static bool
compare_ (const ImageBuf &A, const ImageBuf &B,
          float failthresh, float warnthresh,
          ImageBufAlgo::CompareResults &result,
          ROI roi, int nthreads)
    imagesize_t npels = roi.npixels();
    imagesize_t nvals = npels * roi.nchannels();
    int Achannels = A.nchannels(), Bchannels = B.nchannels();

    // Compare the two images.
    double totalerror = 0;
    double totalsqrerror = 0;
    result.maxerror = 0;
    result.maxx=0, result.maxy=0, result.maxz=0, result.maxc=0;
    result.nfail = 0, result.nwarn = 0;
    float maxval = 1.0;  // max possible value

    ImageBuf::ConstIterator<Atype> a (A, roi, ImageBuf::WrapBlack);
    ImageBuf::ConstIterator<Btype> b (B, roi, ImageBuf::WrapBlack);
    bool deep = A.deep();
    // Break up into batches to reduce cancelation errors as the error
    // sums become too much larger than the error for individual pixels.
    const int batchsize = 4096;   // As good a guess as any
    for ( ;  ! a.done();  ) {
        double batcherror = 0;
        double batch_sqrerror = 0;
        if (deep) {
            for (int i = 0;  i < batchsize && !a.done();  ++i, ++a, ++b) {
                bool warned = false, failed = false;  // For this pixel
                for (int c = roi.chbegin;  c < roi.chend;  ++c)
                    for (int s = 0, e = a.deep_samples(); s < e;  ++s) {
                        compare_value (a, c, a.deep_value(c,s),
                                       b.deep_value(c,s), result, maxval,
                                       batcherror, batch_sqrerror,
                                       failed, warned, failthresh, warnthresh);
        } else {  // non-deep
            for (int i = 0;  i < batchsize && !a.done();  ++i, ++a, ++b) {
                bool warned = false, failed = false;  // For this pixel
                for (int c = roi.chbegin;  c < roi.chend;  ++c)
                    compare_value (a, c, c < Achannels ? a[c] : 0.0f,
                                   c < Bchannels ? b[c] : 0.0f,
                                   result, maxval, batcherror, batch_sqrerror,
                                   failed, warned, failthresh, warnthresh);
        totalerror += batcherror;
        totalsqrerror += batch_sqrerror;
    result.meanerror = totalerror / nvals;
    result.rms_error = sqrt (totalsqrerror / nvals);
    result.PSNR = 20.0 * log10 (maxval / result.rms_error);
    return result.nfail == 0;