Exemple #1
XSLT::save(Inkscape::Extension::Output */*module*/, SPDocument *doc, gchar const *filename)
    /* TODO: Should we assume filename to be in utf8 or to be a raw filename?
     * See JavaFXOutput::save for discussion. */
    g_return_if_fail(doc != NULL);
    g_return_if_fail(filename != NULL);

    Inkscape::XML::Node *repr = doc->getReprRoot();

    std::string tempfilename_out;
    int tempfd_out = 0;
    try {
        tempfd_out = Inkscape::IO::file_open_tmp(tempfilename_out, "ink_ext_XXXXXX");
    } catch (...) {
        /// \todo Popup dialog here

    if (!sp_repr_save_rebased_file(repr->document(), tempfilename_out.c_str(), SP_SVG_NS_URI,
                                   doc->getBase(), filename)) {
        throw Inkscape::Extension::Output::save_failed();

    xmlDocPtr svgdoc = xmlParseFile(tempfilename_out.c_str());
    if (svgdoc == NULL) {

    const char * params[1];
    params[0] = NULL;

    xmlDocPtr newdoc = xsltApplyStylesheet(_stylesheet, svgdoc, params);
    //xmlSaveFile(filename, newdoc);
    int success = xsltSaveResultToFilename(filename, newdoc, _stylesheet, 0);



    if (success < 1) {
        throw Inkscape::Extension::Output::save_failed();

Exemple #2
Inkscape::XML::Node * SPObject::updateRepr(unsigned int flags)
    if ( !cloned ) {
        Inkscape::XML::Node *repr = getRepr();
        if (repr) {
            return updateRepr(repr->document(), repr, flags);
        } else {
            g_critical("Attempt to update non-existent repr");
            return NULL;
    } else {
        /* cloned objects have no repr */
        return NULL;
Exemple #3
 * @brief Get the XML node corresponding to the given pref key
 * @param pref_key Preference key (path) to get
 * @param create Whether to create the corresponding node if it doesn't exist
 * @param separator The character used to separate parts of the pref key
 * @return XML node corresponding to the specified key
 * Derived from former inkscape_get_repr(). Private because it assumes that the backend is
 * a flat XML file, which may not be the case e.g. if we are using GConf (in future).
Inkscape::XML::Node *Preferences::_getNode(Glib::ustring const &pref_key, bool create)
    // verify path
    g_assert( pref_key.at(0) == '/' );
    // No longer necessary, can cause problems with input devices which have a dot in the name
    // g_assert( pref_key.find('.') == Glib::ustring::npos );

    Inkscape::XML::Node *node = _prefs_doc->root(), *child = NULL;
    gchar **splits = g_strsplit(pref_key.data(), "/", 0);
    if ( splits == NULL ) return node;
    for (int part_i = 0; splits[part_i]; ++part_i) {
        // skip empty path segments
        if (!splits[part_i][0]) continue;
        for (child = node->firstChild(); child; child = child->next())
            if (!strcmp(splits[part_i], child->attribute("id"))) break;
        // If the previous loop found a matching key, child now contains the node
        // matching the processed key part. If no node was found then it is NULL.
        if (!child) {
            if (create) {
                // create the rest of the key
                while(splits[part_i]) {
                    child = node->document()->createElement("group");
                    child->setAttribute("id", splits[part_i]);
                    node = child;
                return node;
            } else {
                return NULL;

        node = child;
    return node;
    \return    None
    \brief     This is the function that does all of the SVG saves in
               Inkscape.  It detects whether it should do a Inkscape
               namespace save internally.
    \param     mod   Extension to use.
    \param     doc   Document to save.
    \param     uri   The filename to save the file to.

    This function first checks it's parameters, and makes sure that
    we're getting good data.  It also checks the module ID of the
    incoming module to figure out if this is save should include
    the Inkscape namespace stuff or not.  The result of that comparison
    is stored in the spns variable.

    If there is not to be Inkscape name spaces a new document is created
    without.  (I think, I'm not sure on this code)

    All of the internally referenced imageins are also set to relative
    paths in the file.  And the file is saved.

    This really needs to be fleshed out more, but I don't quite understand
    all of this code.  I just stole it.
Svg::save (Inkscape::Extension::Output *mod, SPDocument *doc, const gchar *uri)
    g_return_if_fail(doc != NULL);
    g_return_if_fail(uri != NULL);

    gchar *save_path = g_path_get_dirname (uri);

    gboolean const spns = (!mod->get_id()
      || !strcmp (mod->get_id(), SP_MODULE_KEY_OUTPUT_SVG_INKSCAPE)
      || !strcmp (mod->get_id(), SP_MODULE_KEY_OUTPUT_SVGZ_INKSCAPE));

    Inkscape::XML::Document *rdoc = NULL;
    Inkscape::XML::Node *repr = NULL;
    if (spns) {
        repr = sp_document_repr_root (doc);
    } else {
        rdoc = sp_repr_document_new ("svg:svg");
        repr = rdoc->root();
        repr = sp_document_root (doc)->updateRepr(rdoc, repr, SP_OBJECT_WRITE_BUILD);

    Inkscape::IO::fixupHrefs( doc, save_path, spns );

    gboolean const s = sp_repr_save_file (repr->document(), uri, SP_SVG_NS_URI);
    if (s == FALSE) {
        throw Inkscape::Extension::Output::save_failed();

    if (!spns) {


sp_selected_path_break_apart(SPDesktop *desktop)
    Inkscape::Selection *selection = sp_desktop_selection(desktop);

    if (selection->isEmpty()) {
        sp_desktop_message_stack(desktop)->flash(Inkscape::WARNING_MESSAGE, _("Select <b>path(s)</b> to break apart."));

    desktop->messageStack()->flash(Inkscape::IMMEDIATE_MESSAGE, _("Breaking apart paths..."));
    // set "busy" cursor

    bool did = false;

    for (GSList *items = g_slist_copy((GSList *) selection->itemList());
         items != NULL;
         items = items->next) {

        SPItem *item = (SPItem *) items->data;

        if (!SP_IS_PATH(item)) {

        SPPath *path = SP_PATH(item);

        SPCurve *curve = path->get_curve_for_edit();
        if (curve == NULL) {

        did = true;

        Inkscape::XML::Node *parent = item->getRepr()->parent();
        gint pos = item->getRepr()->position();
        char const *id = item->getRepr()->attribute("id");

        // XML Tree being used directly here while it shouldn't be...
        gchar *style = g_strdup(item->getRepr()->attribute("style"));
        // XML Tree being used directly here while it shouldn't be...
        gchar *path_effect = g_strdup(item->getRepr()->attribute("inkscape:path-effect"));

        Geom::PathVector apv = curve->get_pathvector() * path->transform;


        // it's going to resurrect as one of the pieces, so we delete without advertisement

        curve = new SPCurve(apv);
        g_assert(curve != NULL);

        GSList *list = curve->split();


        GSList *reprs = NULL;
        for (GSList *l = list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
            curve = (SPCurve *) l->data;

            Inkscape::XML::Node *repr = parent->document()->createElement("svg:path");
            repr->setAttribute("style", style);

            repr->setAttribute("inkscape:path-effect", path_effect);

            gchar *str = sp_svg_write_path(curve->get_pathvector());
            if (path_effect)
                repr->setAttribute("inkscape:original-d", str);
                repr->setAttribute("d", str);

            // add the new repr to the parent

            // move to the saved position
            repr->setPosition(pos > 0 ? pos : 0);

            // if it's the first one, restore id
            if (l == list)
                repr->setAttribute("id", id);

            reprs = g_slist_prepend (reprs, repr);





    if (did) {
        DocumentUndo::done(sp_desktop_document(desktop), SP_VERB_SELECTION_BREAK_APART, 
                           _("Break apart"));
    } else {
        sp_desktop_message_stack(desktop)->flash(Inkscape::ERROR_MESSAGE, _("<b>No path(s)</b> to break apart in the selection."));
Exemple #6
sp_selected_path_break_apart(SPDesktop *desktop, bool skip_undo)
    Inkscape::Selection *selection = desktop->getSelection();

    if (selection->isEmpty()) {
        desktop->getMessageStack()->flash(Inkscape::WARNING_MESSAGE, _("Select <b>path(s)</b> to break apart."));

    desktop->messageStack()->flash(Inkscape::IMMEDIATE_MESSAGE, _("Breaking apart paths..."));
    // set "busy" cursor

    bool did = false;

    std::vector<SPItem*> itemlist(selection->itemList());
    for (std::vector<SPItem*>::const_iterator i = itemlist.begin(); i != itemlist.end(); ++i){

        SPItem *item = *i;

        SPPath *path = dynamic_cast<SPPath *>(item);
        if (!path) {

        SPCurve *curve = path->get_curve_for_edit();
        if (curve == NULL) {
        did = true;

        Inkscape::XML::Node *parent = item->getRepr()->parent();
        gint pos = item->getRepr()->position();
        char const *id = item->getRepr()->attribute("id");

        // XML Tree being used directly here while it shouldn't be...
        gchar *style = g_strdup(item->getRepr()->attribute("style"));
        // XML Tree being used directly here while it shouldn't be...
        gchar *path_effect = g_strdup(item->getRepr()->attribute("inkscape:path-effect"));
        Geom::Affine transform = path->transform;
        // it's going to resurrect as one of the pieces, so we delete without advertisement

        GSList *list = curve->split();


        std::vector<Inkscape::XML::Node*> reprs;
        for (GSList *l = list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
            curve = (SPCurve *) l->data;

            Inkscape::XML::Node *repr = parent->document()->createElement("svg:path");
            repr->setAttribute("style", style);

            repr->setAttribute("inkscape:path-effect", path_effect);

            gchar *str = sp_svg_write_path(curve->get_pathvector());
            if (path_effect)
                repr->setAttribute("inkscape:original-d", str);
                repr->setAttribute("d", str);
            repr->setAttribute("transform", sp_svg_transform_write(transform));
            // add the new repr to the parent

            // move to the saved position
            repr->setPosition(pos > 0 ? pos : 0);

            // if it's the first one, restore id
            if (l == list)
                repr->setAttribute("id", id);





    if (did) {
        if ( !skip_undo ) {
            DocumentUndo::done(desktop->getDocument(), SP_VERB_SELECTION_BREAK_APART, 
                               _("Break apart"));
    } else {
        desktop->getMessageStack()->flash(Inkscape::ERROR_MESSAGE, _("<b>No path(s)</b> to break apart in the selection."));
Exemple #7
sp_item_group_ungroup (SPGroup *group, GSList **children, bool do_done)
    g_return_if_fail (group != NULL);
    g_return_if_fail (SP_IS_GROUP (group));

    SPDocument *doc = group->document;
    SPRoot *root = doc->getRoot();
    SPObject *defs = root->defs;

    SPItem *gitem = group;
    Inkscape::XML::Node *grepr = gitem->getRepr();

    g_return_if_fail (!strcmp (grepr->name(), "svg:g") || !strcmp (grepr->name(), "svg:a") || !strcmp (grepr->name(), "svg:switch"));

    // this converts the gradient/pattern fill/stroke on the group, if any, to userSpaceOnUse
    gitem->adjust_paint_recursive (Geom::identity(), Geom::identity(), false);

    SPItem *pitem = SP_ITEM(gitem->parent);
    Inkscape::XML::Node *prepr = pitem->getRepr();

	if (SP_IS_BOX3D(gitem)) {
		group = box3d_convert_to_group(SP_BOX3D(gitem));
		gitem = group;

	sp_lpe_item_remove_all_path_effects(SP_LPE_ITEM(group), false);

    /* Step 1 - generate lists of children objects */
    GSList *items = NULL;
    GSList *objects = NULL;
    for (SPObject *child = group->firstChild() ; child; child = child->getNext() ) {

        if (SP_IS_ITEM (child)) {

            SPItem *citem = SP_ITEM (child);

            /* Merging of style */
            // this converts the gradient/pattern fill/stroke, if any, to userSpaceOnUse; we need to do
            // it here _before_ the new transform is set, so as to use the pre-transform bbox
            citem->adjust_paint_recursive (Geom::identity(), Geom::identity(), false);

            sp_style_merge_from_dying_parent(child->style, gitem->style);
             * fixme: We currently make no allowance for the case where child is cloned
             * and the group has any style settings.
             * (This should never occur with documents created solely with the current
             * version of inkscape without using the XML editor: we usually apply group
             * style changes to children rather than to the group itself.)
             * If the group has no style settings, then
             * sp_style_merge_from_dying_parent should be a no-op.  Otherwise (i.e. if
             * we change the child's style to compensate for its parent going away)
             * then those changes will typically be reflected in any clones of child,
             * whereas we'd prefer for Ungroup not to affect the visual appearance.
             * The only way of preserving styling appearance in general is for child to
             * be put into a new group -- a somewhat surprising response to an Ungroup
             * command.  We could add a new groupmode:transparent that would mostly
             * hide the existence of such groups from the user (i.e. editing behaves as
             * if the transparent group's children weren't in a group), though that's
             * extra complication & maintenance burden and this case is rare.


            Inkscape::XML::Node *nrepr = child->getRepr()->duplicate(prepr->document());

            // Merging transform
            Geom::Affine ctrans;
            Geom::Affine const g(gitem->transform);
            if (SP_IS_USE(citem) && sp_use_get_original (SP_USE(citem)) &&
                sp_use_get_original( SP_USE(citem) )->parent == SP_OBJECT(group)) {
                // make sure a clone's effective transform is the same as was under group
                ctrans = g.inverse() * citem->transform * g;
            } else {
                // We should not apply the group's transformation to both a linked offset AND to its source
                if (SP_IS_OFFSET(citem)) { // Do we have an offset at hand (whether it's dynamic or linked)?
                    SPItem *source = sp_offset_get_source(SP_OFFSET(citem));
                    // When dealing with a chain of linked offsets, the transformation of an offset will be
                    // tied to the transformation of the top-most source, not to any of the intermediate
                    // offsets. So let's find the top-most source
                    while (source != NULL && SP_IS_OFFSET(source)) {
                        source = sp_offset_get_source(SP_OFFSET(source));
                    if (source != NULL && // If true then we must be dealing with a linked offset ...
                        group->isAncestorOf(source) == false) { // ... of which the source is not in the same group
                        ctrans = citem->transform * g; // then we should apply the transformation of the group to the offset
                    } else {
                        ctrans = citem->transform;
                } else {
                    ctrans = citem->transform * g;

            // FIXME: constructing a transform that would fully preserve the appearance of a
            // textpath if it is ungrouped with its path seems to be impossible in general
            // case. E.g. if the group was squeezed, to keep the ungrouped textpath squeezed
            // as well, we'll need to relink it to some "virtual" path which is inversely
            // stretched relative to the actual path, and then squeeze the textpath back so it
            // would both fit the actual path _and_ be squeezed as before. It's a bummer.

            // This is just a way to temporarily remember the transform in repr. When repr is
            // reattached outside of the group, the transform will be written more properly
            // (i.e. optimized into the object if the corresponding preference is set)
            gchar *affinestr=sp_svg_transform_write(ctrans);
            nrepr->setAttribute("transform", affinestr);

            items = g_slist_prepend (items, nrepr);

        } else {
            Inkscape::XML::Node *nrepr = child->getRepr()->duplicate(prepr->document());
            objects = g_slist_prepend (objects, nrepr);

    /* Step 2 - clear group */
    // remember the position of the group
    gint pos = group->getRepr()->position();

    // the group is leaving forever, no heir, clones should take note; its children however are going to reemerge
    group->deleteObject(true, false);

    /* Step 3 - add nonitems */
    if (objects) {
        Inkscape::XML::Node *last_def = defs->getRepr()->lastChild();
        while (objects) {
            Inkscape::XML::Node *repr = (Inkscape::XML::Node *) objects->data;
            if (!sp_repr_is_meta_element(repr)) {
                defs->getRepr()->addChild(repr, last_def);
            objects = g_slist_remove (objects, objects->data);

    /* Step 4 - add items */
    while (items) {
        Inkscape::XML::Node *repr = (Inkscape::XML::Node *) items->data;
        // add item
        // restore position; since the items list was prepended (i.e. reverse), we now add
        // all children at the same pos, which inverts the order once again
        repr->setPosition(pos > 0 ? pos : 0);

        // fill in the children list if non-null
        SPItem *item = static_cast<SPItem *>(doc->getObjectByRepr(repr));

        item->doWriteTransform(repr, item->transform, NULL, false);

        if (children && SP_IS_ITEM (item))
            *children = g_slist_prepend (*children, item);

        items = g_slist_remove (items, items->data);

    if (do_done) {
        DocumentUndo::done(doc, SP_VERB_NONE, _("Ungroup"));