Exemple #1
extern "C" BOOL LoadExcelFile(const TCHAR* filename)

    // Load the Excel application in the background.
    Excel::_ApplicationPtr pApplication;

    if ( FAILED( pApplication.CreateInstance( _T("Excel.Application") ) ) )
        Errorf( _T("Failed to initialize Excel::_Application!") );
        return FALSE;

    _variant_t	varOption( (long) DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND, VT_ERROR );
    _ftprintf(stdout, _T("%s\n"), filename);
    if (!pApplication || !pApplication->Workbooks) {
        Errorf(_T("Workbooks is empty\n"));
        return FALSE;

    Excel::_WorkbookPtr pBook = pApplication->Workbooks->Open(filename);//, varOption, varOption, varOption, varOption, varOption, varOption, varOption, varOption, varOption, varOption, varOption, varOption );
    if ( pBook == NULL )
        Errorf( _T("Failed to open Excel file!") );
        return FALSE;
    pApplication->PutVisible(0, FALSE);

    Excel::_WorksheetPtr pSheet = pBook->Sheets->Item[1];

    if ( pSheet == NULL )
        Errorf( _T("Failed to get first Worksheet!") );
        return FALSE;

    Excel::RangePtr pRange = pSheet->Cells;

    for (int i = 24; i < 29; ++i) {
        for (int j = 3; j < 27; ++j) {
            pRange->Item[i][j] = j / 10 + i / 100.f;
#if 0
    fprintf(stdout, "2\n");
    // Load the column headers.
    Excel::RangePtr pRange = pSheet->GetRange( _bstr_t( _T("A1") ), _bstr_t( _T("Z1" ) ) );

    if ( pRange == NULL )
        Errorf( _T("Failed to get header cell range( A1:Z1 )!") );
        return FALSE;

    int			iColumns = 0;

    for ( int iColumn = 1; iColumn < 26; ++iColumn )
        _variant_t	vItem = pRange->Item[ 1 ][ iColumn ];
        _bstr_t		bstrText( vItem );

        if ( bstrText.length( ) == 0 )

        //m_list.AddColumn( bstrText, iColumns++ );
        //_ftprintf(stdout, _T("%s\n"), bstrText);

    // Load the rows (up to the first blank one).
    pRange = pSheet->GetRange( _bstr_t( _T("A2") ), _bstr_t( _T("Z16384" ) ) );

    for ( int iRow = 1; ; ++iRow )
        int iColumn;
        for (  iColumn = 1; iColumn <= iColumns; ++iColumn )
            _variant_t	vItem = pRange->Item[ iRow ][ iColumn ];
            _bstr_t		bstrText( vItem );

            if ( bstrText.length( ) == 0 )

            if ( iColumn == 1 )
                ;//m_list.AddItem( iRow - 1, 0, bstrText );
                ;//m_list.SetItemText( iRow - 1, iColumn - 1, bstrText );

        if ( iColumn == 1 )

    pRange->Item[ 1 ][ 1 ] = 1234;
    // Make it all look pretty.
    //for ( int iColumn = 1; iColumn <= iColumns; ++iColumn )
    //m_list.SetColumnWidth( iColumn, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER );

    // Switch off alert prompting to save as
    pApplication->PutDisplayAlerts( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, VARIANT_FALSE );

    // Save the values in book.xml
    pApplication->PutDisplayAlerts( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, VARIANT_TRUE );
    // Don't save any inadvertant changes to the .xls file.
    pBook->Close( VARIANT_FALSE );
    // And switch back on again...

    // Need to quit, otherwise Excel remains active and locks the .xls file.
    pApplication->Quit( );

    return TRUE;
Exemple #2
DWORD WINAPI AutomateExcelByImport(LPVOID lpParam)
	// 在当前线程上初始化COM类库并通过调用CoInitializeEx或CoInitialize方法确认
    // 并发模型为单线程单元(STA)。
	// [-或者-] CoInitialize(NULL);
	// [-或者-] CoCreateInstance(NULL);


	    // 使用#import指令和智能指针创建Excel.Application COM对象

		// 选择1) 使用智能指针构造函数创建对象。
		// _ApplicationPtr 为原接口名称, _Application加上"Ptr"后缀。

		// Excel::_ApplicationPtr spXlApp(
		//	__uuidof(Excel::Application)	// 组件的CLSID 
		//	);

		// [-或者-]

		// 选择2) 使用智能指针函数CreateInstance创建对象
		Excel::_ApplicationPtr spXlApp;
		HRESULT hr = spXlApp.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Excel::Application));
		if (FAILED(hr))
			wprintf(L"CreateInstance failed w/err 0x%08lx\n", hr);
			return 1;

		_putws(L"Excel.Application is started");

		// 令Excel不可见(如: Application.Visible = 0)

		spXlApp->Visible[0] = VARIANT_FALSE;

		// 创建一个新的工作簿 (如: Application.Workbooks.Add)

		Excel::WorkbooksPtr spXlBooks = spXlApp->Workbooks;
		Excel::_WorkbookPtr spXlBook = spXlBooks->Add();

		_putws(L"A new workbook is created");

		// 获取处于活动状态的工作表并为其设置名称

		Excel::_WorksheetPtr spXlSheet = spXlBook->ActiveSheet;
		spXlSheet->Name = _bstr_t(L"Report");
		_putws(L"The active worksheet is renamed as Report");

		// 填充数据到工作表单元

		_putws(L"Filling data into the worksheet ...");

		// 为用户姓名构建一个5*2的安全数组
		VARIANT saNames;
		saNames.vt = VT_ARRAY | VT_VARIANT;
			sab[0].lLbound = 1; sab[0].cElements = 5;
			sab[1].lLbound = 1; sab[1].cElements = 2;
			saNames.parray = SafeArrayCreate(VT_VARIANT, 2, sab);

			SafeArrayPutName(saNames.parray, 1, L"John", L"Smith");
			SafeArrayPutName(saNames.parray, 2, L"Tom", L"Brown");
			SafeArrayPutName(saNames.parray, 3, L"Sue", L"Thomas");
			SafeArrayPutName(saNames.parray, 4, L"Jane", L"Jones");
			SafeArrayPutName(saNames.parray, 5, L"Adam", L"Johnson");

		 // 将数组值填充到A2:B6区域(姓与名)
		// 获取区域A2:B6的Range对象

		param.vt = VT_BSTR;
		param.bstrVal = SysAllocString(L"A2:B6");
		Excel::RangePtr spXlRange = spXlSheet->Range[param];

		spXlRange->Value2 = saNames;

		// 清除数组

		// 将工作簿保存为xlsx文件并关闭

		_putws(L"Save and close the workbook");

		// 确定文件名

		// 获取当前exe的目录
		wchar_t szFileName[MAX_PATH];
		if (!GetModuleDirectory(szFileName, ARRAYSIZE(szFileName)))
			_putws(L"GetModuleDirectory failed");
			return 1;

		// 将"Sample1.xlsx" 合并到目录
		wcsncat_s(szFileName, ARRAYSIZE(szFileName), L"Sample1.xlsx", 12);

		// 将空终止字符串转换为BSTR
		variant_t vtFileName(szFileName);

		spXlBook->SaveAs(vtFileName, Excel::xlOpenXMLWorkbook, vtMissing, 
			vtMissing, vtMissing, vtMissing, Excel::xlNoChange);


		// 退出Excel应用程序(如:Application.Quit)

		_putws(L"Quit the Excel application");

		// 释放COM对象

		// 为智能指针释放不必要的引用
		// ...
		// spXlApp.Release();
		// ...

	catch (_com_error &err)
		wprintf(L"Excel throws the error: %s\n", err.ErrorMessage());
		wprintf(L"Description: %s\n", (LPCWSTR) err.Description());

	// 为该线程撤销COM

	return 0;