void indri::infnet::InferenceNetwork::_evaluateIndex( indri::index::Index& index ) {
  // don't need to do anything unless there are some
  // evaluators in the network that need full evaluation

  if( _complexEvaluators.size() ) {
    lemur::api::DOCID_T maximumDocument = index.documentMaximum();
    if (maximumDocument == index.documentBase()) {
      // empty memory index, nothing to score.

    lemur::api::DOCID_T lastCandidate = MAX_INT32; // 64
    int scoredDocuments = 0;
    lemur::api::DOCID_T candidate = 0;
    indri::index::DeletedDocumentList::read_transaction* deleted;
    deleted = _repository.deletedList().getReadTransaction();

    while(1) {
      // ask the root node for a candidate document
      // this asks the whole inference network for the
      // first document that might possibly produce a
      // usable (above the max score threshold) score
      candidate = _nextCandidateDocument( deleted );
      if (candidate < index.documentBase()) {
        std::cerr << candidate << " < index.documentBase()" << std::endl;
      assert( candidate >= index.documentBase() );

      // if candidate is MAX_INT32, we're done
      if( candidate == MAX_INT32 || candidate > maximumDocument ) {

      // move all the doc info lists to this new document
      // in preparation for scoring
      if( candidate != lastCandidate ) {
        _moveToDocument( candidate );

      // ask all the evaluators to evaluate this document
      _evaluateDocument( index, candidate );

      // if that was the last document, we can quit now
      if( candidate+1 > maximumDocument )

      // move all candidate iterators to candidate+1
      _moveToDocument( candidate+1 );
      lastCandidate = candidate+1;
      assert( candidate >= index.documentBase() );
    delete deleted;
void indri::infnet::ContextSimpleCountAccumulator::indexChanged( indri::index::Index& index ) {
  _computeCounts( index );
  _maximumDocument = index.documentMaximum();