int ObRootRpcStub::get_ups_max_log_seq(const common::ObServer& ups, uint64_t &max_log_seq, const int64_t timeout_us) { int ret = OB_SUCCESS; ObDataBuffer msgbuf; if (NULL == client_mgr_) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "client_mgr_=NULL"); ret = OB_ERROR; } else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = get_thread_buffer_(msgbuf))) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to get thread buffer, err=%d", ret); } else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = client_mgr_->send_request(ups, OB_RS_GET_MAX_LOG_SEQ, DEFAULT_VERSION, timeout_us, msgbuf))) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to send request, err=%d", ret); } else { // success ObResultCode result; int64_t pos = 0; if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = result.deserialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_position(), pos))) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to deserialize response, err=%d", ret); } else if (OB_SUCCESS != result.result_code_) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to revoke lease, err=%d", result.result_code_); ret = result.result_code_; } else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = serialization::decode_vi64(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_position(), pos, (int64_t*)&max_log_seq))) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to deserialize, err=%d", ret); } else { TBSYS_LOG(INFO, "get ups max log seq, ups=%s seq=%lu", ups.to_cstring(), max_log_seq); } } return ret; }
int ObRootTableService::report_tablets(ObScanHelper &scan_helper, const common::ObServer& cs, const common::ObTabletReportInfoList& rtablets) { int ret = OB_SUCCESS; if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = check_integrity())) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "integrity error"); } else { TBSYS_LOG(INFO, "cs report tablets, cs=%s tablets_num=%ld", cs.to_cstring(), rtablets.get_tablet_size()); const ObTabletReportInfo* tablets = rtablets.get_tablet(); for (int64_t i = 0; i < rtablets.get_tablet_size(); ++i) { const ObTabletReportInfo &tablet = tablets[i]; if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = report_tablet(scan_helper, tablet))) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to report"); } } } return ret; }
int ObRootRpcStub::shutdown_cs(const common::ObServer& cs, bool is_restart, const int64_t timeout_us) { int ret = OB_SUCCESS; ObDataBuffer msgbuf; if (NULL == client_mgr_) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "client_mgr_=NULL"); ret = OB_ERROR; } else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = get_thread_buffer_(msgbuf))) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to get thread buffer, err=%d", ret); } else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = serialization::encode_i32(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position(), is_restart ? 1 : 0))) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "encode is_restart fail:ret[%d], is_restart[%d]", ret, is_restart ? 1 : 0); } else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = client_mgr_->send_request(cs, OB_STOP_SERVER, DEFAULT_VERSION, timeout_us, msgbuf))) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to send request, err=%d", ret); } else { // success ObResultCode result; int64_t pos = 0; if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = result.deserialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_position(), pos))) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to deserialize response, err=%d", ret); } else if (OB_SUCCESS != result.result_code_) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to restart, err=%d server=%s", result.result_code_, cs.to_cstring()); ret = result.result_code_; } } return ret; }
int ObRootRpcStub::get_split_range(const common::ObServer& ups, const int64_t timeout_us, const uint64_t table_id, const int64_t forzen_version, ObTabletInfoList &tablets) { int ret = OB_SUCCESS; ObDataBuffer msgbuf; if (NULL == client_mgr_) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "client_mgr_=NULL"); ret = OB_ERROR; } if (OB_SUCCESS == ret) { if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = get_thread_buffer_(msgbuf))) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to get thread buffer, err=%d", ret); } } if (OB_SUCCESS == ret) { if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = serialization::encode_vi64(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position(), forzen_version))) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "fail to encode forzen_version. forzen_version=%ld, ret=%d", forzen_version, ret); } } if (OB_SUCCESS == ret) { if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = serialization::encode_vi64(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position(), table_id))) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "fail to encode table_id. table_id=%lu, ret=%d", table_id, ret); } } if (OB_SUCCESS == ret) { if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = client_mgr_->send_request(ups, OB_RS_FETCH_SPLIT_RANGE, DEFAULT_VERSION, timeout_us, msgbuf))) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to send request, err=%d", ret); } } ObResultCode result; int64_t pos = 0; if (OB_SUCCESS == ret) { if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = result.deserialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_position(), pos))) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to deserialize response, err=%d", ret); } else if (OB_SUCCESS != result.result_code_) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to fetch split range, err=%d", result.result_code_); ret = result.result_code_; } } if (OB_SUCCESS == ret) { if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = tablets.deserialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_position(), pos))) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to deserialize tablets, err=%d", ret); } } if (OB_SUCCESS == ret) { TBSYS_LOG(INFO, "fetch split range from ups succ."); } else { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "fetch split range from ups fail, ups_addr=%s, version=%ld", ups.to_cstring(), forzen_version); } return ret; }
int ObRootRpcStub::request_report_tablet(const common::ObServer& chunkserver) { int ret = OB_SUCCESS; ObDataBuffer msgbuf; if (NULL == client_mgr_) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "client_mgr_=NULL"); ret = OB_ERROR; } if (OB_SUCCESS == ret) { ret = get_thread_buffer_(msgbuf); if (OB_SUCCESS != ret) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "fail to get thread buffer. err=%d", ret); } } if (OB_SUCCESS == ret) { ret = client_mgr_->post_request(chunkserver, OB_RS_REQUEST_REPORT_TABLET, DEFAULT_VERSION, msgbuf); if (OB_SUCCESS != ret) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "fail to post request to chunkserver. err=%d, chunkserver_addr=%s", ret, chunkserver.to_cstring()); } } return ret; }
int ObRootRpcStub::create_tablet(const common::ObServer& cs, const common::ObRange& range, const int64_t mem_version, const int64_t timeout_us) { int ret = OB_SUCCESS; ObDataBuffer msgbuf; static char buff[OB_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH]; msgbuf.set_data(buff, OB_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH); if (NULL == client_mgr_) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "client_mgr_=NULL"); ret = OB_ERROR; } else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = range.serialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position()))) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to serialize range, err=%d", ret); } else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = common::serialization::encode_vi64(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_capacity(), msgbuf.get_position(), mem_version))) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to serialize key_src, err=%d", ret); } else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = client_mgr_->send_request(cs, OB_CS_CREATE_TABLE, DEFAULT_VERSION, timeout_us, msgbuf))) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to send request, err=%d", ret); } else { ObResultCode result; int64_t pos = 0; static char range_buff[OB_MAX_ROW_KEY_LENGTH * 2]; if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = result.deserialize(msgbuf.get_data(), msgbuf.get_position(), pos))) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to deserialize response, err=%d", ret); } else if (OB_SUCCESS != result.result_code_) { range.to_string(range_buff, OB_MAX_ROW_KEY_LENGTH * 2); TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to create tablet, err=%d, cs=%s, range=%s", result.result_code_, cs.to_cstring(), range_buff); ret = result.result_code_; } else { } } return ret; }
int ObRootTableService::migrate_replica(ObScanHelper &scan_helper, const ObNewRange &range, const int64_t version, const common::ObServer &from, const common::ObServer &to, bool keep_src) { int ret = OB_SUCCESS; ObRootTable3::ConstIterator *first; ObRootTable3 *root_table = NULL; const ObRootTable3::Value* crow = NULL; if (NULL == range.start_key_.ptr() || NULL == range.end_key_.ptr() || 0 >= version || 0 == from.get_port() || 0 == to.get_port()) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "invalid tablet"); ret = OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = check_integrity())) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "integrity error"); } else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = aquire_root_table(scan_helper, root_table))) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to aquire root table, err=%d", ret); } else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = root_table->search(range, first))) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to search tablet, err=%d", ret); } else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = first->next(crow))) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "tablet not exist, err=%d range=%s", ret, to_cstring(range)); ret = OB_ENTRY_NOT_EXIST; } else if (!is_same_range(*crow, range)) { ret = OB_ENTRY_NOT_EXIST; TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "tablet not exist, range=%s", to_cstring(range)); } else { for (int32_t i = 0; i < crow->get_max_replica_count(); ++i) { const ObTabletReplica& replica = crow->get_replica(i); if (from == replica.cs_) { if (replica.version_ != version) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "migrate tablet with wrong version, old_v=%ld new_v=%ld cs=%s range=%s", replica.version_, version, from.to_cstring(), to_cstring(range)); ret = OB_CONFLICT_VALUE; } else { ObTabletMetaTable::Value new_row = *crow; // copy ObTabletReplica replica2(replica); replica2.cs_ = to; if (keep_src) { if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = new_row.add_replica(replica2))) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to add replica, err=%d", ret); } } else { new_row.set_replica(i, replica2); } if (OB_SUCCESS == ret) { if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = root_table->update(new_row))) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to update root table, err=%d", ret); } else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = root_table->commit())) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to commit change, err=%d", ret); } } } break; } } // end for } release_root_table(root_table); return ret; }
int ObRootTableService::remove_replicas_in_table(ObScanHelper &scan_helper, const common::ObServer &cs, const uint64_t tid) { int ret = OB_SUCCESS; ObRootTable3 *root_table = NULL; ObNewRange range_min_max; range_min_max.table_id_ = tid; range_min_max.set_whole_range(); ObRootTable3::ConstIterator* it = NULL; const ObRootTable3::Value* crow = NULL; if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = aquire_root_table(scan_helper, root_table))) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to aquire root table, err=%d", ret); } else if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = root_table->search(range_min_max, it))) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to search tablet, err=%d tid=%lu", ret, tid); } else { int32_t deleted_replicas = 0; int32_t updated_count = 0; const int32_t batch_count = 512; while(OB_SUCCESS == ret && OB_SUCCESS == (ret = it->next(crow))) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < crow->get_max_replica_count(); ++i) { const ObTabletReplica& replica = crow->get_replica(i); if (replica.cs_ == cs) { ObTabletReplica replica2; // remove the replica ObRootTable3::Value mrow = *crow; mrow.set_replica(i, replica2); if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = root_table->update(mrow))) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to update root table, err=%d", ret); } else { updated_count++; if (updated_count % batch_count == 0) { if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = root_table->commit())) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to commit change, err=%d", ret); } else { deleted_replicas += batch_count; } } } break; } } // end for } // end while if (OB_ITER_END != ret) { TBSYS_LOG(WARN, "failed to remove replicas, err=%d", ret); } else { ret = OB_SUCCESS; } if (updated_count != deleted_replicas) { if (OB_SUCCESS != (ret = root_table->commit())) { TBSYS_LOG(ERROR, "failed to commit change, err=%d", ret); } } TBSYS_LOG(INFO, "delete replicas by cs, cs=%s replicas_num=%d", cs.to_cstring(), deleted_replicas); } release_root_table(root_table); return ret; }