static void addBreakPointsInFile(Eval::DebuggerProxy* proxy,
                                 Eval::PhpFile* efile) {
  Eval::BreakPointInfoPtrVec bps;
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < bps.size(); i++) {
    Eval::BreakPointInfoPtr bp = bps[i];
    if (bp->m_line1 == 0 || bp->m_file.empty()) {
      // invalid breakpoint for file:line
    if (!Eval::BreakPointInfo::MatchFile(bp->m_file, efile->getFileName(),
                                         efile->getRelPath())) {
    Unit* unit = efile->unit();
    OffsetRangeVec offsets;
    if (!unit->getOffsetRanges(bp->m_line1, offsets)) {
    TRACE(3, "Add to breakpoint filter for %s:%d, unit %p:\n",
          efile->getFileName().c_str(), bp->m_line1, unit);
    getBreakPointFilter()->addRanges(unit, offsets);
    if (RuntimeOption::EvalJit) {
      blacklistRangesInJit(unit, offsets);
static void addBreakPointsInFile(Eval::DebuggerProxy* proxy,
                                 Eval::PhpFile* efile) {
  Eval::BreakPointInfoPtrVec bps;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bps.size(); i++) {
    Eval::BreakPointInfoPtr bp = bps[i];
    if (Eval::BreakPointInfo::MatchFile(bp->m_file, efile->getFileName())) {
      addBreakPointInUnit(bp, efile->unit());
// If the proxy has an enabled breakpoint that matches entry into the given
// function, arrange for the VM to stop execution and notify the debugger
// whenever execution enters the given function.
static void addBreakPointFuncEntry(Eval::DebuggerProxy* proxy, const Func* f) {
  Eval::BreakPointInfoPtrVec bps;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bps.size(); i++) {
    Eval::BreakPointInfoPtr bp = bps[i];
    if (bp->m_state == Eval::BreakPointInfo::Disabled) continue;
    if (!matchFunctionName(bp->getFuncName(), f)) continue;
    bp->m_bindState = Eval::BreakPointInfo::KnownToBeValid;
// If the proxy has enabled breakpoints that match entry into methods of
// the given class, arrange for the VM to stop execution and notify the debugger
// whenever execution enters one of these matched method.
// This function is called once, when a class is first loaded, so it is not
// performance critical.
static void addBreakPointsClass(Eval::DebuggerProxy* proxy, const Class* cls) {
  size_t numFuncs = cls->numMethods();
  if (numFuncs == 0) return;
  auto clsName = cls->name();
  auto funcs = cls->methods();
  Eval::BreakPointInfoPtrVec bps;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bps.size(); i++) {
    Eval::BreakPointInfoPtr bp = bps[i];
    if (bp->m_state == Eval::BreakPointInfo::Disabled) continue;
    // TODO: check name space separately
    if (bp->getClass() != clsName->data()) continue;
    bp->m_bindState = Eval::BreakPointInfo::KnownToBeInvalid;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numFuncs; ++i) {
      auto f = funcs[i];
      if (!matchFunctionName(bp->getFunction(), f)) continue;
      bp->m_bindState = Eval::BreakPointInfo::KnownToBeValid;
static void addBreakPointsInFile(Eval::DebuggerProxy* proxy,
                                 Eval::PhpFile* efile) {
  Eval::BreakPointInfoPtrVec bps;
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < bps.size(); i++) {
    Eval::BreakPointInfoPtr bp = bps[i];
    if (bp->m_line1 == 0 || bp->m_file.empty()) {
      // invalid breakpoint for file:line
    if (!Eval::BreakPointInfo::MatchFile(bp->m_file, efile->getFileName(),
                                         efile->getRelPath())) {
    Unit* unit = efile->unit();
    OffsetRangeVec offsets;
    if (!unit->getOffsetRanges(bp->m_line1, offsets)) {
    if (!g_vmContext->m_breakPointFilter) {
      g_vmContext->m_breakPointFilter = new PCFilter();
    if (debug && Trace::moduleEnabled(Trace::bcinterp, 5)) {
      for (OffsetRangeVec::const_iterator it = offsets.begin();
           it != offsets.end(); ++it) {
        Trace::trace("file:line break %s:%d : unit %p offset [%d, %d)\n",
                     efile->getFileName().c_str(), bp->m_line1, unit,
                     it->m_base, it->m_past);
    g_vmContext->m_breakPointFilter->addRanges(unit, offsets);
    if (RuntimeOption::EvalJit) {
      blacklistRangesInJit(unit, offsets);
// Called by the proxy whenever its breakpoint list is updated.
// Since this intended to be called when user input is received, it is not
// performance critical. Also, in typical scenarios, the list is short.
void phpSetBreakPoints(Eval::DebuggerProxy* proxy) {
  Eval::BreakPointInfoPtrVec bps;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bps.size(); i++) {
    Eval::BreakPointInfoPtr bp = bps[i];
    bp->m_bindState = Eval::BreakPointInfo::Unknown;
    auto className = bp->getClass();
    if (!className.empty()) {
      auto clsName = makeStaticString(className);
      auto cls = Unit::lookupClass(clsName);
      if (cls == nullptr) continue;
      bp->m_bindState = Eval::BreakPointInfo::KnownToBeInvalid;
      size_t numFuncs = cls->numMethods();
      if (numFuncs == 0) continue;
      auto methodName = bp->getFunction();
      Func* const* funcs = cls->methods();
      for (size_t i = 0; i < numFuncs; ++i) {
        auto f = funcs[i];
        if (!matchFunctionName(methodName, f)) continue;
        bp->m_bindState = Eval::BreakPointInfo::KnownToBeValid;
      //TODO: what about superclass methods accessed via the derived class?
      //Task 2527229.
    auto funcName = bp->getFuncName();
    if (!funcName.empty()) {
      auto fName = makeStaticString(funcName);
      Func* f = Unit::lookupFunc(fName);
      if (f == nullptr) continue;
      if (f->hasGeneratorAsBody() && !f->isAsync()) {
        // This function is a generator, and it's the original
        // function which has been turned into a stub which creates a
        // continuation. We want to set the breakpoint on the
        // continuation function instead.
        fName = makeStaticString(funcName + "$continuation");
        f = Unit::lookupFunc(fName);
        if (f == nullptr) continue;
      bp->m_bindState = Eval::BreakPointInfo::KnownToBeValid;
    auto fileName = bp->m_file;
    if (!fileName.empty()) {
      for (EvaledFilesMap::const_iterator it =
           it != g_vmContext->m_evaledFiles.end(); ++it) {
        auto efile = it->second;
        if (!Eval::BreakPointInfo::MatchFile(fileName, efile->getFileName())) {
        addBreakPointInUnit(bp, efile->unit());
    auto exceptionClassName = bp->getExceptionClass();
    if (exceptionClassName == "@") {
      bp->m_bindState = Eval::BreakPointInfo::KnownToBeValid;
    } else if (!exceptionClassName.empty()) {
      auto expClsName = makeStaticString(exceptionClassName);
      auto cls = Unit::lookupClass(expClsName);
      if (cls != nullptr) {
        auto baseClsName = makeStaticString("Exception");
        auto baseCls = Unit::lookupClass(baseClsName);
        if (baseCls != nullptr) {
          if (cls->classof(baseCls)) {
            bp->m_bindState = Eval::BreakPointInfo::KnownToBeValid;
          } else {
            bp->m_bindState = Eval::BreakPointInfo::KnownToBeInvalid;
    } else {
    // If we get here, the break point is of a type that does
    // not need to be explicitly enabled in the VM. For example
    // a break point that get's triggered when the server starts
    // to process a page request.
    bp->m_bindState = Eval::BreakPointInfo::KnownToBeValid;