Exemple #1
void RichLabel::SplitLabel( const Gwen::UnicodeString & text, Gwen::Font* pFont, const DividedText & txt, int & x, int & y, int & lineheight )
	Gwen::Utility::Strings::UnicodeList lst;
	Gwen::Utility::Strings::Split( text, U" ", lst, true );

	if ( lst.size() == 0 ) { return; }

	int iSpaceLeft = Width() - x;
	// Does the whole word fit in?
		Gwen::Point StringSize = GetSkin()->GetRender()->MeasureText( pFont, text );

		if ( iSpaceLeft > StringSize.x )
			return CreateLabel( text, txt, x, y, lineheight, true );
	// If the first word is bigger than the line, just give up.
		Gwen::Point WordSize = GetSkin()->GetRender()->MeasureText( pFont, lst[0] );

		if ( WordSize.x >= iSpaceLeft )
			CreateLabel( lst[0], txt, x, y, lineheight, true );

			if ( lst[0].size() >= text.size() ) { return; }

			Gwen::UnicodeString LeftOver = text.substr( lst[0].size() + 1 );
			return SplitLabel( LeftOver, pFont, txt, x, y, lineheight );
	Gwen::UnicodeString strNewString = U"";

	for ( size_t i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++ )
		Gwen::Point WordSize = GetSkin()->GetRender()->MeasureText( pFont, strNewString + lst[i] );

		if ( WordSize.x > iSpaceLeft )
			CreateLabel( strNewString, txt, x, y, lineheight, true );
			x = 0;
			y += lineheight;

		strNewString += lst[i];

	if ( strNewString.size() >= text.size() ) return;
	Gwen::UnicodeString LeftOver = text.substr( strNewString.size() + 1 );
	return SplitLabel( LeftOver, pFont, txt, x, y, lineheight );
Exemple #2
void Gwen::Utility::Strings::Split( const Gwen::UnicodeString& str, const Gwen::UnicodeString& seperator, Strings::UnicodeList& outbits, bool bLeave )
	int iOffset = 0;
	int iLength = str.length();
	int iSepLen = seperator.length();

	size_t i = str.find( seperator, 0 );
	while ( i != std::wstring::npos )
		outbits.push_back( str.substr( iOffset, i-iOffset ) );
		iOffset = i + iSepLen;

		i = str.find( seperator, iOffset );
		if ( bLeave ) iOffset -= iSepLen;

	outbits.push_back( str.substr( iOffset, iLength-iOffset ) );
Exemple #3
void Text::RefreshSizeWrap()

	for( TextLines::const_iterator it = m_Lines.begin(), end = m_Lines.end(); it != end; ++it )
		Text *t = *it;
		delete t, t = 0;


	std::vector<Gwen::UnicodeString> words;
	SplitWords( GetText().GetUnicode(), L' ', words );

	// Adding a bullshit word to the end simplifies the code below
	// which is anything but simple.
	words.push_back( L"" );

	if ( !GetFont() )
		Debug::AssertCheck( 0, "Text::RefreshSize() - No Font!!\n" );

	Point pFontSize = GetSkin()->GetRender()->MeasureText( GetFont(), L" " );

	int w = GetParent()->Width();
	int x = 0, y = 0;

	Gwen::UnicodeString strLine;

	std::vector<Gwen::UnicodeString>::iterator it = words.begin();
	for ( it; it != words.end(); ++it )
		bool bFinishLine = false;
		bool bWrapped = false;

		// If this word is a newline - make a newline (we still add it to the text)
		if ( (*it).c_str()[0] == L'\n' ) bFinishLine = true;

		// Does adding this word drive us over the width?
			strLine += (*it);
			Gwen::Point p = GetSkin()->GetRender()->MeasureText( GetFont(), strLine );
			if ( p.x > Width() ) { bFinishLine = true; bWrapped = true; }

		// If this is the last word then finish the line
		if ( --words.end() == it )
			bFinishLine = true;

		if ( bFinishLine )
			Text* t = new Text( this );
				t->SetFont( GetFont() );
				t->SetString( strLine.substr( 0, strLine.length() - (*it).length() ) );
				t->SetPos( x, y );
			m_Lines.push_back( t );

			// newline should start with the word that was too big
			strLine = *it;

			// Position the newline
			y += pFontSize.y;
			x = 0;

			//if ( strLine[0] == L' ' ) x -= pFontSize.x;


	// Size to children height and parent width
		Point childsize = ChildrenSize();
		SetSize( w, childsize.y );

Exemple #4
void Text::RefreshSizeWrap()

	for ( TextLines::iterator it = m_Lines.begin(); it != m_Lines.end(); ++it )
		delete *it;

	std::vector<Gwen::UnicodeString> words;
	SplitWords( GetText().GetUnicode(), words );
	// Adding a bullshit word to the end simplifies the code below
	// which is anything but simple.
	words.push_back( L"" );

	if ( !GetFont() )
		Debug::AssertCheck( 0, "Text::RefreshSize() - No Font!!\n" );

	Point pFontSize = GetSkin()->GetRender()->MeasureText( GetFont(), L" " );
	int w = GetParent()->Width() - GetParent()->GetPadding().left-GetParent()->GetPadding().right; 
	int x = 0, y = 0;
	Gwen::UnicodeString strLine;

	for ( std::vector<Gwen::UnicodeString>::iterator it = words.begin(); it != words.end(); ++it )
		bool bFinishLine = false;
		bool bWrapped = false;

		// If this word is a newline - make a newline (we still add it to the text)
		if ( ( *it ).c_str() [0] == L'\n' ) { bFinishLine = true; }

		// Does adding this word drive us over the width?
			strLine += ( *it );
			Gwen::Point p = GetSkin()->GetRender()->MeasureText( GetFont(), strLine );

			if ( p.x > w ) { bFinishLine = true; bWrapped = true; }

		// If this is the last word then finish the line
		if ( --words.end() == it )
			bFinishLine = true;

		if ( bFinishLine )
			Text* t = new Text( this );
			t->SetFont( GetFont() );
			t->SetTextColor( m_Color );
				t->SetString( strLine.substr( 0, strLine.length() - (*it).length() ) );
				// newline should start with the word that was too big
				strLine = *it;
				t->SetString( strLine.substr( 0, strLine.length()) );
				//new line is empty
			t->SetPos( x, y );
			m_Lines.push_back( t );

			// newline should start with the word that was too big
			// strLine = *it;

			// Position the newline
			y += pFontSize.y;
			x = 0;
			//if ( strLine[0] == L' ' ) x -= pFontSize.x;

	// Size to children height and parent width
	Point childsize = ChildrenSize();
		SetSize( w, childsize.y );

	// Align the text within the parent
	int y_offset = 0;
	for ( TextLines::iterator it = m_Lines.begin(); it != m_Lines.end(); ++it )
		Text* text = *it;
		const Rect & bounds = GetInnerBounds();

		int x = 0;
		int y = 0;

		if ( m_iAlign & Pos::Left )		{ x = bounds.x; }
		if ( m_iAlign & Pos::Right )	{ x = bounds.x + ( bounds.w - text->Width() ); }
		if ( m_iAlign & Pos::CenterH )	{ x = bounds.x + ( bounds.w - text->Width() )  * 0.5; }
		if ( m_iAlign & Pos::Top )		{ y = bounds.y; }
		if ( m_iAlign & Pos::Bottom )	{ y = bounds.y + ( bounds.h - childsize.y ); }
		if ( m_iAlign & Pos::CenterV )	{ y = bounds.y + ( bounds.h - childsize.y )  * 0.5; }

		text->SetPos( x, y + y_offset );

		y_offset += text->Height();
