bool IceInternal::RouterInfo::addProxy(const Ice::ObjectPrx& proxy, const AddProxyCallbackPtr& callback) { assert(proxy); { IceUtil::Mutex::Lock sync(*this); if(_identities.find(proxy->ice_getIdentity()) != _identities.end()) { // // Only add the proxy to the router if it's not already in our local map. // return true; } } Ice::ObjectProxySeq proxies; proxies.push_back(proxy); AddProxyCookiePtr cookie = new AddProxyCookie(callback, proxy); _router->begin_addProxies(proxies, newCallback_Router_addProxies(this, &RouterInfo::addProxyResponse, &RouterInfo::addProxyException), cookie); return false; }
Ice::ObjectProxySeq QueryI::findAllReplicas(const Ice::ObjectPrx& proxy, const Ice::Current&) const { if(!proxy) { return Ice::ObjectProxySeq(); } // // If the given proxy has an empty adapter id, we check if it's a // well-known object. If it's a well-known object we use the // registered proxy instead. // Ice::ObjectPrx prx = proxy; if(prx->ice_getAdapterId().empty()) { try { ObjectInfo info = _database->getObjectInfo(prx->ice_getIdentity()); prx = info.proxy; } catch(const ObjectNotRegisteredException&) { return Ice::ObjectProxySeq(); } } try { AdapterInfoSeq infos = _database->getAdapterInfo(prx->ice_getAdapterId()); if(infos.empty() || infos[0].replicaGroupId != prx->ice_getAdapterId()) { // The adapter id doesn't refer to a replica group or the replica group is empty. return Ice::ObjectProxySeq(); } Ice::ObjectProxySeq proxies; for(AdapterInfoSeq::const_iterator p = infos.begin(); p != infos.end(); ++p) { assert(!p->id.empty()); proxies.push_back(prx->ice_adapterId(p->id)); } return proxies; } catch(const AdapterNotExistException&) { return Ice::ObjectProxySeq(); } }
bool IceInternal::RouterInfo::addProxy(const Ice::ObjectPrxPtr& proxy, const AddProxyCallbackPtr& callback) { assert(proxy); { IceUtil::Mutex::Lock sync(*this); if(_identities.find(proxy->ice_getIdentity()) != _identities.end()) { // // Only add the proxy to the router if it's not already in our local map. // return true; } } Ice::ObjectProxySeq proxies; proxies.push_back(proxy); AddProxyCookiePtr cookie = new AddProxyCookie(callback, proxy); #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING RouterInfoPtr self = this; _router->addProxies_async(proxies, [self, cookie](const Ice::ObjectProxySeq& proxies) { self->addProxyResponse(proxies, cookie); }, [self, cookie](exception_ptr e) { try { rethrow_exception(e); } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { self->addProxyException(ex, cookie); } }); #else _router->begin_addProxies(proxies, newCallback_Router_addProxies(this, &RouterInfo::addProxyResponse, &RouterInfo::addProxyException), cookie); #endif return false; }
Ice::ObjectProxySeq ObjectCache::getObjectsByType(const string& type) { Lock sync(*this); Ice::ObjectProxySeq proxies; map<string, TypeEntry>::const_iterator p = _types.find(type); if(p == _types.end()) { return proxies; } const vector<ObjectEntryPtr>& objects = p->second.getObjects(); for(vector<ObjectEntryPtr>::const_iterator q = objects.begin(); q != objects.end(); ++q) { proxies.push_back((*q)->getProxy()); } return proxies; }