bool PollSearchResultsTask::take( Transfer * transfer )
	if ( !forMe( transfer ) )
		return false;
	Response * response = dynamic_cast<Response *>( transfer );
	if ( !response )
		return false;
	if ( response->resultCode() )
		setError( response->resultCode() );
		return true;
	// look for the status code
	Field::FieldList responseFields = response->fields();
	Field::SingleField * sf = responseFields.findSingleField( Field::NM_A_SZ_STATUS );
	m_queryStatus = sf->value().toInt();
	Field::MultiField * resultsArray = responseFields.findMultiField( Field::NM_A_FA_RESULTS );
	if ( !resultsArray )
		setError( Protocol );
		return true;
	Field::FieldList matches = resultsArray->fields();
	const Field::FieldListIterator end = matches.end();
	for ( Field::FieldListIterator it = matches.find( Field::NM_A_FA_CONTACT );
		  it != end;
		  it = matches.find( ++it, Field::NM_A_FA_CONTACT ) )
		Field::MultiField * mf = static_cast<Field::MultiField *>( *it );
		Field::FieldList contact = mf->fields();
		GroupWise::ContactDetails cd = extractUserDetails( contact );
		m_results.append( cd );
	// first field: Field::NM_A_SZ_STATUS contains 
	#define SEARCH_ERROR 5
	// set a status code if needed
	// followed by Field::NM_A_FA_RESULTS, looks like a getdetails
	// add an accessor to get at the results list of ContactItems, probably
	if ( m_queryStatus != 2 )
		setError( m_queryStatus );
		setSuccess( m_queryStatus );
	return true;
bool ModifyContactListTask::take( Transfer * transfer )
	if ( !forMe( transfer ) )
		return false;
	Response * response = dynamic_cast<Response *>( transfer );
	if ( !response )
		return false;
	client()->debug( "ModifyContactListTask::take()" );

	// scan the contact list received
	// emit each add and delete as a signal
	Field::FieldList fl = response->fields();
	fl.dump( true );
	Field::FieldListIterator it = fl.begin();
	Field::FieldListIterator end = fl.end();
	Field::MultiField * current = fl.findMultiField( NM_A_FA_RESULTS );
	if ( current )
		fl = current->fields();
	current = fl.findMultiField( NM_A_FA_CONTACT_LIST );
	if ( current )
		Field::FieldList contactList = current->fields();
		Field::FieldListIterator cursor = contactList.begin();
		const Field::FieldListIterator end = contactList.end();
		while ( cursor != end )
			Field::MultiField * mf = dynamic_cast< Field::MultiField * >( *cursor );
			if ( mf->tag() == NM_A_FA_CONTACT )
				// contact change
				processContactChange( mf );
			else if ( mf->tag() == NM_A_FA_FOLDER )
				// folder change
				processFolderChange( mf );
	// TODO: call virtual here to read any fields after the contact list...
	if ( response->resultCode() == GroupWise::None )
		setError( response->resultCode() );
	return true;
bool ChatPropertiesTask::take( Transfer * transfer )
	if ( !forMe( transfer ) )
		return false;
	Response * response = dynamic_cast<Response *>( transfer );
	if ( !response )
		return false;
	if ( response->resultCode() )
		setError( response->resultCode() );
		return true;
	Field::FieldList responseFields = response->fields();
	Field::MultiField * resultsArray = responseFields.findMultiField( NM_A_FA_CHAT );
	if ( !resultsArray )
		setError( Protocol );
		return true;
	Field::FieldList lst = resultsArray->fields();
	const Field::FieldListIterator end = lst.end();
	for ( Field::FieldListIterator it = lst.begin();
			 it != end;
			 ++it )
		Field::SingleField * sf = dynamic_cast<Field::SingleField *>( *it );
		if ( sf )
			if ( sf->tag() == NM_A_DISPLAY_NAME )
			else if ( sf->tag() == NM_A_CHAT_OWNER_DN )
				m_ownerDn = sf->value().toString();
			else if ( sf->tag() == NM_A_CHAT_CREATOR_DN )
				m_creatorDn= sf->value().toString();
			else if ( sf->tag() == NM_A_DESCRIPTION )
				m_description =  sf->value().toString();
			else if ( sf->tag() == NM_A_DISCLAIMER )
				m_disclaimer = sf->value().toString();
			else if ( sf->tag() == NM_A_QUERY )
				m_query = sf->value().toString();
			else if ( sf->tag() == NM_A_ARCHIVE )
				m_archive = sf->value().toString();
			else if ( sf->tag() == NM_A_SZ_TOPIC )
				m_topic = sf->value().toString();
			else if ( sf->tag() == NM_A_CREATION_TIME )
				m_creationTime.setTime_t( sf->value().toInt() );
			else if ( sf->tag() == NM_A_UD_CHAT_RIGHTS )
				m_rights = sf->value().toInt();
			Field::MultiField * mf = dynamic_cast<Field::MultiField *>( *it );
			if ( mf )
				if ( mf->tag() == NM_A_FA_CHAT_ACL )
					Field::FieldList acl = mf->fields();
					const Field::FieldListIterator aclEnd = acl.end();
					for ( Field::FieldListIterator aclIt = acl.begin();
										 aclIt != aclEnd;
										 ++aclIt )
						Field::MultiField * aclEntryFields = dynamic_cast<Field::MultiField *>( *aclIt );
						if ( aclEntryFields )
							ChatContact entry;
							Field::FieldList entryFields = aclEntryFields->fields();
							Field::SingleField * sf; 
							if ( ( sf = entryFields.findSingleField ( NM_A_SZ_DN ) ) )
								entry.dn = sf->value().toString();
							if ( ( sf = entryFields.findSingleField ( NM_A_SZ_ACCESS_FLAGS ) ) )
								entry.chatRights = sf->value().toInt();
							kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) << "got acl entry: " << entry.dn << ", " << entry.chatRights << endl;
							m_aclEntries.append( entry );
	kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) << "Got chatroom properties: " << m_chat << " : " << m_ownerDn << ", " << m_description << ", " << m_disclaimer << ", " << m_query << ", " << m_archive << ", " << m_topic << ", " << m_creatorDn << ", " << m_creationTime.toString() << ", " << m_rights << endl;
	return true;
GroupWise::ContactDetails PollSearchResultsTask::extractUserDetails( Field::FieldList & fields )
	ContactDetails cd;
	cd.status = GroupWise::Invalid;
	cd.archive = false;
	// read the supplied fields, set metadata and status.
	Field::SingleField * sf;
	if ( ( sf = fields.findSingleField ( Field::NM_A_SZ_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE ) ) )
		cd.authAttribute = sf->value().toString();
	if ( ( sf = fields.findSingleField ( Field::NM_A_SZ_DN ) ) )
		cd.dn =sf->value().toString().toLower(); // HACK: lowercased DN
	if ( ( sf = fields.findSingleField ( Field::KOPETE_NM_USER_DETAILS_CN ) ) ) = sf->value().toString();
	if ( ( sf = fields.findSingleField ( Field::KOPETE_NM_USER_DETAILS_GIVEN_NAME ) ) )
		cd.givenName = sf->value().toString();
	if ( ( sf = fields.findSingleField ( Field::KOPETE_NM_USER_DETAILS_SURNAME ) ) )
		cd.surname = sf->value().toString();
	if ( ( sf = fields.findSingleField ( Field::KOPETE_NM_USER_DETAILS_FULL_NAME ) ) )
		cd.fullName = sf->value().toString();
	if ( ( sf = fields.findSingleField ( Field::KOPETE_NM_USER_DETAILS_ARCHIVE_FLAG ) ) )
		cd.archive = ( sf->value().toInt() == 1 );
	if ( ( sf = fields.findSingleField ( Field::NM_A_SZ_STATUS ) ) )
		cd.status = sf->value().toInt();
	if ( ( sf = fields.findSingleField ( Field::NM_A_SZ_MESSAGE_BODY ) ) )
		cd.awayMessage = sf->value().toString();
	Field::MultiField * mf;
	QMap< QString, QVariant > propMap;
	if ( ( mf = fields.findMultiField ( Field::NM_A_FA_INFO_DISPLAY_ARRAY ) ) )
		Field::FieldList fl = mf->fields();
		const Field::FieldListIterator end = fl.end();
		for ( Field::FieldListIterator it = fl.begin(); it != end; ++it )
			// assumes each property only present once
			// check in logintask.cpp and if it's a multi field,
			// get the value of this instance, check if it's already in the property map and append if found.
			Field::SingleField * propField = dynamic_cast<Field::SingleField *>( *it );
			if ( propField )
				QString propName = propField->tag();
				QString propValue = propField->value().toString();
				propMap.insert( propName, propValue );
				Field::MultiField * propList = dynamic_cast<Field::MultiField*>( *it );
				if ( propList )
					QString parentName = propList->tag();
					Field::FieldList propFields = propList->fields();
					const Field::FieldListIterator end = propFields.end();
					for ( Field::FieldListIterator it = propFields.begin(); it != end; ++it )
						propField = dynamic_cast<Field::SingleField *>( *it );
						if ( propField )
							QString propValue = propField->value().toString();
							QString contents = propMap[ propField->tag() ].toString();
							if ( !contents.isEmpty() )
								contents.append( ", " );
							contents.append( propField->value().toString());
							propMap.insert( propField->tag(), contents );
	if ( !propMap.empty() )
	{ = propMap;
	return cd;