Box(Eigen::Vector4d ¢er, Eigen::Vector4d& u, Eigen::Vector4d &v, Eigen::Vector4d &w, unsigned int id, unsigned int matId, double uWidth, double vWidth, double wWidth) : QuadricCollection(center, id, matId), u(u), v(v), w(w) { BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(u[3] == 0 && v[3] == 0 && w[3] == 0, "u,v,w must have" " fourth coordinate equal to zero!");// Got u:\n" // << u << "v:\n" << v << "w:\n" << w) // Prepare rotation matrix Eigen::Matrix4d R; R.row(0) = u; R.row(1) = v; R.row(2) = w; R.row(3) = Eigen::Vector4d(0, 0, 0, 1); /* Make all the planes forming the box (centered at origin). Plane normals will be unit vectors pointing in positive/negative x, y, z directions. The points x on the plane with normal n = (a,b,c), distance d to origin satisfy n.p -d = 0, or x^T Q x = 0 where Q = |0 0 0 a/2| |0 0 0 b/2| |0 0 0 c/2| |a/2 b/2 c/2 -d| We define planes w.r.t. x, y, z axes, then rotate to u,v,w */ Eigen::Matrix4d posWPlane, negWPlane, posUPlane, negUPlane, posVPlane, negVPlane; posWPlane = negWPlane = posUPlane = negUPlane = posVPlane = negVPlane = Eigen::Matrix4d::Zero(); posUPlane.row(3) = posUPlane.col(3) = Eigen::Vector4d(0.5, 0, 0, -uWidth/2.0); negUPlane.row(3) = negUPlane.col(3) = Eigen::Vector4d(-0.5, 0, 0, -uWidth/2.0); posVPlane.row(3) = posVPlane.col(3) = Eigen::Vector4d(0, 0.5, 0, -vWidth/2.0); negVPlane.row(3) = negVPlane.col(3) = Eigen::Vector4d(0, -0.5, 0, -vWidth/2.0); posWPlane.row(3) = posWPlane.col(3) = Eigen::Vector4d(0, 0, 0.5, -wWidth/2.0); negWPlane.row(3) = negWPlane.col(3) = Eigen::Vector4d(0, 0, -0.5, -wWidth/2.0); addQuadric(R.transpose() * posWPlane * R); addQuadric(R.transpose() * negWPlane * R); addQuadric(R.transpose() * posUPlane * R); addQuadric(R.transpose() * negUPlane * R); addQuadric(R.transpose() * posVPlane * R); addQuadric(R.transpose() * negVPlane * R); }
const CPoint3DCAMERA CMiniVisionToolbox::getPointStereoLinearTriangulationSVDDLT( const cv::Point2d& p_ptPointLEFT, const cv::Point2d& p_ptPointRIGHT, const Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 4 >& p_matProjectionLEFT, const Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 4 >& p_matProjectionRIGHT ) { //ds A matrix for system: A*X=0 Eigen::Matrix4d matAHomogeneous; matAHomogeneous.row(0) = p_ptPointLEFT.x*p_matProjectionLEFT.row(2)-p_matProjectionLEFT.row(0); matAHomogeneous.row(1) = p_ptPointLEFT.y*p_matProjectionLEFT.row(2)-p_matProjectionLEFT.row(1); matAHomogeneous.row(2) = p_ptPointRIGHT.x*p_matProjectionRIGHT.row(2)-p_matProjectionRIGHT.row(0); matAHomogeneous.row(3) = p_ptPointRIGHT.y*p_matProjectionRIGHT.row(2)-p_matProjectionRIGHT.row(1); //ds solve system subject to ||A*x||=0 ||x||=1 const Eigen::JacobiSVD< Eigen::Matrix4d > matSVD( matAHomogeneous, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV ); //ds solution x is the last column of V const Eigen::Vector4d vecX( matSVD.matrixV( ).col( 3 ) ); return vecX.head( 3 )/vecX(3); }
void Data4Viewer::drawGlobalView() { _pKinect->_pRGBCamera->setGLProjectionMatrix(0.1f, 100.f); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); Eigen::Affine3d tmp; tmp.setIdentity(); Eigen::Matrix4d mMat; mMat.row(0) = tmp.matrix().row(0); mMat.row(1) = -tmp.matrix().row(1); mMat.row(2) = -tmp.matrix().row(2); mMat.row(3) = tmp.matrix().row(3); glLoadMatrixd(; GpuMat rgb(_pKinect->_cvmRGB); _pKinect->_pRGBCamera->renderCameraInLocal(rgb, _pGL.get(), false, NULL, 0.2f, true); //render in model coordinate //cout<<("drawRGBView"); return; }
Eigen::Matrix4d createHomogeneousTransformMatrix(tf::StampedTransform transform) { tf::Point p = transform.getOrigin(); tf::Quaternion q = transform.getRotation(); tf::Matrix3x3 R1(q); Eigen::Matrix3d R2; tf::matrixTFToEigen(R1, R2); ROS_INFO_STREAM("R2:\n"<<R2); Eigen::Matrix4d T; T.block(0, 0, 3, 3) << R2; T.block(0, 3, 3, 1) << p.x(), p.y(), p.z(); T.row(3) << 0, 0, 0, 1; return T; }
void pcl::visualization::Camera::computeViewMatrix(Eigen::Matrix4d& view_mat) const { //constructs view matrix from camera pos, view up, and the point it is looking at //this code is based off of gluLookAt Eigen::Vector3d focal_point (focal[0], focal[1], focal[2]); Eigen::Vector3d posv (pos[0] , pos[1] , pos[2]); Eigen::Vector3d up (view[0] , view[1] , view[2]); Eigen::Vector3d zAxis = (focal_point - posv).normalized(); Eigen::Vector3d xAxis = zAxis.cross(up).normalized(); // make sure the y-axis is orthogonal to the other two Eigen::Vector3d yAxis = xAxis.cross (zAxis); view_mat.block <1, 3> (0, 0) = xAxis; view_mat.block <1, 3> (1, 0) = yAxis; view_mat.block <1, 3> (2, 0) = -zAxis; view_mat.row (3) << 0, 0, 0, 1; view_mat.block <3, 1> (0, 3) = view_mat.topLeftCorner<3, 3> () * (-posv); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { // initialize ROS ros::init(argc, argv, "find_grasps"); ros::NodeHandle node("~"); GraspLocalizer::Parameters params; // camera transforms (poses) Eigen::Matrix4d base_tf, sqrt_tf; base_tf << 0, 0.445417, 0.895323, 0.215, 1, 0, 0, -0.015, 0, 0.895323, -0.445417, 0.23, 0, 0, 0, 1; sqrt_tf << 0.9366, -0.0162, 0.3500, -0.2863, 0.0151, 0.9999, 0.0058, 0.0058, -0.3501, -0.0002, 0.9367, 0.0554, 0, 0, 0, 1; params.cam_tf_left_ = base_tf * sqrt_tf.inverse(); params.cam_tf_right_ = base_tf * sqrt_tf; // read ROS parameters std::string cloud_topic; std::string cloud_frame; std::string svm_file_name; std::vector<double> workspace; std::vector<double> camera_pose; int cloud_type; bool parallel; node.param("parallel", parallel, true); node.param("cloud_topic", cloud_topic, CLOUD_TOPIC); node.param("cloud_frame", cloud_frame, CLOUD_FRAME); node.param("cloud_type", cloud_type, CLOUD_TYPE); node.param("svm_file_name", svm_file_name, SVM_FILE_NAME); node.param("num_threads", params.num_threads_, NUM_THREADS); node.param("num_samples", params.num_samples_, NUM_SAMPLES); node.param("num_clouds", params.num_clouds_, NUM_CLOUDS); if (parallel) { double finger_width, hand_outer_diameter, hand_depth; node.param("finger_width", finger_width, FINGER_WIDTH); node.param("hand_outer_diameter", hand_outer_diameter, HAND_OUTER_DIAMETER); node.param("hand_depth", hand_depth, HAND_DEPTH); params.finger_hand_ = new ParallelHand(finger_width, hand_outer_diameter, hand_depth); } //TODO else node.param("init_bite", params.init_bite_, INIT_BITE); node.param("hand_height", params.hand_height_, HAND_HEIGHT); node.param("min_inliers", params.min_inliers_, MIN_HANDLE_INLIERS); node.getParam("workspace", workspace); node.getParam("camera_pose", camera_pose); node.param("plotting", params.plotting_mode_, 0); node.param("marker_lifetime", params.marker_lifetime_, 0.0); Eigen::Matrix4d R; for (int i=0; i < R.rows(); i++) R.row(i) << camera_pose[i*R.cols()], camera_pose[i*R.cols() + 1], camera_pose[i*R.cols() + 2], camera_pose[i*R.cols() + 3]; Eigen::VectorXd ws(6); ws << workspace[0], workspace[1], workspace[2], workspace[3], workspace[4], workspace[5]; params.workspace_ = ws; std::cout << "-- Parameters --\n"; std::cout << " Input\n"; std::cout << " cloud_topic: " << cloud_topic << "\n"; std::cout << " cloud_frame: " << cloud_frame << "\n"; std::cout << " cloud_type: " << CLOUD_TYPES[cloud_type] << "\n"; std::cout << " Hand Search\n"; std::cout << " workspace: " << ws.transpose() << "\n"; std::cout << " num_samples: " << params.num_samples_ << "\n"; std::cout << " num_threads: " << params.num_threads_ << "\n"; std::cout << " num_clouds: " << params.num_clouds_ << "\n"; std::cout << " camera pose:\n" << R << std::endl; std::cout << " Robot Hand Model\n"; //TODO: Make FingerGrasp printable. // std::cout << " finger_width: " << params.finger_width_ << "\n"; // std::cout << " hand_outer_diameter: " << params.hand_outer_diameter_ << "\n"; // std::cout << " hand_depth: " << params.finger_width_ << "\n"; // std::cout << " init_bite: " << params.finger_width_ << "\n"; // std::cout << " hand_height: " << params.finger_width_ << "\n"; std::cout << " Antipodal Grasps Prediction\n"; std::cout << " svm_file_name: " << svm_file_name << "\n"; std::cout << " Handle Search\n"; std::cout << " min_inliers: " << params.min_inliers_ << "\n"; std::cout << " Visualization\n"; std::cout << " plot_mode: " << PLOT_MODES[params.plotting_mode_] << "\n"; std::cout << " marker_lifetime: " << params.marker_lifetime_ << "\n"; GraspLocalizer loc(node, cloud_topic, cloud_frame, cloud_type, svm_file_name, params); loc.localizeGrasps(); return 0; }