Exemple #1
PoolFactory::PoolJson PoolFactory::parsePool(const folly::dynamic& json) {
  checkLogic(json.isString() || json.isObject(),
             "Pool should be a string (name of pool) or an object");
  if (json.isString()) {
    return parseNamedPool(json.stringPiece());
  auto jname = json.get_ptr("name");
  checkLogic(jname && jname->isString(), "Pool should have string 'name'");
  pools_.emplace(jname->stringPiece(), std::make_pair(json, PoolState::NEW));
  return parseNamedPool(jname->stringPiece());
Exemple #2
PoolFactory::parsePool(const folly::dynamic& json) {
  checkLogic(json.isString() || json.isObject(),
             "Pool should be a string (name of pool) or an object");
  if (json.isString()) {
    return parsePool(json.stringPiece().str(), json);
  } else {
    auto name = json.get_ptr("name");
    checkLogic(name && name->isString(), "Pool should have string 'name'");
    return parsePool(name->stringPiece().str(), json);
McrouterRouteHandlePtr makeErrorRoute(
    RouteHandleFactory<McrouterRouteHandleIf>& factory,
    const folly::dynamic& json) {
  checkLogic(json.isObject() || json.isString() || json.isNull(),
             "ErrorRoute: should be string or object");
  std::string response;
  if (json.isString()) {
    response = json.stringPiece().str();
  } else if (json.isObject()) {
    if (auto jResponse = json.get_ptr("response")) {
      checkLogic(jResponse->isString(), "ErrorRoute: response is not a string");
      response = jResponse->stringPiece().str();
  return makeErrorRoute(std::move(response));
YGDisplay yogaStyleDisplayFromDynamic(const folly::dynamic &value) {
  auto stringValue = value.asString();

  if (stringValue == "flex") { return YGDisplayFlex; }
  if (stringValue == "none") { return YGDisplayNone; }

YGPositionType yogaStylePositionTypeFromDynamic(const folly::dynamic &value) {
  auto stringValue = value.asString();

  if (stringValue == "relative") { return YGPositionTypeRelative; }
  if (stringValue == "absolute") { return YGPositionTypeAbsolute; }

YGDirection yogaStyleDirectionFromDynamic(const folly::dynamic &value) {
  auto stringValue = value.asString();

  if (stringValue == "inherit") { return YGDirectionInherit; }
  if (stringValue == "ltr") { return YGDirectionLTR; }
  if (stringValue == "rtl") { return YGDirectionRTL; }

YGOverflow yogaStyleOverflowFromDynamic(const folly::dynamic &value) {
  auto stringValue = value.asString();

  if (stringValue == "visible") { return YGOverflowVisible; }
  if (stringValue == "hidden") { return YGOverflowHidden; }
  if (stringValue == "scroll") { return YGOverflowScroll; }

YGWrap yogaStyleWrapFromDynamic(const folly::dynamic &value) {
  auto stringValue = value.asString();

  if (stringValue == "no-wrap") { return YGWrapNoWrap; }
  if (stringValue == "wrap") { return YGWrapWrap; }
  if (stringValue == "wrap-reverse") { return YGWrapWrapReverse; }

YGFlexDirection yogaStyleFlexDirectionFromDynamic(const folly::dynamic &value) {
  auto stringValue = value.asString();

  if (stringValue == "column") { return YGFlexDirectionColumn; }
  if (stringValue == "column-reverse") { return YGFlexDirectionColumnReverse; }
  if (stringValue == "row") { return YGFlexDirectionRow; }
  if (stringValue == "row-reverse") { return YGFlexDirectionRowReverse; }

Exemple #10
fbstring phpSerialize(const folly::dynamic& d) {
  if (d.isNull()) {
    return "N;";
  if (d.isBool()) {
    return d.asBool() ? "b:1;" : "b:0;";
  if (d.isInt()) {
    return "i:" + d.asString() + ";";
  if (d.isDouble()) {
    return "d:" + d.asString() + ";";
  if (d.isString()) {
    auto str = d.asString();
    return folly::to<fbstring>("s:", str.size(), ":\"", str, "\";");
  if (d.isArray()) {
    fbstring ret = folly::to<fbstring>("a:", d.size(), ":{");
    int i = 0;
    for (auto &v : d) {
      ret += folly::to<fbstring>("i:", i, ";", phpSerialize(v));
    return ret + "};";
  if (d.isObject()) {
    fbstring ret = folly::to<fbstring>("a:", d.size(), ":{");
    int nextindex = 0;
    for (auto &k : d.keys()) {
      if (k.isNull()) {
        ret += "i:0;";
        if (nextindex <= 0) {
          nextindex = 1;
      } else if (k.isInt() || k.isDouble()) {
        int i = k.asInt();
        ret += folly::to<fbstring>("i:", i, ";");
        if (nextindex <= i) {
          nextindex = i + 1;
      } else if (k.isString()) {
        ret += folly::to<fbstring>("s:", k.size(), ":\"",
                                   escapeCpp(k.asString()), "\";");
      } else {
        /* Should never be reached, but cover it to be safe */
        ret += folly::to<fbstring>("i:", nextindex++, ";");
      ret += phpSerialize(d[k]);
    return ret + "};";
  throw std::logic_error("Unhandled dynamic type in php serialization");
  return "N;";
 * @return target and asynclogName
 *         Caller may call makeAsynclogRoute afterwards.
std::pair<McrouterRouteHandlePtr, std::string> parseAsynclogRoute(
    RouteHandleFactory<McrouterRouteHandleIf>& factory,
    const folly::dynamic& json) {
  std::string asynclogName;
  McrouterRouteHandlePtr target;
  checkLogic(json.isObject() || json.isString(),
             "AsynclogRoute should be object or string");
  if (json.isString()) {
    asynclogName = json.stringPiece().str();
    target = factory.create(json);
  } else { // object
    auto jname = json.get_ptr("name");
    checkLogic(jname && jname->isString(),
               "AsynclogRoute: required string name");
    auto jtarget = json.get_ptr("target");
    checkLogic(jtarget, "AsynclogRoute: target not found");
    asynclogName = jname->stringPiece().str();
    target = factory.create(*jtarget);
  return { std::move(target), std::move(asynclogName) };
YGFloatOptional yogaStyleOptionalFloatFromDynamic(const folly::dynamic &value) {
  if (value.isNumber()) {
    return YGFloatOptional(value.asDouble());
  } else if (value.isString()) {
    const auto stringValue = value.asString();
    if (stringValue == "auto") {
      return YGFloatOptional();

YGJustify yogaStyleJustifyFromDynamic(const folly::dynamic &value) {
  auto stringValue = value.asString();

  if (stringValue == "flex-start") { return YGJustifyFlexStart; }
  if (stringValue == "center") { return YGJustifyCenter; }
  if (stringValue == "flex-end") { return YGJustifyFlexEnd; }
  if (stringValue == "space-between") { return YGJustifySpaceBetween; }
  if (stringValue == "space-around") { return YGJustifySpaceAround; }
  if (stringValue == "space-evenly") { return YGJustifySpaceEvenly; }

std::pair<std::shared_ptr<ClientPool>, std::vector<McrouterRouteHandlePtr>>
McRouteHandleProvider::makePool(const folly::dynamic& json) {
  checkLogic(json.isString() || json.isObject(),
             "Pool should be a string (name of pool) or an object");
  auto pool = poolFactory_.parsePool(json);
  std::vector<McrouterRouteHandlePtr> destinations;
  for (const auto& client : pool->getClients()) {
    auto pdstn = destinationMap_.fetch(*client);
    auto route = makeDestinationRoute(client, std::move(pdstn));

  return std::make_pair(std::move(pool), std::move(destinations));
YGAlign yogaStyleAlignFromDynamic(const folly::dynamic &value) {
  auto stringValue = value.asString();

  if (stringValue == "auto") { return YGAlignAuto; }
  if (stringValue == "flex-start") { return YGAlignFlexStart; }
  if (stringValue == "center") { return YGAlignCenter; }
  if (stringValue == "flex-end") { return YGAlignFlexEnd; }
  if (stringValue == "stretch") { return YGAlignStretch; }
  if (stringValue == "baseline") { return YGAlignBaseline; }
  if (stringValue == "between") { return YGAlignSpaceBetween; }
  if (stringValue == "space-around") { return YGAlignSpaceAround; }

Exemple #16
fbstring typeString(const folly::dynamic& typeNode, bool isReturnType) {
  if (!typeNode.isString()) {
    return "void";

  auto typeIt = g_typeMap.find(typeNode.asString());
  if (typeIt == g_typeMap.end()) {
    return (isReturnType ? "HPHP::Object" : "HPHP::Object const&");

  auto& type = typeIt->second;
  if (!isReturnType && isTypeCppIndirectPass(type)) {
    return type + " const&";
  } else {
    return type;
Exemple #17
// Parse type from a descriptive string, e.g. "int", "bool", etc...
static DataType kindOfFromDynamic(const folly::dynamic& t) {
  if (!t.isString()) {
    return KindOfInvalid;

  // If you hit this assert, the IDL contains "type": "Array"; you need to
  // use one of {Int64,String,Variant}{Vec,Map} instead.
  // These are still KindOfArray, not the HH types.
  assert(t.asString() != "Array");

  auto it = g_kindOfMap.find(t.asString());
  if (it == g_kindOfMap.end()) {
    return KindOfObject;

  return it->second;
YGValue yogaStyleValueFromDynamic(const folly::dynamic &value) {
  if (value.isNumber()) {
    float x = value.asDouble();
    return { x, YGUnitPoint };
  } else if (value.isString()) {
    const auto stringValue = value.asString();
    if (stringValue == "auto") {
      return { YGUndefined, YGUnitAuto };
    } else {
      if (stringValue.back() == '%') {
        return { folly::to<float>(stringValue.substr(stringValue.length() - 1)), YGUnitPercent };
      } else {
        return { folly::to<float>(stringValue), YGUnitPoint };

  return YGValueUndefined;
Exemple #19
// Infer type from an actual value, e.g. 123, "foo", null, true, etc...
static DataType kindOfFromValue(const folly::dynamic& v) {
  if (v.isNull()) {
    return KindOfNull;
  if (v.isBool()) {
    return KindOfBoolean;
  if (v.isInt()) {
    return KindOfInt64;
  if (v.isDouble()) {
    return KindOfDouble;
  if (v.isString()) {
    return KindOfString;
  if (v.isArray()) {
    return KindOfArray;
  if (v.isObject()) {
    return KindOfObject;
  return KindOfInvalid;
Exemple #20
PoolFactory::parsePool(const std::string& name, const folly::dynamic& json) {
  auto seenPoolIt = pools_.find(name);
  if (seenPoolIt != pools_.end()) {
    return seenPoolIt->second;

  if (json.isString()) {
    // get the pool from ConfigApi
    std::string jsonStr;
    checkLogic(configApi_.get(ConfigType::Pool, name, jsonStr),
               "Can not read pool: {}", name);
    return parsePool(name, parseJsonString(jsonStr));
  } else {
    // one day we may add inheriting from local pool
    if (auto jinherit = json.get_ptr("inherit")) {
                 "Pool {}: inherit is not a string", name);
      auto path = jinherit->stringPiece().str();
      std::string jsonStr;
      checkLogic(configApi_.get(ConfigType::Pool, path, jsonStr),
                 "Can not read pool from: {}", path);
      auto newJson = parseJsonString(jsonStr);
      for (auto& it : json.items()) {
        newJson.insert(it.first, it.second);
      return parsePool(name, newJson);

  // pool_locality
  std::chrono::milliseconds timeout{opts_.server_timeout_ms};
  if (auto jlocality = json.get_ptr("pool_locality")) {
    if (!jlocality->isString()) {
      MC_LOG_FAILURE(opts_, memcache::failure::Category::kInvalidConfig,
                     "Pool {}: pool_locality is not a string", name);
    } else {
      auto str = jlocality->stringPiece();
      if (str == "cluster") {
        if (opts_.cluster_pools_timeout_ms != 0) {
          timeout = std::chrono::milliseconds(opts_.cluster_pools_timeout_ms);
      } else if (str == "region") {
        if (opts_.regional_pools_timeout_ms != 0) {
          timeout = std::chrono::milliseconds(opts_.regional_pools_timeout_ms);
      } else {
        MC_LOG_FAILURE(opts_, memcache::failure::Category::kInvalidConfig,
                       "Pool {}: '{}' pool locality is not supported",
                       name, str);

  // region & cluster
  std::string region, cluster;
  if (auto jregion = json.get_ptr("region")) {
    if (!jregion->isString()) {
      MC_LOG_FAILURE(opts_, memcache::failure::Category::kInvalidConfig,
                     "Pool {}: pool_region is not a string", name);
    } else {
      region = jregion->stringPiece().str();
  if (auto jcluster = json.get_ptr("cluster")) {
    if (!jcluster->isString()) {
      MC_LOG_FAILURE(opts_, memcache::failure::Category::kInvalidConfig,
                     "Pool {}: pool_cluster is not a string", name);
    } else {
      cluster = jcluster->stringPiece().str();

  if (auto jtimeout = json.get_ptr("server_timeout")) {
    if (!jtimeout->isInt()) {
      MC_LOG_FAILURE(opts_, memcache::failure::Category::kInvalidConfig,
                     "Pool {}: server_timeout is not an int", name);
    } else {
      timeout = std::chrono::milliseconds(jtimeout->getInt());

  if (!region.empty() && !cluster.empty()) {
    auto& route = opts_.default_route;
    if (region == route.getRegion() && cluster == route.getCluster()) {
      if (opts_.within_cluster_timeout_ms != 0) {
        timeout = std::chrono::milliseconds(opts_.within_cluster_timeout_ms);
    } else if (region == route.getRegion()) {
      if (opts_.cross_cluster_timeout_ms != 0) {
        timeout = std::chrono::milliseconds(opts_.cross_cluster_timeout_ms);
    } else {
      if (opts_.cross_region_timeout_ms != 0) {
        timeout = std::chrono::milliseconds(opts_.cross_region_timeout_ms);

  auto protocol = parseProtocol(json, mc_ascii_protocol);

  bool keep_routing_prefix = false;
  if (auto jkeep_routing_prefix = json.get_ptr("keep_routing_prefix")) {
               "Pool {}: keep_routing_prefix is not a bool");
    keep_routing_prefix = jkeep_routing_prefix->getBool();

  uint64_t qosClass = opts_.default_qos_class;
  uint64_t qosPath = opts_.default_qos_path;
  if (auto jqos = json.get_ptr("qos")) {
    parseQos(folly::sformat("Pool {}", name), *jqos, qosClass, qosPath);

  bool useSsl = false;
  if (auto juseSsl = json.get_ptr("use_ssl")) {
    checkLogic(juseSsl->isBool(), "Pool {}: use_ssl is not a bool", name);
    useSsl = juseSsl->getBool();

  // servers
  auto jservers = json.get_ptr("servers");
  checkLogic(jservers, "Pool {}: servers not found", name);
  checkLogic(jservers->isArray(), "Pool {}: servers is not an array", name);
  auto clientPool = std::make_shared<ClientPool>(name);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < jservers->size(); ++i) {
    const auto& server = jservers->at(i);
    std::shared_ptr<AccessPoint> ap;
    bool serverUseSsl = useSsl;
    uint64_t serverQosClass = qosClass;
    uint64_t serverQosPath = qosPath;
    checkLogic(server.isString() || server.isObject(),
               "Pool {}: server #{} is not a string/object", name, i);
    if (server.isString()) {
      // we support both host:port and host:port:protocol
      ap = AccessPoint::create(server.stringPiece(), protocol);
      checkLogic(ap != nullptr,
                 "Pool {}: invalid server {}", name, server.stringPiece());
    } else { // object
      auto jhostname = server.get_ptr("hostname");
                 "Pool {}: hostname not found for server #{}", name, i);
                 "Pool {}: hostname is not a string for server #{}", name, i);

      if (auto jqos = server.get_ptr("qos")) {
        parseQos(folly::sformat("Pool {}, server #{}", name, i),
                 *jqos, qosClass, qosPath);

      if (auto juseSsl = server.get_ptr("use_ssl")) {
                   "Pool {}: use_ssl is not a bool for server #{}", name, i);
        serverUseSsl = juseSsl->getBool();

      ap = AccessPoint::create(jhostname->stringPiece(),
                               parseProtocol(server, protocol));
      checkLogic(ap != nullptr, "Pool {}: invalid server #{}", name, i);

    auto client = clientPool->emplaceClient(

  } // servers

  // weights
  if (auto jweights = json.get_ptr("weights")) {

  pools_.emplace(name, clientPool);
  return clientPool;
McrouterRouteHandlePtr McRouteHandleProvider::makePoolRoute(
  McRouteHandleFactory& factory, const folly::dynamic& json) {

  checkLogic(json.isObject() || json.isString(),
             "PoolRoute should be object or string");
  const folly::dynamic* jpool;
  if (json.isObject()) {
    jpool = json.get_ptr("pool");
    checkLogic(jpool, "PoolRoute: pool not found");
  } else {
    jpool = &json;
  auto p = makePool(*jpool);
  auto pool = std::move(p.first);
  auto destinations = std::move(p.second);

  if (json.isObject()) {
    if (auto maxOutstandingPtr = json.get_ptr("max_outstanding")) {
                 "PoolRoute {}: max_outstanding is not int", pool->getName());
      auto maxOutstanding = maxOutstandingPtr->asInt();
      if (maxOutstanding) {
        for (auto& destination: destinations) {
          destination = makeOutstandingLimitRoute(std::move(destination),

  if (json.isObject() && json.count("shadows")) {
    folly::StringPiece shadowPolicy = "default";
    if (auto jshadow_policy = json.get_ptr("shadow_policy")) {
                 "PoolRoute: shadow_policy is not a string");
      shadowPolicy = jshadow_policy->stringPiece();

    McrouterShadowData data;
    for (auto& shadow : json["shadows"]) {
                 "PoolRoute {} shadows: no target for shadow", pool->getName());
      auto s = ShadowSettings::create(shadow, proxy_->router());
      if (s) {
        data.emplace_back(factory.create(shadow["target"]), std::move(s));

    for (size_t i = 0; i < destinations.size(); ++i) {
      McrouterShadowData destinationShadows;
      for (const auto& shadowData : data) {
        if (shadowData.second->startIndex() <= i &&
            i < shadowData.second->endIndex()) {
      if (!destinationShadows.empty()) {
        destinations[i] = extraProvider_->makeShadow(
          proxy_, std::move(destinations[i]),
          std::move(destinationShadows), shadowPolicy);

  // add weights and override whatever we have in PoolRoute::hash
  folly::dynamic jhashWithWeights = folly::dynamic::object();
  if (pool->getWeights()) {
    jhashWithWeights = folly::dynamic::object
      ("hash_func", WeightedCh3HashFunc::type())
      ("weights", *pool->getWeights());

  if (json.isObject()) {
    if (auto jhash = json.get_ptr("hash")) {
      checkLogic(jhash->isObject() || jhash->isString(),
                 "PoolRoute {}: hash is not object/string", pool->getName());
      if (jhash->isString()) {
        jhashWithWeights["hash_func"] = *jhash;
      } else { // object
        for (const auto& it : jhash->items()) {
          jhashWithWeights[it.first] = it.second;
  auto route = makeHashRoute(jhashWithWeights, std::move(destinations));

  if (json.isObject()) {
    if (proxy_->router().opts().destination_rate_limiting) {
      if (auto jrates = json.get_ptr("rates")) {
        route = makeRateLimitRoute(std::move(route), RateLimiter(*jrates));

    if (auto jsplits = json.get_ptr("shard_splits")) {
      route = makeShardSplitRoute(std::move(route), ShardSplitter(*jsplits));

  auto asynclogName = pool->getName();
  bool needAsynclog = true;
  if (json.isObject()) {
    if (auto jasynclog = json.get_ptr("asynclog")) {
      checkLogic(jasynclog->isBool(), "PoolRoute: asynclog is not bool");
      needAsynclog = jasynclog->getBool();
    if (auto jname = json.get_ptr("name")) {
      checkLogic(jname->isString(), "PoolRoute: name is not a string");
      asynclogName = jname->stringPiece().str();
  if (needAsynclog) {
    route = createAsynclogRoute(std::move(route), asynclogName);

  return route;
AccessibilityTraits accessibilityTraitsFromDynamic(const folly::dynamic &value) {

  // FIXME: Not clear yet.