bool Kopete::Transfer::showMessage( QString text ) const
	Kopete::ChatSession *cs = chatSession();
	if ( !cs )
		return false;

	Kopete::Message msg;
	msg.setPlainBody( text );
	cs->appendMessage( msg );
	return true;
WlmContact::receivedMessage (const QString & message)
    // Create a Kopete::Message
    Kopete::ContactPtrList contactList;
    account ();
    contactList.append (account ()->myself ());
    Kopete::Message newMessage (this, contactList);
    newMessage.setPlainBody (message);
    newMessage.setDirection (Kopete::Message::Inbound);

    // Add it to the manager
    manager ()->appendMessage (newMessage);
void TranslatorGUIClient::messageTranslated( const QVariant &result )
	QString translated = result.toString();
	if ( translated.isEmpty() )
		kDebug( 14308 ) << "Empty string returned";

	//if the user close the window before the translation arrive, return
	if ( !m_manager->view() )

	Kopete::Message msg = m_manager->view()->currentMessage();
	msg.setPlainBody( translated );
	m_manager->view()->setCurrentMessage( msg );
void HistoryGUIClient::slotQuote()
	KopeteView *m_currentView = m_manager->view ( true );

	if ( !m_currentView )

	QList<Kopete::Message> msgs = m_logger->readMessages (
	                                  HistoryConfig::number_ChatWindow(), /*mb.first()*/ 0L,
	                                  HistoryLogger::AntiChronological, true );

	Kopete::Message msg = m_manager->view()->currentMessage();
	QString body = msgs.isEmpty() ? "" : msgs.last().plainBody();
	kDebug(14310) << "Quoting last message " << body;

	body = body.replace('\n', "\n> ");
	body.prepend ("> ");
	body.append ("\n");

	msg.setPlainBody ( body );
	m_manager->view()->setCurrentMessage ( msg );
void JabberGroupMemberContact::handleIncomingMessage ( const XMPP::Message &message )
	// message type is always chat in a groupchat
	QString viewType = "kopete_chatwindow";
	Kopete::Message *newMessage = 0L;

	kDebug (JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL) << "Received Message Type:" << message.type ();

	Kopete::ChatSession *kmm = manager( Kopete::Contact::CanCreate );

	if ( message.type () != "error" )
		if (!message.invite().isEmpty())
			/*QString room=message.invite();
			QString originalBody=message.body().isEmpty() ? QString() :
				i18n( "The original message is : <i>\" %1 \"</i><br />" , Qt::escape(message.body()));
			QString mes=i18n("<qt><i>%1</i> has invited you to join the conference <b>%2</b><br />%3<br />"
			                 "If you want to accept and join, just <b>enter your nickname</b> and press OK.<br />"
			                 "If you want to decline, press Cancel.</qt>",
			                 message.from().full(), room , originalBody);
			bool ok=false;
			QString futureNewNickName = KInputDialog::getText( i18n( "Invited to a conference - Jabber Plugin" ),
				mes, QString() , &ok , (mManager ? dynamic_cast<QWidget*>(mManager->view(false)) : 0) );
			if ( !ok || !account()->isConnected() || futureNewNickName.isEmpty() )
			XMPP::Jid roomjid(room);
			account()->client()->joinGroupChat( roomjid.domain() , roomjid.node() , futureNewNickName );*/
		else if (message.body().isEmpty())
		// Then here could be event notifications
			if (message.containsEvent ( XMPP::CancelEvent ) || (message.chatState() != XMPP::StateNone && message.chatState() != XMPP::StateComposing) )
				mManager->receivedTypingMsg ( this, false );
			else if (message.containsEvent ( XMPP::ComposingEvent )|| message.chatState() == XMPP::StateComposing )
				mManager->receivedTypingMsg ( this, true );

			if (message.containsEvent ( XMPP::DisplayedEvent ) )
				//mManager->receivedEventNotification ( i18n("Message has been displayed") );
			else if (message.containsEvent ( XMPP::DeliveredEvent ) )
				//mManager->receivedEventNotification ( i18n("Message has been delivered") );
				mManager->receivedMessageState( message.eventId().toUInt(), Kopete::Message::StateSent );
				mSendsDeliveredEvent = true;
			else if (message.containsEvent ( XMPP::OfflineEvent ) )
				//mManager->receivedEventNotification( i18n("Message stored on the server, contact offline") );
				mManager->receivedMessageState( message.eventId().toUInt(), Kopete::Message::StateSent );
			else if (message.chatState() == XMPP::StateGone )
				/*if(mManager->view( Kopete::Contact::CannotCreate ))
				{   //show an internal message if the user has not already closed his window
					Kopete::Message m=Kopete::Message ( this, mManager->members() );
					m.setPlainBody( i18n("%1 has ended his/her participation in the chat session.", metaContact()->displayName()) );
					m.setDirection( Kopete::Message::Internal );
					mManager->appendMessage ( m, message.from().resource () );

			// XEP-0184: Message Delivery Receipts
			if ( message.messageReceipt() == ReceiptReceived )
				//mManager->receivedEventNotification ( i18n("Message has been delivered") );
				mManager->receivedMessageState( message.messageReceiptId().toUInt(), Kopete::Message::StateSent );
				mSendsDeliveredEvent = true;
		// Then here could be event notification requests
			mRequestComposingEvent = message.containsEvent ( XMPP::ComposingEvent );
			mRequestOfflineEvent = message.containsEvent ( XMPP::OfflineEvent );
			mRequestDeliveredEvent = message.containsEvent ( XMPP::DeliveredEvent );
			mRequestDisplayedEvent = message.containsEvent ( XMPP::DisplayedEvent);

			// XEP-0184: Message Delivery Receipts
			mRequestReceiptDelivery = ( message.messageReceipt() == ReceiptRequest );

	 * Don't display empty messages, these were most likely just carrying
	 * event notifications or other payload.
	if ( message.body().isEmpty () )
	Kopete::ContactPtrList contactList = kmm->members();

	// check for errors
	if ( message.type () == "error" )
		newMessage = new Kopete::Message( this, contactList );
		newMessage->setTimestamp( message.timeStamp() );
		newMessage->setPlainBody( i18n("Your message could not be delivered: \"%1\", Reason: \"%2\"",
										  message.body (), message.error().text ) );
		newMessage->setSubject( message.subject() );
		newMessage->setDirection( Kopete::Message::Inbound );
		newMessage->setRequestedPlugin( viewType );
		// store message id for outgoing notifications
		mLastReceivedMessageId = ();
		// retrieve and reformat body
		QString body = message.body ();

		if( !message.xencrypted().isEmpty () )
			body = QString ("-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----\n\n") + message.xencrypted () + QString ("\n-----END PGP MESSAGE-----\n");
		else if( !message.xsigned().isEmpty () )
			body = QString ("-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----\n\n") + message.xsigned () + QString ("\n-----END PGP MESSAGE-----\n");

		// convert XMPP::Message into Kopete::Message
		newMessage = new Kopete::Message ( this, contactList );
		newMessage->setTimestamp( message.timeStamp() );
		newMessage->setPlainBody( body );
		newMessage->setDirection( Kopete::Message::Inbound );
		newMessage->setRequestedPlugin( viewType );
		newMessage->setImportance( Kopete::Message::Low );

	// append message to manager
	kmm->appendMessage ( *newMessage );

	delete newMessage;

void KopeteMessage_Test::testPrimitives()
	 * from(), to()

		Kopete::Message msg( m_contactFrom, m_contactTo);

	 * Direction

		Kopete::Message msg;
		msg.setDirection( Kopete::Message::Inbound );
		QCOMPARE(msg.direction(), Kopete::Message::Inbound);
		Kopete::Message msg;
		msg.setDirection( Kopete::Message::Outbound );
		QCOMPARE(msg.direction(), Kopete::Message::Outbound);
		Kopete::Message msg;
		msg.setDirection( Kopete::Message::Internal );
		QCOMPARE(msg.direction(), Kopete::Message::Internal);

	 * Message Format

		Kopete::Message msg;
		msg.setPlainBody( QLatin1String("foobar") );
		QCOMPARE(msg.format(), Qt::PlainText);
		Kopete::Message msg;
		msg.setHtmlBody( QLatin1String("foobar") );
		QCOMPARE(msg.format(), Qt::RichText);
		QString m = "foobar";
		Kopete::Message msg;

		QCOMPARE(msg.format(), Qt::PlainText);

		QCOMPARE(msg.format(), Qt::RichText);

	 * setBody()

		QString m = "foobar";
		Kopete::Message msg;
		msg.setHtmlBody( m );

		QCOMPARE(QString("NEW"), msg.plainBody());

		QCOMPARE(msg.plainBody(), QString("NEW_NEW"));
		QString m = "foobar";
		Kopete::Message msg;
		msg.setPlainBody( m );

		QCOMPARE(msg.plainBody(), QString("NEW"));

		QCOMPARE(msg.plainBody(), QString("NEW_NEW"));
		QString m = "<html><head></head><body foo=\"bar\">   <b>HELLO WORLD</b>   </body></html>";
		Kopete::Message msg;
		msg.setPlainBody( m );
		QCOMPARE(msg.plainBody(), m);

		msg.setPlainBody("<simple> SIMPLE");
		QCOMPARE(msg.plainBody(), QString("<simple> SIMPLE"));

		QCOMPARE(msg.plainBody(),  QString("SIMPLE") );

		QCOMPARE(Kopete::Message::unescape( QString( "<simple>SIMPLE</simple>" ) ), QString("SIMPLE") );
		QCOMPARE(Kopete::Message::unescape( QString( "Foo <img src=\"foo.png\" />" ) ), QString("Foo ") );
		QCOMPARE(Kopete::Message::unescape( QString( "Foo <img src=\"foo.png\" title=\"Bar\" />" ) ), QString("Foo Bar") );


//		QCOMPARE(msg.escapedBody(),           QString(" &nbsp; <b>HELLO WORLD</b> &nbsp; "));
//		QCOMPARE(msg.plainBody(),             QString("   HELLO WORLD   "));
		QCOMPARE(msg.plainBody().trimmed(),   QString("HELLO WORLD"));
//		QCOMPARE(msg.escapedBody().trimmed(), QString("&nbsp; <b>HELLO WORLD</b> &nbsp;"));

	 * Copy constructor

		Kopete::Message msg1;
		msg1.setHtmlBody( QLatin1String("foo") );
		Kopete::Message msg2(msg1);

		QCOMPARE(msg1.plainBody(), msg2.plainBody());
		QCOMPARE(msg1.escapedBody(), msg2.escapedBody());

		QCOMPARE(msg1.plainBody(), QString("NEW"));
		QCOMPARE(msg2.plainBody(), QString("foo"));

	 * operator=

		Kopete::Message msg1;
		msg1.setHtmlBody( QLatin1String("foo") );
			Kopete::Message msg2;

//			QCOMPARE(msg2.plainBody(), QString());

			msg2 = msg1;

			QCOMPARE(msg1.plainBody(), msg2.plainBody());
			QCOMPARE(msg1.escapedBody(), msg2.escapedBody());

			QCOMPARE(msg1.plainBody(), QString("NEW"));
			QCOMPARE(msg2.plainBody(), QString("foo"));
		QCOMPARE(msg1.plainBody(), QString("NEW"));

		msg1 = msg1;
		QCOMPARE(msg1.plainBody(), QString("NEW"));