/// Adds the default connector options. Also updates the capabilities structure with the default options. /// Besides the options addBasicConnectorOptions adds, this function also adds port and interface options. void Util::Config::addConnectorOptions(int port, JSON::Value & capabilities){ JSON::Value option; option.null(); option["long"] = "port"; option["short"] = "p"; option["arg"] = "integer"; option["help"] = "TCP port to listen on"; option["value"].append((long long)port); addOption("listen_port", option); capabilities["optional"]["port"]["name"] = "TCP port"; capabilities["optional"]["port"]["help"] = "TCP port to listen on - default if unprovided is "+option["value"][0u].asString(); capabilities["optional"]["port"]["type"] = "uint"; capabilities["optional"]["port"]["option"] = "--port"; capabilities["optional"]["port"]["default"] = option["value"][0u]; option.null(); option["long"] = "interface"; option["short"] = "i"; option["arg"] = "string"; option["help"] = "Interface address to listen on, or for all available interfaces."; option["value"].append(""); addOption("listen_interface", option); capabilities["optional"]["interface"]["name"] = "Interface"; capabilities["optional"]["interface"]["help"] = "Address of the interface to listen on - default if unprovided is all interfaces"; capabilities["optional"]["interface"]["option"] = "--interface"; capabilities["optional"]["interface"]["type"] = "str"; addBasicConnectorOptions(capabilities); } //addConnectorOptions
void inputFLV::getNext(bool smart) { static JSON::Value thisPack; static AMF::Object amf_storage; thisPack.null(); long long int lastBytePos = ftell(inFile); FLV::Tag tmpTag; while (!feof(inFile) && !FLV::Parse_Error){ if (tmpTag.FileLoader(inFile)){ thisPack = tmpTag.toJSON(myMeta, amf_storage); thisPack["bpos"] = lastBytePos; if ( !selectedTracks.count(thisPack["trackid"].asInt())){ getNext(); } break; } } if (FLV::Parse_Error){ FAIL_MSG("FLV error: %s", FLV::Error_Str.c_str()); thisPack.null(); thisPacket.null(); return; } std::string tmpStr = thisPack.toNetPacked(); thisPacket.reInit(tmpStr.data(), tmpStr.size()); }
/// Adds the default connector options. Also updates the capabilities structure with the default options. void Util::Config::addBasicConnectorOptions(JSON::Value & capabilities){ JSON::Value option; option.null(); option["long"] = "username"; option["short"] = "u"; option["arg"] = "string"; option["help"] = "Username to drop privileges to, or root to not drop provileges."; option["value"].append("root"); addOption("username", option); capabilities["optional"]["username"]["name"] = "Username"; capabilities["optional"]["username"]["help"] = "Username to drop privileges to - default if unprovided means do not drop privileges"; capabilities["optional"]["username"]["option"] = "--username"; capabilities["optional"]["username"]["type"] = "str"; option.null(); option["long"] = "daemon"; option["short"] = "d"; option["long_off"] = "nodaemon"; option["short_off"] = "n"; option["help"] = "Whether or not to daemonize the process after starting."; option["value"].append(1ll); addOption("daemonize", option); option.null(); option["long"] = "json"; option["short"] = "j"; option["help"] = "Output connector info in JSON format, then exit."; option["value"].append(0ll); addOption("json", option); }
bool inputFLV::readHeader() { JSON::Value lastPack; if (!inFile) { return false; } //See whether a separate header file exists. DTSC::File tmp(config->getString("input") + ".dtsh"); if (tmp){ myMeta = tmp.getMeta(); return true; } //Create header file from FLV data fseek(inFile, 13, SEEK_SET); FLV::Tag tmpTag; long long int lastBytePos = 13; while (!feof(inFile) && !FLV::Parse_Error){ if (tmpTag.FileLoader(inFile)){ lastPack.null(); lastPack = tmpTag.toJSON(myMeta); lastPack["bpos"] = lastBytePos; myMeta.update(lastPack); lastBytePos = ftell(inFile); } } if (FLV::Parse_Error){ std::cerr << FLV::Error_Str << std::endl; return false; } std::ofstream oFile(std::string(config->getString("input") + ".dtsh").c_str()); oFile << myMeta.toJSON().toNetPacked(); oFile.close(); return true; }
void CompositorLoader::ParseStageConnections(CompositeStageConnections& connections, const json::Value& stageJson) { if (stageJson.HasKey("input") && stageJson["input"].GetType() == ArrayVal) { Array inputArray = stageJson["input"].ToArray(); for (auto it = inputArray.begin(); it != inputArray.end(); ++it) { connections.AddRenderTargetInput(it->ToString("")); } } if (stageJson.HasKey("output") && stageJson["output"].GetType() == ArrayVal) { Array inputArray = stageJson["output"].ToArray(); for (auto it = inputArray.begin(); it != inputArray.end(); ++it) { connections.AddRenderTarget(it->ToString("")); } } if (stageJson.HasKey("depthBuffer") && stageJson["depthBuffer"].GetType() == StringVal) { connections.SetDepthBuffer(stageJson["depthBuffer"].ToString()); } }
void CompareJson(json::Value& lhs, json::Value& rhs, json::Value& output) { std::string lstr, rstr; if (rhs.type() != lhs.type()) return; switch (lhs.type()) { case json::Value::tString: lstr = lhs.getString(); rstr = rhs.getString(); if (!lstr.empty() && lstr[0] == '$' && lstr.back() == '$') { size_t slash = lstr.find('/'); std::string cat = lstr.substr(1, slash - 1); std::string name = lstr.substr(slash + 1, lstr.length() - slash - 2); output[cat][name] = rstr; } break; case json::Value::tArray: for (size_t i = 0; i < lhs.length(); ++i) { if (i < rhs.length()) { CompareJson(lhs[i], rhs[i], output); } } break; case json::Value::tObject: for (auto it = lhs.begin(); it != lhs.end(); ++it) { if (rhs.has(it.key())) { CompareJson(*it, rhs[it.key()], output); } } break; } }
void Animation::parsePrefab(json::Value& val) { if(val.isMember("sequences") && !val["sequences"].empty()) { json::Value sequences = val["sequences"]; for(json::Value::iterator it = sequences.begin(); it != sequences.end(); ++it) { if(!(*it).isMember("start") || !(*it).isMember("end") || !(*it).isMember("fps")) { szerr << "Animation sequence definition must have start and end frame and fps value." << ErrorStream::error; continue; } sf::Uint32 start = (*it)["start"].asUInt(); sf::Uint32 end = (*it)["end"].asUInt(); sf::Uint32 fps = (*it)["fps"].asUInt(); bool looping = (*it).get("looping", 0).asBool(); std::string next = (*it).get("next", "").asString(); defineAnimation(it.memberName(), start, end, fps, looping, next); } } if(val.isMember("autoplay")) { if(val["autoplay"].isString()) { play(val["autoplay"].asString()); } } }
static void couchLoadData(PrintTextA &print) { CouchDB db(getTestCouch()); db.use(DATABASENAME); AutoArray<Document, SmallAlloc<50> > savedDocs; Changeset chset(db.createChangeset()); natural id=10000; JSON::Value data = db.json.factory->fromString(strdata); for (JSON::Iterator iter = data->getFwIter(); iter.hasItems();) { const JSON::KeyValue &kv= iter.getNext(); Document doc; doc.edit(db.json) ("name",kv[0]) ("age",kv[1]) ("height",kv[2]) ("_id",ToString<natural>(id,16)); id+=14823; savedDocs.add(doc); chset.update(doc); } chset.commit(false); Set<StringA> uuidmap; for (natural i = 0; i < savedDocs.length(); i++) { StringA uuid = savedDocs[i]["_id"]->getStringUtf8(); // print("%1\n") << uuid; uuidmap.insert(uuid); } print("%1") << uuidmap.size(); }
void CompositorLoader::ParseStage(ResourceManager& resourceManager, Compositor::Ptr& compositor, const json::Value& stageJson) { if (stageJson.HasKey("disabled") && stageJson["disabled"].ToBool(false)) { return; } if (!stageJson.HasKey("stage") || stageJson["stage"].GetType() != StringVal) { throw FormatException("stages[].stage needs to be a string containing the relvative path to a CompositeStage"); } CompositeStageConnections connections; ParseStageConnections(connections, stageJson); std::string stageFilename = stageJson["stage"].ToString(); CompositeStage::Ptr stage = resourceManager.LoadResource<CompositeStage>(stageFilename); if (stageJson.HasKey("shaderValues")) { Array defaultValues = stageJson["shaderValues"].ToArray(); for (auto it = defaultValues.begin(); it != defaultValues.end(); ++it) { JsonTypeHelper::ParseValueIntoParameters(stage->GetStateParameters(), *it); } } compositor->AddCompositeStage(stage, connections); }
void CheckAllStreams(JSON::Value & data){ long long int currTime = Util::epoch(); for (JSON::ObjIter jit = data.ObjBegin(); jit != data.ObjEnd(); jit++){ if ( !Util::Procs::isActive(jit->first)){ startStream(jit->first, jit->second); } if (currTime - lastBuffer[jit->first] > 5){ if (jit->second.isMember("error") && jit->second["error"].asString() != ""){ jit->second["online"] = jit->second["error"]; }else{ jit->second["online"] = 0; } }else{ jit->second["online"] = 1; } } static JSON::Value strlist; bool changed = false; if (strlist["config"] != Storage["config"]){ strlist["config"] = Storage["config"]; changed = true; } if (strlist["streams"] != Storage["streams"]){ strlist["streams"] = Storage["streams"]; changed = true; } if (changed){ WriteFile("/tmp/mist/streamlist", strlist.toString()); } }
static void numberToWide(PrintTextA &print) { JSON::PFactory f = JSON::create(); JSON::Value v = f->newValue((natural)123); String tst1 = v->getString(); String tst2 = v->getString(); print("%1,%2") << tst1 << tst2; }
///\brief Builds a bootstrap for use in HTTP Dynamic streaming. ///\param streamName The name of the stream. ///\param metadata The current metadata, used to generate the index. ///\param fragnum The index of the current fragment ///\return The generated bootstrap. std::string dynamicBootstrap(std::string & streamName, JSON::Value & metadata, int fragnum = 0){ std::string empty; MP4::ASRT asrt; asrt.setUpdate(false); asrt.setVersion(1); //asrt.setQualityEntry(empty, 0); if (metadata.isMember("live")){ asrt.setSegmentRun(1, 4294967295ul, 0); }else{ asrt.setSegmentRun(1, metadata["keytime"].size(), 0); } MP4::AFRT afrt; afrt.setUpdate(false); afrt.setVersion(1); afrt.setTimeScale(1000); //afrt.setQualityEntry(empty, 0); MP4::afrt_runtable afrtrun; if (metadata.isMember("live")){ // restrict data to last 2 fragments, unless an earlier fragment was expressly requested. int count = 0; unsigned int begin = std::max(0u, metadata["keynum"].size() - 3); while (begin > 0 && fragnum && metadata["keynum"][begin].asInt() > fragnum){ begin--; } for (int i = begin; i < metadata["keynum"].size(); i++){ afrtrun.firstFragment = metadata["keynum"][i].asInt(); afrtrun.firstTimestamp = metadata["keytime"][i].asInt(); afrtrun.duration = metadata["keylen"][i].asInt(); afrt.setFragmentRun(afrtrun, count++); } }else{ for (int i = 0; i < metadata["keynum"].size(); i++){ afrtrun.firstFragment = metadata["keynum"][i].asInt(); afrtrun.firstTimestamp = metadata["keytime"][i].asInt(); afrtrun.duration = metadata["keylen"][i].asInt(); afrt.setFragmentRun(afrtrun, i); } } MP4::ABST abst; abst.setVersion(1); abst.setBootstrapinfoVersion(1); abst.setProfile(0); abst.setUpdate(false); abst.setTimeScale(1000); abst.setLive(false); abst.setCurrentMediaTime(metadata["lastms"].asInt()); abst.setSmpteTimeCodeOffset(0); abst.setMovieIdentifier(streamName); abst.setSegmentRunTable(asrt, 0); abst.setFragmentRunTable(afrt, 0); #if DEBUG >= 8 std::cout << "Sending bootstrap:" << std::endl << abst.toPrettyString(0) << std::endl; #endif return std::string((char*)abst.asBox(), (int)abst.boxedSize()); }
/// Returns a Smooth-format manifest file std::string BuildManifest(std::string & MovieId, JSON::Value & metadata){ std::stringstream Result; Result << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n"; Result << "<SmoothStreamingMedia MajorVersion=\"2\" MinorVersion=\"0\" TimeScale=\"10000000\" Duration=\"" << metadata["lastms"].asInt() << "\">\n"; if (metadata.isMember("audio")){ Result << " <StreamIndex Type=\"audio\" QualityLevels=\"1\" Name=\"audio\" Chunks=\"" << metadata["keytime"].size() << "\" Url=\"Q({bitrate})/A({start time})\">\n"; Result << " <QualityLevel Index=\"0\" Bitrate=\"" << metadata["audio"]["bps"].asInt() * 8 << "\" CodecPrivateData=\""; Result << std::hex; for (int i = 0; i < metadata["audio"]["init"].asString().size(); i++){ Result << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::right << (int)metadata["audio"]["init"].asString()[i]; } Result << std::dec; Result << "\" SamplingRate=\"" << metadata["audio"]["rate"].asInt() << "\" Channels=\"2\" BitsPerSample=\"16\" PacketSize=\"4\" AudioTag=\"255\" FourCC=\"AACL\" />\n"; for (int i = 0; i < metadata["keytime"].size() - 1; i++){ Result << " <c "; if (i == 0){ Result << "t=\"0\" "; } Result << "d=\"" << 10000 * (metadata["keytime"][i + 1].asInt() - metadata["keytime"][i].asInt()) << "\" />\n"; } Result << " <c d=\"" << 10000 * (metadata["lastms"].asInt() - metadata["keytime"][metadata["keytime"].size() - 1].asInt()) << "\" />\n"; Result << " </StreamIndex>\n"; } if (metadata.isMember("video")){ Result << " <StreamIndex Type=\"video\" QualityLevels=\"1\" Name=\"video\" Chunks=\"" << metadata["keytime"].size() << "\" Url=\"Q({bitrate})/V({start time})\" MaxWidth=\"" << metadata["video"]["width"].asInt() << "\" MaxHeight=\"" << metadata["video"]["height"].asInt() << "\" DisplayWidth=\"" << metadata["video"]["width"].asInt() << "\" DisplayHeight=\"" << metadata["video"]["height"].asInt() << "\">\n"; Result << " <QualityLevel Index=\"0\" Bitrate=\"" << metadata["video"]["bps"].asInt() * 8 << "\" CodecPrivateData=\""; MP4::AVCC avccbox; avccbox.setPayload(metadata["video"]["init"].asString()); std::string tmpString = avccbox.asAnnexB(); Result << std::hex; for (int i = 0; i < tmpString.size(); i++){ Result << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::right << (int)tmpString[i]; } Result << std::dec; Result << "\" MaxWidth=\"" << metadata["video"]["width"].asInt() << "\" MaxHeight=\"" << metadata["video"]["height"].asInt() << "\" FourCC=\"AVC1\" />\n"; for (int i = 0; i < metadata["keytime"].size() - 1; i++){ Result << " <c "; if (i == 0){ Result << "t=\"0\" "; } Result << "d=\"" << 10000 * (metadata["keytime"][i + 1].asInt() - metadata["keytime"][i].asInt()) << "\" />\n"; } Result << " <c d=\"" << 10000 * (metadata["lastms"].asInt() - metadata["keytime"][metadata["keytime"].size() - 1].asInt()) << "\" />\n"; Result << " </StreamIndex>\n"; } Result << "</SmoothStreamingMedia>\n"; #if DEBUG >= 8 std::cerr << "Sending this manifest:" << std::endl << Result << std::endl; #endif return Result.str(); } //BuildManifest
static void serializeCycleError(PrintTextA &print) { JSON::PFactory f = JSON::create(); JSON::Value v = f->fromString(jsonSrc); JSON::Value arr = v["array"]; arr->add(v); v->erase("text"); JSON::serialize(v, print.nxChain(), false); v->erase("array"); }
/// Adds a single DTSC packet to the stream, updating the internal metadata if needed. void DTSC::Stream::addPacket(JSON::Value & newPack) { livePos newPos; newPos.trackID = newPack["trackid"].asInt(); newPos.seekTime = newPack["time"].asInt(); if (!metadata.tracks.count(newPos.trackID) && (!newPack.isMember("mark") || newPack["mark"].asStringRef() != "pause")) { return; } if (buffercount > 1 && metadata.tracks[newPos.trackID].keys.size() > 1 && newPos.seekTime < (long long unsigned int)metadata.tracks[newPos.trackID].keys.rbegin()->getTime()) { resetStream(); } while (buffers.count(newPos) > 0) { newPos.seekTime++; } while (buffercount == 1 && buffers.size() > 0) { cutOneBuffer(); } buffers[newPos] = newPack; datapointertype = INVALID; std::string tmp = ""; if (newPack.isMember("trackid") && newPack["trackid"].asInt() > 0) { tmp = metadata.tracks[newPack["trackid"].asInt()].type; } if (newPack.isMember("datatype")) { tmp = newPack["datatype"].asStringRef(); } if (tmp == "video") { datapointertype = VIDEO; } if (tmp == "audio") { datapointertype = AUDIO; } if (tmp == "meta") { datapointertype = META; } if (tmp == "pause_marker" || (newPack.isMember("mark") && newPack["mark"].asStringRef() == "pause")) { datapointertype = PAUSEMARK; } if (buffercount > 1) { metadata.update(newPack); if (newPack.isMember("keyframe") || (long long unsigned int)metadata.tracks[newPos.trackID].keys.rbegin()->getTime() == newPos.seekTime) { keyframes[newPos.trackID].insert(newPos); } metadata.live = true; //throw away buffers if buffer time is met int trid = buffers.begin()->first.trackID; int firstTime = buffers.begin()->first.seekTime; int lastTime = buffers.rbegin()->first.seekTime - buffertime; while ((!metadata.tracks[trid].keys.size() && firstTime < lastTime) || (metadata.tracks[trid].keys.size() && metadata.tracks[trid].keys.rbegin()->getTime() < lastTime) || (metadata.tracks[trid].keys.size() > 2 && metadata.tracks[trid].keys.rbegin()->getTime() - firstTime > buffertime)) { cutOneBuffer(); trid = buffers.begin()->first.trackID; firstTime = buffers.begin()->first.seekTime; } metadata.bufferWindow = buffertime; } }
bool AddressValidator::is_valid(const json::Value& value) { if (!value.is_string()) { return false; } const auto& val = value.as_string(); if ("localhost" == val) { return true; } return std::regex_match(val, m_address_regex); }
///\brief Checks all streams, restoring if needed. ///\param data The stream configuration for the server. void CheckAllStreams(JSON::Value & data) { long long int currTime = Util::epoch(); for (JSON::ObjIter jit = data.ObjBegin(); jit != data.ObjEnd(); jit++) { if ( !Util::Procs::isActive(jit->first)) { startStream(jit->first, jit->second); } if (currTime - lastBuffer[jit->first] > 5) { if (jit->second.isMember("source") && jit->second["source"].asString().substr(0, 1) == "/" && jit->second.isMember("error") && jit->second["error"].asString() == "Available") { jit->second["online"] = 2; } else { if (jit->second.isMember("error") && jit->second["error"].asString() == "Available") { jit->second.removeMember("error"); } jit->second["online"] = 0; } } else { // assume all is fine jit->second.removeMember("error"); jit->second["online"] = 1; // check if source is valid if (jit->second.isMember("live") && !jit->second.isMember("meta") || !jit->second["meta"]) { jit->second["online"] = 0; jit->second["error"] = "No (valid) source connected"; } else { // for live streams, keep track of activity if (jit->second["meta"].isMember("live")) { if (jit->second["meta"]["lastms"] != jit->second["lastms"]) { jit->second["lastms"] = jit->second["meta"]["lastms"]; jit->second["last_active"] = currTime; } // mark stream as offline if no activity for 5 seconds if (jit->second.isMember("last_active") && jit->second["last_active"].asInt() < currTime - 5) { jit->second["online"] = 0; jit->second["error"] = "No (valid) source connected"; } } } } } static JSON::Value strlist; bool changed = false; if (strlist["config"] != Storage["config"]) { strlist["config"] = Storage["config"]; changed = true; } if (strlist["streams"] != Storage["streams"]) { strlist["streams"] = Storage["streams"]; changed = true; } if (changed) { WriteFile("/tmp/mist/streamlist", strlist.toString()); } }
void JsonStream::valueToString(json::Value &value, std::string& str) { if(value.GetType() == json::StringVal) { str = value.ToString(); } else { mIsOk = false; mErrorLog += "JsonStream::valueToString() Error: wrong type\n"; } }
void ListStrings(json::Value& value, json::Value& data) { for (auto& kv : value.getMap()) { if (kv.second.type() == json::Value::tObject) { for (auto& skv : kv.second.getMap()) { data["stringlist"][kv.first][skv.first]["text"] = skv.first; } } else { data["stringlist"]["Global"][kv.first]["text"] = kv.first; } } value.clear(); }
void ClientWS::processMessage(JSON::Value v) { try { JSON::Value result = v["result"]; JSON::Value error = v["error"]; JSON::Value context = v["context"]; JSON::Value method = v["method"]; JSON::Value id = v["id"]; JSON::Value params = v["params"]; if (result != null || error != null) { if (id != null && !id->isNull()) { natural reqid = id->getUInt(); const Promise<Result> *p = waitingResults.find(reqid); if (p == 0) onDispatchError(v); else { Promise<Result> q = *p; waitingResults.erase(reqid); if (p) { if (error == null || error->isNull()) { q.resolve(Result(result,context)); } else { q.reject(RpcError(THISLOCATION,error)); } } } }//id=null - invalid frame else { onDispatchError(v); } } else if (method != null && params != null) { if (id == null || id->isNull()) { onNotify(method->getStringUtf8(), params, context); } else { try { onIncomeRPC(method->getStringUtf8(), params,context,id); } catch (const RpcError &e) { sendResponse(id, jsonFactory->newValue(null), e.getError()); } catch (const jsonsrv::RpcCallError &c) { RpcError e(THISLOCATION,jsonFactory,c.getStatus(),c.getStatusMessage()); sendResponse(id, jsonFactory->newValue(null), e.getError()); } catch (const std::exception &s) { RpcError e(THISLOCATION,jsonFactory,500,s.what()); sendResponse(id, jsonFactory->newValue(null), e.getError()); } catch (...) { RpcError e(THISLOCATION,jsonFactory,500,"fatal"); sendResponse(id, jsonFactory->newValue(null), e.getError()); } } } } catch (...) { onDispatchError(v); } }
void build_json_map(const json::Value& json) { for (auto it = json.cbegin(); it != json.cend(); ++it) { m_json_path.push_key(it.key()); const auto& json_value = *it; m_json_map[m_json_path.get_path()] = json_value; if (!json_value.is_array()) { build_json_map(json_value); } m_json_path.pop_key(); } }
void TransformJson(json::Value& value, json::Value& data, Func const& func) { switch (value.type()) { case json::Value::tString: value = func(value.getString(), data); break; case json::Value::tArray: case json::Value::tObject: for (auto& sub : value) { TransformJson(sub, data, func); } break; } }
int main(int argc, char ** argv){ Util::Config conf(argv[0], PACKAGE_VERSION); JSON::Value capa; capa["desc"] = "Enables the raw MPEG Transport Stream protocol over TCP."; capa["deps"] = ""; capa["required"]["streamname"]["name"] = "Stream"; capa["required"]["streamname"]["help"] = "What streamname to serve. For multiple streams, add this protocol multiple times using different ports."; capa["required"]["streamname"]["type"] = "str"; capa["required"]["streamname"]["option"] = "--stream"; capa["optional"]["tracks"]["name"] = "Tracks"; capa["optional"]["tracks"]["help"] = "The track IDs of the stream that this connector will transmit separated by spaces"; capa["optional"]["tracks"]["type"] = "str"; capa["optional"]["tracks"]["option"] = "--tracks"; conf.addOption("streamname", JSON::fromString("{\"arg\":\"string\",\"short\":\"s\",\"long\":\"stream\",\"help\":\"The name of the stream that this connector will transmit.\"}")); conf.addOption("tracks", JSON::fromString("{\"arg\":\"string\",\"value\":[\"\"],\"short\": \"t\",\"long\":\"tracks\",\"help\":\"The track IDs of the stream that this connector will transmit separated by spaces.\"}")); conf.addConnectorOptions(8888, capa); bool ret = conf.parseArgs(argc, argv); if (conf.getBool("json")){ std::cout << capa.toString() << std::endl; return -1; } if (!ret){ std::cerr << "Usage error: missing argument(s)." << std::endl; conf.printHelp(std::cout); return 1; } Socket::Server server_socket = Socket::Server(conf.getInteger("listen_port"), conf.getString("listen_interface")); if ( !server_socket.connected()){ return 1; } conf.activate(); while (server_socket.connected() && conf.is_active){ Socket::Connection S = server_socket.accept(); if (S.connected()){ //check if the new connection is valid pid_t myid = fork(); if (myid == 0){ //if new child, start MAINHANDLER return Connector_TS::tsConnector(S, conf.getString("streamname"), conf.getString("tracks")); }else{ //otherwise, do nothing or output debugging text #if DEBUG >= 5 fprintf(stderr, "Spawned new process %i for socket %i\n", (int)myid, S.getSocket()); #endif } } } //while connected server_socket.close(); return 0; } //main
// Test the containment of JSON objects where one is a JSON string. TEST(JsonTest, ContainsString) { Try<JSON::Value> _str = JSON::parse("{\"string\" : \"Hello World!\"}"); ASSERT_SOME(_str); const JSON::Value str = _str.get(); Try<JSON::Value> strTest = JSON::parse("{\"string\" : \"Hello World!\"}"); EXPECT_TRUE(str.contains(strTest.get())); strTest = JSON::parse("{}"); EXPECT_TRUE(str.contains(strTest.get())); strTest = JSON::parse("{\"string\" : \"Goodbye World!\"}"); EXPECT_FALSE(str.contains(strTest.get())); strTest = JSON::parse("{\"string\" : \"\"}"); EXPECT_FALSE(str.contains(strTest.get())); strTest = JSON::parse("{\"string\" : null}"); EXPECT_FALSE(str.contains(strTest.get())); strTest = JSON::parse("{\"string\" : 42}"); EXPECT_FALSE(str.contains(strTest.get())); strTest = JSON::parse("{\"string\" : [42]}"); EXPECT_FALSE(str.contains(strTest.get())); }
void Positions::loadJSON(const JSON::Value &value, float scale) { clear(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < value.size(); i++) { const JSON::List &coord = value.getList(i); if (coord.size() != 3) THROWS("Position expected list of length 3"); push_back(Vector3D(coord.getNumber(0), coord.getNumber(1), coord.getNumber(2)) * scale); } LOG_DEBUG(3, "Read " << size() << " JSON positions"); init(); }
Animation::State::KeyFrame::KeyFrame( const Animation& animation, json::Value &config ) { time = config["time"].asFloat(); for (auto it2 = config.begin(); it2 != config.end(); it2++) { std::map<std::string, Bone*>::const_iterator it = animation.bones.find(it2.key()); if(it == animation.bones.end()) continue; Bone* bone = it->second; boneInfo.push_back(std::pair<Bone*, BoneFrameInfo>(bone, BoneFrameInfo(it2.value()))); } }
/// Store and print a log message. void Log(std::string kind, std::string message){ //if last log message equals this one, do not log. if (Storage["log"].size() > 0){ JSON::ArrIter it = Storage["log"].ArrEnd() - 1; if (( *it)[2] == message){ return; } } JSON::Value m; m.append(Util::epoch()); m.append(kind); m.append(message); Storage["log"].append(m); Storage["log"].shrink(100); //limit to 100 log messages std::cout << "[" << kind << "] " << message << std::endl; }
void SimulationInfo::loadJSON(const JSON::Value &value) { const JSON::Dict &dict = value.getDict(); if (dict.has("user")) user = dict["user"]->getString(); if (dict.has("team")) team = dict["team"]->getString(); if (dict.has("project")) project = (uint32_t)dict["project"]->getNumber(); if (dict.has("run")) run = (uint32_t)dict["run"]->getNumber(); if (dict.has("clone")) clone = (uint32_t)dict["clone"]->getNumber(); if (dict.has("gen")) gen = (uint32_t)dict["gen"]->getNumber(); if (dict.has("core_type")) coreType = (uint32_t)dict["core_type"]->getNumber(); if (dict.has("core")) core = dict["core"]->getString(); if (dict.has("total_iterations")) totalIterations = (uint64_t)dict["total_iterations"]->getNumber(); if (dict.has("iterations_done")) iterationsDone = (uint64_t)dict["iterations_done"]->getNumber(); if (dict.has("energy")) energy = dict["energy"]->getNumber(); if (dict.has("temperature")) temperature = dict["temperature"]->getNumber(); if (dict.has("start_time")) startTime = Time::parse(dict["start_time"]->getString()); if (dict.has("timeout")) timeout = (uint64_t)dict["timeout"]->getNumber(); if (dict.has("deadline")) deadline = (uint64_t)dict["deadline"]->getNumber(); if (dict.has("eta")) eta = (uint64_t)dict["eta"]->getNumber(); if (dict.has("progress")) progress = dict["progress"]->getNumber(); if (dict.has("slot")) slot = (uint32_t)dict["slot"]->getNumber(); }
void JsonRpcResponse::setError(const Error& error, const json::Value& clientInfo) { // remove result response_.erase(kRpcResult); response_.erase(kRpcAsyncHandle); const boost::system::error_code& ec = error.code(); if ( ec.category() == jsonRpcCategory() ) { setError(ec); } else { // execution error json::Object jsonError ; copyErrorCodeToJsonError(errc::ExecutionError, &jsonError); // populate sub-error field with error details json::Object executionError; executionError["code"] = ec.value(); std::string errorCategoryName = ec.category().name(); executionError["category"] = errorCategoryName; std::string errorMessage = ec.message(); executionError["message"] = errorMessage; jsonError["error"] = executionError; if (!clientInfo.is_null()) { jsonError["client_info"] = clientInfo; } // set error setField(kRpcError, jsonError); } }
bool load_schema(const json::Value& schema, SchemaValidator& validator) { for (auto it = schema.cbegin(); it != schema.cend(); it++) { m_json_path.push_key(it.key()); if (is_validator_object(*it)) { process_json_property(m_json_path.get_path(), *it, validator); m_json_path.pop_key(); continue; } load_schema(*it, validator); m_json_path.pop_key(); } return true; }