bool Helper::handleReveal() { if( !readArguments( 1 )) return false; QString path = getArgument(); if( !allArgumentsUsed()) return false; //KApplication::updateUserTimestamp( 0 ); // TODO const KService::List apps = KMimeTypeTrader::self()->query("inode/directory", "Application"); if (apps.size() != 0) { QString command =>exec().split( " " ).first(); // only the actual command if (command == "dolphin" || command == "konqueror") { command = QStandardPaths::findExecutable(command); if( command.isEmpty()) return false; return KProcess::startDetached(command, QStringList() << "--select" << path); } } QFileInfo info(path); QString dir = info.dir().path(); (void) new KRun( QUrl::fromLocalFile(dir), NULL ); // TODO parent return true; // TODO check for errors? }
STDMETHODIMP CShellExt::InvokeCommand(LPCMINVOKECOMMANDINFO lpcmi) { TCHAR szFileUserClickedOn[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR dllPath[MAX_PATH]; QString command; FORMATETC fmte = { CF_HDROP, (DVTARGETDEVICE FAR *)NULL, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_HGLOBAL }; GetModuleFileName(_hModule, dllPath, MAX_PATH); QString module = lptstr2QString(dllPath); command += module.left(module.lastIndexOf('\\')); command += '\\'; for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_cbFiles; i++) { DragQueryFile((HDROP)m_stgMedium.hGlobal, i, szFileUserClickedOn, MAX_PATH); QString path = lptstr2QString(szFileUserClickedOn); if(0 == i) { KMimeType::Ptr ptr = KMimeType::findByPath(path); KService::List lst = KMimeTypeTrader::self()->query(ptr->name(), "Application"); if(lst.size() > 0) { QString exec =>exec(); if( -1 != exec.indexOf("%u", 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive) ) { exec = exec.left(exec.indexOf("%u", 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive)); } command += exec; } }; command += "\"" + path + "\""; } STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(si); si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; si.wShowWindow = SW_RESTORE; if (!CreateProcess(NULL, (LPTSTR)command.utf16(), NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi)) { MessageBox(lpcmi->hwnd, TEXT("Error creating process: kdecm.dll needs to be in the same directory as the executable"), TEXT("KDE Extension"), MB_OK); } return NOERROR; }
KService::Ptr ArkViewer::getViewer(const KMimeType::Ptr &mimeType) { // No point in even trying to find anything for application/octet-stream if (mimeType->isDefault()) { return KService::Ptr(); } // Try to get a read-only kpart for the internal viewer KService::List offers = KMimeTypeTrader::self()->query(mimeType->name(), QString::fromLatin1("KParts/ReadOnlyPart")); // If we can't find a kpart, try to get an external application if (offers.size() == 0) { offers = KMimeTypeTrader::self()->query(mimeType->name(), QString::fromLatin1("Application")); } if (offers.size() > 0) { return offers.first(); } else { return KService::Ptr(); } }
STDMETHODIMP CShellExt::QueryContextMenu(HMENU hMenu, UINT indexMenu, UINT idCmdFirst, UINT idCmdLast, UINT uFlags) { UINT idCmd = idCmdFirst; BOOL bAppendItems=TRUE; TCHAR szFileUserClickedOn[MAX_PATH]; FORMATETC fmte = { CF_HDROP, (DVTARGETDEVICE FAR *)NULL, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_HGLOBAL }; HRESULT hres = m_pDataObj->GetData(&fmte, &m_stgMedium); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { if (m_stgMedium.hGlobal) m_cbFiles = DragQueryFile((HDROP)m_stgMedium.hGlobal, (UINT)-1, 0, 0); qDebug() << "number of files:" << m_cbFiles; for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_cbFiles; i++) { DragQueryFile((HDROP)m_stgMedium.hGlobal, i, szFileUserClickedOn, MAX_PATH); qDebug() << "file to open:" << lptstr2QString(szFileUserClickedOn); } } QString path = lptstr2QString(szFileUserClickedOn); UINT nIndex = indexMenu++; KMimeType::Ptr ptr = KMimeType::findByPath(path); KService::List lst = KMimeTypeTrader::self()->query(ptr->name(), "Application"); if(lst.size() > 0) { TCHAR str[256]; wsprintf(str, TEXT("Open with %s"), (LPTSTR)>name().utf16()); InsertMenu(hMenu, nIndex, MF_STRING|MF_BYPOSITION, idCmd++, str ); if (m_hKdeLogoBmp) { SetMenuItemBitmaps(hMenu, nIndex, MF_BYPOSITION, m_hKdeLogoBmp, m_hKdeLogoBmp); } } return ResultFromShort(idCmd-idCmdFirst); }
void FilterOptions::load() { KConfig config(KURISearchFilterEngine::self()->name() + QStringLiteral("rc"), KConfig::NoGlobals); KConfigGroup group ="General"); const QString defaultSearchEngine = group.readEntry("DefaultWebShortcut"); const QStringList favoriteEngines = group.readEntry("PreferredWebShortcuts", DEFAULT_PREFERRED_SEARCH_PROVIDERS); QList<SearchProvider*> providers; const KService::List services = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query(QStringLiteral("SearchProvider")); int defaultProviderIndex = services.size(); //default is "None", it is last in the list Q_FOREACH(const KService::Ptr &service, services) { SearchProvider* provider = new SearchProvider(service); if (defaultSearchEngine == provider->desktopEntryName()) defaultProviderIndex = providers.size(); providers.append(provider); }
bool BrowserFrame::Private::loadPartForMimetype(const QString& mimetype) { KService::List offers = KMimeTypeTrader::self()->query( mimetype, "KParts/ReadOnlyPart" ); kDebug() <<"BrowserFrame::loadPartForMimetype("<< mimetype <<"):" << offers.size() <<" offers"; if (offers.isEmpty()) return false; // delete old part // FIXME: do this only if part can't be reused for the new mimetype if (part) { part->disconnect( this ); layout->removeWidget(part->widget()); delete part; delete extension; } KService::Ptr ptr = offers.first(); KPluginFactory* factory = KPluginLoader(*ptr).factory(); if (!factory) return false; part = factory->create<KParts::ReadOnlyPart>(q); if (!part) return false; // Parts can be destroyed from within the part itself, thus we must listen to destroyed() // partDestroyed() requests deletion of this BrowserFrame, which deletes the part, which crashes as // the part is already half-destructed (destroyed() is emitted from the dtor) but the QPointer is not yet reset to 0. // Thus queue the signal to avoid he double deletion. connect(part, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(partDestroyed(QObject*)), Qt::QueuedConnection); part->setObjectName(ptr->name()); extension = KParts::BrowserExtension::childObject(part); layout->addWidget(part->widget()); connectPart(); this->mimetype = mimetype; return true; }