void BreakpointModel::markChanged( KTextEditor::Document *document, KTextEditor::Mark mark, KTextEditor::MarkInterface::MarkChangeAction action) { int type = mark.type; /* Is this a breakpoint mark, to begin with? */ if (!(type & AllBreakpointMarks)) return; if (action == KTextEditor::MarkInterface::MarkAdded) { Breakpoint *b = breakpoint(document->url(), mark.line); if (b) { //there was already a breakpoint, so delete instead of adding b->setDeleted(); return; } Breakpoint *breakpoint = addCodeBreakpoint(document->url(), mark.line); KTextEditor::MovingInterface *moving = qobject_cast<KTextEditor::MovingInterface*>(document); if (moving) { KTextEditor::MovingCursor* cursor = moving->newMovingCursor(KTextEditor::Cursor(mark.line, 0)); // can't use new signal/slot syntax here, MovingInterface is not a QObject connect(document, SIGNAL(aboutToDeleteMovingInterfaceContent(KTextEditor::Document*)), this, SLOT(aboutToDeleteMovingInterfaceContent(KTextEditor::Document*)), Qt::UniqueConnection); breakpoint->setMovingCursor(cursor); } } else {
void ReplaceMatches::doReplaceNextMatch() { if ((!m_manager) || (m_cancelReplace) || (m_tree->topLevelItemCount() != 1)) { m_rootIndex = -1; emit replaceDone(); return; } // NOTE The document managers signal documentWillBeDeleted() must be connected to // cancelReplace(). A closed file could lead to a crash if it is not handled. // Open the file QTreeWidgetItem *rootItem = m_tree->topLevelItem(0)->child(m_rootIndex); if (!rootItem) { m_rootIndex = -1; emit replaceDone(); return; } if (!rootItem->data(0, ColumnRole).toString().isEmpty()) { // this is a search as you type replace rootItem = m_tree->topLevelItem(0); m_cancelReplace = true; // only one document... } if (rootItem->checkState(0) == Qt::Unchecked) { m_rootIndex++; emit replaceNextMatch(); return; } KTextEditor::Document *doc; QString docUrl = rootItem->data(0, FileUrlRole).toString(); QString docName = rootItem->data(0, FileNameRole).toString(); if (docUrl.isEmpty()) { doc = findNamed(rootItem->data(0, FileNameRole).toString()); } else { doc = m_manager->findUrl(QUrl::fromUserInput(docUrl)); if (!doc) { doc = m_manager->openUrl(QUrl::fromUserInput(rootItem->data(0, FileUrlRole).toString())); } } if (!doc) { m_rootIndex++; emit replaceNextMatch(); return; } QVector<KTextEditor::MovingRange*> rVector; QStringList rTexts; KTextEditor::MovingInterface* miface = qobject_cast<KTextEditor::MovingInterface*>(doc); int line; int column; int matchLen; int endLine; int endColumn; QTreeWidgetItem *item; QString matchLines; // lines might be modified so search the document again for (int i=0; i<rootItem->childCount(); i++) { item = rootItem->child(i); if (item->checkState(0) == Qt::Unchecked) continue; line = endLine= item->data(0, LineRole).toInt(); column = item->data(0, ColumnRole).toInt(); matchLen = item->data(0, MatchLenRole).toInt(); matchLines = doc->line(line).mid(column); while (matchLines.size() < matchLen) { if (endLine+1 >= doc->lines()) break; endLine++; matchLines+= QLatin1Char('\n') + doc->line(endLine); } QRegularExpressionMatch match = m_regExp.match(matchLines); if (match.capturedStart() != 0) { qDebug() << matchLines << "Does not match" << m_regExp.pattern(); continue; } QString replaceText = m_replaceText; replaceText.replace(QStringLiteral("\\\\"), QStringLiteral("¤Search&Replace¤")); // allow captures \0 .. \9 for (int j = qMin(9, match.lastCapturedIndex()); j >= 0; --j) { replaceText.replace(QString(QStringLiteral("\\%1")).arg(j), match.captured(j)); } // allow captures \{0} .. \{9999999}... for (int j = match.lastCapturedIndex(); j >= 0; --j) { replaceText.replace(QString(QStringLiteral("\\{%1}")).arg(j), match.captured(j)); } replaceText.replace(QStringLiteral("\\n"), QStringLiteral("\n")); replaceText.replace(QStringLiteral("\\t"), QStringLiteral("\t")); replaceText.replace(QStringLiteral("¤Search&Replace¤"), QStringLiteral("\\")); rTexts << replaceText; replaceText.replace(QLatin1Char('\n'), QStringLiteral("\\n")); replaceText.replace(QLatin1Char('\t'), QStringLiteral("\\t")); QString html = item->data(0, PreMatchRole).toString(); html += QStringLiteral("<i><s>") + item->data(0, MatchRole).toString() + QStringLiteral("</s></i> "); html += QStringLiteral("<b>") + replaceText + QStringLiteral("</b>"); html += item->data(0, PostMatchRole).toString(); item->setData(0, Qt::DisplayRole, i18n("Line: <b>%1</b>: %2",line+1, html)); endLine = line; endColumn = column+matchLen; while ((endLine < doc->lines()) && (endColumn > doc->line(endLine).size())) { endColumn -= doc->line(endLine).size(); endColumn--; // remove one for '\n' endLine++; } KTextEditor::Range range(line, column, endLine, endColumn); KTextEditor::MovingRange* mr = miface->newMovingRange(range); rVector.append(mr); } for (int i=0; i<rVector.size(); i++) { line = rVector[i]->start().line(); column = rVector[i]->start().column(); doc->replaceText(*rVector[i], rTexts[i]); emit matchReplaced(doc, line, column, rTexts[i].length()); } qDeleteAll(rVector); m_rootIndex++; emit replaceNextMatch(); }
void ReplaceMatches::doReplaceNextMatch() { if ((!m_manager) || (m_cancelReplace)) { m_rootIndex = -1; emit replaceDone(); return; } // NOTE The document managers signal documentWillBeDeleted() must be connected to // cancelReplace(). A closed file could lead to a crash if it is not handled. // Open the file QTreeWidgetItem *rootItem = m_tree->topLevelItem(m_rootIndex); if (!rootItem) { m_rootIndex = -1; emit replaceDone(); return; } if (rootItem->checkState(0) == Qt::Unchecked) { m_rootIndex++; emit replaceNextMatch(); return; } KTextEditor::Document *doc = m_manager->findUrl(rootItem->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toString()); if (!doc) { doc = m_manager->openUrl(rootItem->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toString()); } if (!doc) { m_rootIndex++; emit replaceNextMatch(); return; } QVector<KTextEditor::MovingRange*> rVector; KTextEditor::MovingInterface* miface = qobject_cast<KTextEditor::MovingInterface*>(doc); int line; int column; int len; QTreeWidgetItem *item; // lines might be modified so search the document again for (int i=0; i<rootItem->childCount(); i++) { item = rootItem->child(i); if (item->checkState(0) == Qt::Unchecked) continue; line = item->data(1, Qt::UserRole).toInt(); column = item->data(2, Qt::UserRole).toInt(); len = item->data(3, Qt::UserRole).toInt(); if (m_regExp.indexIn(doc->line(line), column) != column) { kDebug() << "expression does not match"; continue; } QString html = item->data(1, Qt::ToolTipRole).toString(); html += "<i><s>" + item->data(2, Qt::ToolTipRole).toString() + "</s></i> "; html += "<b>" + m_replaceText + "</b>"; html += item->data(3, Qt::ToolTipRole).toString(); item->setData(0, Qt::DisplayRole, QString("Line: <b>%1</b>: %2").arg(line+1).arg(html)); KTextEditor::Range range(line, column, line, column+len); KTextEditor::MovingRange* mr = miface->newMovingRange(range); rVector.append(mr); } for (int i=0; i<rVector.size(); i++) { line = rVector[i]->start().line(); column = rVector[i]->start().column(); doc->replaceText(*rVector[i], m_replaceText); emit matchReplaced(doc, line, column, m_replaceText.length()); } qDeleteAll(rVector); m_rootIndex++; emit replaceNextMatch(); }