IceSSL::SSLEngine::SSLEngine(const Ice::CommunicatorPtr& communicator) : _initialized(false), _communicator(communicator), _logger(communicator->getLogger()), _trustManager(new TrustManager(communicator)) { }
void SessionHelperI::destroyInternal(const Ice::DispatcherCallPtr& disconnected) { assert(_destroy); Ice::CommunicatorPtr communicator; Glacier2::RouterPrxPtr router; { IceUtil::Mutex::Lock sync(_mutex); router = _router; _router = ICE_NULLPTR; _connected = false; communicator = _communicator; } if(router) { try { router->destroySession(); } catch(const Ice::ConnectionLostException&) { // // Expected if another thread invoked on an object from the session concurrently. // } catch(const Glacier2::SessionNotExistException&) { // // This can also occur. // } catch(const std::exception& ex) { // // Not expected. // if(communicator) { Ice::Warning warn(communicator->getLogger()); warn << "SessionHelper: unexpected exception when destroying the session:\n" << ex; } } } if(communicator) { try { communicator->destroy(); } catch(...) { } communicator = ICE_NULLPTR; } dispatchCallback(disconnected, ICE_NULLPTR); }
void client::closeSession() { IceUtil::RecMutex::Lock lock(mutex); __sf = NULL; Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr oldOa = __oa; __oa = Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr(); Ice::CommunicatorPtr oldIc = __ic; __ic = Ice::CommunicatorPtr(); // Only possible if improperly configured if (! oldIc) { return; // EARLY EXIT! } if (oldOa) { try { oldOa->deactivate(); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { stringstream msg; msg << "While deactivating adapter : " << ex.what() << std::endl; oldIc->getLogger()->warning(msg.str()); } } __previous = Ice::InitializationData(); = oldIc->getProperties()->clone(); try { getRouter(oldIc)->destroySession(); } catch (const Glacier2::SessionNotExistException& snee) { // ok. We don't want it to exist oldIc->destroy(); } catch (const Ice::ConnectionLostException& cle) { // ok. Exception will always be thrown. oldIc->destroy(); } catch (const Ice::ConnectionRefusedException& cre) { // ok. Server probably went down oldIc->destroy(); } catch (const Ice::ConnectTimeoutException& cre) { // ok. Server probably went down oldIc->destroy(); } catch (const omero::ClientError& ce) { // This is called by getRouter() if a router is not configured. // If there isn't one, then we can't be connected. That's alright. // Most likely called during ~client oldIc->destroy(); } catch (...) { oldIc->destroy(); throw; } }
Glacier2::Instance::Instance(const Ice::CommunicatorPtr& communicator, const Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr& clientAdapter, const Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr& serverAdapter) : _communicator(communicator), _properties(communicator->getProperties()), _logger(communicator->getLogger()), _clientAdapter(clientAdapter), _serverAdapter(serverAdapter) { if(_properties->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault(serverBuffered, 1) > 0) { IceUtil::Time sleepTime = IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(_properties->getPropertyAsInt(serverSleepTime)); const_cast<RequestQueueThreadPtr&>(_serverRequestQueueThread) = new RequestQueueThread(sleepTime); try { _serverRequestQueueThread->start(); } catch(const IceUtil::Exception&) { _serverRequestQueueThread->destroy(); throw; } } if(_properties->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault(clientBuffered, 1) > 0) { IceUtil::Time sleepTime = IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(_properties->getPropertyAsInt(clientSleepTime)); const_cast<RequestQueueThreadPtr&>(_clientRequestQueueThread) = new RequestQueueThread(sleepTime); try { _clientRequestQueueThread->start(); } catch(const IceUtil::Exception&) { _clientRequestQueueThread->destroy(); throw; } } const_cast<ProxyVerifierPtr&>(_proxyVerifier) = new ProxyVerifier(communicator); // // If an Ice metrics observer is setup on the communicator, also // enable metrics for IceStorm. // IceInternal::CommunicatorObserverIPtr o = IceInternal::CommunicatorObserverIPtr::dynamicCast(communicator->getObserver()); if(o) { const_cast<Glacier2::Instrumentation::RouterObserverPtr&>(_observer) = new RouterObserverI(o->getFacet(), _properties->getPropertyWithDefault("Glacier2.InstanceName", "Glacier2")); } }
TraceLevels::TraceLevels(const Ice::CommunicatorPtr& communicator, const string& prefix) : admin(0), adminCat("Admin"), application(0), applicationCat("Application"), node(0), nodeCat("Node"), replica(0), replicaCat("Replica"), server(0), serverCat("Server"), adapter(0), adapterCat("Adapter"), object(0), objectCat("Object"), activator(0), activatorCat("Activator"), patch(0), patchCat("Patch"), locator(0), locatorCat("Locator"), session(0), sessionCat("Session"), discovery(0), discoveryCat("Discovery"), logger(communicator->getLogger()) { Ice::PropertiesPtr properties = communicator->getProperties(); string keyBase = prefix + ".Trace."; const_cast<int&>(admin) = properties->getPropertyAsInt(keyBase + adminCat); const_cast<int&>(application) = properties->getPropertyAsInt(keyBase + applicationCat); const_cast<int&>(node) = properties->getPropertyAsInt(keyBase + nodeCat); const_cast<int&>(replica) = properties->getPropertyAsInt(keyBase + replicaCat); const_cast<int&>(server) = properties->getPropertyAsInt(keyBase + serverCat); const_cast<int&>(adapter) = properties->getPropertyAsInt(keyBase + adapterCat); const_cast<int&>(object) = properties->getPropertyAsInt(keyBase + objectCat); const_cast<int&>(activator) = properties->getPropertyAsInt(keyBase + activatorCat); const_cast<int&>(patch) = properties->getPropertyAsInt(keyBase + patchCat); const_cast<int&>(locator) = properties->getPropertyAsInt(keyBase + locatorCat); const_cast<int&>(session) = properties->getPropertyAsInt(keyBase + sessionCat); const_cast<int&>(discovery) = properties->getPropertyAsInt(keyBase + discoveryCat); }
ThrowerPrx allTests(const Ice::CommunicatorPtr& communicator) { cout << "testing ice_print()/what()... " << flush; { A a; string aMsg = "Test::A"; Ice::UnknownLocalException ule("thisFile", 99); string uleMsg = "thisFile:99: Ice::UnknownLocalException:\nunknown local exception"; // // Test ice_print(). // { stringstream str; a.ice_print(str); test(str.str() == aMsg); } { stringstream str; ule.ice_print(str); test(str.str() == uleMsg); } // // Test operator<<(). // { stringstream str; str << a; test(str.str() == aMsg); } { stringstream str; str << ule; test(str.str() == uleMsg); } // // Test what(). (Called twice because of lazy initialization in what().) // test(aMsg == a.what()); test(aMsg == a.what()); test(uleMsg == ule.what()); test(uleMsg == ule.what()); { E ex("E"); ostringstream os; ex.ice_print(os); test(os.str() == "Test::E"); test( == "E"); } // // Test custom ice_print // { F ex("F"); ostringstream os; ex.ice_print(os); test(os.str() == "Test::F data:'F'"); test( == "F"); } { G ex(__FILE__, __LINE__, "G"); ostringstream os; ex.ice_print(os); test(endsWith(os.str(), "Test::G")); test( == "G"); } { H ex(__FILE__, __LINE__, "H"); ostringstream os; ex.ice_print(os); test(endsWith(os.str(), "Test::H data:'H'")); test( == "H"); } } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing object adapter registration exceptions... " << flush; { Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr first; try { first = communicator->createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter0"); test(false); } catch(const Ice::InitializationException& ex) { if(printException) { Ice::Print printer(communicator->getLogger()); printer << ex; } // Expected } string host = communicator->getProperties()->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.IPv6", 0) == 0 ? "" : "\"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1\""; communicator->getProperties()->setProperty("TestAdapter0.Endpoints", "default -h " + host); first = communicator->createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter0"); try { Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr second = communicator->createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter0"); test(false); } catch(const Ice::AlreadyRegisteredException& ex) { if(printException) { Ice::Print printer(communicator->getLogger()); printer << ex; } // Expected } try { Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr second = communicator->createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("TestAdapter0", "ssl -h foo -p 12011"); test(false); } catch(const Ice::AlreadyRegisteredException& ex) { if(printException) { Ice::Print printer(communicator->getLogger()); printer << ex; } // Expected. } first->deactivate(); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing servant registration exceptions... " << flush; { string host = communicator->getProperties()->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.IPv6", 0) == 0 ? "" : "\"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1\""; communicator->getProperties()->setProperty("TestAdapter1.Endpoints", "default -h " + host); Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator->createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter1"); Ice::ObjectPtr obj = new EmptyI; adapter->add(obj, communicator->stringToIdentity("x")); try { adapter->add(obj, communicator->stringToIdentity("x")); test(false); } catch(const Ice::AlreadyRegisteredException& ex) { if(printException) { Ice::Print printer(communicator->getLogger()); printer << ex; } } try { adapter->add(obj, communicator->stringToIdentity("")); } catch(const Ice::IllegalIdentityException& ex) { test( == ""); if(printException) { Ice::Print printer(communicator->getLogger()); printer << ex; } } try { adapter->add(0, communicator->stringToIdentity("x")); } catch(const Ice::IllegalServantException& ex) { if(printException) { Ice::Print printer(communicator->getLogger()); printer << ex; } } adapter->remove(communicator->stringToIdentity("x")); try { adapter->remove(communicator->stringToIdentity("x")); test(false); } catch(const Ice::NotRegisteredException& ex) { if(printException) { Ice::Print printer(communicator->getLogger()); printer << ex; } } adapter->deactivate(); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing servant locator registrations exceptions... " << flush; { string host = communicator->getProperties()->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.IPv6", 0) == 0 ? "" : "\"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1\""; communicator->getProperties()->setProperty("TestAdapter2.Endpoints", "default -h " + host); Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator->createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter2"); Ice::ServantLocatorPtr loc = new ServantLocatorI; adapter->addServantLocator(loc, "x"); try { adapter->addServantLocator(loc, "x"); test(false); } catch(const Ice::AlreadyRegisteredException&) { } adapter->deactivate(); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing object factory registration exception... " << flush; { Ice::ObjectFactoryPtr of = new ObjectFactoryI; communicator->addObjectFactory(of, "x"); try { communicator->addObjectFactory(of, "x"); test(false); } catch(const Ice::AlreadyRegisteredException&) { } } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing stringToProxy... " << flush; string ref = "thrower:default -p 12010"; Ice::ObjectPrx base = communicator->stringToProxy(ref); test(base); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing checked cast... " << flush; ThrowerPrx thrower = ThrowerPrx::checkedCast(base); test(thrower); test(thrower == base); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching exact types... " << flush; try { thrower->throwAasA(1); test(false); } catch(const A& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { cout << ex << endl; test(false); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwAorDasAorD(1); test(false); } catch(const A& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwAorDasAorD(-1); test(false); } catch(const D& ex) { test(ex.dMem == -1); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwBasB(1, 2); test(false); } catch(const B& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwCasC(1, 2, 3); test(false); } catch(const C& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); test(ex.cMem == 3); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwModA(1, 2); test(false); } catch(const Mod::A& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.a2Mem == 2); } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException&) { // // This operation is not supported in Java. // } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching base types... " << flush; try { thrower->throwBasB(1, 2); test(false); } catch(const A& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwCasC(1, 2, 3); test(false); } catch(const B& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwModA(1, 2); test(false); } catch(const A& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException&) { // // This operation is not supported in Java. // } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching derived types... " << flush; try { thrower->throwBasA(1, 2); test(false); } catch(const B& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwCasA(1, 2, 3); test(false); } catch(const C& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); test(ex.cMem == 3); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwCasB(1, 2, 3); test(false); } catch(const C& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); test(ex.cMem == 3); } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; if(thrower->supportsUndeclaredExceptions()) { cout << "catching unknown user exception... " << flush; try { thrower->throwUndeclaredA(1); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownUserException&) { } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { cout << ex << endl; cout << ex.ice_stackTrace() << endl; test(false); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwUndeclaredB(1, 2); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownUserException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwUndeclaredC(1, 2, 3); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownUserException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; } if(thrower->ice_getConnection()) { cout << "testing memory limit marshal exception..." << flush; try { thrower->throwMemoryLimitException(Ice::ByteSeq()); test(false); } catch(const Ice::MemoryLimitException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwMemoryLimitException(Ice::ByteSeq(20 * 1024)); // 20KB test(false); } catch(const Ice::ConnectionLostException&) { } catch(const Ice::LocalException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; test(false); } ThrowerPrx thrower2 = ThrowerPrx::uncheckedCast(communicator->stringToProxy("thrower:default -p 12011")); try { thrower2->throwMemoryLimitException(Ice::ByteSeq(2 * 1024 * 1024)); // 2MB (no limits) } catch(const Ice::MemoryLimitException&) { } ThrowerPrx thrower3 = ThrowerPrx::uncheckedCast(communicator->stringToProxy("thrower:default -p 12012")); try { thrower3->throwMemoryLimitException(Ice::ByteSeq(1024)); // 1KB limit test(false); } catch(const Ice::ConnectionLostException&) { } cout << "ok" << endl; } cout << "catching object not exist exception... " << flush; Ice::Identity id = communicator->stringToIdentity("does not exist"); try { ThrowerPrx thrower2 = ThrowerPrx::uncheckedCast(thrower->ice_identity(id)); thrower2->throwAasA(1); // thrower2->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::ObjectNotExistException& ex) { test( == id); } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching facet not exist exception... " << flush; try { ThrowerPrx thrower2 = ThrowerPrx::uncheckedCast(thrower, "no such facet"); try { thrower2->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::FacetNotExistException& ex) { test(ex.facet == "no such facet"); } } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching operation not exist exception... " << flush; try { WrongOperationPrx thrower2 = WrongOperationPrx::uncheckedCast(thrower); thrower2->noSuchOperation(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException& ex) { test(ex.operation == "noSuchOperation"); } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching unknown local exception... " << flush; try { thrower->throwLocalException(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownLocalException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwLocalExceptionIdempotent(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownLocalException&) { } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching unknown non-Ice exception... " << flush; try { thrower->throwNonIceException(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing asynchronous exceptions... " << flush; try { thrower->throwAfterResponse(); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwAfterException(); } catch(const A&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching exact types with new AMI mapping... " << flush; { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwAasAPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwAasA(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_AasA); thrower->begin_throwAasA(1, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwAorDasAorDPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwAorDasAorD(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_AorDasAorD); thrower->begin_throwAorDasAorD(1, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwAorDasAorDPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwAorDasAorD(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_AorDasAorD); thrower->begin_throwAorDasAorD(-1, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwBasBPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwBasB(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_BasB); thrower->begin_throwBasB(1, 2, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwCasCPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwCasC(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_CasC); thrower->begin_throwCasC(1, 2, 3, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwModAPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwModA(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_ModA); thrower->begin_throwModA(1, 2, callback); cb->check(); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching derived types with new AMI mapping... " << flush; { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwBasAPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwBasA(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_BasA); thrower->begin_throwBasA(1, 2, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwCasAPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwCasA(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_CasA); thrower->begin_throwCasA(1, 2, 3, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwCasBPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwCasB(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_CasB); thrower->begin_throwCasB(1, 2, 3, callback); cb->check(); } cout << "ok" << endl; if(thrower->supportsUndeclaredExceptions()) { cout << "catching unknown user exception with new AMI mapping... " << flush; { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwUndeclaredAPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwUndeclaredA(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_UndeclaredA); thrower->begin_throwUndeclaredA(1, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwUndeclaredBPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwUndeclaredB(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_UndeclaredB); thrower->begin_throwUndeclaredB(1, 2, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwUndeclaredCPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwUndeclaredC(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_UndeclaredC); thrower->begin_throwUndeclaredC(1, 2, 3, callback); cb->check(); } cout << "ok" << endl; } cout << "catching object not exist exception with new AMI mapping... " << flush; { id = communicator->stringToIdentity("does not exist"); ThrowerPrx thrower2 = ThrowerPrx::uncheckedCast(thrower->ice_identity(id)); CallbackPtr cb = new Callback(communicator); Callback_Thrower_throwAasAPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwAasA(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_AasAObjectNotExist); thrower2->begin_throwAasA(1, callback); cb->check(); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching facet not exist exception with new AMI mapping... " << flush; { ThrowerPrx thrower2 = ThrowerPrx::uncheckedCast(thrower, "no such facet"); CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwAasAPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwAasA(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_AasAFacetNotExist); thrower2->begin_throwAasA(1, callback); cb->check(); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching operation not exist exception with new AMI mapping... " << flush; { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_WrongOperation_noSuchOperationPtr callback = newCallback_WrongOperation_noSuchOperation(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_noSuchOperation); WrongOperationPrx thrower4 = WrongOperationPrx::uncheckedCast(thrower); thrower4->begin_noSuchOperation(callback); cb->check(); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching unknown local exception with new AMI mapping... " << flush; { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwLocalExceptionPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwLocalException(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_LocalException); thrower->begin_throwLocalException(callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwLocalExceptionIdempotentPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwLocalExceptionIdempotent(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_LocalException); thrower->begin_throwLocalExceptionIdempotent(callback); cb->check(); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching unknown non-Ice exception with new AMI mapping... " << flush; { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwNonIceExceptionPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwNonIceException(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_NonIceException); thrower->begin_throwNonIceException(callback); cb->check(); } cout << "ok" << endl; return thrower; }
ThrowerPrxPtr allTests(const Ice::CommunicatorPtr& communicator) { cout << "testing ice_print()/what()... " << flush; { A a; string aMsg = "Test::A"; Ice::UnknownLocalException ule("thisFile", 99); string uleMsg = "thisFile:99: Ice::UnknownLocalException:\nunknown local exception"; // // Test ice_print(). // { stringstream str; a.ice_print(str); test(str.str() == aMsg); } { stringstream str; ule.ice_print(str); test(str.str() == uleMsg); } // // Test operator<<(). // { stringstream str; str << a; test(str.str() == aMsg); } { stringstream str; str << ule; test(str.str() == uleMsg); } // // Test what(). (Called twice because of lazy initialization in what().) // test(aMsg == a.what()); test(aMsg == a.what()); test(uleMsg == ule.what()); test(uleMsg == ule.what()); { E ex("E"); ostringstream os; ex.ice_print(os); test(os.str() == "Test::E"); test( == "E"); } // // Test custom ice_print // { F ex("F"); ostringstream os; ex.ice_print(os); test(os.str() == "Test::F data:'F'"); test( == "F"); } { G ex(__FILE__, __LINE__, "G"); ostringstream os; ex.ice_print(os); test(endsWith(os.str(), "Test::G")); test( == "G"); } { H ex(__FILE__, __LINE__, "H"); ostringstream os; ex.ice_print(os); test(endsWith(os.str(), "Test::H data:'H'")); test( == "H"); } } cout << "ok" << endl; string localOAEndpoint; { ostringstream ostr; if(communicator->getProperties()->getProperty("Ice.Default.Protocol") == "bt") { ostr << "default -a *"; } else { ostr << "default -h *"; } localOAEndpoint = ostr.str(); } cout << "testing object adapter registration exceptions... " << flush; { Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr first; try { first = communicator->createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter0"); test(false); } catch(const Ice::InitializationException& ex) { if(printException) { Ice::Print printer(communicator->getLogger()); printer << ex; } // Expected } communicator->getProperties()->setProperty("TestAdapter0.Endpoints", localOAEndpoint); first = communicator->createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter0"); try { Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr second = communicator->createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter0"); test(false); } catch(const Ice::AlreadyRegisteredException& ex) { if(printException) { Ice::Print printer(communicator->getLogger()); printer << ex; } // Expected } try { Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr second = communicator->createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("TestAdapter0", "ssl -h foo -p 12011"); test(false); } catch(const Ice::AlreadyRegisteredException& ex) { if(printException) { Ice::Print printer(communicator->getLogger()); printer << ex; } // Expected. } first->deactivate(); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing servant registration exceptions... " << flush; { communicator->getProperties()->setProperty("TestAdapter1.Endpoints", localOAEndpoint); Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator->createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter1"); Ice::ObjectPtr obj = ICE_MAKE_SHARED(EmptyI); adapter->add(obj, communicator->stringToIdentity("x")); try { adapter->add(obj, communicator->stringToIdentity("x")); test(false); } catch(const Ice::AlreadyRegisteredException& ex) { if(printException) { Ice::Print printer(communicator->getLogger()); printer << ex; } } try { adapter->add(obj, communicator->stringToIdentity("")); } catch(const Ice::IllegalIdentityException& ex) { test( == ""); if(printException) { Ice::Print printer(communicator->getLogger()); printer << ex; } } try { adapter->add(0, communicator->stringToIdentity("x")); } catch(const Ice::IllegalServantException& ex) { if(printException) { Ice::Print printer(communicator->getLogger()); printer << ex; } } adapter->remove(communicator->stringToIdentity("x")); try { adapter->remove(communicator->stringToIdentity("x")); test(false); } catch(const Ice::NotRegisteredException& ex) { if(printException) { Ice::Print printer(communicator->getLogger()); printer << ex; } } adapter->deactivate(); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing servant locator registrations exceptions... " << flush; { communicator->getProperties()->setProperty("TestAdapter2.Endpoints", localOAEndpoint); Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator->createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter2"); Ice::ServantLocatorPtr loc = ICE_MAKE_SHARED(ServantLocatorI); adapter->addServantLocator(loc, "x"); try { adapter->addServantLocator(loc, "x"); test(false); } catch(const Ice::AlreadyRegisteredException&) { } adapter->deactivate(); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing value factory registration exception... " << flush; { #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING communicator->addValueFactory( [](const std::string&) { return nullptr; }, "x"); try { communicator->addValueFactory( [](const std::string&) { return nullptr; }, "x"); test(false); } catch(const Ice::AlreadyRegisteredException&) { } #else Ice::ValueFactoryPtr vf = new ValueFactoryI; communicator->addValueFactory(vf, "x"); try { communicator->addValueFactory(vf, "x"); test(false); } catch(const Ice::AlreadyRegisteredException&) { } #endif } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing stringToProxy... " << flush; string ref = "thrower:" + getTestEndpoint(communicator, 0); Ice::ObjectPrxPtr base = communicator->stringToProxy(ref); test(base); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing checked cast... " << flush; ThrowerPrxPtr thrower = ICE_CHECKED_CAST(ThrowerPrx, base); test(thrower); #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING test(Ice::targetEquals(thrower, base)); #else test(thrower == base); #endif cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching exact types... " << flush; try { thrower->throwAasA(1); test(false); } catch(const A& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { cout << ex << endl; test(false); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwAorDasAorD(1); test(false); } catch(const A& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwAorDasAorD(-1); test(false); } catch(const D& ex) { test(ex.dMem == -1); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwBasB(1, 2); test(false); } catch(const B& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwCasC(1, 2, 3); test(false); } catch(const C& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); test(ex.cMem == 3); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwModA(1, 2); test(false); } catch(const Mod::A& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.a2Mem == 2); } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException&) { // // This operation is not supported in Java. // } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching base types... " << flush; try { thrower->throwBasB(1, 2); test(false); } catch(const A& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwCasC(1, 2, 3); test(false); } catch(const B& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwModA(1, 2); test(false); } catch(const A& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException&) { // // This operation is not supported in Java. // } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching derived types... " << flush; try { thrower->throwBasA(1, 2); test(false); } catch(const B& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwCasA(1, 2, 3); test(false); } catch(const C& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); test(ex.cMem == 3); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwCasB(1, 2, 3); test(false); } catch(const C& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); test(ex.cMem == 3); } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; if(thrower->supportsUndeclaredExceptions()) { cout << "catching unknown user exception... " << flush; try { thrower->throwUndeclaredA(1); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownUserException&) { } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { cout << ex << endl; cout << ex.ice_stackTrace() << endl; test(false); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwUndeclaredB(1, 2); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownUserException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwUndeclaredC(1, 2, 3); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownUserException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; } if(thrower->ice_getConnection()) { cout << "testing memory limit marshal exception..." << flush; try { thrower->throwMemoryLimitException(Ice::ByteSeq()); test(false); } catch(const Ice::MemoryLimitException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwMemoryLimitException(Ice::ByteSeq(20 * 1024)); // 20KB test(false); } catch(const Ice::ConnectionLostException&) { } catch(const Ice::LocalException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; test(false); } ThrowerPrxPtr thrower2 = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(ThrowerPrx, communicator->stringToProxy("thrower:" + getTestEndpoint(communicator, 1))); try { thrower2->throwMemoryLimitException(Ice::ByteSeq(2 * 1024 * 1024)); // 2MB (no limits) } catch(const Ice::MemoryLimitException&) { } ThrowerPrxPtr thrower3 = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(ThrowerPrx, communicator->stringToProxy("thrower:" + getTestEndpoint(communicator, 2))); try { thrower3->throwMemoryLimitException(Ice::ByteSeq(1024)); // 1KB limit test(false); } catch(const Ice::ConnectionLostException&) { } cout << "ok" << endl; } cout << "catching object not exist exception... " << flush; Ice::Identity id = communicator->stringToIdentity("does not exist"); try { ThrowerPrxPtr thrower2 = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(ThrowerPrx, thrower->ice_identity(id)); thrower2->throwAasA(1); // thrower2->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::ObjectNotExistException& ex) { test( == id); } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching facet not exist exception... " << flush; try { #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING ThrowerPrxPtr thrower2 = Ice::uncheckedCast<ThrowerPrx>(thrower, "no such facet"); #else ThrowerPrxPtr thrower2 = ThrowerPrx::uncheckedCast(thrower, "no such facet"); #endif try { thrower2->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::FacetNotExistException& ex) { test(ex.facet == "no such facet"); } } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching operation not exist exception... " << flush; try { WrongOperationPrxPtr thrower2 = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(WrongOperationPrx, thrower); thrower2->noSuchOperation(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException& ex) { test(ex.operation == "noSuchOperation"); } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching unknown local exception... " << flush; try { thrower->throwLocalException(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownLocalException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwLocalExceptionIdempotent(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownLocalException&) { } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching unknown non-Ice exception... " << flush; try { thrower->throwNonIceException(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing asynchronous exceptions... " << flush; try { thrower->throwAfterResponse(); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwAfterException(); } catch(const A&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching exact types with new AMI mapping... " << flush; #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING { auto f = thrower->throwAasA_async(1); try { f.get(); test(false); } catch(const A& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); } catch(const Ice::Exception&) { test(false); } catch(...) { test(false); } } { auto f = thrower->throwAorDasAorD_async(1); try { f.get(); test(false); } catch(const A& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); } catch(...) { test(false); } } { auto f = thrower->throwAorDasAorD_async(-1); try { f.get(); test(false); } catch(const D& ex) { test(ex.dMem == -1); } catch(...) { test(false); } } { auto f = thrower->throwBasB_async(1, 2); try { f.get(); test(false); } catch(const B& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); } catch(...) { test(false); } } { auto f = thrower->throwCasC_async(1, 2, 3); try { f.get(); test(false); } catch(const C& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); test(ex.cMem == 3); } catch(...) { test(false); } } { auto f = thrower->throwModA_async(1, 2); try { f.get(); } catch(const A& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException&) { // // This operation is not supported in Java. // } catch(...) { test(false); } } // // repeat with callback API and no exception callback // { promise<bool> sent; thrower->throwAasA_async(1, []() { test(false); }, nullptr, [&](bool value) { sent.set_value(value); }); sent.get_future().get(); // Wait for sent } { promise<bool> sent; thrower->throwAorDasAorD_async(1, []() { test(false); }, nullptr, [&](bool value) { sent.set_value(value); }); sent.get_future().get(); // Wait for sent } { promise<bool> sent; thrower->throwAorDasAorD_async(-1, []() { test(false); }, nullptr, [&](bool value) { sent.set_value(value); }); sent.get_future().get(); // Wait for sent } { promise<bool> sent; thrower->throwBasB_async(1, 2, []() { test(false); }, nullptr, [&](bool value) { sent.set_value(value); }); sent.get_future().get(); // Wait for sent } { promise<bool> sent; thrower->throwCasC_async(1, 2, 3, []() { test(false); }, nullptr, [&](bool value) { sent.set_value(value); }); sent.get_future().get(); // Wait for sent } { promise<bool> sent; thrower->throwModA_async(1, 2, []() { test(false); }, nullptr, [&](bool value) { sent.set_value(value); }); sent.get_future().get(); // Wait for sent } #else { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwAasAPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwAasA(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_AasA); thrower->begin_throwAasA(1, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwAorDasAorDPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwAorDasAorD(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_AorDasAorD); thrower->begin_throwAorDasAorD(1, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwAorDasAorDPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwAorDasAorD(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_AorDasAorD); thrower->begin_throwAorDasAorD(-1, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwBasBPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwBasB(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_BasB); thrower->begin_throwBasB(1, 2, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwCasCPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwCasC(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_CasC); thrower->begin_throwCasC(1, 2, 3, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwModAPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwModA(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_ModA); thrower->begin_throwModA(1, 2, callback); cb->check(); } #endif cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching derived types with new AMI mapping... " << flush; #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING { auto f = thrower->throwBasA_async(1, 2); try { f.get(); } catch(const B& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); } catch(...) { test(false); } } { auto f = thrower->throwCasA_async(1, 2, 3); try { f.get(); } catch(const C& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); test(ex.cMem == 3); } catch(...) { test(false); } } { auto f = thrower->throwCasB_async(1, 2, 3); try { f.get(); } catch(const C& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); test(ex.cMem == 3); } catch(...) { test(false); } } #else { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwBasAPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwBasA(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_BasA); thrower->begin_throwBasA(1, 2, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwCasAPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwCasA(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_CasA); thrower->begin_throwCasA(1, 2, 3, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwCasBPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwCasB(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_CasB); thrower->begin_throwCasB(1, 2, 3, callback); cb->check(); } #endif cout << "ok" << endl; if(thrower->supportsUndeclaredExceptions()) { cout << "catching unknown user exception with new AMI mapping... " << flush; #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING { auto f = thrower->throwUndeclaredA_async(1); try { f.get(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownUserException&) { } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { cout << ex << endl; cout << ex.ice_stackTrace() << endl; test(false); } catch(...) { test(false); } } { auto f = thrower->throwUndeclaredB_async(1, 2); try { f.get(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownUserException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } } { auto f = thrower->throwUndeclaredC_async(1, 2, 3); try { f.get(); } catch(const Ice::UnknownUserException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } } #else { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwUndeclaredAPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwUndeclaredA(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_UndeclaredA); thrower->begin_throwUndeclaredA(1, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwUndeclaredBPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwUndeclaredB(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_UndeclaredB); thrower->begin_throwUndeclaredB(1, 2, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwUndeclaredCPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwUndeclaredC(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_UndeclaredC); thrower->begin_throwUndeclaredC(1, 2, 3, callback); cb->check(); } #endif cout << "ok" << endl; } cout << "catching object not exist exception with new AMI mapping... " << flush; { #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING id = communicator->stringToIdentity("does not exist"); shared_ptr<ThrowerPrx> thrower2 = Ice::uncheckedCast<ThrowerPrx>(thrower->ice_identity(id)); auto f = thrower2->throwAasA_async(1); try { f.get(); } catch(const Ice::ObjectNotExistException& ex) { test( == id); } catch(...) { test(false); } #else id = communicator->stringToIdentity("does not exist"); ThrowerPrx thrower2 = ThrowerPrx::uncheckedCast(thrower->ice_identity(id)); CallbackPtr cb = new Callback(communicator); Callback_Thrower_throwAasAPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwAasA(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_AasAObjectNotExist); thrower2->begin_throwAasA(1, callback); cb->check(); #endif } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching facet not exist exception with new AMI mapping... " << flush; { #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING shared_ptr<ThrowerPrx> thrower2 = Ice::uncheckedCast<ThrowerPrx>(thrower, "no such facet"); auto f = thrower2->throwAasA_async(1); try { f.get(); } catch(const Ice::FacetNotExistException& ex) { test(ex.facet == "no such facet"); } #else ThrowerPrx thrower2 = ThrowerPrx::uncheckedCast(thrower, "no such facet"); CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwAasAPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwAasA(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_AasAFacetNotExist); thrower2->begin_throwAasA(1, callback); cb->check(); #endif } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching operation not exist exception with new AMI mapping... " << flush; { #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING shared_ptr<WrongOperationPrx> thrower4 = Ice::uncheckedCast<WrongOperationPrx>(thrower); auto f = thrower4->noSuchOperation_async(); try { f.get(); } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException& ex) { test(ex.operation == "noSuchOperation"); } catch(...) { test(false); } #else CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_WrongOperation_noSuchOperationPtr callback = newCallback_WrongOperation_noSuchOperation(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_noSuchOperation); WrongOperationPrx thrower4 = WrongOperationPrx::uncheckedCast(thrower); thrower4->begin_noSuchOperation(callback); cb->check(); #endif } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching unknown local exception with new AMI mapping... " << flush; #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING { auto f = thrower->throwLocalException_async(); try { f.get(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownLocalException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } } { auto f = thrower->throwLocalExceptionIdempotent_async(); try { f.get(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownLocalException&) { } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } } #else { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwLocalExceptionPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwLocalException(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_LocalException); thrower->begin_throwLocalException(callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwLocalExceptionIdempotentPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwLocalExceptionIdempotent(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_LocalException); thrower->begin_throwLocalExceptionIdempotent(callback); cb->check(); } #endif cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching unknown non-Ice exception with new AMI mapping... " << flush; { #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING auto f = thrower->throwNonIceException_async(); try { f.get(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } #else CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwNonIceExceptionPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwNonIceException(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_NonIceException); thrower->begin_throwNonIceException(callback); cb->check(); #endif } cout << "ok" << endl; return thrower; }
void allTests(const Ice::CommunicatorPtr& communicator) { SessionKeepAliveThreadPtr keepAlive = new SessionKeepAliveThread( communicator->getLogger(), IceUtil::Time::seconds(5)); keepAlive->start(); RegistryPrx registry = IceGrid::RegistryPrx::checkedCast(communicator->stringToProxy("IceGrid/Registry")); test(registry); AdminSessionPrx session = registry->createAdminSession("foo", "bar"); keepAlive->add(session); AdminPrx admin = session->getAdmin(); test(admin); cout << "starting router... " << flush; try { admin->startServer("Glacier2"); } catch(const ServerStartException& ex) { cerr << ex.reason << endl; test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; const int allocationTimeout = 5000; Ice::ObjectPrx obj; Ice::ObjectPrx dummy; try { cout << "testing create session... " << flush; SessionPrx session1 = registry->createSession("Client1", ""); SessionPrx session2 = registry->createSession("Client2", ""); keepAlive->add(session1); keepAlive->add(session2); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing allocate object by identity... " << flush; Ice::Identity allocatable = communicator->stringToIdentity("allocatable"); Ice::Identity allocatablebis = communicator->stringToIdentity("allocatablebis"); try { session1->allocateObjectById(communicator->stringToIdentity("dummy")); } catch(const ObjectNotRegisteredException&) { } try { session1->releaseObject(communicator->stringToIdentity("dummy")); } catch(const ObjectNotRegisteredException&) { } try { session1->allocateObjectById(communicator->stringToIdentity("nonallocatable")); test(false); } catch(const AllocationException&) { test(false); } catch(const ObjectNotRegisteredException&) { } try { session2->allocateObjectById(communicator->stringToIdentity("nonallocatable")); test(false); } catch(const AllocationException&) { test(false); } catch(const ObjectNotRegisteredException&) { } try { session1->releaseObject(communicator->stringToIdentity("nonallocatable")); test(false); } catch(const AllocationException&) { test(false); } catch(const ObjectNotRegisteredException&) { } try { session2->releaseObject(communicator->stringToIdentity("nonallocatable")); test(false); } catch(const AllocationException&) { test(false); } catch(const ObjectNotRegisteredException&) { } session1->allocateObjectById(allocatable); try { session1->allocateObjectById(allocatable); test(false); } catch(const AllocationException&) { } session1->setAllocationTimeout(0); session2->setAllocationTimeout(0); try { session2->allocateObjectById(allocatable); test(false); } catch(const AllocationTimeoutException&) { } try { session2->releaseObject(allocatable); test(false); } catch(const AllocationException&) { } session1->allocateObjectById(allocatablebis); try { session2->allocateObjectById(allocatablebis); test(false); } catch(const AllocationTimeoutException&) { } session1->releaseObject(allocatablebis); session2->allocateObjectById(allocatablebis); try { session1->allocateObjectById(allocatablebis); test(false); } catch(const AllocationTimeoutException&) { } session2->releaseObject(allocatablebis); session2->setAllocationTimeout(allocationTimeout); AllocateObjectByIdCallbackPtr cb1 = new AllocateObjectByIdCallback(); session2->allocateObjectById_async(cb1, allocatable); IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(500)); test(!cb1->hasResponse(dummy)); session1->releaseObject(allocatable); cb1->waitResponse(__FILE__, __LINE__); test(cb1->hasResponse(dummy)); session1->setAllocationTimeout(0); try { session1->allocateObjectById(allocatable); test(false); } catch(const AllocationTimeoutException&) { } try { session1->releaseObject(allocatable); test(false); } catch(const AllocationException&) { } session1->setAllocationTimeout(allocationTimeout); cb1 = new AllocateObjectByIdCallback(); session1->allocateObjectById_async(cb1, allocatable); IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(500)); test(!cb1->hasResponse(dummy)); session2->releaseObject(allocatable); cb1->waitResponse(__FILE__, __LINE__); test(cb1->hasResponse(dummy)); session1->releaseObject(allocatable); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing allocate object by type... " << flush; session1->setAllocationTimeout(0); session2->setAllocationTimeout(0); try { obj = session1->allocateObjectByType("::Unknown"); test(false); } catch(const AllocationTimeoutException&) { test(false); } catch(const AllocationException&) { } try { obj = session1->allocateObjectByType("::NotAllocatable"); test(false); } catch(const AllocationTimeoutException&) { test(false); } catch(const AllocationException&) { } obj = session1->allocateObjectByType("::Test"); test(obj && obj->ice_getIdentity().name == "allocatable"); try { session1->allocateObjectByType("::Test"); test(false); } catch(const AllocationException&) { } try { session2->allocateObjectByType("::Test"); test(false); } catch(const AllocationTimeoutException&) { } try { session2->releaseObject(obj->ice_getIdentity()); } catch(const AllocationException&) { } session1->releaseObject(obj->ice_getIdentity()); try { session1->releaseObject(obj->ice_getIdentity()); } catch(const AllocationException&) { } obj = session2->allocateObjectByType("::Test"); // Allocate the object test(obj && obj->ice_getIdentity().name == "allocatable"); try { session2->allocateObjectByType("::Test"); test(false); } catch(const AllocationException&) { } try { session1->allocateObjectByType("::Test"); test(false); } catch(const AllocationTimeoutException&) { } session1->allocateObjectByType("::TestBis"); try { session2->allocateObjectByType("::TestBis"); test(false); } catch(const AllocationTimeoutException&) { } session1->releaseObject(allocatablebis); session2->allocateObjectByType("::TestBis"); try { session1->allocateObjectByType("::TestBis"); test(false); } catch(const AllocationTimeoutException&) { } session2->releaseObject(allocatablebis); session1->setAllocationTimeout(allocationTimeout); AllocateObjectByTypeCallbackPtr cb3 = new AllocateObjectByTypeCallback(); session1->allocateObjectByType_async(cb3, "::Test"); IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(500)); test(!cb3->hasResponse(dummy)); session2->releaseObject(obj->ice_getIdentity()); cb3->waitResponse(__FILE__, __LINE__); test(cb3->hasResponse(obj)); session1->releaseObject(obj->ice_getIdentity()); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing object allocation timeout... " << flush; session1->allocateObjectById(allocatable); IceUtil::Time time = IceUtil::Time::now(); session2->setAllocationTimeout(500); try { session2->allocateObjectById(allocatable); test(false); } catch(const AllocationTimeoutException&) { test(time + IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(100) < IceUtil::Time::now()); } time = IceUtil::Time::now(); try { session2->allocateObjectById(allocatable); test(false); } catch(const AllocationTimeoutException&) { } test(time + IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(100) < IceUtil::Time::now()); time = IceUtil::Time::now(); try { session2->allocateObjectByType("::Test"); test(false); } catch(const AllocationTimeoutException&) { } test(time + IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(100) < IceUtil::Time::now()); session1->releaseObject(allocatable); session2->setAllocationTimeout(0); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing server allocation... " << flush; session1->setAllocationTimeout(0); session2->setAllocationTimeout(0); Ice::Identity allocatable3 = communicator->stringToIdentity("allocatable3"); Ice::Identity allocatable4 = communicator->stringToIdentity("allocatable4"); session1->allocateObjectById(allocatable3); try { session2->allocateObjectById(allocatable3); test(false); } catch(const AllocationTimeoutException&) { } try { session2->allocateObjectById(allocatable4); test(false); } catch(const AllocationTimeoutException&) { } session1->allocateObjectById(allocatable4); session1->releaseObject(allocatable3); try { session2->allocateObjectById(allocatable3); test(false); } catch(const AllocationTimeoutException&) { } session1->releaseObject(allocatable4); session2->allocateObjectById(allocatable3); try { session1->allocateObjectById(allocatable3); test(false); } catch(const AllocationTimeoutException&) { } try { session1->allocateObjectById(allocatable4); test(false); } catch(const AllocationTimeoutException&) { } session2->allocateObjectById(allocatable4); session2->releaseObject(allocatable3); try { session1->allocateObjectById(allocatable3); test(false); } catch(const AllocationTimeoutException&) { } try { session1->allocateObjectByType("::TestServer1"); test(false); } catch(AllocationException&) { } try { session1->allocateObjectByType("::TestServer2"); test(false); } catch(AllocationException&) { } test(session2->allocateObjectByType("::TestServer1")); try { session2->allocateObjectByType("::TestServer1"); test(false); } catch(AllocationException&) { } try { session2->allocateObjectByType("::TestServer2"); test(false); } catch(AllocationException&) { } session2->releaseObject(allocatable3); session2->releaseObject(allocatable4); session1->allocateObjectById(allocatable3); session1->allocateObjectById(allocatable4); session2->setAllocationTimeout(allocationTimeout); cb1 = new AllocateObjectByIdCallback(); session2->allocateObjectById_async(cb1, allocatable3); IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(500)); test(!cb1->hasResponse(dummy)); session1->releaseObject(allocatable3); test(!cb1->hasResponse(dummy)); session1->releaseObject(allocatable4); cb1->waitResponse(__FILE__, __LINE__); test(cb1->hasResponse(dummy)); session2->releaseObject(allocatable3); session1->setAllocationTimeout(allocationTimeout); test(session2->allocateObjectByType("::TestServer1")); cb3 = new AllocateObjectByTypeCallback(); session1->allocateObjectByType_async(cb3, "::TestServer2"); IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(500)); test(!cb3->hasResponse(dummy)); session2->releaseObject(allocatable3); cb3->waitResponse(__FILE__, __LINE__); test(cb3->hasResponse(dummy)); session1->releaseObject(allocatable4); session1->setAllocationTimeout(0); session2->setAllocationTimeout(0); test(session1->allocateObjectByType("::TestMultipleByServer")); try { session2->allocateObjectByType("::TestMultipleByServer"); test(false); } catch(AllocationException&) { } test(session1->allocateObjectByType("::TestMultipleByServer")); session1->releaseObject(communicator->stringToIdentity("allocatable31")); session1->releaseObject(communicator->stringToIdentity("allocatable41")); test(session2->allocateObjectByType("::TestMultipleByServer")); try { session1->allocateObjectByType("::TestMultipleByServer"); test(false); } catch(AllocationException&) { } test(session2->allocateObjectByType("::TestMultipleByServer")); session2->releaseObject(communicator->stringToIdentity("allocatable31")); session2->releaseObject(communicator->stringToIdentity("allocatable41")); Ice::ObjectPrx obj1 = session1->allocateObjectByType("::TestMultipleServer"); test(obj1); Ice::ObjectPrx obj2 = session2->allocateObjectByType("::TestMultipleServer"); test(obj2); try { session1->allocateObjectByType("::TestMultipleServer"); test(false); } catch(AllocationTimeoutException&) { } try { session2->allocateObjectByType("::TestMultipleServer"); test(false); } catch(AllocationTimeoutException&) { } session1->releaseObject(obj1->ice_getIdentity()); obj1 = session2->allocateObjectByType("::TestMultipleServer"); session2->releaseObject(obj1->ice_getIdentity()); session2->releaseObject(obj2->ice_getIdentity()); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing concurrent allocations... " << flush; session1->setAllocationTimeout(allocationTimeout); session2->setAllocationTimeout(allocationTimeout); session2->allocateObjectById(allocatable); AllocateObjectByIdCallbackPtr cb11 = new AllocateObjectByIdCallback(); AllocateObjectByIdCallbackPtr cb12 = new AllocateObjectByIdCallback(); session1->allocateObjectById_async(cb11, allocatable); session1->allocateObjectById_async(cb12, allocatable); IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(500)); test(!cb11->hasResponse(dummy)); test(!cb12->hasResponse(dummy)); session2->releaseObject(allocatable); cb11->waitResponse(__FILE__, __LINE__); cb12->waitResponse(__FILE__, __LINE__); test(cb11->hasResponse(dummy) ? cb12->hasException() : cb12->hasResponse(dummy)); test(cb12->hasResponse(dummy) ? cb11->hasException() : cb11->hasResponse(dummy)); session1->releaseObject(allocatable); session2->allocateObjectById(allocatable); AllocateObjectByTypeCallbackPtr cb31 = new AllocateObjectByTypeCallback(); AllocateObjectByTypeCallbackPtr cb32 = new AllocateObjectByTypeCallback(); session1->allocateObjectByType_async(cb31, "::Test"); session1->allocateObjectByType_async(cb32, "::Test"); IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(500)); test(!cb31->hasResponse(dummy)); test(!cb32->hasResponse(dummy)); session2->releaseObject(allocatable); IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(300)); do { IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(200)); } while(!cb31->hasResponse(dummy) && !cb32->hasResponse(dummy)); test(cb31->hasResponse(dummy) && dummy && !cb32->hasResponse(dummy) || cb32->hasResponse(dummy) && dummy && !cb31->hasResponse(dummy)); session1->releaseObject(allocatable); IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(300)); AllocateObjectByTypeCallbackPtr cb33 = cb31->hasResponse(dummy) ? cb32 : cb31; cb33->waitResponse(__FILE__, __LINE__); test(cb33->hasResponse(dummy) && dummy); session1->releaseObject(allocatable); session2->allocateObjectById(allocatable3); cb11 = new AllocateObjectByIdCallback(); cb12 = new AllocateObjectByIdCallback(); session1->allocateObjectById_async(cb11, allocatable3); session1->allocateObjectById_async(cb12, allocatable3); IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(500)); test(!cb11->hasResponse(dummy)); test(!cb12->hasResponse(dummy)); session2->releaseObject(allocatable3); cb11->waitResponse(__FILE__, __LINE__); cb12->waitResponse(__FILE__, __LINE__); test(cb11->hasResponse(dummy) ? cb12->hasException() : cb12->hasResponse(dummy)); test(cb12->hasResponse(dummy) ? cb11->hasException() : cb11->hasResponse(dummy)); session1->releaseObject(allocatable3); session2->allocateObjectById(allocatable3); cb31 = new AllocateObjectByTypeCallback(); cb32 = new AllocateObjectByTypeCallback(); session1->allocateObjectByType_async(cb31, "::TestServer1"); session1->allocateObjectByType_async(cb32, "::TestServer1"); IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(500)); test(!cb31->hasResponse(dummy)); test(!cb32->hasResponse(dummy)); session2->releaseObject(allocatable3); IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(300)); do { IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(200)); } while(!cb31->hasResponse(dummy) && !cb32->hasResponse(dummy)); test(cb31->hasResponse(dummy) && dummy && !cb32->hasResponse(dummy) || cb32->hasResponse(dummy) && dummy && !cb31->hasResponse(dummy)); session1->releaseObject(allocatable3); IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(300)); cb33 = cb31->hasResponse(dummy) ? cb32 : cb31; cb33->waitResponse(__FILE__, __LINE__); test(cb33->hasResponse(dummy) && dummy); session1->releaseObject(allocatable3); session1->allocateObjectById(allocatable3); cb31 = new AllocateObjectByTypeCallback(); cb32 = new AllocateObjectByTypeCallback(); session1->allocateObjectByType_async(cb31, "::TestServer1"); session1->allocateObjectByType_async(cb32, "::TestServer1"); IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(500)); test(!cb31->hasResponse(dummy)); test(!cb32->hasResponse(dummy)); session1->releaseObject(allocatable3); IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(300)); do { IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(200)); } while(!cb31->hasResponse(dummy) && !cb32->hasResponse(dummy)); test(cb31->hasResponse(dummy) && dummy && !cb32->hasResponse(dummy) || cb32->hasResponse(dummy) && dummy && !cb31->hasResponse(dummy)); session1->releaseObject(allocatable3); IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(300)); cb33 = cb31->hasResponse(dummy) ? cb32 : cb31; cb33->waitResponse(__FILE__, __LINE__); test(cb33->hasResponse(dummy) && dummy); session1->releaseObject(allocatable3); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing session destroy... " << flush; obj = session2->allocateObjectByType("::Test"); // Allocate the object test(obj && obj->ice_getIdentity().name == "allocatable"); session1->setAllocationTimeout(allocationTimeout); cb3 = new AllocateObjectByTypeCallback(); session1->allocateObjectByType_async(cb3, "::Test"); IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(500)); test(!cb3->hasResponse(dummy)); session2->destroy(); cb3->waitResponse(__FILE__, __LINE__); test(cb3->hasResponse(obj)); session1->destroy(); session2 = SessionPrx::uncheckedCast(registry->createSession("Client2", "")); session2->setAllocationTimeout(0); session2->allocateObjectById(allocatable); session2->destroy(); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing allocation with Glacier2 session... " << flush; Ice::ObjectPrx routerBase = communicator->stringToProxy("Glacier2/router:default -p 12347"); Glacier2::RouterPrx router1 = Glacier2::RouterPrx::checkedCast(routerBase->ice_connectionId("client1")); test(router1); Glacier2::SessionPrx sessionBase = router1->createSession("test1", "abc123"); try { session1 = IceGrid::SessionPrx::checkedCast(sessionBase->ice_connectionId("client1")->ice_router(router1)); test(session1); session1->ice_ping(); Ice::ObjectPrx obj; obj = session1->allocateObjectById(allocatable)->ice_connectionId("client1")->ice_router(router1); obj->ice_ping(); session1->releaseObject(allocatable); try { obj->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::ObjectNotExistException&) { } obj = session1->allocateObjectById(allocatable3)->ice_connectionId("client1")->ice_router(router1); obj->ice_ping(); obj2 = communicator->stringToProxy("allocatable4")->ice_connectionId("client1")->ice_router(router1); obj2->ice_ping(); session1->releaseObject(allocatable3); try { obj->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::ObjectNotExistException&) { } try { obj2->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::ObjectNotExistException&) { } session1->destroy(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "stress test... " << flush; SessionPrx stressSession = registry->createSession("StressSession", ""); keepAlive->add(stressSession); const int nClients = 10; int i; vector<StressClientPtr> clients; for(i = 0; i < nClients - 2; ++i) { if(IceUtil::random(2) == 1) { clients.push_back(new StressClient(i, registry, false)); } else { clients.push_back(new StressClient(i, stressSession)); } clients.back()->start(); } clients.push_back(new StressClient(i++, registry, true)); clients.back()->start(); clients.push_back(new StressClient(i++, registry, true)); clients.back()->start(); for(vector<StressClientPtr>::const_iterator p = clients.begin(); p != clients.end(); ++p) { (*p)->notifyThread(); } // // Let the stress client run for a bit. // IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::seconds(8)); // // Terminate the stress clients. // for(vector<StressClientPtr>::const_iterator q = clients.begin(); q != clients.end(); ++q) { (*q)->terminate(); (*q)->getThreadControl().join(); } stressSession->destroy(); cout << "ok" << endl; } catch(const AllocationTimeoutException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; test(false); } catch(const AllocationException& ex) { cerr << ex.reason << endl; test(false); } cout << "shutting down router... " << flush; admin->stopServer("Glacier2"); cout << "ok" << endl; keepAlive->terminate(); keepAlive->getThreadControl().join(); keepAlive = 0; session->destroy(); }
Instance::Instance( const string& instanceName, const string& name, const Ice::CommunicatorPtr& communicator, const Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr& publishAdapter, const Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr& topicAdapter, const Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr& nodeAdapter, const NodePrx& nodeProxy) : _instanceName(instanceName), _serviceName(name), _communicator(communicator), _publishAdapter(publishAdapter), _topicAdapter(topicAdapter), _nodeAdapter(nodeAdapter), _nodeProxy(nodeProxy), _traceLevels(new TraceLevels(name, communicator->getProperties(), communicator->getLogger())), _discardInterval(IceUtil::Time::seconds(communicator->getProperties()->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault( name + ".Discard.Interval", 60))), // default one minute. _flushInterval(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(communicator->getProperties()->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault( name + ".Flush.Timeout", 1000))), // default one second. // default one minute. _sendTimeout(communicator->getProperties()->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault(name + ".Send.Timeout", 60 * 1000)), _topicReaper(new TopicReaper()) { try { __setNoDelete(true); Ice::PropertiesPtr properties = communicator->getProperties(); if(properties->getProperty(name + ".TopicManager.AdapterId").empty()) { string p = properties->getProperty(name + ".ReplicatedTopicManagerEndpoints"); if(!p.empty()) { const_cast<Ice::ObjectPrx&>(_topicReplicaProxy) = communicator->stringToProxy("dummy:" + p); } p = properties->getProperty(name + ".ReplicatedPublishEndpoints"); if(!p.empty()) { const_cast<Ice::ObjectPrx&>(_publisherReplicaProxy) = communicator->stringToProxy("dummy:" + p); } } _observers = new Observers(this); _batchFlusher = new IceUtil::Timer(); _timer = new IceUtil::Timer(); // // If an Ice metrics observer is setup on the communicator, also // enable metrics for IceStorm. // IceInternal::CommunicatorObserverIPtr o = IceInternal::CommunicatorObserverIPtr::dynamicCast(communicator->getObserver()); if(o) { _observer = new TopicManagerObserverI(o->getFacet()); } } catch(...) { shutdown(); destroy(); __setNoDelete(false); throw; } __setNoDelete(false); }