dst->fillRect(Common::Rect(dstX, dstY, dstX + width, dstY + height), color);

	// Render the message, centered, and in white
	const uint32 white = dst->format.RGBToColor(255, 255, 255);
	for (uint i = 0; i < osdLines.size(); ++i) {
		font->drawString(dst, osdLines[i],
		                 dstX, dstY + i * lineHeight + vOffset + lineSpacing, width,
		                 white, Graphics::kTextAlignCenter);

	// Init the OSD display parameters.
	_osdAlpha = kOSDInitialAlpha;
	_osdFadeStartTime = g_system->getMillis() + kOSDFadeOutDelay;
BaseSurface *BaseFontTT::renderTextToTexture(const WideString &text, int width, TTextAlign align, int maxHeight, int &textOffset) {
	//TextLineList lines;
	// TODO: Use WideString-conversion here.
	//WrapText(text, width, maxHeight, lines);
	Common::Array<Common::String> lines;
	_font->wordWrapText(text, width, lines);

	while (maxHeight > 0 && lines.size() * _lineHeight > maxHeight) {
	if (lines.size() == 0) {
		return nullptr;

	Graphics::TextAlign alignment = Graphics::kTextAlignInvalid;
	if (align == TAL_LEFT) {
		alignment = Graphics::kTextAlignLeft;
	} else if (align == TAL_CENTER) {
		alignment = Graphics::kTextAlignCenter;
	} else if (align == TAL_RIGHT) {
		alignment = Graphics::kTextAlignRight;

	debugC(kWintermuteDebugFont, "%s %d %d %d %d", text.c_str(), RGBCOLGetR(_layers[0]->_color), RGBCOLGetG(_layers[0]->_color), RGBCOLGetB(_layers[0]->_color), RGBCOLGetA(_layers[0]->_color));
//	void drawString(Surface *dst, const Common::String &str, int x, int y, int w, uint32 color, TextAlign align = kTextAlignLeft, int deltax = 0, bool useEllipsis = true) const;
	Graphics::Surface *surface = new Graphics::Surface();
	if (_deletableFont) { // We actually have a TTF
		surface->create((uint16)width, (uint16)(_lineHeight * lines.size()), Graphics::PixelFormat(4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 0, 24));
	} else { // We are using a fallback, they can't do 32bpp
		surface->create((uint16)width, (uint16)(_lineHeight * lines.size()), Graphics::PixelFormat(2, 5, 5, 5, 1, 11, 6, 1, 0));
	uint32 useColor = 0xffffffff;
	Common::Array<Common::String>::iterator it;
	int heightOffset = 0;
	for (it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it) {
		_font->drawString(surface, *it, 0, heightOffset, width, useColor, alignment);
		heightOffset += (int)_lineHeight;

	BaseSurface *retSurface = _gameRef->_renderer->createSurface();
	Graphics::Surface *convertedSurface = surface->convertTo(Graphics::PixelFormat(4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 0, 24));
	retSurface->putSurface(*convertedSurface, true);
	delete surface;
	delete convertedSurface;
	return retSurface;
	// TODO: _isUnderline, _isBold, _isItalic, _isStriked
Exemple #11
PECursorManager::PECursorManager(const Common::String &appName) {
	Common::PEResources exe;
	if (!exe.loadFromEXE(appName)) {
		// Not all have cursors anyway, so this is not a problem

	const Common::Array<Common::WinResourceID> cursorGroups = exe.getNameList(Common::kPEGroupCursor);

	for (uint i = 0; i < cursorGroups.size(); i++) {
		_cursors[i].id = cursorGroups[i].getID();
		_cursors[i].cursorGroup = Graphics::WinCursorGroup::createCursorGroup(exe, cursorGroups[i]);
Exemple #12
void Inventory::loadFromState() {
	Common::Array<uint16> items = _vm->_state->getInventory();

	for (uint i = 0; i < items.size(); i++)
		addItem(items[i], true);
Exemple #13
void ThemeEngine::drawTab(const Common::Rect &r, int tabHeight, int tabWidth, const Common::Array<Common::String> &tabs, int active, uint16 hints, int titleVPad, WidgetStateInfo state) {
	if (!ready())

	queueDD(kDDTabBackground, Common::Rect(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.top + tabHeight));

	for (int i = 0; i < (int)tabs.size(); ++i) {
		if (i == active)

		if (r.left + i * tabWidth > r.right || r.left + (i + 1) * tabWidth > r.right)

		Common::Rect tabRect(r.left + i * tabWidth, r.top, r.left + (i + 1) * tabWidth, r.top + tabHeight);
		queueDD(kDDTabInactive, tabRect);
		queueDDText(getTextData(kDDTabInactive), getTextColor(kDDTabInactive), tabRect, tabs[i], false, false, _widgets[kDDTabInactive]->_textAlignH, _widgets[kDDTabInactive]->_textAlignV);

	if (active >= 0 &&
	        (r.left + active * tabWidth < r.right) && (r.left + (active + 1) * tabWidth < r.right)) {
		Common::Rect tabRect(r.left + active * tabWidth, r.top, r.left + (active + 1) * tabWidth, r.top + tabHeight);
		const uint16 tabLeft = active * tabWidth;
		const uint16 tabRight =  MAX(r.right - tabRect.right, 0);
		queueDD(kDDTabActive, tabRect, (tabLeft << 16) | (tabRight & 0xFFFF));
		queueDDText(getTextData(kDDTabActive), getTextColor(kDDTabActive), tabRect, tabs[active], false, false, _widgets[kDDTabActive]->_textAlignH, _widgets[kDDTabActive]->_textAlignV);
void StateProvider::writeResourceTree(Resources::Object *resource, Common::WriteStream *stream, bool current) {
	// Explicit scope to control the lifespan of the memory stream
		Common::MemoryWriteStreamDynamic resourceStream(DisposeAfterUse::YES);
		ResourceSerializer serializer(nullptr, &resourceStream, kSaveVersion);

		// Serialize the resource to a memory stream
		if (current) {
		} else {

		// Write the resource to the target stream
		stream->write(resourceStream.getData(), resourceStream.size());

	// Serialize the resource children
	Common::Array<Resources::Object *> children = resource->listChildren<Resources::Object>();
	for (uint i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
		writeResourceTree(children[i], stream, current);
void StateProvider::readResourceTree(Resources::Object *resource, Common::SeekableReadStream *stream, bool current, uint32 version) {
	// Read the resource to the source stream
	/* byte type = */ stream->readByte();
	/* byte subType = */ stream->readByte();
	uint32 size = stream->readUint32LE();

	if (size > 0) {
		Common::SeekableReadStream *resourceStream = stream->readStream(size);
		ResourceSerializer serializer(resourceStream, nullptr, version);

		// Deserialize the resource state from stream
		if (current) {
		} else {

		delete resourceStream;

	// Deserialize the resource children
	Common::Array<Resources::Object *> children = resource->listChildren<Resources::Object>();
	for (uint i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
		readResourceTree(children[i], stream, current, version);
Exemple #16
bool LabEngine::checkConditions(const Common::Array<int16> &condition) {
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < condition.size(); ++i)
		if (!_conditions->in(condition[i]))
			return false;

	return true;
Exemple #17
void bringWordtoTop(char *str, int wordnum) {
	// This function reorders the words on the given pred.dic line
	// by moving the word at position 'wordnum' to the front (that is, right behind
	// right behind the numerical code word at the start of the line).
	Common::Array<Common::String> words;
	char buf[MAXLINELEN];

	if (!str)
	strncpy(buf, str, MAXLINELEN);
	buf[MAXLINELEN - 1] = 0;
	char *word = strtok(buf, " ");
	if (!word) {
		debug("Invalid dictionary line");

	while ((word = strtok(NULL, " ")) != NULL)
	words.insert_at(1, words.remove_at(wordnum + 1));

	Common::String tmp;
	for (uint8 i = 0; i < words.size(); i++)
			tmp += words[i] + " ";
	memcpy(str, tmp.c_str(), strlen(str));
Exemple #18
void listSavegames(Common::Array<SavegameDesc> &saves) {
	Common::SaveFileManager *saveFileMan = g_engine->getSaveFileManager();

	// Load all saves
	Common::StringList saveNames = saveFileMan->listSavefiles(((SciEngine *)g_engine)->getSavegamePattern());

	for (Common::StringList::const_iterator iter = saveNames.begin(); iter != saveNames.end(); ++iter) {
		Common::String filename = *iter;
		Common::SeekableReadStream *in;
		if ((in = saveFileMan->openForLoading(filename))) {
			SavegameMetadata meta;
			if (!get_savegame_metadata(in, &meta)) {
				// invalid
				delete in;
			delete in;

			SavegameDesc desc;
			desc.id = strtol(filename.end() - 3, NULL, 10);
			desc.date = meta.savegame_date;
			desc.time = meta.savegame_time;
			debug(3, "Savegame in file %s ok, id %d", filename.c_str(), desc.id);


	// Sort the list by creation date of the saves
	qsort(saves.begin(), saves.size(), sizeof(SavegameDesc), _savegame_index_struct_compare);
Exemple #19
void FloorEdge::addNeighboursFromFace(const FloorFace *face) {
	Common::Array<FloorEdge *> faceEdges = face->getEdges();
	for (uint i = 0; i < faceEdges.size(); i++) {
		if (faceEdges[i] != this) {
Exemple #20
bool CPetRemote::loadGlyphs(const Common::Array<uint> &indexes) {
	for (uint idx = 0; idx < indexes.size(); ++idx) {
		if (!loadGlyph(indexes[idx]))
			return false;

	return true;
Exemple #21
MessageDialog::MessageDialog(const Common::String &message, const char *defaultButton, const char *altButton)
	: Dialog(30, 20, 260, 124) {

	const int screenW = g_system->getOverlayWidth();
	const int screenH = g_system->getOverlayHeight();

	int buttonWidth = g_gui.xmlEval()->getVar("Globals.Button.Width", 0);
	int buttonHeight = g_gui.xmlEval()->getVar("Globals.Button.Height", 0);

	// First, determine the size the dialog needs. For this we have to break
	// down the string into lines, and taking the maximum of their widths.
	// Using this, and accounting for the space the button(s) need, we can set
	// the real size of the dialog
	Common::Array<Common::String> lines;
	int lineCount, okButtonPos, cancelButtonPos;
	int maxlineWidth = g_gui.getFont().wordWrapText(message, screenW - 2 * 20, lines);

	// Calculate the desired dialog size (maxing out at 300*180 for now)
	if (altButton)
		_w = MAX(maxlineWidth, (2 * buttonWidth) + 10) + 20;
		_w = MAX(maxlineWidth, buttonWidth) + 20;

	lineCount = lines.size();

	_h = 16;
	if (defaultButton || altButton)
		_h += buttonHeight + 8;

	// Limit the number of lines so that the dialog still fits on the screen.
	if (lineCount > (screenH - 20 - _h) / kLineHeight) {
		lineCount = (screenH - 20 - _h) / kLineHeight;
	_h += lineCount * kLineHeight;

	// Center the dialog
	_x = (screenW - _w) / 2;
	_y = (screenH - _h) / 2;

	// Each line is represented by one static text item.
	for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) {
		new StaticTextWidget(this, 10, 10 + i * kLineHeight, maxlineWidth, kLineHeight,
								lines[i], Graphics::kTextAlignCenter);

	if (defaultButton && altButton) {
		okButtonPos = (_w - (buttonWidth * 2)) / 2;
		cancelButtonPos = ((_w - (buttonWidth * 2)) / 2) + buttonWidth + 10;
	} else {
		okButtonPos = cancelButtonPos = (_w - buttonWidth) / 2;

	if (defaultButton)
		new ButtonWidget(this, okButtonPos, _h - buttonHeight - 8, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, defaultButton, 0, kOkCmd, Common::ASCII_RETURN);	// Confirm dialog

	if (altButton)
		new ButtonWidget(this, cancelButtonPos, _h - buttonHeight - 8, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, altButton, 0, kCancelCmd, Common::ASCII_ESCAPE);	// Cancel dialog
Exemple #22
// Print a list of all registered commands (and variables, if any),
// nicely word-wrapped.
bool Debugger::Cmd_Help(int argc, const char **argv) {
	const int charsPerLine = _debuggerDialog->getCharsPerLine();
#elif defined(USE_READLINE)
	int charsPerLine, rows;
	rl_get_screen_size(&rows, &charsPerLine);
	// Can we do better?
	const int charsPerLine = 80;
	int width, size;
	uint i;

	DebugPrintf("Commands are:\n");

	// Obtain a list of sorted command names
	Common::Array<Common::String> cmds;
	CommandsMap::const_iterator iter, e = _cmds.end();
	for (iter = _cmds.begin(); iter != e; ++iter) {
	sort(cmds.begin(), cmds.end());

	// Print them all
	width = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < cmds.size(); i++) {
		size = cmds[i].size() + 1;

		if ((width + size) >= charsPerLine) {
			width = size;
		} else
			width += size;

		DebugPrintf("%s ", cmds[i].c_str());

	if (!_dvars.empty()) {
		DebugPrintf("Variables are:\n");
		width = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < _dvars.size(); i++) {
			size = _dvars[i].name.size() + 1;

			if ((width + size) >= charsPerLine) {
				width = size;
			} else
				width += size;

			DebugPrintf("%s ", _dvars[i].name.c_str());

	return true;
Exemple #23
bool Console::Cmd_ListLocations(int argc, const char **argv) {
	ArchiveLoader *archiveLoader = new ArchiveLoader();

	// Temporarily replace the global archive loader with our instance
	ArchiveLoader *gameArchiveLoader = StarkArchiveLoader;
	StarkArchiveLoader = archiveLoader;

	Resources::Root *root = archiveLoader->useRoot<Resources::Root>("x.xarc");

	// Find all the levels
	Common::Array<Resources::Level *> levels = root->listChildren<Resources::Level>();

	// Loop over the levels
	for (uint i = 0; i < levels.size(); i++) {
		Resources::Level *level = levels[i];

		Common::String levelArchive = archiveLoader->buildArchiveName(level);
		debugPrintf("%s - %s\n", levelArchive.c_str(), level->getName().c_str());

		// Load the detailed level archive
		level = archiveLoader->useRoot<Resources::Level>(levelArchive);

		Common::Array<Resources::Location *> locations = level->listChildren<Resources::Location>();

		// Loop over the locations
		for (uint j = 0; j < locations.size(); j++) {
			Resources::Location *location = locations[j];

			Common::String roomArchive = archiveLoader->buildArchiveName(level, location);
			debugPrintf("%s - %s\n", roomArchive.c_str(), location->getName().c_str());


	// Restore the global archive loader
	StarkArchiveLoader = gameArchiveLoader;

	delete archiveLoader;

	return true;
Exemple #24
void MaterialData::initEMI(Common::SeekableReadStream *data) {
    Common::Array<Common::String> texFileNames;
    char readFileName[64];

    if (_fname.hasSuffix(".sur")) {  // This expects that we want all the materials in the sur-file
        TextSplitter *ts = new TextSplitter(data);
        ts->setLineNumber(2); // Skip copyright-line
        if (ts->checkString("name:"))
            ts->scanString("name:%s", 1, readFileName);

        while(!ts->checkString("END_OF_SECTION")) {
            ts->scanString("tex:%s", 1, readFileName);
            Common::String mFileName(readFileName);
        Common::SeekableReadStream *texData;
        _textures = new Texture[texFileNames.size()];
        for (uint i = 0; i < texFileNames.size(); i++) {
            warning("SUR-file texture: %s", texFileNames[i].c_str());
            texData = g_resourceloader->openNewStreamFile(texFileNames[i].c_str(), true);
            if (!texData) {
                warning("Couldn't find tex-file: %s", texFileNames[i].c_str());
                _textures[i]._width = 0;
                _textures[i]._height = 0;
                _textures[i]._texture = new int(1); // HACK to avoid initializing.
            loadTGA(texData, _textures + i);
            delete texData;
        _numImages = texFileNames.size();
        delete ts;
    } else if(_fname.hasSuffix(".tga")) {
        _numImages = 1;
        _textures = new Texture();
        loadTGA(data, _textures);
        //	texFileNames.push_back(filename);

    } else {
        warning("Unknown material-format: %s", _fname.c_str());
Exemple #25
void DirectorEngine::loadSharedCastsFrom(Common::String filename) {
	Archive *shardcst = createArchive();

	debugC(1, kDebugLoading, "Loading Shared cast '%s'", filename.c_str());


	_sharedDIB = new Common::HashMap<int, Common::SeekableSubReadStreamEndian *>;
	_sharedSTXT = new Common::HashMap<int, Common::SeekableSubReadStreamEndian *>;
	_sharedSound = new Common::HashMap<int, Common::SeekableSubReadStreamEndian *>;
	_sharedBMP = new Common::HashMap<int, Common::SeekableSubReadStreamEndian *>;

	Score *castScore = new Score(this, shardcst);

	castScore->loadConfig(*shardcst->getResource(MKTAG('V','W','C','F'), 1024));
	castScore->loadCastData(*shardcst->getResource(MKTAG('V','W','C','R'), 1024));

	_sharedCasts = &castScore->_casts;

	Common::Array<uint16> dib = shardcst->getResourceIDList(MKTAG('D','I','B',' '));
	if (dib.size() != 0) {
		debugC(3, kDebugLoading, "Loading %d DIBs", dib.size());

		for (Common::Array<uint16>::iterator iterator = dib.begin(); iterator != dib.end(); ++iterator) {
			debugC(3, kDebugLoading, "Shared DIB %d", *iterator);
			_sharedDIB->setVal(*iterator, shardcst->getResource(MKTAG('D','I','B',' '), *iterator));

	Common::Array<uint16> stxt = shardcst->getResourceIDList(MKTAG('S','T','X','T'));
	if (stxt.size() != 0) {
		debugC(3, kDebugLoading, "Loading %d STXTs", stxt.size());

		for (Common::Array<uint16>::iterator iterator = stxt.begin(); iterator != stxt.end(); ++iterator) {
			debugC(3, kDebugLoading, "Shared STXT %d", *iterator);
			_sharedSTXT->setVal(*iterator, shardcst->getResource(MKTAG('S','T','X','T'), *iterator));

	Common::Array<uint16> bmp = shardcst->getResourceIDList(MKTAG('B','I','T','D'));
	if (bmp.size() != 0) {
		debugC(3, kDebugLoading, "Loading %d BITDs", bmp.size());
		for (Common::Array<uint16>::iterator iterator = bmp.begin(); iterator != bmp.end(); ++iterator) {
			_sharedBMP->setVal(*iterator, shardcst->getResource(MKTAG('B','I','T','D'), *iterator));

	Common::Array<uint16> sound = shardcst->getResourceIDList(MKTAG('S','N','D',' '));
	if (stxt.size() != 0) {
		debugC(3, kDebugLoading, "Loading %d SNDs", sound.size());
		for (Common::Array<uint16>::iterator iterator = sound.begin(); iterator != sound.end(); ++iterator) {
			_sharedSound->setVal(*iterator, shardcst->getResource(MKTAG('S','N','D',' '), *iterator));
Exemple #26
void reverseArray(Common::Array<T> &arr) {
	const uint size = arr.size();
	if (size < 2)

	for (uint i = 0; i <= (size / 2 - 1); ++i) {
		SWAP(arr[i], arr[size - i - 1]);
Exemple #27
void CSTimeModule::bubbleTextDrawProc(Feature *feature) {
	Common::Rect bounds = feature->_data.bounds;
	const Graphics::Font &font = _vm->getInterface()->getDialogFont();
	uint height = font.getFontHeight();

	Common::Array<Common::String> lines;
	font.wordWrapText(_vm->getInterface()->getCurrBubbleText(), bounds.width(), lines);

	Graphics::Surface *screen = _vm->_system->lockScreen();
	for (int x = -2; x < 2; x++)
		for (int y = -1; y < 3; y++)
			for (uint i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++)
				font.drawString(screen, lines[i], bounds.left + x, bounds.top + y + i*height, bounds.width(), 241, Graphics::kTextAlignCenter);
	for (uint i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++)
		font.drawString(screen, lines[i], bounds.left, bounds.top + i*height, bounds.width(), 32, Graphics::kTextAlignCenter);
Exemple #28
Database::Database(Myst3Engine *vm) :
		_currentRoomData(0) {

	_executableVersion = _vm->getExecutableVersion();

	if (_executableVersion != 0) {
		debug("Initializing database from %s (Platform: %s) (%s)", _executableVersion->executable, getPlatformDescription(_vm->getPlatform()), _executableVersion->description);
	} else {
		error("Could not find any executable to load");

	// Load the ages and rooms description
	Common::SeekableSubReadStreamEndian *file = openDatabaseFile();
	_ages = loadAges(*file);

	for (uint i = 0; i < _ages.size(); i++) {

		// Read the room offset table
		Common::Array<uint32> roomsOffsets;
		for (uint j = 0; j < _ages[i].roomCount; j++) {
			uint32 offset = file->readUint32() - _executableVersion->baseOffset;

		// Load the rooms
		for (uint j = 0; j < roomsOffsets.size(); j++) {


	_nodeInitScript = loadOpcodes(*file);


	// TODO: Remove once the offset table is complete
	if (!_executableVersion->ambientCuesOffset) {
		error("The description for this executable (%s, %s) does not contain the ambient cues offset. Please contact the ResidualVM team.",
				_executableVersion->executable, _executableVersion->description);



	delete file;
Exemple #29
Node *Tree::aStarSearch_singlePass() {
    float currentT = 0.0;
    Node *retNode = NULL;

    static int maxTime = 0;

    if (_currentChildIndex == 1) {
        maxTime = _ai->getPlayerMaxTime();

    if (_currentChildIndex) {
        if (!(_currentMap->size())) {
            retNode = _currentNode;
            return retNode;

        _currentNode = _currentMap->front()->node;

    if ((_currentNode->getDepth() < _maxDepth) && (Node::getNodeCount() < _maxNodes) && ((!maxTime) || (_ai->getTimerValue(3) < maxTime))) {
        // Generate nodes
        _currentChildIndex = _currentNode->generateChildren();

        if (_currentChildIndex) {
            Common::Array<Node *> vChildren = _currentNode->getChildren();

            if (!vChildren.size() && !_currentMap->size()) {
                _currentChildIndex = 0;
                retNode = _currentNode;

            for (Common::Array<Node *>::iterator i = vChildren.begin(); i != vChildren.end(); i++) {
                IContainedObject *pTemp = (*i)->getContainedObject();
                currentT = pTemp->calcT();

                if (currentT == SUCCESS) {
                    retNode = *i;
                    i = vChildren.end() - 1;
                } else {
                    _currentMap->insert(new TreeNode(currentT, (*i)));

            if (!(_currentMap->size()) && (currentT != SUCCESS)) {
                assert(_currentNode != NULL);
                retNode = _currentNode;
    } else {
        retNode = _currentNode;

    return retNode;
Exemple #30
bool Console::Cmd_DumpKnowledge(int argc, const char **argv) {
	Resources::Level *level = StarkGlobal->getCurrent()->getLevel();
	Resources::Location *location = StarkGlobal->getCurrent()->getLocation();
	Common::Array<Resources::Knowledge *> knowledge = level->listChildrenRecursive<Resources::Knowledge>();
	knowledge.insert_at(knowledge.size(), location->listChildrenRecursive<Resources::Knowledge>());
	Common::Array<Resources::Knowledge *>::iterator it;
	for (it = knowledge.begin(); it != knowledge.end(); ++it) {
	return true;