//============================================================================== void LowLevelGraphicsPostScriptRenderer::writeImage (const Image& im, const int sx, const int sy, const int maxW, const int maxH) const { out << "{<\n"; const int w = jmin (maxW, im.getWidth()); const int h = jmin (maxH, im.getHeight()); int charsOnLine = 0; const Image::BitmapData srcData (im, 0, 0, w, h); Colour pixel; for (int y = h; --y >= 0;) { for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) { const uint8* pixelData = srcData.getPixelPointer (x, y); if (x >= sx && y >= sy) { if (im.isARGB()) { PixelARGB p (*(const PixelARGB*) pixelData); p.unpremultiply(); pixel = Colours::white.overlaidWith (Colour (p.getARGB())); } else if (im.isRGB()) { pixel = Colour (((const PixelRGB*) pixelData)->getARGB()); } else { pixel = Colour ((uint8) 0, (uint8) 0, (uint8) 0, *pixelData); } } else { pixel = Colours::transparentWhite; } const uint8 pixelValues[3] = { pixel.getRed(), pixel.getGreen(), pixel.getBlue() }; out << String::toHexString (pixelValues, 3, 0); charsOnLine += 3; if (charsOnLine > 100) { out << '\n'; charsOnLine = 0; } } } out << "\n>}\n"; }
//============================================================================== void ImageConvolutionKernel::applyToImage (Image& destImage, const Image& sourceImage, const Rectangle<int>& destinationArea) const { if (sourceImage == destImage) { destImage.duplicateIfShared(); } else { if (sourceImage.getWidth() != destImage.getWidth() || sourceImage.getHeight() != destImage.getHeight() || sourceImage.getFormat() != destImage.getFormat()) { jassertfalse; return; } } const Rectangle<int> area (destinationArea.getIntersection (destImage.getBounds())); if (area.isEmpty()) return; const int right = area.getRight(); const int bottom = area.getBottom(); const Image::BitmapData destData (destImage, area.getX(), area.getY(), area.getWidth(), area.getHeight(), true); uint8* line = destData.data; const Image::BitmapData srcData (sourceImage, false); if (destData.pixelStride == 4) { for (int y = area.getY(); y < bottom; ++y) { uint8* dest = line; line += destData.lineStride; for (int x = area.getX(); x < right; ++x) { float c1 = 0; float c2 = 0; float c3 = 0; float c4 = 0; for (int yy = 0; yy < size; ++yy) { const int sy = y + yy - (size >> 1); if (sy >= srcData.height) break; if (sy >= 0) { int sx = x - (size >> 1); const uint8* src = srcData.getPixelPointer (sx, sy); for (int xx = 0; xx < size; ++xx) { if (sx >= srcData.width) break; if (sx >= 0) { const float kernelMult = values [xx + yy * size]; c1 += kernelMult * *src++; c2 += kernelMult * *src++; c3 += kernelMult * *src++; c4 += kernelMult * *src++; } else { src += 4; } ++sx; } } } *dest++ = (uint8) jmin (0xff, roundToInt (c1)); *dest++ = (uint8) jmin (0xff, roundToInt (c2)); *dest++ = (uint8) jmin (0xff, roundToInt (c3)); *dest++ = (uint8) jmin (0xff, roundToInt (c4)); } } }
Image RadialImageConvolutionKernel::createConvolvedImageFull (Image const& sourceImage) const { // calc destination size based on kernel radius int dw = sourceImage.getWidth() + 2 * m_radius - 1; int dh = sourceImage.getHeight() + 2 * m_radius - 1; Image result (sourceImage.getFormat(), dw, dh, false); // calc size of edge-replicated source dimensions int sw = dw + 2 * m_radius - 1; int sh = dh + 2 * m_radius - 1; // temp buffer is big enough for the largest edge-replicated line HeapBlock <uint8> temp; temp.allocate (jmax (sw, sh), false); const Image::BitmapData srcData (sourceImage, Image::BitmapData::readOnly); const Image::BitmapData destData (result, 0, 0, dw, dh, Image::BitmapData::readWrite); int ci[4]; int nc = srcData.pixelStride; bool alpha = false; switch (srcData.pixelFormat) { case Image::RGB: ci[0] = PixelRGB::indexR; ci[1] = PixelRGB::indexG; ci[2] = PixelRGB::indexB; nc = 3; alpha = false; break; case Image::ARGB: ci[0] = PixelARGB::indexR; ci[1] = PixelARGB::indexG; ci[2] = PixelARGB::indexB; ci[3] = PixelARGB::indexA; nc = 3; alpha = true; break; case Image::SingleChannel: ci[0] = 0; nc = 0; alpha = true; break; default: Throw (Error ().fail (__FILE__, __LINE__)); break; } // edge-replicate each row in source to temp, and convolve into dest for (int y = 0; y < srcData.height; ++y) { for (int c = 0; c < nc; ++c) { copy (srcData.width, temp, 1, srcData.getLinePointer (y) + ci[c], srcData.pixelStride, 2 * (m_radius - 1)); convolve (destData.width, destData.getPixelPointer (0, y + m_radius - 1) + ci[c], destData.pixelStride, temp, 1, m_radius, m_kernel); } if (alpha) { copy_alpha (srcData.width, temp, 1, srcData.getLinePointer (y) + ci[nc], srcData.pixelStride, 2 * (m_radius - 1)); convolve (destData.width, destData.getPixelPointer (0, y + m_radius - 1) + ci[nc], destData.pixelStride, temp, 1, m_radius, m_kernel); } } // edge-replicate each intermediate column from dest to temp, and convolve into dest for (int x = 0; x < destData.width; ++x) { for (int c = 0; c < nc; ++c) { copy (srcData.height, temp, 1, destData.getPixelPointer (x, m_radius - 1) + ci[c], destData.lineStride, 2 * (m_radius - 1)); convolve (destData.height, destData.getPixelPointer (x, 0) + ci[c], destData.lineStride, temp, 1, m_radius, m_kernel); } if (alpha) { copy_alpha (srcData.height, temp, 1, destData.getPixelPointer (x, m_radius - 1) + ci[nc], destData.lineStride, 2 * (m_radius - 1)); convolve (destData.height, destData.getPixelPointer (x, 0) + ci[nc], destData.lineStride, temp, 1, m_radius, m_kernel); } } return result; }