Exemple #1
void Corpse::MakeLootRequestPackets(Client* client, const EQApplicationPacket* app) {
	// Added 12/08. Started compressing loot struct on live.
	if(player_corpse_depop) {
		SendLootReqErrorPacket(client, LootResponse::SomeoneElse);

	if(IsPlayerCorpse() && corpse_db_id == 0) {
		// SendLootReqErrorPacket(client, 0);
		client->Message(13, "Warning: Corpse's dbid = 0! Corpse will not survive zone shutdown!");
		std::cout << "Error: PlayerCorpse::MakeLootRequestPackets: dbid = 0!" << std::endl;
		// return;

	if(is_locked && client->Admin() < 100) {
		SendLootReqErrorPacket(client, LootResponse::SomeoneElse);
		client->Message(13, "Error: Corpse locked by GM.");

	if(being_looted_by == 0)
		being_looted_by = 0xFFFFFFFF;

	if(this->being_looted_by != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
		// lets double check....
		Entity* looter = entity_list.GetID(this->being_looted_by);
		if(looter == nullptr)
			this->being_looted_by = 0xFFFFFFFF;

	uint8 Loot_Request_Type = 1;
	bool loot_coin = false;
	std::string tmp;
	if(database.GetVariable("LootCoin", tmp))
		loot_coin = tmp[0] == 1 && tmp[1] == '\0';

	if (DistanceSquaredNoZ(client->GetPosition(), m_Position) > 625) {
		SendLootReqErrorPacket(client, LootResponse::TooFar);
		// not sure if we need to send the packet back in this case? Didn't before!
		// Will just return for now
	else if (this->being_looted_by != 0xFFFFFFFF && this->being_looted_by != client->GetID()) {
		SendLootReqErrorPacket(client, LootResponse::SomeoneElse);
		Loot_Request_Type = 0;
	else if (IsPlayerCorpse() && char_id == client->CharacterID()) {
		Loot_Request_Type = 2;
	else if ((IsNPCCorpse() || become_npc) && CanPlayerLoot(client->CharacterID())) {
		Loot_Request_Type = 2;
	else if (GetPlayerKillItem() == -1 && CanPlayerLoot(client->CharacterID())) { /* PVP loot all items, variable cash */
		Loot_Request_Type = 3;
	else if (GetPlayerKillItem() == 1 && CanPlayerLoot(client->CharacterID())) { /* PVP loot 1 item, variable cash */
		Loot_Request_Type = 4;
	else if (GetPlayerKillItem() > 1 && CanPlayerLoot(client->CharacterID())) { /* PVP loot 1 set item, variable cash */
		Loot_Request_Type = 5;

	if (Loot_Request_Type == 1) {
		if (client->Admin() < 100 || !client->GetGM()) {
			SendLootReqErrorPacket(client, LootResponse::NotAtThisTime);

	if(Loot_Request_Type >= 2 || (Loot_Request_Type == 1 && client->Admin() >= 100 && client->GetGM())) {
		client->CommonBreakInvisible(); // we should be "all good" so lets break invis now instead of earlier before all error checking is done
		this->being_looted_by = client->GetID();
		auto outapp = new EQApplicationPacket(OP_MoneyOnCorpse, sizeof(moneyOnCorpseStruct));
		moneyOnCorpseStruct* d = (moneyOnCorpseStruct*) outapp->pBuffer;

		d->response		= static_cast<uint8>(LootResponse::Normal);
		d->unknown1		= 0x42;
		d->unknown2		= 0xef;

		/* Dont take the coin off if it's a gm peeking at the corpse */
		if(Loot_Request_Type == 2 || (Loot_Request_Type >= 3 && loot_coin)) {
			if(!IsPlayerCorpse() && client->IsGrouped() && client->AutoSplitEnabled() && client->GetGroup()) {
				d->copper		= 0;
				d->silver		= 0;
				d->gold			= 0;
				d->platinum		= 0;
				Group *cgroup = client->GetGroup();
				cgroup->SplitMoney(GetCopper(), GetSilver(), GetGold(), GetPlatinum(), client);
			else {
				d->copper		= this->GetCopper();
				d->silver		= this->GetSilver();
				d->gold			= this->GetGold();
				d->platinum		= this->GetPlatinum();
				client->AddMoneyToPP(GetCopper(), GetSilver(), GetGold(), GetPlatinum(), false);


		auto timestamps = database.GetItemRecastTimestamps(client->CharacterID());
		outapp->priority = 6;
		if(Loot_Request_Type == 5) {
			int pkitem = GetPlayerKillItem();
			const EQEmu::ItemData* item = database.GetItem(pkitem);
			EQEmu::ItemInstance* inst = database.CreateItem(item, item->MaxCharges);
			if(inst) {
				if (item->RecastDelay)
					inst->SetRecastTimestamp(timestamps.count(item->RecastType) ? timestamps.at(item->RecastType) : 0);
				client->SendItemPacket(EQEmu::legacy::CORPSE_BEGIN, inst, ItemPacketLoot);
			else { client->Message(13, "Could not find item number %i to send!!", GetPlayerKillItem()); }


		int i = 0;
		const EQEmu::ItemData* item = 0;
		ItemList::iterator cur,end;
		cur = itemlist.begin();
		end = itemlist.end();

		int corpselootlimit = EQEmu::inventory::Lookup(EQEmu::versions::ConvertClientVersionToMobVersion(client->ClientVersion()))->InventoryTypeSize[EQEmu::inventory::typeCorpse];

		for(; cur != end; ++cur) {
			ServerLootItem_Struct* item_data = *cur;
			item_data->lootslot = 0xFFFF;

			// Dont display the item if it's in a bag

			// Added cursor queue slots to corpse item visibility list. Nothing else should be making it to corpse.
			if (!IsPlayerCorpse() || item_data->equip_slot <= EQEmu::inventory::slotCursor || item_data->equip_slot == EQEmu::inventory::slotPowerSource || Loot_Request_Type >= 3 ||
				(item_data->equip_slot >= 8000 && item_data->equip_slot <= 8999)) {
				if(i < corpselootlimit) {
					item = database.GetItem(item_data->item_id);
					if(client && item) {
						EQEmu::ItemInstance* inst = database.CreateItem(item, item_data->charges, item_data->aug_1, item_data->aug_2, item_data->aug_3, item_data->aug_4, item_data->aug_5, item_data->aug_6, item_data->attuned);
						if(inst) {
							if (item->RecastDelay)
								inst->SetRecastTimestamp(timestamps.count(item->RecastType) ? timestamps.at(item->RecastType) : 0);
							// SlotGeneral1 is the corpse inventory start offset for Ti(EMu) - CORPSE_END = SlotGeneral1 + SlotCursor
							client->SendItemPacket(i + EQEmu::legacy::CORPSE_BEGIN, inst, ItemPacketLoot);

						item_data->lootslot = i;


		if(IsPlayerCorpse() && (char_id == client->CharacterID() || client->GetGM())) {
			if(i > corpselootlimit) {
				client->Message(15, "*** This corpse contains more items than can be displayed! ***");
				client->Message(0, "Remove items and re-loot corpse to access remaining inventory.");
				client->Message(0, "(%s contains %i additional %s.)", GetName(), (i - corpselootlimit), (i - corpselootlimit) == 1 ? "item" : "items");

			if(IsPlayerCorpse() && i == 0 && itemlist.size() > 0) { // somehow, player corpse contains items, but client doesn't see them...
				client->Message(13, "This corpse contains items that are inaccessable!");
				client->Message(15, "Contact a GM for item replacement, if necessary.");
				client->Message(15, "BUGGED CORPSE [DBID: %i, Name: %s, Item Count: %i]", GetCorpseDBID(), GetName(), itemlist.size());

				cur = itemlist.begin();
				end = itemlist.end();
				for(; cur != end; ++cur) {
					ServerLootItem_Struct* item_data = *cur;
					item = database.GetItem(item_data->item_id);
					Log.Out(Logs::General, Logs::None, "Corpse Looting: %s was not sent to client loot window (corpse_dbid: %i, charname: %s(%s))", item->Name, GetCorpseDBID(), client->GetName(), client->GetGM() ? "GM" : "Owner");
					client->Message(0, "Inaccessable Corpse Item: %s", item->Name);

	// Disgrace: Client seems to require that we send the packet back...

	// This is required for the 'Loot All' feature to work for SoD clients. I expect it is to tell the client that the
	// server has now sent all the items on the corpse.
	if (client->ClientVersion() >= EQEmu::versions::ClientVersion::SoD)
		SendLootReqErrorPacket(client, LootResponse::LootAll);
Exemple #2
Corpse::Corpse(Client* client, int32 in_rezexp) : Mob (
	"Unnamed_Corpse",				  // const char*	in_name,
	"",								  // const char*	in_lastname,
	0,								  // int32		in_cur_hp,
	0,								  // int32		in_max_hp,
	client->GetGender(),			  // uint8		in_gender,
	client->GetRace(),				  // uint16		in_race,
	client->GetClass(),				  // uint8		in_class,
	BT_Humanoid,					  // bodyType	in_bodytype,
	client->GetDeity(),				  // uint8		in_deity,
	client->GetLevel(),				  // uint8		in_level,
	0,								  // uint32		in_npctype_id,
	client->GetSize(),				  // float		in_size,
	0,								  // float		in_runspeed,
	client->GetInnateLightType(),	  // uint8		in_light, - verified for client innate_light value
	client->GetTexture(),			  // uint8		in_texture,
	client->GetHelmTexture(),		  // uint8		in_helmtexture,
	0,								  // uint16		in_ac,
	0,								  // uint16		in_atk,
	0,								  // uint16		in_str,
	0,								  // uint16		in_sta,
	0,								  // uint16		in_dex,
	0,								  // uint16		in_agi,
	0,								  // uint16		in_int,
	0,								  // uint16		in_wis,
	0,								  // uint16		in_cha,
	client->GetPP().haircolor,		  // uint8		in_haircolor,
	client->GetPP().beardcolor,		  // uint8		in_beardcolor,
	client->GetPP().eyecolor1,		  // uint8		in_eyecolor1, // the eyecolors always seem to be the same, maybe left and right eye?
	client->GetPP().eyecolor2,		  // uint8		in_eyecolor2,
	client->GetPP().hairstyle,		  // uint8		in_hairstyle,
	client->GetPP().face,			  // uint8		in_luclinface,
	client->GetPP().beard,			  // uint8		in_beard,
	client->GetPP().drakkin_heritage, // uint32		in_drakkin_heritage,
	client->GetPP().drakkin_tattoo,	  // uint32		in_drakkin_tattoo,
	client->GetPP().drakkin_details,  // uint32		in_drakkin_details,
	EQEmu::TintProfile(),			  // uint32		in_armor_tint[_MaterialCount],
	0xff,							  // uint8		in_aa_title,
	0,								  // uint8		in_see_invis, // see through invis
	0,								  // uint8		in_see_invis_undead, // see through invis vs. undead
	0,								  // uint8		in_see_hide,
	0,								  // uint8		in_see_improved_hide,
	0,								  // int32		in_hp_regen,
	0,								  // int32		in_mana_regen,
	0,								  // uint8		in_qglobal,
	0,								  // uint8		in_maxlevel,
	0,								  // uint32		in_scalerate
	0,								  // uint8		in_armtexture,
	0,								  // uint8		in_bracertexture,
	0,								  // uint8		in_handtexture,
	0,								  // uint8		in_legtexture,
	0								  // uint8		in_feettexture,
	corpse_decay_timer(RuleI(Character, CorpseDecayTimeMS)),
	corpse_rez_timer(RuleI(Character, CorpseResTimeMS)),
	corpse_delay_timer(RuleI(NPC, CorpseUnlockTimer)),
	corpse_graveyard_timer(RuleI(Zone, GraveyardTimeMS)),
	int i;

	PlayerProfile_Struct *pp = &client->GetPP();
	EQEmu::ItemInstance *item;

	/* Check if Zone has Graveyard First */
	if(!zone->HasGraveyard()) {

	for (i = 0; i < MAX_LOOTERS; i++){
		allowed_looters[i] = 0;

	is_corpse_changed		= true;
	rez_experience			= in_rezexp;
	can_corpse_be_rezzed			= true;
	is_player_corpse	= true;
	is_locked			= false;
	being_looted_by	= 0xFFFFFFFF;
	char_id			= client->CharacterID();
	corpse_db_id	= 0;
	player_corpse_depop			= false;
	copper			= 0;
	silver			= 0;
	gold			= 0;
	platinum		= 0;

	strcpy(corpse_name, pp->name);
	strcpy(name, pp->name);

	/* become_npc was not being initialized which led to some pretty funky things with newly created corpses */
	become_npc = false;


	/* Check Rule to see if we can leave corpses */
	if(!RuleB(Character, LeaveNakedCorpses) ||
		RuleB(Character, LeaveCorpses) &&
		GetLevel() >= RuleI(Character, DeathItemLossLevel)) {
		// cash
		// Let's not move the cash when 'RespawnFromHover = true' && 'client->GetClientVersion() < EQClientSoF' since the client doesn't.
		// (change to first client that supports 'death hover' mode, if not SoF.)
		if (!RuleB(Character, RespawnFromHover) || client->ClientVersion() < EQEmu::versions::ClientVersion::SoF) {
			SetCash(pp->copper, pp->silver, pp->gold, pp->platinum);
			pp->copper = 0;
			pp->silver = 0;
			pp->gold = 0;
			pp->platinum = 0;

		// get their tints
		memcpy(&item_tint.Slot, &client->GetPP().item_tint, sizeof(item_tint));

		// TODO soulbound items need not be added to corpse, but they need
		// to go into the regular slots on the player, out of bags
		std::list<uint32> removed_list;
		for (i = EQEmu::inventory::slotBegin; i < EQEmu::legacy::TYPE_POSSESSIONS_SIZE; ++i) {
			if (i == EQEmu::inventory::slotAmmo && client->ClientVersion() >= EQEmu::versions::ClientVersion::SoF) {
				item = client->GetInv().GetItem(EQEmu::inventory::slotPowerSource);
				if (item != nullptr) {
					if (!client->IsBecomeNPC() || (client->IsBecomeNPC() && !item->GetItem()->NoRent))
						MoveItemToCorpse(client, item, EQEmu::inventory::slotPowerSource, removed_list);

			item = client->GetInv().GetItem(i);
			if (item == nullptr) { continue; }

			if(!client->IsBecomeNPC() || (client->IsBecomeNPC() && !item->GetItem()->NoRent))
				MoveItemToCorpse(client, item, i, removed_list);


		// I have an untested process that avoids this snarl up when all possessions inventory is removed..but this isn't broke
		if (!removed_list.empty()) {
			std::stringstream ss("");
			ss << "DELETE FROM inventory WHERE charid=" << client->CharacterID();
			ss << " AND (";
			std::list<uint32>::const_iterator iter = removed_list.begin();
			bool first = true;
			while (iter != removed_list.end()) {
				if (first) {
					first = false;
				else {
					ss << " OR ";
				ss << "slotid=" << (*iter);
			ss << ")";

		auto start = client->GetInv().cursor_cbegin();
		auto finish = client->GetInv().cursor_cend();
		database.SaveCursor(client->CharacterID(), start, finish);





	} //end "not leaving naked corpses"


Exemple #3
void Corpse::LootItem(Client *client, const EQApplicationPacket *app)
	auto lootitem = (LootingItem_Struct *)app->pBuffer;

	if (!loot_cooldown_timer.Check()) {
		// unlock corpse for others
		if (IsBeingLootedBy(client))

	/* To prevent item loss for a player using 'Loot All' who doesn't have inventory space for all their items. */
	if (RuleB(Character, CheckCursorEmptyWhenLooting) && !client->GetInv().CursorEmpty()) {
		client->Message(13, "You may not loot an item while you have an item on your cursor.");
		/* Unlock corpse for others */
		if (IsBeingLootedBy(client))

	if (!IsBeingLootedBy(client)) {
		client->Message(13, "Error: Corpse::LootItem: BeingLootedBy != client");

	if (IsPlayerCorpse() && !CanPlayerLoot(client->CharacterID()) && !become_npc &&
	    (char_id != client->CharacterID() && client->Admin() < 150)) {
		client->Message(13, "Error: This is a player corpse and you dont own it.");

	if (is_locked && client->Admin() < 100) {
		SendLootReqErrorPacket(client, LootResponse::SomeoneElse);
		client->Message(13, "Error: Corpse locked by GM.");

	if (IsPlayerCorpse() && (char_id != client->CharacterID()) && CanPlayerLoot(client->CharacterID()) &&
	    GetPlayerKillItem() == 0) {
		client->Message(13, "Error: You cannot loot any more items from this corpse.");

	const EQEmu::ItemData *item = 0;
	EQEmu::ItemInstance *inst = 0;
	ServerLootItem_Struct *item_data = nullptr, *bag_item_data[10];

	memset(bag_item_data, 0, sizeof(bag_item_data));
	if (GetPlayerKillItem() > 1) {
		item = database.GetItem(GetPlayerKillItem());
	} else if (GetPlayerKillItem() == -1 || GetPlayerKillItem() == 1) {
		item_data =
		    GetItem(lootitem->slot_id -
			    EQEmu::legacy::CORPSE_BEGIN); // dont allow them to loot entire bags of items as pvp reward
	} else {
		item_data = GetItem(lootitem->slot_id - EQEmu::legacy::CORPSE_BEGIN, bag_item_data);

	if (GetPlayerKillItem() <= 1 && item_data != 0) {
		item = database.GetItem(item_data->item_id);

	if (item != 0) {
		if (item_data) {
			inst = database.CreateItem(item, item_data ? item_data->charges : 0, item_data->aug_1,
						   item_data->aug_2, item_data->aug_3, item_data->aug_4,
						   item_data->aug_5, item_data->aug_6, item_data->attuned);
		} else {
			inst = database.CreateItem(item);

	if (client && inst) {
		if (client->CheckLoreConflict(item)) {
			client->Message_StringID(0, LOOT_LORE_ERROR);
			delete inst;

		if (inst->IsAugmented()) {
			for (int i = EQEmu::inventory::socketBegin; i < EQEmu::inventory::SocketCount; i++) {
				EQEmu::ItemInstance *itm = inst->GetAugment(i);
				if (itm) {
					if (client->CheckLoreConflict(itm->GetItem())) {
						client->Message_StringID(0, LOOT_LORE_ERROR);
						delete inst;

		char buf[88];
		char q_corpse_name[64];
		strcpy(q_corpse_name, corpse_name);
		snprintf(buf, 87, "%d %d %s", inst->GetItem()->ID, inst->GetCharges(),
		buf[87] = '\0';
		std::vector<EQEmu::Any> args;
		if (parse->EventPlayer(EVENT_LOOT, client, buf, 0, &args) != 0) {
			lootitem->auto_loot = -1;
			client->Message_StringID(CC_Red, LOOT_NOT_ALLOWED, inst->GetItem()->Name);
			delete inst;
		// do we want this to have a fail option too?
		parse->EventItem(EVENT_LOOT, client, inst, this, buf, 0);

		// safe to ACK now

		if (!IsPlayerCorpse() && RuleB(Character, EnableDiscoveredItems)) {
			if (client && !client->GetGM() && !client->IsDiscovered(inst->GetItem()->ID))

		if (zone->adv_data) {
			ServerZoneAdventureDataReply_Struct *ad = (ServerZoneAdventureDataReply_Struct *)zone->adv_data;
			if (ad->type == Adventure_Collect && !IsPlayerCorpse()) {
				if (ad->data_id == inst->GetItem()->ID) {

		/* First add it to the looter - this will do the bag contents too */
		if (lootitem->auto_loot > 0) {
			if (!client->AutoPutLootInInventory(*inst, true, true, bag_item_data))
				client->PutLootInInventory(EQEmu::inventory::slotCursor, *inst, bag_item_data);
		} else {
			client->PutLootInInventory(EQEmu::inventory::slotCursor, *inst, bag_item_data);

		/* Update any tasks that have an activity to loot this item */
		if (RuleB(TaskSystem, EnableTaskSystem))
			client->UpdateTasksForItem(ActivityLoot, item->ID);

		/* Remove it from Corpse */
		if (item_data) {
			/* Delete needs to be before RemoveItem because its deletes the pointer for
			 * item_data/bag_item_data */
			database.DeleteItemOffCharacterCorpse(this->corpse_db_id, item_data->equip_slot,
			/* Delete Item Instance */

		/* Remove Bag Contents */
		if (item->IsClassBag() && (GetPlayerKillItem() != -1 || GetPlayerKillItem() != 1)) {
			for (int i = EQEmu::inventory::containerBegin; i < EQEmu::inventory::ContainerCount; i++) {
				if (bag_item_data[i]) {
					/* Delete needs to be before RemoveItem because its deletes the pointer for
					 * item_data/bag_item_data */
					/* Delete Item Instance */

		if (GetPlayerKillItem() != -1) {

		/* Send message with item link to groups and such */
		EQEmu::SayLinkEngine linker;

		auto item_link = linker.GenerateLink();

		client->Message_StringID(MT_LootMessages, LOOTED_MESSAGE, item_link.c_str());

		if (!IsPlayerCorpse()) {
			Group *g = client->GetGroup();
			if (g != nullptr) {
				g->GroupMessage_StringID(client, MT_LootMessages, OTHER_LOOTED_MESSAGE,
							 client->GetName(), item_link.c_str());
			} else {
				Raid *r = client->GetRaid();
				if (r != nullptr) {
					r->RaidMessage_StringID(client, MT_LootMessages, OTHER_LOOTED_MESSAGE,
								client->GetName(), item_link.c_str());
	} else {

	if (IsPlayerCorpse()) {
	} else {
		client->SendItemLink(inst, true);

Exemple #4
void Client::ForageItem(bool guarantee) {

	int skill_level = GetSkill(EQEmu::skills::SkillForage);

	//be wary of the string ids in switch below when changing this.
	uint32 common_food_ids[MAX_COMMON_FOOD_IDS] = {
		13046, // Fruit
		13045, // Berries
		13419, // Vegetables
		13048, // Rabbit Meat
		13047, // Roots
		13044, // Pod Of Water
		14905, // mushroom
		13106 // Fishing Grubs

	// these may need to be fine tuned, I am just guessing here
	if (guarantee || zone->random.Int(0,199) < skill_level) {
		uint32 foragedfood = 0;
		uint32 stringid = FORAGE_NOEAT;

		if (zone->random.Roll(25)) {
			foragedfood = database.GetZoneForage(m_pp.zone_id, skill_level);

		//not an else in case theres no DB food
		if(foragedfood == 0) {
			uint8 index = 0;
			index = zone->random.Int(0, MAX_COMMON_FOOD_IDS-1);
			foragedfood = common_food_ids[index];

		const EQEmu::ItemData* food_item = database.GetItem(foragedfood);

		if(!food_item) {
			Log.Out(Logs::General, Logs::Error, "nullptr returned from database.GetItem in ClientForageItem");

		if(foragedfood == 13106)
			stringid = FORAGE_GRUBS;
			switch(food_item->ItemType) {
			case EQEmu::item::ItemTypeFood:
				stringid = FORAGE_FOOD;
			case EQEmu::item::ItemTypeDrink:
				if(strstr(food_item->Name, "ater"))
					stringid = FORAGE_WATER;
					stringid = FORAGE_DRINK;

		Message_StringID(MT_Skills, stringid);
		EQEmu::ItemInstance* inst = database.CreateItem(food_item, 1);
		if(inst != nullptr) {
			// check to make sure it isn't a foraged lore item
				Message_StringID(0, DUP_LORE);
			else {
				SendItemPacket(EQEmu::inventory::slotCursor, inst, ItemPacketLimbo);
				if(RuleB(TaskSystem, EnableTaskSystem))
					UpdateTasksForItem(ActivityForage, foragedfood);

				inst = m_inv.GetItem(EQEmu::inventory::slotCursor);

			if(inst) {
				std::vector<EQEmu::Any> args;
				parse->EventPlayer(EVENT_FORAGE_SUCCESS, this, "", inst->GetID(), &args);

		int ChanceSecondForage = aabonuses.ForageAdditionalItems + itembonuses.ForageAdditionalItems + spellbonuses.ForageAdditionalItems;
		if(!guarantee && zone->random.Roll(ChanceSecondForage)) {
			Message_StringID(MT_Skills, FORAGE_MASTERY);

	} else {
		Message_StringID(MT_Skills, FORAGE_FAILED);
		parse->EventPlayer(EVENT_FORAGE_FAILURE, this, "", 0);

	CheckIncreaseSkill(EQEmu::skills::SkillForage, nullptr, 5);

Exemple #5
void Client::GoFish()

	//TODO: generate a message if we're already fishing
	/*if (!fishing_timer.Check()) {	//this isn't the right check, may need to add something to the Client class like 'bool is_fishing'
		Message_StringID(0, ALREADY_FISHING);	//You are already fishing!


	//we're doing this a second time (1st in Client::Handle_OP_Fishing) to make sure that, between when we started fishing & now, we're still able to fish (in case we move, change equip, etc)
	if (!CanFish())	//if we can't fish here, we don't need to bother with the rest

	//multiple entries yeilds higher probability of dropping...
	uint32 common_fish_ids[MAX_COMMON_FISH_IDS] = {
		1038, // Tattered Cloth Sandals
		1038, // Tattered Cloth Sandals
		1038, // Tattered Cloth Sandals
		13019, // Fresh Fish
		13076, // Fish Scales
		13076, // Fish Scales
		7007, // Rusty Dagger
		7007, // Rusty Dagger
		7007 // Rusty Dagger


	//success formula is not researched at all

	int fishing_skill = GetSkill(EQEmu::skills::SkillFishing);	//will take into account skill bonuses on pole & bait

	//make sure we still have a fishing pole on:
	int32 bslot = m_inv.HasItemByUse(EQEmu::item::ItemTypeFishingBait, 1, invWhereWorn | invWherePersonal);
	const EQEmu::ItemInstance* Bait = nullptr;
	if (bslot != INVALID_INDEX)
		Bait = m_inv.GetItem(bslot);

	//if the bait isnt equipped, need to add its skill bonus
	if (bslot >= EQEmu::legacy::GENERAL_BEGIN && Bait != nullptr && Bait->GetItem()->SkillModType == EQEmu::skills::SkillFishing) {
		fishing_skill += Bait->GetItem()->SkillModValue;

	if (fishing_skill > 100)
		fishing_skill = 100+((fishing_skill-100)/2);

	if (zone->random.Int(0,175) < fishing_skill) {
		uint32 food_id = 0;

		//25% chance to fish an item.
		if (zone->random.Int(0, 399) <= fishing_skill ) {
			uint32 npc_id = 0;
			uint8 npc_chance = 0;
			food_id = database.GetZoneFishing(m_pp.zone_id, fishing_skill, npc_id, npc_chance);

			//check for add NPC
			if(npc_chance > 0 && npc_id) {
				if(npc_chance < zone->random.Int(0, 99)) {
					const NPCType* tmp = database.LoadNPCTypesData(npc_id);
					if(tmp != nullptr) {
                        auto positionNPC = GetPosition();
                        positionNPC.x = positionNPC.x + 3;
			auto npc = new NPC(tmp, nullptr, positionNPC, FlyMode3);

			npc->AddToHateList(this, 1, 0, false); // no help yelling


			Message(MT_Emote, "You fish up a little more than you bargained for...");

		//consume bait, should we always consume bait on success?
		DeleteItemInInventory(bslot, 1, true);	//do we need client update?

		if(food_id == 0) {
			int index = zone->random.Int(0, MAX_COMMON_FISH_IDS-1);
			food_id = common_fish_ids[index];

		const EQEmu::ItemData* food_item = database.GetItem(food_id);

		Message_StringID(MT_Skills, FISHING_SUCCESS);
		EQEmu::ItemInstance* inst = database.CreateItem(food_item, 1);
		if(inst != nullptr) {
				Message_StringID(0, DUP_LORE);
				SendItemPacket(EQEmu::inventory::slotCursor, inst, ItemPacketLimbo);
				if(RuleB(TaskSystem, EnableTaskSystem))
					UpdateTasksForItem(ActivityFish, food_id);

				inst = m_inv.GetItem(EQEmu::inventory::slotCursor);

			if(inst) {
				std::vector<EQEmu::Any> args;
				parse->EventPlayer(EVENT_FISH_SUCCESS, this, "", inst->GetID(), &args);
		//chance to use bait when you dont catch anything...
		if (zone->random.Int(0, 4) == 1) {
			DeleteItemInInventory(bslot, 1, true);	//do we need client update?
			Message_StringID(MT_Skills, FISHING_LOST_BAIT);	//You lost your bait!
		} else {
			if (zone->random.Int(0, 15) == 1)	//give about a 1 in 15 chance to spill your beer. we could make this a rule, but it doesn't really seem worth it
				//TODO: check for & consume an alcoholic beverage from inventory when this triggers, and set it as a rule that's disabled by default
				Message_StringID(MT_Skills, FISHING_SPILL_BEER);	//You spill your beer while bringing in your line.
				Message_StringID(MT_Skills, FISHING_FAILED);	//You didn't catch anything.

		parse->EventPlayer(EVENT_FISH_FAILURE, this, "", 0);

	//chance to break fishing pole...
	//this is potentially exploitable in that they can fish
	//and then swap out items in primary slot... too lazy to fix right now
	if (zone->random.Int(0, 49) == 1) {
		Message_StringID(MT_Skills, FISHING_POLE_BROKE);	//Your fishing pole broke!
		DeleteItemInInventory(EQEmu::inventory::slotPrimary, 0, true);

	if (CheckIncreaseSkill(EQEmu::skills::SkillFishing, nullptr, 5))
		if (title_manager.IsNewTradeSkillTitleAvailable(EQEmu::skills::SkillFishing, GetRawSkill(EQEmu::skills::SkillFishing)))
Exemple #6
uint32 Client::CalcCurrentWeight()
	const EQEmu::ItemData* TempItem = nullptr;
	EQEmu::ItemInstance* ins = nullptr;
	uint32 Total = 0;
	int x;
	for (x = EQEmu::invslot::POSSESSIONS_BEGIN; x <= EQEmu::invslot::POSSESSIONS_END; x++) {
		TempItem = 0;
		ins = GetInv().GetItem(x);
		if (ins) {
			TempItem = ins->GetItem();
		if (TempItem) {
			Total += TempItem->Weight;
	for (x = EQEmu::invbag::GENERAL_BAGS_BEGIN; x <= EQEmu::invbag::CURSOR_BAG_END; x++) {
		int TmpWeight = 0;
		TempItem = 0;
		ins = GetInv().GetItem(x);
		if (ins) {
			TempItem = ins->GetItem();
		if (TempItem) {
			TmpWeight = TempItem->Weight;
		if (TmpWeight > 0) {
			// this code indicates that weight redux bags can only be in the first general inventory slot to be effective...
			// is this correct? or can we scan for the highest weight redux and use that? (need client verifications)
			int bagslot = EQEmu::invslot::slotGeneral1;
			int reduction = 0;
			for (int m = EQEmu::invbag::GENERAL_BAGS_BEGIN + EQEmu::invbag::SLOT_COUNT; m <= EQEmu::invbag::CURSOR_BAG_END; m += EQEmu::invbag::SLOT_COUNT) {
				if (x >= m) {
					bagslot += 1;
			EQEmu::ItemInstance* baginst = GetInv().GetItem(bagslot);
			if (baginst && baginst->GetItem() && baginst->IsClassBag()) {
				reduction = baginst->GetItem()->BagWR;
			if (reduction > 0) {
				TmpWeight -= TmpWeight * reduction / 100;
			Total += TmpWeight;
	//TODO: coin weight reduction (from purses, etc), since client already calculates it
	/*  From the Wiki http://www.eqemulator.net/wiki/wikka.php?wakka=EQEmuDBSchemaitems under bagwr (thanks Trevius):
	    Interestingly, you can also have bags that reduce coin weight. However, in order to set bags to reduce coin weight, you MUST set the Item ID somewhere between 17201 and 17230. This is hard coded into the client.
	    The client is set to have certain coin weight reduction on a per Item ID basis within this range. The best way to create an new item to reduce coin weight is to examine existing bags in this range.
	    Search for the words "coin purse" with the #finditem command in game and the Bag WR setting on those bags is the amount they will reduce coin weight. It is easiest to overwrite one of those bags if you wish to create one with the
	    same weight reduction amount for coins. You can use other Item IDs in this range for setting coin weight reduction, but by using an existing item, at least you will know the amount the client will reduce it by before you create it.
	    This is the ONLY instance I have seen where the client is hard coded to particular Item IDs to set a certain property for an item. It is very odd.
	// SoD+ client has no weight for coin
	if (EQEmu::behavior::StaticLookup(EQEmu::versions::ConvertClientVersionToMobVersion(ClientVersion()))->CoinHasWeight) {
		Total += (m_pp.platinum + m_pp.gold + m_pp.silver + m_pp.copper) / 4;
	float Packrat = (float)spellbonuses.Packrat + (float)aabonuses.Packrat + (float)itembonuses.Packrat;
	if (Packrat > 0) {
		Total = (uint32)((float)Total * (1.0f - ((Packrat * 1.0f) / 100.0f)));    //AndMetal: 1% per level, up to 5% (calculated from Titanium client). verified thru client that it reduces coin weight by the same %
	//without casting to float & back to uint32, this didn't work right
	return Total;