double compareT(Eigen::Isometry3d a, Eigen::Isometry3d b, Eigen::VectorXd weight) { Eigen::Quaterniond qa(a.rotation()); Eigen::Quaterniond qb(b.rotation()); Eigen::Vector3d pa = a.translation(); Eigen::Vector3d pb = b.translation(); Eigen::VectorXd va(7), vb(7), verr(7), vScaled(7); va << pa, qa.x(), qa.y(), qa.z(), qa.w(); vb << pb, qb.x(), qb.y(), qb.z(), qb.w(); verr = vb - va; vScaled = weight.cwiseProduct(verr); return vScaled.squaredNorm(); }
void VideoIMUFusion::RunningData::handleVideoTrackerReport( const OSVR_TimeValue ×tamp, const OSVR_PoseReport &report) { Eigen::Isometry3d roomPose = takeCameraPoseToRoom(report.pose); #ifdef OSVR_FPE FPExceptionEnabler fpe; #endif Eigen::Quaterniond orientation(roomPose.rotation()); auto oriChange = state().getQuaternion().angularDistance(orientation); if (std::abs(oriChange) > M_PI / 2.) { OSVR_DEV_VERBOSE("Throwing out a bad video pose"); return; } if (preReport(timestamp)) { m_cameraMeasPos.setMeasurement(roomPose.translation()); osvr::kalman::correct(state(), processModel(), m_cameraMeasPos); m_cameraMeasOri.setMeasurement(orientation); osvr::kalman::correct(state(), processModel(), m_cameraMeasOri); #if 0 OSVR_DEV_VERBOSE( "State: " << state().stateVector().transpose() << "\n" << "Quat: " << state().getQuaternion().coeffs().transpose() << "\n" "Error:\n" << state().errorCovariance()); #endif } }
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr Conversions::toPointCloud(const Eigen::Isometry3d &T, const image_geometry::PinholeCameraModel &cam, const cv::Mat &depth_img) { pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>()); cloud->header.frame_id = "cam"; cloud->is_dense = false; cloud->height = depth_img.rows; cloud->width = depth_img.cols; cloud->sensor_origin_ = Eigen::Vector4f( T.translation()(0), T.translation()(1), T.translation()(2), 1.f ); cloud->sensor_orientation_ = Eigen::Quaternionf(T.rotation().cast<float>()); cloud->points.resize( cloud->height * cloud->width ); size_t idx = 0; const float* depthdata = reinterpret_cast<float*>( &[0] ); for(int v = 0; v < depth_img.rows; ++v) { for(int u = 0; u < depth_img.cols; ++u) { pcl::PointXYZ& p = cloud->points[ idx ]; ++idx; float d = (*depthdata++); if (d > 0 && !isnan(d)) { p.z = d; p.x = (u - * d / cam.fx(); p.y = (v - * d / cam.fy(); } else { p.x = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); p.y = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); p.z = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); } } } return cloud; }
void print_Isometry3d(Eigen::Isometry3d pose, std::stringstream &ss){ Eigen::Vector3d t(pose.translation()); Eigen::Quaterniond r(pose.rotation()); ss <<t[0]<<", "<<t[1]<<", "<<t[2]<<" | " <<r.w()<<", "<<r.x()<<", "<<r.y()<<", "<<r.z() ; // std::cout << ss.str() << "q\n"; }
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr Conversions::toPointCloudColor(const Eigen::Isometry3d &T, DepthImageDataPtr depth_data) { pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>()); cv::Mat depth_img; cv::Mat color_img; cv_bridge::CvImagePtr depth_bridge; cv_bridge::CvImagePtr rgb_bridge; try { depth_bridge = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(depth_data->depth_image_, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_32FC1); depth_img = depth_bridge->image; rgb_bridge = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(depth_data->color_image_, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BGR8); color_img = rgb_bridge->image; } catch (cv_bridge::Exception& e) { ROS_ERROR("cv_bridge exception: %s",e.what()); return cloud; } // Get camera info for 3D point estimation. image_geometry::PinholeCameraModel cam = depth_data->camera_model_; cloud->header.frame_id = depth_data->sensor_frame_; cloud->is_dense = false; cloud->height = depth_img.rows; cloud->width = depth_img.cols; cloud->sensor_origin_ = Eigen::Vector4f( T.translation()(0), T.translation()(1), T.translation()(2), 1.f ); cloud->sensor_orientation_ = Eigen::Quaternionf(T.rotation().cast<float>()); cloud->points.resize( cloud->height * cloud->width ); size_t idx = 0; const float* depthdata = reinterpret_cast<float*>( &[0] ); const unsigned char* colordata = &[0]; for(int v = 0; v < depth_img.rows; ++v) { for(int u = 0; u < depth_img.cols; ++u) { pcl::PointXYZRGBA& p = cloud->points[ idx ]; ++idx; float d = (*depthdata++); if (d > 0 && !isnan(d)/* && p.z <= 7.5*/) { p.z = d; p.x = (u - * d / cam.fx(); p.y = (v - * d / cam.fy(); cv::Point3_<uchar>* rgb = color_img.ptr<cv::Point3_<uchar> >(v,u); p.b = rgb->x; p.g = rgb->y; p.r = rgb->z; p.a = 255; } else { p.x = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();; p.y = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();; p.z = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();; p.rgb = 0; colordata += 3; } } } return cloud; }
static Eigen::Affine3d toAffine(const Eigen::Isometry3d& pose) { Eigen::Affine3d p(pose.rotation()); p.translation() = pose.translation(); return p; }
static inline void print_isometry(const Eigen::Isometry3d & iso) { const Eigen::Vector3d & t = iso.translation(); Eigen::Vector3d rpy = _quat_to_roll_pitch_yaw(Eigen::Quaterniond(iso.rotation()))*180.0/M_PI; fprintf(stderr, "trans:(% 6.3f % 6.3f % 6.3f) rot:(% 6.3f % 6.3f % 6.3f)",t(0),t(1),t(2),rpy(0),rpy(1),rpy(2)); // dbg("rot:(% 6.3f % 6.3f % 6.3f)",rpy(0),rpy(1),rpy(2)); }
std::string print_Isometry3d(Eigen::Isometry3d pose){ Eigen::Vector3d t(pose.translation()); Eigen::Quaterniond r(pose.rotation()); std::stringstream ss; ss <<t[0]<<", "<<t[1]<<", "<<t[2]<<", " <<r.w()<<", "<<r.x()<<", "<<r.y()<<", "<<r.z() ; return ss.str(); }
// converts from a SE(3) Isometry transform to a 6D vector inline Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> fromIsometry(const Eigen::Isometry3d & T){ Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> v; v.block<3,1>(0,0) = T.translation(); Eigen::Quaterniond q(T.rotation()); q.normalize(); v.block<3,1>(3,0) = q.vec(); return v; }
void print_Isometry3d(Eigen::Isometry3d pose, std::stringstream &ss){ Eigen::Vector3d t(pose.translation()); Eigen::Quaterniond r(pose.rotation()); double rpy[3]; quat_to_euler(r, rpy[0], rpy[1], rpy[2]); ss <<t[0]<<", "<<t[1]<<", "<<t[2]<<" | " <<r.w()<<", "<<r.x()<<", "<<r.y()<<", "<<r.z() << " | RPY " << rpy[0] <<", "<< rpy[1] <<", "<< rpy[2]; }
std::string isometryToString(const Eigen::Isometry3d& m) { char result[80]; memset(result, 0, sizeof(result)); Eigen::Vector3d xyz = m.translation(); Eigen::Vector3d rpy = m.rotation().eulerAngles(0, 1, 2); snprintf(result, 79, "%6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f", xyz(0), xyz(1), xyz(2), rpy(0) * 180/M_PI, rpy(1) * 180/M_PI, rpy(2) * 180/M_PI); return std::string(result); }
std::string print_Isometry3d(Eigen::Isometry3d pose){ Eigen::Vector3d t(pose.translation()); Eigen::Quaterniond r(pose.rotation()); double rpy[3]; quat_to_euler(r, rpy[0], rpy[1], rpy[2]); std::stringstream ss; ss <<t[0]<<", "<<t[1]<<", "<<t[2]<<", " <<r.w()<<", "<<r.x()<<", "<<r.y()<<", "<<r.z() << ", " << rpy[0] <<", "<< rpy[1] <<", "<< rpy[2]; return ss.str(); }
bot_core::pose_t getPoseAsBotPose(Eigen::Isometry3d pose, int64_t utime){ bot_core::pose_t pose_msg; pose_msg.utime = utime; pose_msg.pos[0] = pose.translation().x(); pose_msg.pos[1] = pose.translation().y(); pose_msg.pos[2] = pose.translation().z(); Eigen::Quaterniond r_x(pose.rotation()); pose_msg.orientation[0] = r_x.w(); pose_msg.orientation[1] = r_x.x(); pose_msg.orientation[2] = r_x.y(); pose_msg.orientation[3] = r_x.z(); return pose_msg; }
OdomTransPtr RGBDVisOdometry::Isometry3DToOdomTrans(Eigen::Isometry3d info) { Eigen::Vector3d xyz = info.translation(); Eigen::Vector3d rpy = info.rotation().eulerAngles(0, 1, 2); OdomTransPtr odomInfo(new OdomTrans); odomInfo->x = xyz(0); odomInfo->y = xyz(1); odomInfo->z = xyz(2); odomInfo->alpha = rpy(0); odomInfo->beta = rpy(1); odomInfo->gamma = rpy(2); return odomInfo; }
void compute_velocity(const Eigen::Vector3d& v_parent, const Eigen::Vector3d& w_parent, const Eigen::Vector3d& v_rel, const Eigen::Vector3d& w_rel, const Eigen::Vector3d& offset, const Eigen::Isometry3d& tf_parent, Eigen::Vector3d& v_child, Eigen::Vector3d& w_child) { const Eigen::Matrix3d& R = tf_parent.rotation(); v_child = v_parent + R*v_rel + w_parent.cross(R*offset); w_child = w_parent + R*w_rel; }
void App::doWork(){ std::vector<float> xA; std::vector<float> yA; readCSVFile(cl_cfg_.filenameA, xA, yA); std::cout << xA.size() << " points in File A\n"; lidarOdom_->doOdometry(xA, yA, xA.size(), 0); // Match second scan without a prior std::string i; cout << "Match B: Continue? "; cin >> i; std::vector<float> xB; std::vector<float> yB; readCSVFile(cl_cfg_.filenameB, xB, yB); std::cout << xB.size() << " points in File B\n"; lidarOdom_->doOdometry(xB, yB, xB.size(), 1); // Match third scan giving a prior rotation for the heading // this alignment would otherwise fail: cout << "Match C: Continue? "; cin >> i; std::vector<float> xC; std::vector<float> yC; readCSVFile(cl_cfg_.filenameC, xC, yC); std::cout << xC.size() << " points in File C\n"; ScanTransform prior; prior.x = 0; prior.y = 0; prior.theta = 1.7; lidarOdom_->doOdometry(xC, yC, xC.size(), 2, &prior); // 2. Determine the body position using the LIDAR motion estimate: Eigen::Isometry3d pose = lidarOdom_->getCurrentPose(); Eigen::Quaterniond orientation(pose.rotation()); Eigen::Vector3d rpy = orientation.matrix().eulerAngles(0,1,2); std::cout << "\n"; std::cout << "x,y,yaw (m,m,deg): "<< pose.translation().x() << ", " << pose.translation().y() << ", " << rpy[2]*180/M_PI << "\n"; }
void joints2frames::publishPose(Eigen::Isometry3d pose, int64_t utime, std::string channel){ if (!shouldPublish(utime, channel) ) return; bot_core::pose_t pose_msg; pose_msg.utime = utime; pose_msg.pos[0] = pose.translation().x(); pose_msg.pos[1] = pose.translation().y(); pose_msg.pos[2] = pose.translation().z(); Eigen::Quaterniond r_x(pose.rotation()); pose_msg.orientation[0] = r_x.w(); pose_msg.orientation[1] = r_x.x(); pose_msg.orientation[2] = r_x.y(); pose_msg.orientation[3] = r_x.z(); lcm_->publish( channel, &pose_msg); }
void joints2frames::publishRigidTransform(Eigen::Isometry3d pose, int64_t utime, std::string channel){ if (!shouldPublish(utime, channel) ) return; bot_core::rigid_transform_t tf; tf.utime = utime; tf.trans[0] = pose.translation().x(); tf.trans[1] = pose.translation().y(); tf.trans[2] = pose.translation().z(); Eigen::Quaterniond quat(pose.rotation()); tf.quat[0] = quat.w(); tf.quat[1] = quat.x(); tf.quat[2] = quat.y(); tf.quat[3] = quat.z(); lcm_->publish(channel, &tf); }
crazyflie_t::webcam_pos_t encodeWebcamPos(Eigen::Isometry3d const & frame) { Eigen::Vector3d t(frame.translation()); Eigen::Quaterniond r(frame.rotation()); Eigen::Vector3d rpy = quat_to_rpy(r); crazyflie_t::webcam_pos_t msg; msg.x = frame.translation().x(); msg.y = frame.translation().y(); msg.z = frame.translation().z(); msg.roll = rpy(0); msg.pitch = rpy(1); msg.yaw = rpy(2); return msg; }
crazytags::rigid_transform_t encodeLCMFrame(Eigen::Isometry3d const & frame) { Eigen::Vector3d t(frame.translation()); Eigen::Quaterniond r(frame.rotation()); crazytags::rigid_transform_t msg; msg.quat[0] = r.w(); msg.quat[1] = r.x(); msg.quat[2] = r.y(); msg.quat[3] = r.z(); msg.trans[0] = t[0]; msg.trans[1] = t[1]; msg.trans[2] = t[2]; return msg; }
inline cv::Mat cvtIsometry_egn2ocv(const Eigen::Isometry3d& egn_o) { Eigen::Matrix3d eigenRotation = egn_o.rotation(); Eigen::Matrix<double,3,1> eigenTranslation = egn_o.translation(); cv::Mat R, t; eigen2cv(eigenRotation, R); eigen2cv(eigenTranslation, t); t = t.reshape(1,3); cv::Mat ocv_o = cv::Mat::eye(4,4,CV_64FC1); R.copyTo(ocv_o(cv::Rect(0,0,3,3))); t.copyTo(ocv_o(cv::Rect(3,0,1,3))); return ocv_o; }
Eigen::Isometry3d SmoothEstimatePropagator::SmoothPropagateAction:: exponencialInterpolation(const Eigen::Isometry3d& from, const Eigen::Isometry3d& to, double step) const { Eigen::Isometry3d res; double maxdist = maxDistance-2; // step goes from 1 to maxDistance, we need x from 0 to 1 in a linear way. double x = 1 - ((maxdist - (step-1))/maxdist); // alpha in [0, inf) describes the explonential ramp "steepness" double alpha = 50; // exponential ramp from 0 to 1 double exp_ramp = 1 - (x/(1+alpha*(1-x))); // using quaternion representation and slerp for interpolate between from and to isometry transformations res.linear() = (Eigen::Quaterniond(from.rotation()).slerp(exp_ramp, Eigen::Quaterniond(to.rotation()))).toRotationMatrix(); res.translation() = (1 - exp_ramp) * from.translation() + exp_ramp * to.translation(); return res; }
void compute_acceleration(const Eigen::Vector3d& a_parent, const Eigen::Vector3d& alpha_parent, const Eigen::Vector3d& w_parent, const Eigen::Vector3d& a_rel, const Eigen::Vector3d& alpha_rel, const Eigen::Vector3d& v_rel, const Eigen::Vector3d& w_rel, const Eigen::Vector3d& offset, const Eigen::Isometry3d& tf_parent, Eigen::Vector3d& a_child, Eigen::Vector3d& alpha_child) { const Eigen::Matrix3d& R = tf_parent.rotation(); a_child = a_parent + R*a_rel + alpha_parent.cross(R*offset) + 2*w_parent.cross(R*v_rel) + w_parent.cross(w_parent.cross(R*offset)); alpha_child = alpha_parent + R*alpha_rel + w_parent.cross(R*w_rel); }
void VoEstimator::publishPose(int64_t utime, std::string channel, Eigen::Isometry3d pose, Eigen::Vector3d vel_lin, Eigen::Vector3d vel_ang){ Eigen::Quaterniond r(pose.rotation()); bot_core::pose_t pose_msg; pose_msg.utime = utime; pose_msg.pos[0] = pose.translation().x(); pose_msg.pos[1] = pose.translation().y(); pose_msg.pos[2] = pose.translation().z(); pose_msg.orientation[0] = r.w(); pose_msg.orientation[1] = r.x(); pose_msg.orientation[2] = r.y(); pose_msg.orientation[3] = r.z(); pose_msg.vel[0] = vel_lin(0); pose_msg.vel[1] = vel_lin(1); pose_msg.vel[2] = vel_lin(2); pose_msg.rotation_rate[0] = vel_ang(0); pose_msg.rotation_rate[1] = vel_ang(1); pose_msg.rotation_rate[2] = vel_ang(2); pose_msg.accel[0]=0; // not estimated or filled in pose_msg.accel[1]=0; pose_msg.accel[2]=0; lcm_->publish( channel, &pose_msg); }
bool poseEstimationDirect ( const vector< Measurement >& measurements, cv::Mat* gray, Eigen::Matrix3f& K, Eigen::Isometry3d& Tcw ) { // 初始化g2o typedef g2o::BlockSolver<g2o::BlockSolverTraits<6,1>> DirectBlock; // 求解的向量 顶点(姿态) 是6*1的 DirectBlock::LinearSolverType* linearSolver = new g2o::LinearSolverDense< DirectBlock::PoseMatrixType > (); DirectBlock* solver_ptr = new DirectBlock ( linearSolver ); // g2o::OptimizationAlgorithmGaussNewton* solver = new g2o::OptimizationAlgorithmGaussNewton( solver_ptr ); // G-N 高斯牛顿 g2o::OptimizationAlgorithmLevenberg* solver = new g2o::OptimizationAlgorithmLevenberg ( solver_ptr ); // L-M g2o::SparseOptimizer optimizer; optimizer.setAlgorithm ( solver ); optimizer.setVerbose( true ); // 添加顶点 g2o::VertexSE3Expmap* pose = new g2o::VertexSE3Expmap();//位姿 pose->setEstimate ( g2o::SE3Quat ( Tcw.rotation(), Tcw.translation() ) );//旋转矩阵 和 平移向量 pose->setId ( 0 );//id optimizer.addVertex ( pose );//添加顶点 // 添加边 int id=1; for ( Measurement m: measurements ) { EdgeSE3ProjectDirect* edge = new EdgeSE3ProjectDirect ( m.pos_world,//3D 位置 K ( 0,0 ), K ( 1,1 ), K ( 0,2 ), K ( 1,2 ), gray//相机内参数 灰度图 ); edge->setVertex ( 0, pose );//顶点 edge->setMeasurement ( m.grayscale );//测量值为真是灰度值 edge->setInformation ( Eigen::Matrix<double,1,1>::Identity() );//误差 权重 信息矩阵 edge->setId ( id++ ); optimizer.addEdge ( edge ); } cout<<"边的数量 edges in graph: "<<optimizer.edges().size() <<endl; optimizer.initializeOptimization();//优化初始化 optimizer.optimize ( 30 );//最大优化次数 Tcw = pose->estimate();// 变换矩阵 }
Eigen::Matrix3d eigenRotation() const { return camera_transform.rotation(); }
Eigen::Vector2d isometry2distance(const Eigen::Isometry3d& t) { return Eigen::Vector2d(t.translation().norm(), fabs(Eigen::AngleAxisd(t.rotation()).angle())); }
bool setChannels(const std::string& iInputChannel, const std::string& iOutputChannel) { if (mSubscription != NULL) { mLcm->unsubscribe(mSubscription); } mInputChannel = iInputChannel; mOutputChannel = iOutputChannel; BotCamTrans* inputCamTrans = bot_param_get_new_camtrans(mBotWrapper->getBotParam(), mInputChannel.c_str()); if (inputCamTrans == NULL) { std::cout << "error: cannot find camera " << mInputChannel << std::endl; return false; } BotCamTrans* outputCamTrans = bot_param_get_new_camtrans(mBotWrapper->getBotParam(), mOutputChannel.c_str()); if (outputCamTrans == NULL) { std::cout << "error: cannot find camera " << mOutputChannel << std::endl; return false; } int inputWidth = bot_camtrans_get_width(inputCamTrans); int inputHeight = bot_camtrans_get_height(inputCamTrans); mOutputWidth = bot_camtrans_get_width(outputCamTrans); mOutputHeight = bot_camtrans_get_height(outputCamTrans); // precompute warp field mWarpFieldIntX.resize(mOutputWidth*mOutputHeight); mWarpFieldIntY.resize(mWarpFieldIntX.size()); mWarpFieldFrac00.resize(mWarpFieldIntX.size()); mWarpFieldFrac01.resize(mWarpFieldIntX.size()); mWarpFieldFrac10.resize(mWarpFieldIntX.size()); mWarpFieldFrac11.resize(mWarpFieldIntX.size()); Eigen::Isometry3d outputToInput; if (!mBotWrapper->getTransform(mOutputChannel, mInputChannel, outputToInput)) { std::cout << "error: cannot get transform from " << mOutputChannel << " to " << mInputChannel << std::endl; return false; } Eigen::Matrix3d rotation = outputToInput.rotation(); Eigen::Vector3d ray; for (int i = 0, pos = 0; i < mOutputHeight; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < mOutputWidth; ++j, ++pos) { mWarpFieldIntX[pos] = -1; if (0 != bot_camtrans_unproject_pixel(outputCamTrans, j, i, { continue; } ray = rotation*ray; double pix[3]; if (0 != bot_camtrans_project_point(inputCamTrans,, pix)) { continue; } if ((pix[2] < 0) || (pix[0] < 0) || (pix[0] >= inputWidth-1) || (pix[1] < 0) || (pix[1] >= inputHeight-1)) { continue; } mWarpFieldIntX[pos] = (int)pix[0]; mWarpFieldIntY[pos] = (int)pix[1]; double fracX = pix[0] - mWarpFieldIntX[pos]; double fracY = pix[1] - mWarpFieldIntY[pos]; mWarpFieldFrac00[pos] = (1-fracX)*(1-fracY); mWarpFieldFrac01[pos] = (1-fracX)*fracY; mWarpFieldFrac10[pos] = fracX*(1-fracY); mWarpFieldFrac11[pos] = fracX*fracY; } } mLcm->subscribe(mInputChannel, &ImageWarper::onImage, this); return true; }