int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { KInstance instance("ktimezonestest"); if ((argc==2) && (strcmp(argv[1], "local")==0)) { KTimezones timezones; // Find the local timezone. const KTimezone *timezone = timezones.local(); printf( "Local timezone: %s\n", timezone->name().latin1() ); // Find the current offset of the UTC timezone. timezone ="UTC"); printf( "UTC timezone offset should be 0: %d\n", timezone->offset(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) ); // Find some offsets for Europe/London. char *london = "Europe/London"; timezone =; QDateTime winter(QDateTime::fromString("2005-01-01T00:00:00", Qt::ISODate)); QDateTime summer(QDateTime::fromString("2005-06-01T00:00:00", Qt::ISODate)); printf( "%s winter timezone offset should be 0: %d\n", london, timezone->offset(winter) ); printf( "%s summer timezone offset should be 3600: %d\n", london, timezone->offset(summer) ); // Try timezone conversions. const KTimezone *losAngeles ="America/Los_Angeles"); char *bstBeforePdt = "2005-03-28T00:00:00"; char *bstAfterPdt = "2005-05-01T00:00:00"; char *gmtBeforePst = "2005-10-30T01:00:00"; char *gmtAfterPst = "2005-12-01T00:00:00"; QString result; result = timezone->convert(losAngeles, QDateTime::fromString(bstBeforePdt, Qt::ISODate)).toString(Qt::ISODate); printf( "BST before PDT, %s should be 2005-03-27T15:00:00: %s\n", bstBeforePdt, result.latin1() ); result = timezone->convert(losAngeles, QDateTime::fromString(bstAfterPdt, Qt::ISODate)).toString(Qt::ISODate); printf( "BST and PDT, %s should be 2005-04-30T16:00:00: %s\n", bstAfterPdt, result.latin1() ); result = timezone->convert(losAngeles, QDateTime::fromString(gmtBeforePst, Qt::ISODate)).toString(Qt::ISODate); printf( "GMT before PST, %s should be 2005-10-29T17:00:00: %s\n", gmtBeforePst, result.latin1() ); result = timezone->convert(losAngeles, QDateTime::fromString(gmtAfterPst, Qt::ISODate)).toString(Qt::ISODate); printf( "GMT and PST, %s should be 2005-11-30T16:00:00: %s\n", gmtAfterPst, result.latin1() ); printf( "Latitude 89 should be valid: %svalid\n", KTimezone::isValidLatitude(89.0) ? "" : "in"); printf( "Latitude 91 should be invalid: %svalid\n", KTimezone::isValidLatitude(91.0) ? "" : "in"); printf( "Longitude 179 should be valid: %svalid\n", KTimezone::isValidLongitude(179.0) ? "" : "in"); printf( "Longitude 181 should be valid: %svalid\n", KTimezone::isValidLongitude(181.0) ? "" : "in"); return 0; } if ((argc==2) && (strcmp(argv[1], "all")==0)) { KTimezones timezones; KTimezones::ZoneMap allZones = timezones.allZones(); for ( KTimezones::ZoneMap::const_iterator it = allZones.begin(), end = allZones.end(); it != end; ++it ) printf( "%s\n", it.key().latin1() ); } printf( "Usage: ktimezonestest [local|all]!\n" ); return 1; }
TimeZoneCombo::TimeZoneCombo(QWidget* parent) : ComboBox(parent) { KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalog( "timezones4" ); // for time zone translations QString utc = KTimeZone::utc().name(); addItem(utc); // put UTC at start of list mZoneNames << utc; const KTimeZones::ZoneMap zones = KSystemTimeZones::zones(); for (KTimeZones::ZoneMap::ConstIterator it = zones.constBegin(); it != zones.constEnd(); ++it) if (it.key() != utc) { mZoneNames << it.key(); addItem(i18n(it.key().toUtf8()).replace('_', ' ')); } }
void Zone::readZoneList(TDEListView *listView ) { const KTimezones::ZoneMap zones = m_zoneDb.allZones(); TQMap<TQString, TQListViewItem*> KontinentMap; listView->setRootIsDecorated(true); for (KTimezones::ZoneMap::ConstIterator it = zones.begin(); it != zones.end(); ++it) { const KTimezone *zone =; TQString tzName = zone->name(); TQString comment = zone->comment(); if (!comment.isEmpty()) comment = i18n(comment.utf8()); const TQStringList KontCity = TQStringList::split("/", i18n(tzName.utf8()).replace("_", " ")); TQListViewItem* Kontinent = KontinentMap[KontCity[0]]; if (!Kontinent) { KontinentMap[KontCity[0]] = new TQListViewItem(listView, KontCity[0]); Kontinent = KontinentMap[KontCity[0]]; Kontinent->setExpandable(true); } TQCheckListItem *li = new TQCheckListItem(Kontinent, KontCity[1], TQCheckListItem::CheckBox); li->setText(1, comment); li->setText(2, tzName); /* store complete path in ListView */ if (_remotezonelist.findIndex(tzName) != -1) li->setOn(true); // locate the flag from /l10n/%1/flag.png // if not available select default "C" flag TQString flag = locate( "locale", TQString("l10n/%1/flag.png").arg(zone->countryCode().lower()) ); if (!TQFile::exists(flag)) flag = locate( "locale", "l10n/C/flag.png" ); if (TQFile::exists(flag)) li->setPixmap(0, TQPixmap(flag)); } }