int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int numSounds = 1; FMOD::System *system; FMOD::Sound *sound[numSounds]; FMOD::Sound *applause; FMOD::Channel *channel[numSounds]; FMOD::Channel *applauseChannel; FMOD::DSP *dsppitch; FMOD::DSP *dsplowpass = 0; FMOD::DSP *dsphighpass = 0; FMOD::DSP *dspecho = 0; FMOD::DSP *dspflange = 0; FMOD::DSP *dspdistortion = 0; FMOD::DSP *dspchorus = 0; FMOD::DSP *dspparameq = 0; FMOD_RESULT result; int key; unsigned int version; float pan = 0; float volume; float frequency; int tempFrequency = 0; int tempPitch = 0; int frequencyCount = 0; int pitchCount = 0; int tempoChange = 0; float speed; float pitch = 1; float originalFrequency; string line; int lineCount = 0; int inc = 0; int count; float frequencyArray[numSounds]; float frequencyCountArray[numSounds]; float pitchfArray[numSounds]; float volumeArray[numSounds]; float panArray[numSounds]; float pitchf = 1.0f; /* Create a System object and initialize. */ result = FMOD::System_Create(&system); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->getVersion(&version); ERRCHECK(result); if (version < FMOD_VERSION) { printf("Error! You are using an old version of FMOD %08x. This program requires %08x\n", version, FMOD_VERSION); return 0; } result = system->init(32, FMOD_INIT_NORMAL, 0); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->createSound("../Config/Seven Nation Army Drum.mp3", FMOD_SOFTWARE | FMOD_LOOP_NORMAL | FMOD_2D, 0, &sound[0]); ERRCHECK(result); printf("===============================================================================\n"); printf(" Maestro \n"); printf("===============================================================================\n"); printf("Press '1' to play left speaker only\n"); printf("Press '2' to play right speaker only\n"); printf("Press '3' to play from both speakers\n"); printf("Press '[' to pan sound left\n"); printf("Press ']' to pan sound right\n"); printf("Press 'v/V' to increase volume\n"); printf("Press 'd/D' to decrease volume\n"); printf("Press '6' pitch octave down\n"); printf("Press '7' pitch semitone down\n"); printf("Press '8' pitch semitone up\n"); printf("Press '9' pitch octave up\n"); printf("Press 'Esc' to quit\n"); printf("Press 'n' pitch scale down\n"); printf("Press 'm' pitch scale up\n"); printf("\n"); for (count = 0; count < numSounds; count++) { result = system->playSound(FMOD_CHANNEL_FREE, sound[count], false, &channel[count]); ERRCHECK(result); bool paused; channel[0]->getPaused(&paused); ERRCHECK(result); paused = !paused; result = channel[0]->setPaused(paused); ERRCHECK(result); } //Create the DSP effects. result = system->createDSPByType(FMOD_DSP_TYPE_PITCHSHIFT, &dsppitch); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->createDSPByType(FMOD_DSP_TYPE_LOWPASS, &dsplowpass); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->createDSPByType(FMOD_DSP_TYPE_HIGHPASS, &dsphighpass); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->createDSPByType(FMOD_DSP_TYPE_ECHO, &dspecho); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->createDSPByType(FMOD_DSP_TYPE_FLANGE, &dspflange); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->createDSPByType(FMOD_DSP_TYPE_DISTORTION, &dspdistortion); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->createDSPByType(FMOD_DSP_TYPE_CHORUS, &dspchorus); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->createDSPByType(FMOD_DSP_TYPE_PARAMEQ, &dspparameq); ERRCHECK(result); for (count = 0; count < numSounds; count++) { channel[count]->getVolume(&volume); channel[count]->setVolume(.3); channel[count]->getVolume(&volume); } printf("Initial Volume: %f \n", volume); channel[0]->getFrequency(&frequency); channel[0]->getFrequency(&originalFrequency); printf("Initial Frequency: %f \n", frequency); /* Main loop. */ do { ifstream myfile;"../../Config/groupb.txt"); while ( myfile.good() ) { //printf("Line Count: %d \n", lineCount); for(int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++){ getline (myfile,line); } getline (myfile,line); if ("start") == 0){ bool paused; channel[0]->getPaused(&paused); ERRCHECK(result); paused = !paused; result = channel[0]->setPaused(paused); ERRCHECK(result); lineCount++; //printf("Line Count: %d \n", lineCount); break; } if ("iVol") == 0){ channel[0]->getVolume(&volume); channel[0]->setVolume(1.0f); lineCount++; //printf("Line Count: %d \n", lineCount); break; } if ("dVol") == 0){ channel[0]->getVolume(&volume); channel[0]->setVolume(.1); lineCount++; //printf("Line Count: %d \n", lineCount); break; } if ("iPitch") == 0){ result = dsppitch->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->addDSP(dsppitch, 0); ERRCHECK(result); inc++; pitch = pow(1.059f,inc); result = dsppitch->setParameter(FMOD_DSP_PITCHSHIFT_PITCH, pitch); ERRCHECK(result); lineCount++; //printf("Line Count: %d \n", lineCount); break; } if ("dPitch") == 0){ result = dsppitch->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->addDSP(dsppitch, 0); ERRCHECK(result); inc--; pitch = pow(1.059,inc); result = dsppitch->setParameter(FMOD_DSP_PITCHSHIFT_PITCH, pitch); ERRCHECK(result); lineCount++; //printf("Line Count: %d \n", lineCount); break; } if ("left") == 0){ result = channel[0]->setSpeakerMix(1.0f, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ERRCHECK(result); lineCount++; //printf("Line Count: %d \n", lineCount); break; } if ("right") == 0){ result = channel[0]->setSpeakerMix(0, 1.0f, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ERRCHECK(result); lineCount++; //printf("Line Count: %d \n", lineCount); break; } if ("forward") == 0){ result = channel[0]->setSpeakerMix(1.0f, 1.0f, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ERRCHECK(result); lineCount++; //printf("Line Count: %d \n", lineCount); break; } if ("pitch") == 0){ bool active; result = dsppitch->getActive(&active); ERRCHECK(result); if (active) { result = dsppitch->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); } else { result = system->addDSP(dsppitch, 0); ERRCHECK(result); result = dsppitch->setParameter(FMOD_DSP_PITCHSHIFT_PITCH, 1.2f); ERRCHECK(result); } lineCount++; break; } if ("pause") == 0){ bool paused; channel[0]->getPaused(&paused); ERRCHECK(result); paused = !paused; result = channel[0]->setPaused(paused); ERRCHECK(result); lineCount++; break; } if ("lowpass") == 0){ bool active; result = dsplowpass->getActive(&active); ERRCHECK(result); if (active) { result = dsplowpass->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); } else { result = system->addDSP(dsplowpass, 0); ERRCHECK(result); } lineCount++; break; } if ("highpass") == 0){ bool active; result = dsphighpass->getActive(&active); ERRCHECK(result); if (active) { result = dsphighpass->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); } else { result = system->addDSP(dsphighpass, 0); ERRCHECK(result); } lineCount++; break; } if ("echo") == 0){ bool active; result = dspecho->getActive(&active); ERRCHECK(result); if (active) { result = dspecho->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); } else { result = system->addDSP(dspecho, 0); ERRCHECK(result); result = dspecho->setParameter(FMOD_DSP_ECHO_DELAY, 50.0f); ERRCHECK(result); } lineCount++; break; } if ("flange") == 0){ bool active; result = dspflange->getActive(&active); ERRCHECK(result); if (active) { result = dspflange->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); } else { result = system->addDSP(dspflange, 0); ERRCHECK(result); } lineCount++; break; } if ("distortion") == 0){ bool active; result = dspdistortion->getActive(&active); ERRCHECK(result); if (active) { result = dspdistortion->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); } else { result = system->addDSP(dspdistortion, 0); ERRCHECK(result); result = dspdistortion->setParameter(FMOD_DSP_DISTORTION_LEVEL, 0.8f); ERRCHECK(result); } lineCount++; break; } if ("chorus") == 0){ bool active; result = dspchorus->getActive(&active); ERRCHECK(result); if (active) { result = dspchorus->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); } else { result = system->addDSP(dspchorus, 0); ERRCHECK(result); } lineCount++; break; } if ("parameq") == 0){ bool active; result = dspparameq->getActive(&active); ERRCHECK(result); if (active) { result = dspparameq->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); } else { result = system->addDSP(dspparameq, 0); ERRCHECK(result); result = dspparameq->setParameter(FMOD_DSP_PARAMEQ_CENTER, 5000.0f); ERRCHECK(result); result = dspparameq->setParameter(FMOD_DSP_PARAMEQ_GAIN, 0.0f); ERRCHECK(result); } lineCount++; break; } if ("iTempo") == 0){ //44100 //62366.816406 channel[0]->getFrequency(&frequency); float base = 2.0f; float newTempo = frequency * pow(base,(6.0f/12.0f)); float pitchf = 1.0f; pitchf = pow(.9438f,6); result = dsppitch->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->addDSP(dsppitch, 0); ERRCHECK(result); channel[0]->setFrequency(newTempo); result = dsppitch->setParameter(FMOD_DSP_PITCHSHIFT_PITCH, pitchf); ERRCHECK(result); channel[0]->getFrequency(&frequency); lineCount++; break; } if ("dTempo") == 0){ channel[0]->getFrequency(&frequency); float base = 2.0f; float newTempo = frequency * pow(base,(-6.0f/12.0f)); float pitchf = 1.0f; result = dsppitch->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->addDSP(dsppitch, 0); ERRCHECK(result); channel[0]->setFrequency(newTempo); result = dsppitch->setParameter(FMOD_DSP_PITCHSHIFT_PITCH, pitchf); ERRCHECK(result); channel[0]->getFrequency(&frequency); lineCount++; break; } if ("quit") == 0){ key = 27; lineCount++; //printf("Line Count: %d \n", lineCount); break; } } myfile.close(); if (kbhit()) { key = getch(); switch (key) { case 's' : { bool paused; channel[0]->getPaused(&paused); ERRCHECK(result); paused = !paused; result = channel[0]->setPaused(paused); ERRCHECK(result); break; } case '1' : { // Play Sound From Left Speakers for (count = 0; count < numSounds; count++) { channel[count]->getVolume(&volume); result = channel[count]->setSpeakerMix(1.0f, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ERRCHECK(result); } break; } case '2' : { // Play Sound From Right Speakers for (count = 0; count < numSounds; count++) { channel[count]->getVolume(&volume); printf("Volume: %f\n", volume); result = channel[count]->setSpeakerMix(0, 1.0f, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ERRCHECK(result); } break; } case '3' : { // Play Sound From Both Speakers for (count = 0; count < numSounds; count++) { channel[count]->getVolume(&volume); result = channel[count]->setSpeakerMix(1.0f, 1.0f, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ERRCHECK(result); } break; } case '4' : { // Decrmenent Tempo //if(frequencyCount > -12){ //if (tempoChange + pitchCount > -12 && abs(pitchCount) < 12 && tempoChange > -12) { if (pitchf < 1.98f) { frequencyCount--; tempoChange++; printf("Pitch Count: %d\n", pitchCount); printf("Tempo Count: %d\n", tempoChange); channel[0]->getFrequency(&frequency); //printf("Z Initial Frequency: %f \n", frequency); float base = 2.0f; //printf("inc by: %f \n", pow(base,(-1.0f/12.0f))); float newTempo = frequency * pow(base,(-1.0f/12.0f)); //float pitchf = 1.0f; //if (pitchCount == 0 && tempoChange == 0) { // pitchf = 1.0f; //} if (pitchf == 1.0f) { pitchf = pow(1.059f,abs(tempoChange + pitchCount)); } else if (pitchf > 1.0f) { pitchf = pow(1.059f,abs(tempoChange + pitchCount)); } else if (pitchf < 1.0f) { pitchf = pow(.9438f,abs(tempoChange + pitchCount)); } printf("pitchf: %f\n", pitchf); printf("Frequency: %f \n", newTempo); result = dsppitch->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->addDSP(dsppitch, 0); ERRCHECK(result); channel[0]->setFrequency(newTempo); result = dsppitch->setParameter(FMOD_DSP_PITCHSHIFT_PITCH, pitchf); ERRCHECK(result); } else { printf("Reached Min Tempo\n"); } break; } case '5' : { // Incrmenent Tempo if (pitchf > 0.52f) { frequencyCount++; tempoChange--; printf("Pitch Count: %d\n", pitchCount); printf("Tempo Count: %d\n", tempoChange); channel[0]->getFrequency(&frequency); //printf("Z Initial Frequency: %f \n", frequency); float base = 2.0f; float newTempo = frequency * pow(base,(1.0f/12.0f)); if (pitchf == 1.0f) { //printf("tempo one\n"); pitchf = pow(.9438f,abs(tempoChange + pitchCount)); } else if (pitchf > 1.0f) { //printf("tempo inc\n"); pitchf = pow(1.059f,abs(tempoChange + pitchCount)); } else if (pitchf < 1.0f) { //printf("tempo dec\n"); pitchf = pow(.9438f,abs(tempoChange + pitchCount)); } printf("pitchf: %f\n", pitchf); printf("Frequency: %f \n", newTempo); result = dsppitch->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->addDSP(dsppitch, 0); ERRCHECK(result); channel[0]->setFrequency(newTempo); result = dsppitch->setParameter(FMOD_DSP_PITCHSHIFT_PITCH, pitchf); ERRCHECK(result); } else { printf("Reached Max Tempo\n"); } break; } case '6' : { // Pitch Shift Down Octave bool active; result = dsppitch->getActive(&active); ERRCHECK(result); if (active) { result = dsppitch->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); } else { result = system->addDSP(dsppitch, 0); ERRCHECK(result); result = dsppitch->setParameter(FMOD_DSP_PITCHSHIFT_PITCH, 0.5f); ERRCHECK(result); } break; } case '7' : { // Pitch Shift Down One Note bool active; result = dsppitch->getActive(&active); ERRCHECK(result); if (active) { result = dsppitch->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); } else { result = system->addDSP(dsppitch, 0); ERRCHECK(result); result = dsppitch->setParameter(FMOD_DSP_PITCHSHIFT_PITCH, .9438f); ERRCHECK(result); } break; } case '8' : { // Pitch Shift Up One Note bool active; result = dsppitch->getActive(&active); ERRCHECK(result); if (active) { result = dsppitch->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); } else { result = system->addDSP(dsppitch, 0); ERRCHECK(result); result = dsppitch->setParameter(FMOD_DSP_PITCHSHIFT_PITCH, 1.059f); ERRCHECK(result); } break; } case '9' : { // Pitch Shift Up Octave bool active; result = dsppitch->getActive(&active); ERRCHECK(result); if (active) { result = dsppitch->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); } else { result = system->addDSP(dsppitch, 0); ERRCHECK(result); result = dsppitch->setParameter(FMOD_DSP_PITCHSHIFT_PITCH, 2.0f); ERRCHECK(result); } break; } case 'v' : case 'V' : { // Increment Volume for (count = 0; count < numSounds; count++) { channel[count]->getVolume(&volume); volume += 0.1f; if (volume > 1) { volume = 1; } //printf("Volume: %f \n", volume); channel[count]->setVolume(volume); } break; } case 'd' : case 'D' : { // Decrement Volume for (count = 0; count < numSounds; count++) { channel[count]->getVolume(&volume); volume -= 0.1f; if (volume < 0) { volume = 0; } //printf("Volume: %f \n", volume); channel[count]->setVolume(volume); } break; } case '[' : { // Pan Left for (count = 0; count < numSounds; count++) { channel[count]->getPan(&pan); pan -= 0.1f; if (pan < -1) { pan = -1; } channel[count]->setPan(pan); } break; } case ']' : { // Pan Right for (count = 0; count < numSounds; count++) { channel[count]->getPan(&pan); pan += 0.1f; if (pan > 1) { pan = 1; } channel[count]->setPan(pan); } break; } case 'n' : { // Decremental Pitch if (pitchf > 0.52f) { frequencyCount--; pitchCount--; printf("Pitch Count: %d\n", pitchCount); printf("Tempo Count: %d\n", tempoChange); if (pitchf == 1.0f) { pitchf = pow(.9438f,abs(tempoChange + pitchCount)); } else if (pitchf > 1.0f) { pitchf = pow(1.059f,tempoChange + pitchCount); } else if (pitchf < 1.0f) { pitchf = pow(.9438f,abs(tempoChange + pitchCount)); } printf("pitchf: %f\n", pitchf); result = dsppitch->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->addDSP(dsppitch, 0); ERRCHECK(result); result = dsppitch->setParameter(FMOD_DSP_PITCHSHIFT_PITCH, pitchf); ERRCHECK(result); } else { printf("Reached Min Pitch\n"); } break; } case 'm' : { // Incremental Pitch if (pitchf < 1.98f) { frequencyCount++; pitchCount++; printf("Pitch Count: %d\n", pitchCount); printf("Tempo Count: %d\n", tempoChange); if (pitchf == 1.0f) { pitchf = pow(1.059f,abs(tempoChange + pitchCount)); } else if (pitchf > 1.0f) { pitchf = pow(1.059f,tempoChange + pitchCount); } else if (pitchf < 1.0f) { pitchf = pow(.9438f,abs(tempoChange + pitchCount)); } printf("pitchf: %f\n", pitchf); result = dsppitch->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->addDSP(dsppitch, 0); ERRCHECK(result); result = dsppitch->setParameter(FMOD_DSP_PITCHSHIFT_PITCH, pitchf); ERRCHECK(result); } else { printf("Reached Max Pitch\n"); } break; } case 'r' : { // Lowpass bool active; result = dsplowpass->getActive(&active); ERRCHECK(result); if (active) { result = dsplowpass->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); } else { result = system->addDSP(dsplowpass, 0); ERRCHECK(result); } break; } case 't' : { // Highpass bool active; result = dsphighpass->getActive(&active); ERRCHECK(result); if (active) { result = dsphighpass->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); } else { result = system->addDSP(dsphighpass, 0); ERRCHECK(result); } break; } case 'y' : { // Echo bool active; result = dspecho->getActive(&active); ERRCHECK(result); if (active) { result = dspecho->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); } else { result = system->addDSP(dspecho, 0); ERRCHECK(result); result = dspecho->setParameter(FMOD_DSP_ECHO_DELAY, 50.0f); ERRCHECK(result); } break; } case 'u' : { // Flange bool active; result = dspflange->getActive(&active); ERRCHECK(result); if (active) { result = dspflange->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); } else { result = system->addDSP(dspflange, 0); ERRCHECK(result); } break; } case 'i' : { // Distortion bool active; result = dspdistortion->getActive(&active); ERRCHECK(result); if (active) { result = dspdistortion->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); } else { result = system->addDSP(dspdistortion, 0); ERRCHECK(result); result = dspdistortion->setParameter(FMOD_DSP_DISTORTION_LEVEL, 0.8f); ERRCHECK(result); } break; } case 'o' : { // Chorus bool active; result = dspchorus->getActive(&active); ERRCHECK(result); if (active) { result = dspchorus->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); } else { result = system->addDSP(dspchorus, 0); ERRCHECK(result); } break; } case 'p' : { // Parameq bool active; result = dspparameq->getActive(&active); ERRCHECK(result); if (active) { result = dspparameq->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); } else { result = system->addDSP(dspparameq, 0); ERRCHECK(result); result = dspparameq->setParameter(FMOD_DSP_PARAMEQ_CENTER, 5000.0f); ERRCHECK(result); result = dspparameq->setParameter(FMOD_DSP_PARAMEQ_GAIN, 0.0f); ERRCHECK(result); } break; } } } system->update(); { int channelsplaying = 0; bool dsppitch_active; dsppitch ->getActive(&dsppitch_active); system->getChannelsPlaying(&channelsplaying); } fflush(stdout); Sleep(10); } while (key != 27); { for (count = 0; count < numSounds; count++) { //channel[count]->getFrequency(&frequency); channel[count]->getVolume(&volume); int count; //float initFreq = frequency; float initVol = volume; for (count = 0; count < 200; count++) { //printf("Volume: %f \n", volume); //channel[count]->setFrequency(frequency); channel[count]->setVolume(volume); volume -= (initVol / 200.0f); //frequency -= (initFreq / 200.0f); Sleep(2); } } } printf("\n"); /* Shut down */ channel[0]->setFrequency(originalFrequency); result = dsppitch->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); result = dspparameq->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); result = dspchorus->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); result = dspdistortion->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); result = dspflange->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); result = dspecho->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); result = dsplowpass->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); result = dsphighpass->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); for (count = 0; count < numSounds; count++) { result = sound[count]->release(); ERRCHECK(result); } result = system->createSound("../../Config/Recital Crowd Applause.aif", FMOD_SOFTWARE, 0, &applause); ERRCHECK(result); wait(.5); result = system->playSound(FMOD_CHANNEL_FREE, applause, false, &applauseChannel); ERRCHECK(result); wait(10); result = applause->release(); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->close(); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->release(); ERRCHECK(result); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FMOD::System *system = 0; FMOD::Sound *sound = 0; FMOD::Channel *channel = 0; FMOD::DSP *dsplowpass = 0; FMOD::DSP *dsphighpass = 0; FMOD::DSP *dspecho = 0; FMOD::DSP *dspflange = 0; FMOD::DSP *dspdistortion = 0; FMOD::DSP *dspchorus = 0; FMOD::DSP *dspparameq = 0; FMOD_RESULT result; int key; unsigned int version; /* Create a System object and initialize. */ result = FMOD::System_Create(&system); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->getVersion(&version); ERRCHECK(result); if (version < FMOD_VERSION) { printf("Error! You are using an old version of FMOD %08x. This program requires %08x\n", version, FMOD_VERSION); return 0; } result = system->init(32, FMOD_INIT_NORMAL, 0); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->createSound("../media/drumloop.wav", FMOD_SOFTWARE, 0, &sound); ERRCHECK(result); printf("=================================================================\n"); printf("Effects Example. Copyright (c) Firelight Technologies 2004-2011.\n"); printf("=================================================================\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Press SPACE to paused/unpause sound.\n"); printf("Press 1 to toggle dsplowpass effect.\n"); printf("Press 2 to toggle dsphighpass effect.\n"); printf("Press 3 to toggle dspecho effect.\n"); printf("Press 4 to toggle dspflange effect.\n"); printf("Press 5 to toggle dspdistortion effect.\n"); printf("Press 6 to toggle dspchorus effect.\n"); printf("Press 7 to toggle dspparameq effect.\n"); printf("Press 'Esc' to quit\n"); printf("\n"); result = system->playSound(FMOD_CHANNEL_FREE, sound, false, &channel); ERRCHECK(result); /* Create some effects to play with. */ result = system->createDSPByType(FMOD_DSP_TYPE_LOWPASS, &dsplowpass); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->createDSPByType(FMOD_DSP_TYPE_HIGHPASS, &dsphighpass); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->createDSPByType(FMOD_DSP_TYPE_ECHO, &dspecho); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->createDSPByType(FMOD_DSP_TYPE_FLANGE, &dspflange); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->createDSPByType(FMOD_DSP_TYPE_DISTORTION, &dspdistortion); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->createDSPByType(FMOD_DSP_TYPE_CHORUS, &dspchorus); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->createDSPByType(FMOD_DSP_TYPE_PARAMEQ, &dspparameq); ERRCHECK(result); /* Main loop. */ do { if (kbhit()) { key = getch(); switch (key) { case ' ' : { bool paused; channel->getPaused(&paused); ERRCHECK(result); paused = !paused; result = channel->setPaused(paused); ERRCHECK(result); break; } case '1' : { bool active; result = dsplowpass->getActive(&active); ERRCHECK(result); if (active) { result = dsplowpass->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); } else { result = system->addDSP(dsplowpass, 0); ERRCHECK(result); } break; } case '2' : { bool active; result = dsphighpass->getActive(&active); ERRCHECK(result); if (active) { result = dsphighpass->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); } else { result = system->addDSP(dsphighpass, 0); ERRCHECK(result); } break; } case '3' : { bool active; result = dspecho->getActive(&active); ERRCHECK(result); if (active) { result = dspecho->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); } else { result = system->addDSP(dspecho, 0); ERRCHECK(result); result = dspecho->setParameter(FMOD_DSP_ECHO_DELAY, 50.0f); ERRCHECK(result); } break; } case '4' : { bool active; result = dspflange->getActive(&active); ERRCHECK(result); if (active) { result = dspflange->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); } else { result = system->addDSP(dspflange, 0); ERRCHECK(result); } break; } case '5' : { bool active; result = dspdistortion->getActive(&active); ERRCHECK(result); if (active) { result = dspdistortion->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); } else { result = system->addDSP(dspdistortion, 0); ERRCHECK(result); result = dspdistortion->setParameter(FMOD_DSP_DISTORTION_LEVEL, 0.8f); ERRCHECK(result); } break; } case '6' : { bool active; result = dspchorus->getActive(&active); ERRCHECK(result); if (active) { result = dspchorus->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); } else { result = system->addDSP(dspchorus, 0); ERRCHECK(result); } break; } case '7' : { bool active; result = dspparameq->getActive(&active); ERRCHECK(result); if (active) { result = dspparameq->remove(); ERRCHECK(result); } else { result = system->addDSP(dspparameq, 0); ERRCHECK(result); result = dspparameq->setParameter(FMOD_DSP_PARAMEQ_CENTER, 5000.0f); ERRCHECK(result); result = dspparameq->setParameter(FMOD_DSP_PARAMEQ_GAIN, 0.0f); ERRCHECK(result); } break; } } } system->update(); { bool paused = 0; bool dsplowpass_active; bool dsphighpass_active; bool dspecho_active; bool dspflange_active; bool dspdistortion_active; bool dspchorus_active; bool dspparameq_active; dsplowpass ->getActive(&dsplowpass_active); dsphighpass ->getActive(&dsphighpass_active); dspecho ->getActive(&dspecho_active); dspflange ->getActive(&dspflange_active); dspdistortion->getActive(&dspdistortion_active); dspchorus ->getActive(&dspchorus_active); dspparameq ->getActive(&dspparameq_active); if (channel) { result = channel->getPaused(&paused); if ((result != FMOD_OK) && (result != FMOD_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE) && (result != FMOD_ERR_CHANNEL_STOLEN)) { ERRCHECK(result); } } printf("%s : lowpass[%c] highpass[%c] echo[%c] flange[%c] dist[%c] chorus[%c] parameq[%c]\r", paused ? "Paused " : "Playing", dsplowpass_active ? 'x' : ' ', dsphighpass_active ? 'x' : ' ', dspecho_active ? 'x' : ' ', dspflange_active ? 'x' : ' ', dspdistortion_active ? 'x' : ' ', dspchorus_active ? 'x' : ' ', dspparameq_active ? 'x' : ' '); fflush(stdout); } Sleep(10); } while (key != 27); printf("\n"); /* Shut down */ result = sound->release(); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->close(); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->release(); ERRCHECK(result); return 0; }