Exemple #1
 template <bool IsView> static void read(h5::group gr, gf_impl<block_index, Target, Opt, IsView, false> &g) {
  // does not work : need to read the block name and remake the mesh...
  g._mesh = gf_mesh<block_index, Opt>(gr.get_all_subgroup_names());
  // if (g._data.size() != g._mesh.size()) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR << "h5 read block gf : number of block mismatch";
  for (size_t i = 0; i < g.mesh().size(); ++i) h5_read(gr, g.mesh().domain().names()[i], g._data[i]);
  // h5_read(gr,"symmetry",g._symmetry);
Exemple #2
 void h5_read ( h5::group F, std::string const & subgroup_name, parameters & p){
  auto gr = F.open_group(subgroup_name);
  std::vector<std::string> ds_name = F.get_all_dataset_names(subgroup_name), grp_name = F.get_all_subgroup_names(subgroup_name);
  for (auto & x : grp_name) {
   //std::cerr  << " loading group : "<< x <<std::endl;
   auto x_grp = gr.open_group(x);
   auto triqs_data_scheme = x_grp.read_triqs_hdf5_data_scheme(); 
   if (triqs_data_scheme != "") { 
    auto type_hash = _object::h5_scheme_to_code[triqs_data_scheme];
    auto it = _object::code_to_h5_read_fnts.find(type_hash);
    if (it == _object::code_to_h5_read_fnts.end()) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR << "TRIQS_HDF5_data_scheme : ["<< triqs_data_scheme << "] is unknown. Did you register your object ?";
    p[x] = it->second(gr,x);
   else { 
    parameters p2;
    h5_read (gr,x,p2);
    p[x] = p2;
  for (auto & x : ds_name) {
   //std::cerr  << " loading : "<< x <<std::endl;
   try {
    _object obj;
    p[x] = obj;
   catch(H5::Exception const & e) { TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<< "Cannot load "<< x<<"\n H5 error is : \n   "<< e.getCDetailMsg();}