void App::joint_states_cb(const sensor_msgs::JointStateConstPtr& msg){

  pronto::force_torque_t force_torque;

  bool send_est_robot_state = true;
  if ( send_est_robot_state ){
    pronto::robot_state_t m;
    m.pose.translation.x =0;
    m.pose.translation.y =0;
    m.pose.translation.z =0.85;
    m.pose.rotation.w = last_ins_quat_[0];
    m.pose.rotation.x = last_ins_quat_[1];
    m.pose.rotation.y = last_ins_quat_[2];
    m.pose.rotation.z = last_ins_quat_[3];
    m.utime = (int64_t) floor(msg->header.stamp.toNSec()/1000);
    m.num_joints =msg->name.size();
    m.joint_name = msg->name;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < msg->name.size(); i++)  {
      m.joint_position.push_back( msg->position[ i ] );
      m.joint_velocity.push_back( msg->velocity[ i ] );
      m.joint_effort.push_back( msg->effort[ i ] );

    m.force_torque = force_torque;
    lcm_publish_.publish("EST_ROBOT_STATE", &m);

    bot_core::pose_t p;
    p.utime = m.utime;
    p.pos[0]=0; p.pos[1]=0; p.pos[2]=0.85;
    memcpy(p.orientation, last_ins_quat_, 4*sizeof(double) );
    lcm_publish_.publish("POSE_BODY", &p);


  bool send_atlas_robot_state = true;
  if ( send_atlas_robot_state ){
    pronto::atlas_state_t m;
    m.utime = (int64_t) floor(msg->header.stamp.toNSec()/1000);
    m.num_joints =msg->name.size();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < msg->name.size(); i++)  {
      m.joint_position.push_back( msg->position[ i ] );
      m.joint_velocity.push_back( msg->velocity[ i ] );
      m.joint_effort.push_back( msg->effort[ i ] );

    m.force_torque = force_torque;
    lcm_publish_.publish("ATLAS_STATE", &m);

  pronto::utime_t utime_msg;
  int64_t joint_utime = (int64_t) msg->header.stamp.toNSec()/1000; // from nsec to usec
  utime_msg.utime = joint_utime;
  lcm_publish_.publish("ROBOT_UTIME", &utime_msg); 

  last_joint_state_utime_ = joint_utime;
Exemple #2
        void ForceAutonomousMode() {
            // step 1: ask for a single trajectory
            lcmt::tvlqr_controller_action trajectory_msg;
            trajectory_msg.timestamp = GetTimestampNow();
            trajectory_msg.trajectory_number = 0;
            lcm_->publish("rc-trajectory-commands", &trajectory_msg);


            // step 2: send an autonmous mode signal
            lcmt::timestamp autonomous_msg;
            autonomous_msg.timestamp = GetTimestampNow();
            lcm_->publish("state-machine-go-autonomous", &autonomous_msg);

void App::imu_cb(const sensor_msgs::ImuConstPtr& msg){
  imu_msg_ = *msg;

  microstrain::ins_t m;
  m.utime = (int64_t) floor(msg->header.stamp.toNSec()/1000);
  m.device_time = (int64_t) floor(msg->header.stamp.toNSec()/1000);
  m.gyro[0] = msg->angular_velocity.x;
  m.gyro[1] = msg->angular_velocity.y;
  m.gyro[2] = msg->angular_velocity.z;
  m.accel[0] = msg->linear_acceleration.x;
  m.accel[1] = msg->linear_acceleration.y;
  m.accel[2] = msg->linear_acceleration.z;
  m.quat[0] = msg->orientation.w;
  m.quat[1] = msg->orientation.x;
  m.quat[2] = msg->orientation.y;
  m.quat[3] = msg->orientation.z;
  m.pressure = 0;
  m.rel_alt =0 ;
  lcm_publish_.publish("MICROSTRAIN_INS", &m);

  memcpy(last_ins_quat_, m.quat, 4*sizeof(double) );
Exemple #4
void rgb_tool::kinectHandler(const lcm::ReceiveBuffer* rbuf, const std::string& channel, const  kinect::frame_msg_t* msg){

  bot_core::image_t lcm_img;
  lcm_img.utime =msg->image.timestamp;
  lcm_img.width =msg->image.width;
  lcm_img.height =msg->image.height;
  lcm_img.nmetadata =0;
  int n_colors = 3;

  if (msg->image.image_data_format == kinect::image_msg_t::VIDEO_RGB){
    lcm_img.pixelformat =bot_core::image_t::PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB;
    lcm_img.size = msg->image.image_data_nbytes;
    lcm_img.data = msg->image.image_data;
  }else if (msg->image.image_data_format == kinect::image_msg_t::VIDEO_RGB_JPEG){
    lcm_img.data = msg->image.image_data;
    lcm_img.size = msg->image.image_data_nbytes;
    lcm_img.pixelformat = bot_core::image_t::PIXEL_FORMAT_MJPEG;
    std::cout << "Format not recognized: " << msg->image.image_data_format << std::endl;

  lcm_->publish("KINECT_RGB", &lcm_img);

Exemple #5
 void stopRobot()
     cmdvel_.linear_velocity.x = 0.0;
     cmdvel_.linear_velocity.y = 0.0;
     cmdvel_.linear_velocity.z = 0.0;
     cmdvel_.angular_velocity.x = 0.0;
     cmdvel_.angular_velocity.y = 0.0;
     cmdvel_.angular_velocity.z = 0.0;
     lcm.publish("NAV_CMDS", &cmdvel_);
Exemple #6
        void SendStereoManyPointsTriple(vector<float> x_in, vector<float> y_in, vector<float> z_in) {
            lcmt::stereo msg;

            msg.timestamp = GetTimestampNow();

            vector<float> x, y, z;
            vector<unsigned char> grey;

            for (int i = 0; i < (int)x_in.size(); i++) {

                double this_point[3];

                this_point[0] = x_in[i];
                this_point[1] = y_in[i];
                this_point[2] = z_in[i];

                double point_transformed[3];
                GlobalToCameraFrame(this_point, point_transformed);

                //std::cout << "Point: (" << point_transformed[0] << ", " << point_transformed[1] << ", " << point_transformed[2] << ")" << std::endl;




            msg.x = x;
            msg.y = y;
            msg.z = z;
            msg.grey = grey;

            msg.number_of_points = x.size();
            msg.video_number = 0;
            msg.frame_number = 0;

            lcm_->publish("stereo", &msg);

Exemple #7
void ErraticKeyboardTeleopNode::keyboardLoop()
    char c;
    double max_tv_forward = walk_vel_;
    double max_tv_strafe = walk_vel_;
    double max_rv = yaw_rate_;
    bool dirty = false;
    int speed = 0;
    int turn = 0;
    // get the console in raw mode
    tcgetattr(kfd, &cooked);
    memcpy(&raw, &cooked, sizeof(struct termios));
    raw.c_lflag &=~ (ICANON | ECHO);
    raw.c_cc[VEOL] = 1;
    raw.c_cc[VEOF] = 2;
    tcsetattr(kfd, TCSANOW, &raw);
    puts("Reading from keyboard");
    puts("Use Q  E keys to strafe left/right");
    puts("Use WASD keys to control the robot");
    puts("Press Shift to move faster");
    struct pollfd ufd;
    ufd.fd = kfd;
    ufd.events = POLLIN;
        // get the next event from the keyboard
        int num;
        if ((num = poll(&ufd, 1, 450)) < 0)
        else if(num > 0)
            if(read(kfd, &c, 1) < 0)
            if (dirty == true)
                dirty = false;
            case KEYCODE_W:
                max_tv_forward = walk_vel_;
                max_tv_strafe = 0;
                speed = 1;
                turn = 0;
                dirty = true;
            case KEYCODE_S:
                max_tv_forward = walk_vel_;
                max_tv_strafe = 0;
                speed = -1;
                turn = 0;
                dirty = true;
            case KEYCODE_Q:
                max_tv_forward = 0;
                max_tv_strafe =  walk_vel_;
                speed = 1;
                turn = 0;
                dirty = true;
            case KEYCODE_E:
                max_tv_forward = 0;
                max_tv_strafe = walk_vel_;
                speed = -1;
                turn = 0;
                dirty = true;
            case KEYCODE_A:
                max_rv = yaw_rate_;
                speed = 0;
                turn = 1;
                dirty = true;
            case KEYCODE_D:
                max_rv = yaw_rate_;
                speed = 0;
                turn = -1;
                dirty = true;
            case KEYCODE_W_CAP:
                max_tv_forward = run_vel_;
                max_tv_strafe = 0;
                speed = 1;
                turn = 0;
                dirty = true;
            case KEYCODE_S_CAP:
                max_tv_forward = run_vel_;
                max_tv_strafe = 0;
                speed = -1;
                turn = 0;
                dirty = true;
            case KEYCODE_Q_CAP:
                max_tv_forward = 0;
                max_tv_strafe = run_vel_;
                speed = 1;
                turn = 0;
                dirty = true;
            case KEYCODE_E_CAP:
                max_tv_forward =run_vel_;
                max_tv_strafe =  0;
                speed = -1;
                turn = 0;
                dirty = true;
            case KEYCODE_A_CAP:
                max_rv = yaw_rate_run_;
                max_tv_strafe = 0;
                speed = 0;
                turn = 1;
                dirty = true;
            case KEYCODE_D_CAP:
                max_rv = yaw_rate_run_;
                max_tv_strafe = 0;
                speed = 0;
                turn = -1;
                dirty = true;
                max_tv_forward = walk_vel_;
                max_rv = yaw_rate_;
                speed = 0;
                turn = 0;
                dirty = false;
        cmdvel_.linear_velocity.x = speed * max_tv_forward; //fwd
		cmdvel_.linear_velocity.y = speed *  max_tv_strafe; //strafe
        cmdvel_.angular_velocity.z = turn * max_rv;
        lcm.publish("NAV_CMDS", &cmdvel_);
void App::data_cb(const atlas_hardware_interface::AtlasPrefilterConstPtr& msg){
  if (js_counter%500 ==0){
    std::cout << "J ST " << js_counter << "\n";

  int64_t utime = (int64_t) floor(msg->filtered_imu.header.stamp.toNSec()/1000);

  // 1....................................
  pronto::atlas_behavior_t msg_out;
  msg_out.utime = utime;
  msg_out.behavior = (int) msg->current_behavior.state;
  lcm_publish_.publish("ATLAS_BEHAVIOR", &msg_out);

  // 2....................................
  bot_core::pose_t pose_msg;
  pose_msg.utime = utime;

  pose_msg.pos[0] = msg->pos_est.position.x;
  pose_msg.pos[1] = msg->pos_est.position.y;
  pose_msg.pos[2] = msg->pos_est.position.z;
  // what about orientation in imu msg?
  pose_msg.orientation[0] =  msg->filtered_imu.orientation.w;
  pose_msg.orientation[1] =  msg->filtered_imu.orientation.x;
  pose_msg.orientation[2] =  msg->filtered_imu.orientation.y;
  pose_msg.orientation[3] =  msg->filtered_imu.orientation.z;

  // This transformation is NOT correct for Trooper
  // April 2014: added conversion to body frame - so that both rates are in body frame
  Eigen::Matrix3d R = Eigen::Matrix3d( Eigen::Quaterniond( msg->filtered_imu.orientation.w, msg->filtered_imu.orientation.x,
                                                           msg->filtered_imu.orientation.y, msg->filtered_imu.orientation.z ));
  Eigen::Vector3d lin_body_vel  = R*Eigen::Vector3d ( msg->pos_est.velocity.x, msg->pos_est.velocity.y,
                                                      msg->pos_est.velocity.z );
  pose_msg.vel[0] = lin_body_vel[0];
  pose_msg.vel[1] = lin_body_vel[1];
  pose_msg.vel[2] = lin_body_vel[2];

  // this is the body frame rate
  pose_msg.rotation_rate[0] = msg->filtered_imu.angular_velocity.x;
  pose_msg.rotation_rate[1] = msg->filtered_imu.angular_velocity.y;
  pose_msg.rotation_rate[2] = msg->filtered_imu.angular_velocity.z;
  // Frame?
  pose_msg.accel[0] = msg->filtered_imu.linear_acceleration.x;
  pose_msg.accel[1] = msg->filtered_imu.linear_acceleration.y;
  pose_msg.accel[2] = msg->filtered_imu.linear_acceleration.z;

  lcm_publish_.publish("POSE_BDI", &pose_msg);   
  lcm_publish_.publish("POSE_BODY", &pose_msg);    // for now

  // 3..........................................
  pronto::atlas_state_t js_out;
  js_out.utime = (int64_t) utime;
  int n_joints = 28;
  js_out.joint_position.assign(n_joints , std::numeric_limits<int>::min()  );
  js_out.joint_velocity.assign(n_joints , std::numeric_limits<int>::min()  );
  js_out.joint_effort.assign(n_joints , std::numeric_limits<int>::min()  );
  js_out.num_joints = n_joints;

  for (std::vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i < n_joints; i++)  {
    js_out.joint_position[i] = msg->j[i].q;
    js_out.joint_velocity[i] = msg->j[i].qd;
    js_out.joint_effort[i]   = msg->j[i].f;

  // Append FT sensor info
  pronto::force_torque_t ft_out;
  ft_out.l_foot_force_z  =  msg->foot_sensors[0].force.z;
  ft_out.l_foot_torque_x =  msg->foot_sensors[0].torque.x;
  ft_out.l_foot_torque_y =  msg->foot_sensors[0].torque.y;
  ft_out.r_foot_force_z  =  msg->foot_sensors[1].force.z;
  ft_out.r_foot_torque_x =  msg->foot_sensors[1].torque.x;
  ft_out.r_foot_torque_y =  msg->foot_sensors[1].torque.y;
  ft_out.l_hand_force[0] =  0;
  ft_out.l_hand_force[1] =  0;
  ft_out.l_hand_force[2] =  0;
  ft_out.l_hand_torque[0] = 0;
  ft_out.l_hand_torque[1] = 0;
  ft_out.l_hand_torque[2] = 0;
  ft_out.r_hand_force[0] =  0;
  ft_out.r_hand_force[1] =  0;
  ft_out.r_hand_force[2] =  0;
  ft_out.r_hand_torque[0] =  0;
  ft_out.r_hand_torque[1] =  0;
  ft_out.r_hand_torque[2] =  0;
  js_out.force_torque = ft_out;

  lcm_publish_.publish("ATLAS_STATE", &js_out);

  // 4........................................................
  pronto::utime_t utime_msg;
  int64_t joint_utime = (int64_t) utime;
  utime_msg.utime = utime;
  lcm_publish_.publish("ROBOT_UTIME", &utime_msg); 

  // 5........................................................
  pronto::atlas_raw_imu_batch_t imu;
  imu.utime = (int64_t) utime;
  imu.num_packets = 15;
  for (size_t i=0; i < 15 ; i++){
    pronto::atlas_raw_imu_t raw;
    raw.utime = (int64_t) floor(msg->raw_imu[i].imu_timestamp.toNSec()/1000);
    raw.packet_count = msg->raw_imu[i].packet_count;
    raw.delta_rotation[0] = msg->raw_imu[i].da.x;
    raw.delta_rotation[1] = msg->raw_imu[i].da.y;
    raw.delta_rotation[2] = msg->raw_imu[i].da.z;
    raw.linear_acceleration[0] = msg->raw_imu[i].dd.x;
    raw.linear_acceleration[1] = msg->raw_imu[i].dd.y;
    raw.linear_acceleration[2] = msg->raw_imu[i].dd.z;
    imu.raw_imu.push_back( raw );
  lcm_publish_.publish( ("ATLAS_IMU_BATCH") , &imu);

int main()

  if(!lcm1.good()) return 1;

    VideoCapture cap(1);
  cap >> frame;

  start_time = utime_now();
  float x=0,y=0,z=0;
  int estPixel;

   //Temporary local variables
        Rect trackWindow;
  int hsize = 16;
        float hranges[] = {0,180};
        const float* phranges = hranges;
        Mat hsv, hue, mask, hist, histimg = Mat::zeros(200, 320, CV_8UC3), backproj;
        bool paused = false;
  int _vmin,_vmax;
  namedWindow( "CamShift Demo", 1 );
  setMouseCallback( "CamShift Demo", onMouse, 0 );

    RotatedRect trackBox;
                if( !paused )

                         frame_number = cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES);

                 if( !paused )
                    cvtColor(image, hsv, COLOR_BGR2HSV);
                          if( trackObject )
                             _vmin = CAM_VMIN, _vmax = CAM_VMAX;
                 inRange(hsv, Scalar(0, CAM_SMIN, MIN(_vmin,_vmax)),
                                   Scalar(180, 256, MAX(_vmin, _vmax)), mask);

                                   int ch[] = {0, 0};

                                   hue.create(hsv.size(), hsv.depth());
                                   mixChannels(&hsv, 1, &hue, 1, ch, 1);

                                   if( trackObject < 0 )
                                    Mat roi(hue, selection), maskroi(mask, selection);
                                        calcHist(&roi, 1, 0, maskroi, hist, 1, &hsize, &phranges);
                                        normalize(hist, hist, 0, 255, CV_MINMAX);
                                        trackWindow = selection;
                                        trackObject = 1;
                                  histimg = Scalar::all(0);
                                  int binW = histimg.cols / hsize;
                                        Mat buf(1, hsize, CV_8UC3);

                                        for( int i = 0; i < hsize; i++ )

            buf.at<Vec3b>(i) = Vec3b(saturate_cast<uchar>(i*180./hsize), 255, 255);

                                        cvtColor(buf, buf, CV_HSV2BGR);

                                        for( int i = 0; i < hsize; i++ )

            int val = saturate_cast<int>(hist.at<float>(i)*histimg.rows/255);

            rectangle( histimg, Point(i*binW,histimg.rows),Point((i+1)*binW,histimg.rows - val),Scalar(buf.at<Vec3b>(i)), -1, 8 );


                                 calcBackProject(&hue, 1, 0, hist, backproj, &phranges);
                                 backproj &= mask;
                                 trackBox = CamShift(backproj, trackWindow,
                                 TermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_EPS | CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 10, 1 ));

                                 if( trackWindow.area() <= 1 )
                                   int cols = backproj.cols, rows = backproj.rows, r = (MIN(cols, rows) + 5)/6;
                                 trackWindow = Rect(trackWindow.x - r, trackWindow.y - r,trackWindow.x + r, trackWindow.y + r) &Rect(0, 0, cols, rows);

                                       if (trackWindow.area() == 0)

            trackWindow = Rect(360,240,100,100);

                        if( backprojMode )
                          cvtColor( backproj, image, COLOR_GRAY2BGR );
      else if( trackObject < 0 )
                          paused = false;

                        if( selectObject && selection.width > 0 && selection.height > 0 )
                          Mat roi(image, selection);
                          bitwise_not(roi, roi);

        imshow( "CamShift Demo", image );
                        char c = (char)waitKey(30);
                        if( c == 27 )
                          case 'b':
                                    backprojMode = !backprojMode;
                                case 'c':
                                              trackObject = 0;
                                              histimg = Scalar::all(0);
                                case 'h':
                                              showHist = !showHist;
                                              if( !showHist )
                                                destroyWindow( "Histogram" );
                                                      namedWindow( "Histogram", 1 );
                                case 'p':
                                        paused = !paused;

             estPixel = trackBox.boundingRect().width;
                z = hgtEst(estPixel,0.0025,3.31,177.8);
          x = persProj(trackBox.boundingRect().x+((trackBox.boundingRect().width)/2.0), z, 1325.55);
                    y = persProj(trackBox.boundingRect().y+((trackBox.boundingRect().height)/2.0),z, 1325.55);

              cap >> frame;
        end_time = utime_now();
        time_diff = end_time - start_time;
        // cout<<time_diff<<endl;
        start_time = end_time;
        vision_msg.timestamp = utime_now();
        vision_msg.velocity[0] = (vision_msg.position[0] - x)/time_diff*1000;
        vision_msg.velocity[1] = (vision_msg.position[1] - y)/time_diff*1000;
        vision_msg.velocity[2] = (vision_msg.position[2] - z)/time_diff*1000;
        vision_msg.position[0] = x;
        vision_msg.position[1] = y;
        vision_msg.position[2] = z;
              lcm1.publish("vision state", &vision_msg);

                         if( frame.empty() )

Exemple #10
int main() {

        return 1;

    lcm1.subscribe("vicon_state", &Handler::handleMessage, &handlerObject);


	// initial conditions
	mat tmp0;
	tmp0 = {0, 0, 0, 1.2, 0, 0, 1.3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
	tmp0 = trans(tmp0);

	mat z0(12*HORIZON, 1);

	mat beq(9*HORIZON,1);

	x0 = {1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
	x0 = trans(x0);

	//for testing purpose
	float noise_mu = 0.0001;
	mat noise = noise_mu * x0;
	mat beqFirstHorizon = A_d_all*x0 + noise;
	for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {

		beq(i,0) = beqFirstHorizon(i, 0);


	for(int i = 0; i < 12; i ++) {
		z0(i,0) = tmp0(i,0);

	// set the values of entrices of beq for other horizons
	for(int i = 9; i < HORIZON*9; i ++) {

		beq(i, 0) = noise(i%9,0);


	for (int i = 12; i < HORIZON*12; i++) {

		z0(i,0) = tmp0(i%12,0);


	mat v0 =  0.05 * randi<mat>(9*HORIZON, 1, distr_param(0, 20));

	mat z = z0;
	mat v = v0;

 	vec r(21);
	vec r_d(12*HORIZON);
	vec r_p(9*HORIZON);

	float w_r_p = 1e-4;
	float w_d_p = 1e-4;

	int loop_num = 0;

	float fval;
	float x, y, z_h;

	float u1, u2, u3, h;
	float tmp_denum_grad_x_1, tmp_denum_grad_x_2, tmp_denum_grad_y_1, tmp_denum_grad_y_2;
	float d_phi_dx, d_phi_dy, d_phi_dz;
	float d_phi_du1, d_phi_du2, d_phi_du3;

	float tmp_denum_x_1, tmp_denum_x_2, tmp_denum_y_1, tmp_denum_y_2;
	float dd_phi_dxdx, dd_phi_dxdz, dd_phi_dydy, dd_phi_dydz, dd_phi_dzdz;
	float dd_phi_du1du1, dd_phi_du2du2, dd_phi_du3du3;
	// infeasible start newton method params 
	vec d_v, d_z, beta;
	mat inv_PHI, Y;

	//linear search parameters
	float beta_line_search; //parameter
	float d; //step size
	vec line_search_tmp;

	clock_t start;
	double duration;
	start = clock();

	thread first(updateStateThread);

	while(1) {
		start = clock();
		beqFirstHorizon = A_d_all*x0 + noise;
		for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {

			beq(i,0) = beqFirstHorizon(i, 0);


		while(norm(r) > 1e-4) {
			duration = ( clock() - start ) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

			if(duration > 0.2) {
			fval = dot(trans(z), (H * z));

			GRADIENT.zeros(12*HORIZON, 1);

			for (int i = 0; i < HORIZON; i++) {

				x = z.at(3 + i * 12);

				y = z.at(6 + i * 12);

				z_h = z.at(9 + i * 12);

				u1 = z.at(0 + 12 * i);

				u2 = z.at(1 + 12 * i);

				u3 = z.at(2 + 12 * i);

				h = -z_h + better_height;

				tmp_denum_grad_x_1 = h*tan_half_phi - x;
				tmp_denum_grad_x_2 = h*tan_half_phi + x;
				tmp_denum_grad_y_1 = h*tan_half_psi - y;
				tmp_denum_grad_y_2 = h*tan_half_psi + y;

				d_phi_dx = 1/tmp_denum_grad_x_1 - 1/tmp_denum_grad_x_2;
	         	d_phi_dy = 1/tmp_denum_grad_y_1 - 1/tmp_denum_grad_y_2;
	         	d_phi_dz = 1/(z_max - z_h) - 1/(z_h - z_min) + tan_half_phi/tmp_denum_grad_x_1 + tan_half_phi/tmp_denum_grad_x_2
	             	+ tan_half_psi/tmp_denum_grad_y_1 + tan_half_psi/tmp_denum_grad_y_2;

	         	d_phi_du1 = 1/(u1_max - u1) - 1/(u1 - u1_min);
	        	d_phi_du2 = 1/(u2_max - u2) - 1/(u2 - u2_min);
	         	d_phi_du3 = 1/(u3_max - u3) - 1/(u3 - u3_min);

	         	GRADIENT.at(i*12) = mu_u*d_phi_du1;
	         	GRADIENT.at(i*12 + 1) = mu_u*d_phi_du2;
	         	GRADIENT.at(i*12 + 2) = mu_u*d_phi_du3;
	         	GRADIENT.at(i*12 + 3) = mu_state*d_phi_dx;
	         	GRADIENT.at(i*12 + 6) = mu_state*d_phi_dy;
	         	GRADIENT.at(i*12 + 9) = mu_state*d_phi_dz;

	         	tmp_denum_x_1 = (h*tan_half_phi - x)*(h*tan_half_phi - x);
	         	tmp_denum_x_2 = (h*tan_half_phi + x)*(h*tan_half_phi + x);

	         	tmp_denum_y_1 = (h*tan_half_psi - y)*(h*tan_half_psi - y);
	         	tmp_denum_y_2 = (h*tan_half_psi + y)*(h*tan_half_psi + y);

	         	dd_phi_dxdx = 1/tmp_denum_x_1 + 1/tmp_denum_x_2;
	         	dd_phi_dxdz = tan_half_phi/tmp_denum_x_1 - tan_half_phi/tmp_denum_x_2;

	         	dd_phi_dydy = 1/tmp_denum_y_1 + 1/tmp_denum_y_2;
	         	dd_phi_dydz = tan_half_psi/tmp_denum_y_1 - tan_half_psi/tmp_denum_y_2;

	         	dd_phi_dzdz = 1/(z_max - z_h)/(z_max - z_h) + 1/(z_h - z_min)/(z_h - z_min) + tan_half_phi*tan_half_phi/tmp_denum_x_1
	            	 + tan_half_phi*tan_half_phi/tmp_denum_x_2 + tan_half_psi*tan_half_psi/tmp_denum_y_1 + tan_half_psi*tan_half_psi/tmp_denum_y_2;

	         	dd_phi_du1du1 = 1/(u1_max - u1)/(u1_max - u1) + 1/(u1 - u1_min)/(u1 - u1_min);
	         	dd_phi_du2du2 = 1/(u2_max - u2)/(u2_max - u2) + 1/(u2 - u2_min)/(u2 - u2_min);
	         	dd_phi_du3du3 = 1/(u3_max - u3)/(u3_max - u3) + 1/(u3 - u3_min)/(u3 - u3_min);

	         	HESSIAN.at(12*i, 12*i) = mu_u*dd_phi_du1du1;
	         	HESSIAN.at(12*i + 1, 12*i + 1) = mu_u*dd_phi_du2du2;
	         	HESSIAN.at(12*i + 2, 12*i + 2) = mu_u*dd_phi_du3du3;

	         	HESSIAN.at(12*i + 3, 12*i + 3) = mu_state*dd_phi_dxdx;
	         	HESSIAN.at(12*i + 3, 12*i + 9) = mu_state*dd_phi_dxdz;
	         	HESSIAN.at(12*i + 6, 12*i + 6) = mu_state*dd_phi_dydy;
	         	HESSIAN.at(12*i + 6, 12*i + 9) = mu_state*dd_phi_dydz;
	         	HESSIAN.at(12*i + 9, 12*i + 9) = mu_state*dd_phi_dzdz;
	         	HESSIAN.at(12*i + 9, 12*i + 3) = mu_state*dd_phi_dxdz;
	         	HESSIAN.at(12*i + 9, 12*i + 6) = mu_state*dd_phi_dydz;


			r_d = 2*H*z + GRADIENT + trans(C)*v;
			r_p = C*z - beq;

			r = r_d;
			r.insert_rows(12*HORIZON, r_p);
			// start = clock();

			inv_PHI = inv(2*H + HESSIAN);
			// duration = ( clock() - start ) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
			// cout<<"duration: " <<duration <<endl;
			// return 0;
			// inv_PHI.print("inv_PHI");
			// C.print("C");
			Y = C*inv_PHI*C.t();

			// Y.print("Y");
			beta = -r_p + C*inv_PHI*r_d;

			d_v = -inv_sympd(Y)*beta;
			d_z = inv_PHI*(-r_d - C.t()*d_v);

			// line search
			beta_line_search = 0.5;
			d = 1;
			line_search_tmp = 2*H*(z + d*d_z) + GRADIENT + C.t()*(v + d*d_v);
			line_search_tmp.insert_rows(line_search_tmp.n_rows,  (C*(z + d*d_z)-beq));
			while(norm(line_search_tmp)  > (1 - 0.4*d)*norm(r) ) {

				d = beta_line_search*d;


			// update z and v
			z = z + d*d_z;
			v = v + d*d_v;
			// r.print("r");

			// cout<<__LINE__<<endl;


		accel_msg.timestamp = utime_now();
		accel_msg.accel[0] = z(0);
		accel_msg.accel[1] = z(1);
		accel_msg.accel[2] = z(2);

		lcm1.publish("acceleration", &accel_msg);

		cout<<"duration: " <<duration <<endl;




	cout<<"control:u1 u2 u3 " <<z(0,0)<<", " <<z(1,0) <<", " <<z(2,0)<<endl;
