void KCustomMenuEditor::load(KConfigBase *cfg) { cfg->setGroup(QString::null); int count = cfg->readNumEntry("NrOfItems"); QListViewItem *last = 0; for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { QString entry = cfg->readPathEntry(QString("Item%1").arg(i+1)); if (entry.isEmpty()) continue; // Try KSycoca first. KService::Ptr menuItem = KService::serviceByDesktopPath( entry ); if (!menuItem) menuItem = KService::serviceByDesktopName( entry ); if (!menuItem) menuItem = new KService( entry ); if (!menuItem->isValid()) continue; QListViewItem *item = new Item(m_listView, menuItem); item->moveItem(last); last = item; } }
void ApplicationsProtocol::stat(const KUrl& url) { KIO::UDSEntry entry; QString servicePath( url.path( KUrl::AddTrailingSlash ) ); servicePath.remove(0, 1); // remove starting '/' KServiceGroup::Ptr grp = KServiceGroup::group(servicePath); if (grp && grp->isValid()) { createDirEntry(entry, ((m_runMode==ApplicationsMode) ? i18n("Applications") : i18n("Programs")), url.url(), "inode/directory",grp->icon() ); } else { KService::Ptr service = KService::serviceByDesktopName( url.fileName() ); if (service && service->isValid()) { createFileEntry(entry, service, url ); } else { error(KIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,i18n("Unknown application folder")); return; } } statEntry(entry); finished(); }
void ApplicationsProtocol::get( const KUrl & url ) { KService::Ptr service = KService::serviceByDesktopName(url.fileName()); if (service && service->isValid()) { KUrl redirUrl(KStandardDirs::locate("apps", service->entryPath())); redirection(redirUrl); finished(); } else { error( KIO::ERR_IS_DIRECTORY, url.prettyUrl() ); } }
void RemoteMenu::startWizard() { KURL url; KService::Ptr service = KService::serviceByDesktopName(WIZARD_SERVICE); if (service && service->isValid()) { url.setPath(locate("apps", service->desktopEntryPath())); new KRun(url, 0, true); // will delete itself } }
void RemotePlugin::loadActions(DOM::HTMLElement node) { KService::Ptr service = KService::serviceByDesktopName("knetattach"); if(service && service->isValid()){ DOM::DOMString innerHTML; MetabarWidget::addEntry(innerHTML, i18n("Add a Network Folder"), "desktop://" + locate("apps", service->desktopEntryPath()), "wizard"); node.setInnerHTML(innerHTML); m_functions->show("actions"); } else{ m_functions->hide("actions"); } }
Note* NoteFactory::createNoteLinkOrLauncher(const KUrl &url, Basket *parent) { // IMPORTANT: we create the service ONLY if the extension is ".desktop". // Otherwise, KService take a long time to analyse all the file // and output such things to stdout: // "Invalid entry (missing '=') at /my/file.ogg:11984" // "Invalid entry (missing ']') at /my/file.ogg:11984"... KService::Ptr service; if (url.fileName().endsWith(".desktop")) service = new KService(url.path()); // If link point to a .desktop file then add a launcher, otherwise it's a link if (service && service->isValid()) return createNoteLauncher(url, parent); else return createNoteLink(url, parent); }
void KCustomMenuEditor::slotNewItem() { QListViewItem *item = m_listView->currentItem(); KOpenWithDlg dlg(this); dlg.setSaveNewApplications(true); if (dlg.exec()) { KService::Ptr s = dlg.service(); if (s && s->isValid()) { Item *newItem = new Item(m_listView, s); newItem->moveItem(item); } refreshButton(); } }
SettingsDialog::SettingsDialog(QWidget *parent, const char *name,KConfigSkeleton *config) : KConfigDialog(parent, name, config), cddb(0), cddbChanged(false) { addPage(new General(0, "General"), i18n("General"), "package_settings", i18n("General Configuration")); addPage(new CdConfig(0, "CD"), i18n("CD"), "package_system", i18n("CD Configuration")); // Because WE don't segfault on our users... KService::Ptr libkcddb = KService::serviceByDesktopName("libkcddb"); if (libkcddb && libkcddb->isValid()) { cddb = KCModuleLoader::loadModule(QString("libkcddb"), KCModuleLoader::Inline); if (cddb) { cddb->load(); addPage(cddb, i18n("CDDB"), "cdaudio_mount", i18n("CDDB Configuration"), false); connect(cddb, SIGNAL(changed(bool)), this, SLOT(slotCddbChanged(bool))); } }
void ThumbnailProtocol::get(const KURL &url) { m_mimeType = metaData("mimeType"); kdDebug(7115) << "Wanting MIME Type:" << m_mimeType << endl; #ifdef THUMBNAIL_HACK // ### HACK bool direct=false; if (m_mimeType.isEmpty()) { kdDebug(7115) << "PATH: " << url.path() << endl; TQFileInfo info(url.path()); if (info.isDir()) { // We cannot process a directory error(TDEIO::ERR_IS_DIRECTORY,url.path()); return; } else if (!info.exists()) { // The file does not exist error(TDEIO::ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST,url.path()); return; } else if (!info.isReadable()) { // The file is not readable! error(TDEIO::ERR_COULD_NOT_READ,url.path()); return; } m_mimeType = KMimeType::findByURL(url)->name(); kdDebug(7115) << "Guessing MIME Type:" << m_mimeType << endl; direct=true; // thumbnail: was probably called from Konqueror } #endif if (m_mimeType.isEmpty()) { error(TDEIO::ERR_INTERNAL, i18n("No MIME Type specified.")); return; } m_width = metaData("width").toInt(); m_height = metaData("height").toInt(); int iconSize = metaData("iconSize").toInt(); if (m_width < 0 || m_height < 0) { error(TDEIO::ERR_INTERNAL, i18n("No or invalid size specified.")); return; } #ifdef THUMBNAIL_HACK else if (!m_width || !m_height) { kdDebug(7115) << "Guessing height, width, icon size!" << endl; m_width=128; m_height=128; iconSize=128; } #endif if (!iconSize) iconSize = TDEGlobal::iconLoader()->currentSize(TDEIcon::Desktop); if (iconSize != m_iconSize) m_iconDict.clear(); m_iconSize = iconSize; m_iconAlpha = metaData("iconAlpha").toInt(); if (m_iconAlpha) m_iconAlpha = (m_iconAlpha << 24) | 0xffffff; TQImage img; TDEConfigGroup group( TDEGlobal::config(), "PreviewSettings" ); // ### KFMI bool kfmiThumb = false; if (group.readBoolEntry( "UseFileThumbnails", true )) { KService::Ptr service = KServiceTypeProfile::preferredService( m_mimeType, "KFilePlugin"); if ( service && service->isValid() && /*url.isLocalFile() && */ service->property("SupportsThumbnail").toBool()) { KFileMetaInfo info(url.path(), m_mimeType, KFileMetaInfo::Thumbnail); if (info.isValid()) { KFileMetaInfoItem item = info.item(KFileMimeTypeInfo::Thumbnail); if (item.isValid() && item.value().type() == TQVariant::Image) { img = item.value().toImage(); kdDebug(7115) << "using KFMI for the thumbnail\n"; kfmiThumb = true; } } } } ThumbCreator::Flags flags = ThumbCreator::None; if (!kfmiThumb) { kdDebug(7115) << "using thumb creator for the thumbnail\n"; TQString plugin = metaData("plugin"); #ifdef THUMBNAIL_HACK if (plugin.isEmpty()) { TDETrader::OfferList plugins = TDETrader::self()->query("ThumbCreator"); TQMap<TQString, KService::Ptr> mimeMap; for (TDETrader::OfferList::ConstIterator it = plugins.begin(); it != plugins.end(); ++it) { TQStringList mimeTypes = (*it)->property("MimeTypes").toStringList(); for (TQStringList::ConstIterator mt = mimeTypes.begin(); mt != mimeTypes.end(); ++mt) { if ((*mt)==m_mimeType) { plugin=(*it)->library(); break; } } if (!plugin.isEmpty()) break; } } kdDebug(7115) << "Guess plugin: " << plugin << endl; #endif if (plugin.isEmpty()) { error(TDEIO::ERR_INTERNAL, i18n("No plugin specified.")); return; } ThumbCreator *creator = m_creators[plugin]; if (!creator) { // Don't use KLibFactory here, this is not a TQObject and // neither is ThumbCreator KLibrary *library = KLibLoader::self()->library(TQFile::encodeName(plugin)); if (library) { newCreator create = (newCreator)library->symbol("new_creator"); if (create) creator = create(); } if (!creator) { error(TDEIO::ERR_INTERNAL, i18n("Cannot load ThumbCreator %1").arg(plugin)); return; } m_creators.insert(plugin, creator); } if (!creator->create(url.path(), m_width, m_height, img)) { error(TDEIO::ERR_INTERNAL, i18n("Cannot create thumbnail for %1").arg(url.path())); return; } flags = creator->flags(); } if (img.width() > m_width || img.height() > m_height) { double imgRatio = (double)img.height() / (double)img.width(); if (imgRatio > (double)m_height / (double)m_width) img = img.smoothScale( int(TQMAX((double)m_height / imgRatio, 1)), m_height); else img = img.smoothScale(m_width, int(TQMAX((double)m_width * imgRatio, 1))); } // ### FIXME #ifndef USE_KINSTANCE if (flags & ThumbCreator::DrawFrame) { TQPixmap pix; pix.convertFromImage(img); int x2 = pix.width() - 1; int y2 = pix.height() - 1; // paint a black rectangle around the "page" TQPainter p; p.begin( &pix ); p.setPen( TQColor( 48, 48, 48 )); p.drawLine( x2, 0, x2, y2 ); p.drawLine( 0, y2, x2, y2 ); p.setPen( TQColor( 215, 215, 215 )); p.drawLine( 0, 0, x2, 0 ); p.drawLine( 0, 0, 0, y2 ); p.end(); const TQBitmap *mask = pix.mask(); if ( mask ) // need to update it so we can see the frame { TQBitmap bitmap( *mask ); TQPainter painter; painter.begin( &bitmap ); painter.drawLine( x2, 0, x2, y2 ); painter.drawLine( 0, y2, x2, y2 ); painter.drawLine( 0, 0, x2, 0 ); painter.drawLine( 0, 0, 0, y2 ); painter.end(); pix.setMask( bitmap ); } img = pix.convertToImage(); } #endif if ((flags & ThumbCreator::BlendIcon) && TDEGlobal::iconLoader()->alphaBlending(TDEIcon::Desktop)) { // blending the mimetype icon in TQImage icon = getIcon(); int x = img.width() - icon.width() - 4; x = TQMAX( x, 0 ); int y = img.height() - icon.height() - 6; y = TQMAX( y, 0 ); KImageEffect::blendOnLower( x, y, icon, img ); } if (img.isNull()) { error(TDEIO::ERR_INTERNAL, i18n("Failed to create a thumbnail.")); return; } const TQString shmid = metaData("shmid"); if (shmid.isEmpty()) { #ifdef THUMBNAIL_HACK if (direct) { // If thumbnail was called directly from Konqueror, then the image needs to be raw //kdDebug(7115) << "RAW IMAGE TO STREAM" << endl; TQBuffer buf; if (!buf.open(IO_WriteOnly)) { error(TDEIO::ERR_INTERNAL, i18n("Could not write image.")); return; } img.save(&buf,"PNG"); buf.close(); data(buf.buffer()); } else #endif { TQByteArray imgData; TQDataStream stream( imgData, IO_WriteOnly ); //kdDebug(7115) << "IMAGE TO STREAM" << endl; stream << img; data(imgData); } } else { TQByteArray imgData; TQDataStream stream( imgData, IO_WriteOnly ); //kdDebug(7115) << "IMAGE TO SHMID" << endl; void *shmaddr = shmat(shmid.toInt(), 0, 0); if (shmaddr == (void *)-1) { error(TDEIO::ERR_INTERNAL, i18n("Failed to attach to shared memory segment %1").arg(shmid)); return; } if (img.width() * img.height() > m_width * m_height) { error(TDEIO::ERR_INTERNAL, i18n("Image is too big for the shared memory segment")); shmdt((char*)shmaddr); return; } if( img.depth() != 32 ) // TDEIO::PreviewJob and this code below completely img = img.convertDepth( 32 ); // ignores colortable :-/, so make sure there is none stream << img.width() << img.height() << img.depth() << img.hasAlphaBuffer(); memcpy(shmaddr, img.bits(), img.numBytes()); shmdt((char*)shmaddr); data(imgData); } finished(); }