Exemple #1
    void download_file(vcpkg::Files::Filesystem& fs,
                       const std::string& url,
                       const fs::path& download_path,
                       const std::string& sha512)
        const std::string download_path_part = download_path.u8string() + ".part";
        std::error_code ec;
        fs.remove(download_path, ec);
        fs.remove(download_path_part, ec);
#if defined(_WIN32)
        auto url_no_proto = url.substr(8); // drop https://
        auto path_begin = Util::find(url_no_proto, '/');
        std::string hostname(url_no_proto.begin(), path_begin);
        std::string path(path_begin, url_no_proto.end());

        winhttp_download_file(fs, download_path_part.c_str(), hostname, path);
        const auto code = System::cmd_execute(
            Strings::format(R"(curl -L '%s' --create-dirs --output '%s')", url, download_path_part));
        Checks::check_exit(VCPKG_LINE_INFO, code == 0, "Could not download %s", url);

        verify_downloaded_file_hash(fs, url, download_path_part, sha512);
        fs.rename(download_path_part, download_path, ec);
                           "Failed to do post-download rename-in-place.\n"
                           "fs.rename(%s, %s, %s)",
Exemple #2
    static LintStatus check_lib_files_are_available_if_dlls_are_available(const Build::BuildPolicies& policies,
                                                                          const size_t lib_count,
                                                                          const size_t dll_count,
                                                                          const fs::path& lib_dir)
        if (policies.is_enabled(BuildPolicy::DLLS_WITHOUT_LIBS)) return LintStatus::SUCCESS;

        if (lib_count == 0 && dll_count != 0)
            System::println(System::Color::warning, "Import libs were not present in %s", lib_dir.u8string());
                            "If this is intended, add the following line in the portfile:\n"
                            "    SET(%s enabled)",
            return LintStatus::ERROR_DETECTED;

        return LintStatus::SUCCESS;
Exemple #3
    std::string get_file_hash(const Files::Filesystem& fs, const fs::path& path, const std::string& hash_type)
        const std::string digest_size = get_digest_size(hash_type);
        Checks::check_exit(VCPKG_LINE_INFO, fs.exists(path), "File %s does not exist", path.u8string());

        // Try hash-specific tools, like sha512sum
            const auto ec_data = System::cmd_execute_and_capture_output(
                Strings::format(R"(sha%ssum "%s")", digest_size, path.u8string()));
            if (ec_data.exit_code == 0)
                return parse_shasum_output(ec_data.output);

        // Try shasum
            const auto ec_data = System::cmd_execute_and_capture_output(
                Strings::format(R"(shasum -a %s "%s")", digest_size, path.u8string()));
            if (ec_data.exit_code == 0)
                return parse_shasum_output(ec_data.output);

        Checks::exit_with_message(VCPKG_LINE_INFO, "Could not hash file %s with %s", path.u8string(), hash_type);

    std::string get_string_hash(const std::string& s, const std::string& hash_type)
        const std::string digest_size = get_digest_size(hash_type);

        // Try hash-specific tools, like sha512sum
            const auto ec_data =
                System::cmd_execute_and_capture_output(Strings::format(R"(echo -n "%s" | sha%ssum)", s, digest_size));
            if (ec_data.exit_code == 0)
                return parse_shasum_output(ec_data.output);

        // Try shasum
            const auto ec_data = System::cmd_execute_and_capture_output(
                Strings::format(R"(echo -n "%s" | shasum -a %s)", s, digest_size));
            if (ec_data.exit_code == 0)
                return parse_shasum_output(ec_data.output);

        Checks::exit_with_message(VCPKG_LINE_INFO, "Could not hash input string with %s", hash_type);
Exemple #4
 std::string get_file_hash(const Files::Filesystem& fs, const fs::path& path, const std::string& hash_type)
     Checks::check_exit(VCPKG_LINE_INFO, fs.exists(path), "File %s does not exist", path.u8string());
     return BCryptHasher{hash_type}.hash_file(path);