void ExampleTool::onLeapFrame( Leap::Frame const &aFrame )
			mHands = aFrame.hands().count();
			mFingers = 0;
			for( int i = 0; i < mHands; ++ i )
				mFingers += aFrame.hands()[ i ].fingers().count();
void HandController::drawHands() {
  glScalef(scale_, scale_, scale_);
  Leap::Frame frame = controller_.frame();
  for (int h = 0; h < frame.hands().count(); ++h) {
    Leap::Hand hand = frame.hands()[h];
    for (int f = 0; f < hand.fingers().count(); ++f) {
      Leap::Finger finger = hand.fingers()[f];
      // Draw first joint inside hand.
      Leap::Bone mcp = finger.bone(Leap::Bone::Type::TYPE_METACARPAL);
      for (int b = 0; b < 4; ++b) {
        Leap::Bone bone = finger.bone(static_cast<Leap::Bone::Type>(b));
void LeapMotionFrame::copyFromFrame(const Leap::Frame& frame, const F32& maxHandAxisRadius)
   // This also resets all counters

   // Retrieve frame information
   mFrameValid = frame.isValid();
   mFrameId = frame.id();
   mFrameTimeStamp = frame.timestamp();

   mFrameInternalId = smNextInternalFrameId;
   mFrameSimTime = Sim::getCurrentTime();
   mFrameRealTime = Platform::getRealMilliseconds();


   // Retrieve hand information
   mHandCount = frame.hands().count();
   if(mHandCount > 0)
      copyFromFrameHands(frame.hands(), maxHandAxisRadius);

   // Retrieve pointable information
   mPointableCount = frame.pointables().count();
   if(mPointableCount > 0)
Exemple #4
void Quickstart::onFrame(const Leap::Controller &controller) {
    // returns the most recent frame. older frames can be accessed by passing in 
    // a "history" parameter to retrieve an older frame, up to about 60
    // (exact number subject to change)
    const Leap::Frame frame = controller.frame();

    // do nothing unless hands are detected
    if (frame.hands().empty())
    // first detected hand
    const Leap::Hand firstHand = frame.hands()[0];
    // first pointable object (finger or tool)
    const Leap::PointableList pointables = firstHand.pointables();
    if (pointables.empty()) return;
    const Leap::Pointable firstPointable = pointables[0];
    // print velocity on the X axis
    cout << "Pointable X velocity: " << firstPointable.tipVelocity()[0] << endl;
    const Leap::FingerList fingers = firstHand.fingers();
    if (fingers.empty()) return;
    for (int i = 0; i < fingers.count(); i++) {
        const Leap::Finger finger = fingers[i];
        std::cout << "Detected finger " << i << " at position (" <<
            finger.tipPosition().x << ", " <<
            finger.tipPosition().y << ", " <<
            finger.tipPosition().z << ")" << std::endl;
void LeapController::CopyHandsData( LeapFrame & a_frame_internal, Leap::Frame & a_frame_external )
    const Leap::Device & device = m_ctrl.devices()[0];


    for ( int i_hand = 0; i_hand < a_frame_external.hands().count(); ++i_hand )
        const Leap::Hand & hand_ext = a_frame_external.hands()[i_hand];

        // setup hand
        LeapHand & hand = a_frame_internal.hands[i_hand];
        hand.id				= hand_ext.id();
        hand.fingers_count	= 0;
        hand.dir			= toV3( hand_ext.direction() );
        hand.palm_normal	= toV3( hand_ext.palmNormal() );
        hand.palm_pos		= toV3( hand_ext.palmPosition() ) * LEAP_SCALE;
        hand.palm_vel		= toV3( hand_ext.palmVelocity() ) * LEAP_SCALE;
        hand.sphere_center	= toV3( hand_ext.sphereCenter() ) * LEAP_SCALE;
        hand.sphere_radius	= hand_ext.sphereRadius() * LEAP_SCALE;
        hand.age			= hand_ext.timeVisible();
        hand.dist_to_boundary = device.distanceToBoundary( hand_ext.palmPosition() ) * LEAP_SCALE;

        int hand_ext_finger_count = hand_ext.fingers().count();

        // clamp the number of fingers if LEAP bugs out and returns  hand with more than 5 fingers
        hand_ext_finger_count = max( hand_ext_finger_count, LEAP_MAX_NUM_FINGERS_PER_HAND );
        //ASSERT( hand_ext_finger_count <= LEAP_MAX_NUM_FINGERS_PER_HAND );

        for( int i_finger = 0; i_finger < hand_ext_finger_count; ++i_finger )
            const Leap::Finger & finger_ext = hand_ext.fingers()[i_finger];

            if ( finger_ext.isValid() )
                // alloc new finger
                a_frame_internal.fingers.resize( a_frame_internal.fingers.size()+1 );
                LeapFinger &finger  = a_frame_internal.fingers.back();

                finger.id			= finger_ext.id();
                finger.hand_id		= hand.id;
                finger.hand_index	= (int)i_hand;
                finger.finger_size	= v2( finger_ext.width(), finger_ext.length() ) * LEAP_SCALE;
                finger.dir			= toV3( finger_ext.direction() );
                finger.tip_pos		= toV3( finger_ext.tipPosition() ) * LEAP_SCALE;
                finger.tip_vel		= toV3( finger_ext.tipVelocity() ) * LEAP_SCALE;
                finger.age			= finger_ext.timeVisible();
                finger.tip_pos_stabilized = toV3( finger_ext.stabilizedTipPosition() ) * LEAP_SCALE;
                finger.dist_to_boundary = device.distanceToBoundary( finger_ext.tipPosition() ) * LEAP_SCALE;

                // add finger
                hand.fingers_index[hand.fingers_count] = (int)a_frame_internal.fingers.size()-1;
		void ManipTool::onLeapFrame( Leap::Frame const &aFrame )
			if( (aFrame.timestamp() - mLastExaminedFrame ) < 16*1000 )

			if( aFrame.hands().count() > 2 )

			mLastExaminedFrame = aFrame.timestamp();
			U16 curFrame = getNextFrameNo( mLastStoredFrame );
			Fingers &curFingers = mFingersPerFrame[ curFrame ];
			U16 curFinger = 0;
			curFingers.mTimestamp = mLastExaminedFrame;

			Leap::HandList hands = aFrame.hands();
			for( int i = 0; i < hands.count(); ++i )
				for( int j = 0; j < hands[i].fingers().count(); ++j )
					Leap::Finger oFinger( hands[i].fingers()[j] );

					Finger &oF = curFingers.mFingers[ curFinger++ ];

					oF.mId = oFinger.id();
					oF.mTimestamp = mLastExaminedFrame;
					copy( oFinger.direction(), oF.mDir );
					copy( oFinger.tipPosition(), oF.mTip );
					oF.mWidth = oFinger.width();
					oF.mLength = oFinger.length();

			curFingers.mStoredFingers = curFinger;

			if( mTotalStoredFrames > 0 )
				Fingers &prevFingers = mFingersPerFrame[ mLastStoredFrame ];
				for( U16 i = 0; i < curFingers.mStoredFingers; ++i )
					Finger &curFinger = curFingers.mFingers[i];
					Finger const *prevFinger = prevFingers.getFinger( curFinger.mId );
					if( !prevFinger )

					subtract( curFinger.mTip, prevFinger->mTip, curFinger.mFromLast );
					curFinger.mLenFromLast = normalize( curFinger.mFromLast );

			mLastStoredFrame = curFrame;
pinch_list HandController::getPinches() {
  Leap::Frame frame = controller_.frame();
  pinch_list pinches;
  for (int i = 0; i < frame.hands().count(); ++i) {
    float pinch_strength = frame.hands()[i].pinchStrength();
    Leap::Vector tip = frame.hands()[i].fingers()[1].tipPosition();
    Vec3f transformed_tip = scale_ * ToVec3f(tip) + translation_;
    pinches.push_back(std::pair<Vec3f, float>(transformed_tip, pinch_strength));
  return pinches;
Exemple #8
void MouseController::onFrame(const Leap::Controller &controller) {
    // get list of detected screens
    const Leap::ScreenList screens = controller.calibratedScreens();
    // make sure we have a detected screen
    if (screens.empty()) return;
    const Leap::Screen screen = screens[0];
    // find the first finger or tool
    const Leap::Frame frame = controller.frame();
    const Leap::HandList hands = frame.hands();
    if (hands.empty()) return;
    const Leap::PointableList pointables = hands[0].pointables();
    if (pointables.empty()) return;
    const Leap::Pointable firstPointable = pointables[0];
    // get x, y coordinates on the first screen
    const Leap::Vector intersection = screen.intersect(
                                                       true,  // normalize
                                                       1.0f   // clampRatio
    // if the user is not pointing at the screen all components of
    // the returned vector will be Not A Number (NaN)
    // isValid() returns true only if all components are finite
    if (! intersection.isValid()) return;
    unsigned int x = screen.widthPixels() * intersection.x;
    // flip y coordinate to standard top-left origin
    unsigned int y = screen.heightPixels() * (1.0f - intersection.y);
    CGPoint destPoint = CGPointMake(x, y);
    CGDisplayMoveCursorToPoint(kCGDirectMainDisplay, destPoint);
void CinderProjectApp::draw() 
	// Clear window
	gl::setViewport( getWindowBounds() );
	gl::clear( Colorf::black() );
	gl::setMatrices( mCamera );
	// Iterate through hands
	const Leap::HandList& hands = mFrame.hands();
	for ( Leap::HandList::const_iterator handIter = hands.begin(); handIter != hands.end(); ++handIter ) {
		const Leap::Hand& hand = *handIter;

		// Draw palm
		gl::color(1, .2, .4, 1);

		// Pointables
		const Leap::PointableList& pointables = hand.pointables();
		for ( Leap::PointableList::const_iterator pointIter = pointables.begin(); pointIter != pointables.end(); ++pointIter ) {
			const Leap::Pointable& pointable = *pointIter;

			Vec3f dir		= LeapMotion::toVec3f( pointable.direction() );
			float length	= pointable.length();
			Vec3f tipPos	= LeapMotion::toVec3f( pointable.tipPosition() );
			Vec3f basePos	= tipPos + dir * length;

			gl::drawColorCube( tipPos, Vec3f( 20, 20, 20 ) );
			gl::color( ColorAf::gray( 0.8f ) );
			gl::drawLine( basePos, tipPos );
// Runs update logic
void TracerApp::update()
	// Update frame rate
	mFrameRate = getAverageFps();

	// Process hand data
	const Leap::HandList& hands = mFrame.hands();
	for ( Leap::HandList::const_iterator handIter = hands.begin(); handIter != hands.end(); ++handIter ) {
		const Leap::Hand& hand = *handIter;
		const Leap::PointableList& pointables = hand.pointables();
		for ( Leap::PointableList::const_iterator pointIter = pointables.begin(); pointIter != pointables.end(); ++pointIter ) {
			const Leap::Pointable& pointable = *pointIter;

			int32_t id = pointable.id();
			if ( mRibbons.find( id ) == mRibbons.end() ) {
				Vec3f v = randVec3f() * 0.01f;
				v.x = math<float>::abs( v.x );
				v.y = math<float>::abs( v.y );
				v.z = math<float>::abs( v.z );
				Colorf color( ColorModel::CM_RGB, v );
				Ribbon ribbon( id, color );
				mRibbons[ id ] = ribbon;
			float width = math<float>::abs( pointable.tipVelocity().y ) * 0.0025f;
			width		= math<float>::max( width, 5.0f );
			mRibbons[ id ].addPoint( LeapMotion::toVec3f( pointable.tipPosition() ), width );

	// Update ribbons
	for ( RibbonMap::iterator iter = mRibbons.begin(); iter != mRibbons.end(); ++iter ) {
Exemple #11
// Runs update logic
void UiApp::update()
	// Update frame rate
	mFrameRate = getAverageFps();

	// Toggle fullscreen
	if ( mFullScreen != isFullScreen() ) {
		setFullScreen( mFullScreen );

	// Interact with first hand
	const Leap::HandList& hands = mFrame.hands();
	if ( hands.isEmpty() ) {
		mCursorType		= CursorType::NONE;
	} else {
		const Leap::Hand& hand = *hands.begin();
		// Update cursor position
		mCursorPositionTarget	= warpVector( hand.palmPosition() );
		if ( mCursorType == CursorType::NONE ) {
			mCursorPosition = mCursorPositionTarget;
		// Choose cursor type based on number of exposed fingers
		switch ( hand.fingers().count() ) {
			case 0:
				mCursorType	= CursorType::GRAB;
				// Slider
				if ( mSlider.getBounds().contains( mCursorPosition - mSliderPosition ) ) {
					float x1			= mTrackPosition.x;
					float x2			= mTrackPosition.x + (float)( mTrack.getWidth() - mSlider.getWidth() );
					mSliderPosition.x	= math<float>::clamp( mCursorPosition.x, x1, x2 );
			case 1:
				mCursorType	= CursorType::TOUCH;
				// Buttons
				mFingerTipPosition = warpPointable( *hand.fingers().begin() );
				for ( size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) {
					mButtonState[ i ] = false;
					if ( mButton[ 0 ].getBounds().contains( mFingerTipPosition - mButtonPosition[ i ] ) ) {
						mButtonState[ i ] = true;
				mCursorType	= CursorType::HAND;
	// Smooth cursor animation
	mCursorPosition = mCursorPosition.lerp( 0.21f, mCursorPositionTarget );
void ClipController::clip2H(const Leap::Frame& frame)
	Hand hand = frame.hands().rightmost();
	Hand other_hand = frame.hands().leftmost();

	if (other_hand.grabStrength() > 0.95f) {
		VolumeController& vc = MainController::getInstance().volumeController();

		const Mat4& inv = vc.getCamera().viewInverse();
		Vec3 n = inv * hand.palmNormal().toVector4<Vec4>();
		Vec3 p = frame.interactionBox().normalizePoint(hand.palmPosition()).toVector4<Vec4>();
		p = (p - 0.5f) * 2.0f * 0.75f;
		p = inv * Vec4(p.x, p.y, p.z, 0.0f);

Exemple #13
static VALUE frame_hands(VALUE self)
  Leap::Frame * f;
  Leap::HandList * list;

  Data_Get_Struct(self, Leap::Frame, f);

  list = new Leap::HandList(f->hands());

  return WrapHandList(list);
fdata get_finger_positions()
    Leap::Frame frame = control.frame();
    Leap::FingerList fingers = frame.fingers();
    Leap::ToolList tools = frame.tools();
    Leap::HandList hands = frame.hands();

    //std::vector<std::pair<cl_float4, int>> positions;

    fdata hand_data;

    int p = 0;

    for(int i=0; i<40; i++)
        hand_data.fingers[i] = 0.0f;

    ///will explode if more than 2
    for(int i=0; i<hands.count(); i++)
        const Leap::Hand hand = hands[i];
        Leap::FingerList h_fingers = hand.fingers();

        float grab_strength = hand.grabStrength();

        hand_data.grab_confidence[i] = grab_strength;

        for(int j=0; j<h_fingers.count(); j++)
            const Leap::Finger finger = h_fingers[j];

            float mfingerposx = finger.tipPosition().x;
            float mfingerposy = finger.tipPosition().y;
            float mfingerposz = finger.tipPosition().z;

            //cl_float4 ps = {mfingerposx, mfingerposy, mfingerposz, 0.0f};
            //cl_float4 ps = {mfingerposx, mfingerposy, mfingerposz, 0.0f};

            int id = finger.id();

            hand_data.fingers[p++] = mfingerposx;
            hand_data.fingers[p++] = mfingerposy;
            hand_data.fingers[p++] = mfingerposz;
            hand_data.fingers[p++] = 0.0f;

            //positions.push_back(std::pair<cl_float4, int>(ps, id));


    return hand_data;
Exemple #15
void Quickstart::onFrame(const Leap::Controller &controller) {
    // returns the most recent frame. older frames can be accessed by passing in 
    // a "history" parameter to retrieve an older frame, up to about 60
    // (exact number subject to change)
    const Leap::Frame frame = controller.frame();

    // do nothing unless hands are detected
    if (frame.hands().empty())
    // retrieve first pointable object (finger or tool)
    // from the frame
    const Leap::PointableList pointables = frame.hands()[0].pointables();
    if (pointables.empty())
    const Leap::Pointable firstPointable = pointables[0];
    // print velocity on the X axis
    cout << "Pointable X velocity: " << firstPointable.tipVelocity()[0] << endl;
Exemple #16
void eleap::eleap_t::impl_t::onFrame(const Leap::Controller& controller)
    const Leap::Frame frame = controller.frame();
    if (frame.isValid())
        // send the known hands in this frame, this will handle hands coming and going
        const Leap::HandList hands = frame.hands();
            unsigned long long time_encoded = (0&0xffffffff)<<8 | (DATA_KNOWN_HANDS&0xff);

            float *f;
            unsigned char *dp;
            piw::data_nb_t d = ctx_.allocate_host(time_encoded,INT32_MAX,INT32_MIN,0,BCTVTYPE_INT,sizeof(int32_t),&dp,hands.count(),&f);
            *dp = 0;

            for(int i = 0; i < hands.count(); ++i)
                const Leap::Hand hand = hands[i];
                if(hand.isValid() && hand.fingers().count() > 1)
                    ((int32_t *)f)[i] = hand.id();
        // handle the actual data for the detected hands
        for(int i = 0; i < hands.count(); ++i)
            const Leap::Hand hand = hands[i];
            if(hand.isValid() && hand.fingers().count() > 1)
                unsigned long long time_encoded = (hand.id()&0xffffffff)<<8 | (DATA_PALM_POSITION&0xff);

                const Leap::Vector palm_pos = hand.palmPosition();

                float *f;
                unsigned char *dp;
                piw::data_nb_t d = ctx_.allocate_host(time_encoded,600,-600,0,BCTVTYPE_FLOAT,sizeof(float),&dp,3,&f);
                *dp = 0;

                f[0] = piw::normalise(600,-600,0,palm_pos.x);
                f[1] = piw::normalise(600,-600,0,palm_pos.y);
                f[2] = piw::normalise(600,-600,0,palm_pos.z);

GestureFrame LMRecorder::prepareDataClone(const Leap::Frame frame, double timestamp)

	GestureFrame outputFrame;


	Leap::HandList handsInFrame = frame.hands();
	for(int handIndex=0; handIndex<handsInFrame.count(); handIndex++)
		Leap::Hand currHand = handsInFrame[handIndex];

		//create GestureHand
		GestureHand gestureHand(
			Vertex(currHand.palmPosition().x, currHand.palmPosition().y, currHand.palmPosition().z),
			Vertex(0, 0, 0/*currHand.stabilizedPalmPosition().x, currHand.stabilizedPalmPosition().y, currHand.stabilizedPalmPosition().z*/),
			Vertex(currHand.palmNormal().x, currHand.palmNormal().y, currHand.palmNormal().z),
			Vertex(currHand.direction().x, currHand.direction().y, currHand.direction().z)

		Vertex planeNormalVec = gestureHand.getDirection().crossProduct(gestureHand.getPalmNormal()).getNormalized();

		Leap::FingerList fingersInCurrHand = currHand.fingers();
		for (int fingerIndex=0; fingerIndex<fingersInCurrHand.count(); fingerIndex++)
			Leap::Finger currFinger = fingersInCurrHand[fingerIndex];

			Leap::Vector leapFingerTipPos = currFinger.tipPosition();
			Vertex fingerTipPos(leapFingerTipPos.x, leapFingerTipPos.y, leapFingerTipPos.z);
			float distance = getPointDistanceFromPlane(fingerTipPos, gestureHand.getPalmPosition(), planeNormalVec);

			//create GestureFinger
			GestureFinger gestureFinger(
				Vertex(currFinger.stabilizedTipPosition().x, currFinger.stabilizedTipPosition().y, currFinger.stabilizedTipPosition(). z),
				Vertex(currFinger.direction().x, currFinger.direction().y, currFinger.direction().z),


    virtual void onFrame        (const Leap::Controller&)
        const Leap::Frame frame(m_Controller.frame(0));
        const Leap::Hand hand(frame.hands().rightmost());
        if (!hand.isValid())

        const Leap::Vector pos(hand.palmPosition());
        m_LastNormalizedPos = frame.interactionBox().normalizePoint(pos);
Exemple #19
void BallGesture::recognizedControls(const Leap::Controller &controller, std::vector<ControlPtr> &controls) {
    Leap::Frame frame = controller.frame();
    // hands detected?
    if (frame.hands().isEmpty())
    for (int i = 0; i < frame.hands().count(); i++) {
        // gonna assume the user only has two hands. sometimes leap thinks otherwise.
        if (i > 1) break;
        Leap::Hand hand = frame.hands()[i];
        double radius = hand.sphereRadius(); // in mm

        if (! radius)
        BallRadiusPtr bc = make_shared<BallRadius>(radius, i);
        ControlPtr cptr = dynamic_pointer_cast<Control>(bc);
 virtual void onFrame(const Leap::Controller& controller) {
     Leap::Frame frame = controller.frame();
     const Leap::HandList& hands = frame.hands();
     if (hands.count() > 0) {
         Leap::Vector newTarget = hands[0].stabilizedPalmPosition();
         cout << "New Target: " << newTarget << endl;
         if (inMotion) {
             //TODO: must merge with currentTarget, to account for if the
             //target hand moved...for now, do nothing
         } else {
             inMotion = true;
             currentTarget = WorldVector(newTarget, leapPos);
void GestureApp::drawPointables()
	gl::color( ColorAf::white() );
	const Leap::HandList& hands = mFrame.hands();
	for ( Leap::HandList::const_iterator handIter = hands.begin(); handIter != hands.end(); ++handIter ) {
		const Leap::Hand& hand = *handIter;
		const Leap::PointableList& pointables = hand.pointables();
		for ( Leap::PointableList::const_iterator pointIter = pointables.begin(); pointIter != pointables.end(); ++pointIter ) {
			const Leap::Pointable& pointable = *pointIter;
			vec2 pos( warpPointable( pointable ) );
			drawDottedCircle( pos, mPointableRadius, mDotRadius * 0.5f, mCircleResolution / 2 );
int StateKen::eventShake(StateContext& context, const Leap::Controller& controller)
    std::cout << "けん\n" << std::endl;
    const Leap::Frame frame = controller.frame();
    const Leap::Hand hand = frame.hands()[0];
    Leap::Vector position = hand.palmPosition();
    int ret = context.changeState(StatePon::getInstance());
    return ret;
bool ClipController::leapInput(const Leap::Controller& controller, const Leap::Frame& frame)
	if (frame.hands().count() == 2) {
		return false;

	if (v_pose_.tracking()) {
		return false;

	cam_control_.update(controller, frame);
	return false;
Exemple #24
void LeapMotionPlugin::processFrame(const Leap::Frame& frame) {
    // Default to uncontrolled.
    for (int i = 0; i < _joints.size(); i++) {
        _joints[i].position = glm::vec3();

    auto hands = frame.hands();
    const int MAX_NUMBER_OF_HANDS = 2;
    for (int i = 0; i < hands.count() && i < MAX_NUMBER_OF_HANDS; i++) {
        auto hand = hands[i];

        int sideSign = hand.isLeft() ? LEFT_SIDE_SIGN : RIGHT_SIDE_SIGN;
        int jointIndex = hand.isLeft() ? LeapMotionJointIndex::LeftHand : LeapMotionJointIndex::RightHand;

        // Hand.
        _joints[jointIndex].position = LeapVectorToVec3(hand.wristPosition());
        _joints[jointIndex].orientation = LeapBasisToQuat(sideSign, hand.basis());

        // Fingers.
        // Leap Motion SDK guarantees full set of fingers and finger joints so can straightforwardly process them all.
        Leap::FingerList fingers = hand.fingers();
        for (int j = Leap::Finger::Type::TYPE_THUMB; j <= Leap::Finger::Type::TYPE_PINKY; j++) {
            Leap::Finger finger;
            finger = fingers[j];
            Leap::Bone bone;
            bone = finger.bone(Leap::Bone::Type::TYPE_PROXIMAL);
            _joints[jointIndex].position = LeapVectorToVec3(bone.prevJoint());
            _joints[jointIndex].orientation = LeapBasisToQuat(sideSign, bone.basis());
            bone = finger.bone(Leap::Bone::Type::TYPE_INTERMEDIATE);
            _joints[jointIndex].position = LeapVectorToVec3(bone.prevJoint());
            _joints[jointIndex].orientation = LeapBasisToQuat(sideSign, bone.basis());
            bone = finger.bone(Leap::Bone::Type::TYPE_DISTAL);
            _joints[jointIndex].position = LeapVectorToVec3(bone.prevJoint());
            _joints[jointIndex].orientation = LeapBasisToQuat(sideSign, bone.basis());
            _joints[jointIndex].position = LeapVectorToVec3(bone.nextJoint());
            _joints[jointIndex].orientation = LeapBasisToQuat(sideSign, bone.basis());
void LeapMotionListener::onFrame(const Leap::Controller & controller)
    const Leap::Frame frame = controller.frame();

    Leap::HandList hands = frame.hands();
    for (Leap::HandList::const_iterator hl = hands.begin(); hl!=hands.end();hl++)
        const Leap::Hand hand = *hl;
        QString handType = hand.isLeft() ? "Left hand" : "Right hand";
        qDebug()<<handType<<"id: "<<hand.id()<<"palm position: "

        QFile f("share.dat");
        if(!f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text))
        QTextStream out(&f);
        out<<QString("%1 %2 %3").arg(hand.palmPosition().x)



void jester::LeapMotionImpl::processLeapFrame(Leap::Frame frame) {
	Leap::HandList handList = frame.hands();
	std::vector<Leap::Hand> hands;
	Leap::Hand right, left;
	bool foundRight = false, foundLeft = false;


	//put all of the hands in a std::vector
	for (Leap::HandList::const_iterator handsIter = handList.begin(); handsIter != handList.end(); handsIter++)

	std::sort(hands.begin(), hands.end(), finger_count_comparator);

	//search to see if last known hand Ids are still available, assign hand, and delete from available hands
	// also, delete any unknown hands that have no fingers
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hands.size(); i++)
		if (hands[i].id() == kRightHandId) {
			foundRight = true;
			right = hands[i];
			hands.erase(hands.begin() + i);
		} else if (hands[i].id() == kLeftHandId) {
			foundLeft = true;
			left = hands[i];
			hands.erase(hands.begin() + i);
		} else if (hands[i].fingers().count() == 0){
			hands.erase(hands.begin() + i);

	//figure out how many hands we need
	int neededHands = 0;
	if (!foundLeft) neededHands++;
	if (!foundRight) neededHands++;

	//assume that the highest finger count objects are the most likely to be hands
	//only keep as many hands as we need (bounded by the number actually available)
	hands.erase(hands.begin() + std::min((int) hands.size(), neededHands), hands.end());

	//sort by x coordinate
	std::sort(hands.begin(), hands.end(), hand_x_coordinate_comparator);

	if (hands.size() == 0 || neededHands == 0) { //if we have or need no hands, do nothing here
	} else if (neededHands > (int) hands.size()) { //if we need two and only have 1
		//assume left side is left, right side is right
		if (hands[0].palmPosition()[0] < 0) {
			foundLeft = true;
			left = hands[0];
			kLeftHandId = left.id();
		} else {
			foundRight = true;
			right = hands[0];
			kRightHandId = right.id();
	} else if (foundLeft == false && neededHands == 1) { //if we need left
		foundLeft = true;
		left = hands[0];
		kLeftHandId = left.id();
	} else if (foundRight == false && neededHands == 1) { //if we need right
		foundRight = true;
		right = hands[hands.size() - 1];
		kRightHandId = right.id();
	} else { //if we need both and have two
		foundLeft = foundRight = true;
		left = hands[0];
		kLeftHandId = left.id();
		right = hands[1];
		kRightHandId = right.id();
	if (foundLeft)
		processHand(left, LeapHand::LEFT);
	if (foundRight)
		processHand(right, LeapHand::RIGHT);

	kController->suggestJointInfo(this, kJointData);
void LeapListener::onFrame(const Leap::Controller& controller) {
  // Get the most recent frame and report some basic information
  const Leap::Frame frame = controller.frame();
  /*std::cout << "Frame id: " << frame.id()
            << ", timestamp: " << frame.timestamp()
            << ", hands: " << frame.hands().count()
            << ", fingers: " << frame.fingers().count()
            << ", tools: " << frame.tools().count()
            << ", gestures: " << frame.gestures().count();

  if (!frame.hands().isEmpty()) {
    // Get the first hand
    const Leap::Hand hand = frame.hands()[0];

    qDebug() << "Radius: " << hand.sphereRadius();

    // Grab
    if(hand.sphereRadius() < 50.0 && hand.translationProbability(controller.frame(1)) > 0.6){
        Leap::Vector v = hand.translation(controller.frame(1));
        v = 0.1 * v;
        glwidget_->camera_.translate(v.x, v.y, v.z);

    qDebug() << "Hand pos" << hand.palmPosition().x << hand.palmPosition().y << hand.palmPosition().z;

    if(frame.fingers().count() > 200 && frame.hands().count() == 1){
        Leap::Vector trans = hand.translation(controller.frame(1));

        //int dir = trans.y > 0 ? 1 : -1;
        trans = 0.1 * trans;
        //glwidget_->camera_.translate(0, 0, dir*0.1);

        //Leap::Vector rot = hand.rotationAxis(controller.frame());

        float yaw = hand.rotationAngle(controller.frame(1), Leap::Vector(1, 0, 0));
        float pitch = hand.rotationAngle(controller.frame(1), Leap::Vector(1, 0, 0)); // works
        float roll = hand.rotationAngle(controller.frame(1), Leap::Vector(0, 0, 1));

        //qDebug() << yaw <<  pitch <<  roll;

        glwidget_->camera_.rotate3D(yaw, pitch, roll);

        //glwidget_->camera_.rotate2D(0.01 * trans.x, 0.01 * trans.y);


    // Check if the hand has any fingers
    const Leap::FingerList fingers = hand.fingers();
    if (!fingers.empty()) {
      // Calculate the hand's average finger tip position
      Leap::Vector avgPos;
      for (int i = 0; i < fingers.count(); ++i) {
        avgPos += fingers[i].tipPosition();
      avgPos /= (float)fingers.count();
      std::cout << "Hand has " << fingers.count()
                << " fingers, average finger tip position" << avgPos<< std::endl;

    // Get the hand's sphere radius and palm position
    std::cout << "Hand sphere radius: " << hand.sphereRadius()
              << " mm, palm position: " << hand.palmPosition() << std::endl;

    // Get the hand's normal vector and direction
    const Leap::Vector normal = hand.palmNormal();
    const Leap::Vector direction = hand.direction();

    // Calculate the hand's pitch, roll, and yaw angles
    std::cout << "Hand pitch: " << direction.pitch() * Leap::RAD_TO_DEG << " degrees, "
              << "roll: " << normal.roll() * Leap::RAD_TO_DEG << " degrees, "
              << "yaw: " << direction.yaw() * Leap::RAD_TO_DEG << " degrees"<< std::endl;

  // Get gestures
  const Leap::GestureList gestures = frame.gestures();
  for (int g = 0; g < gestures.count(); ++g) {
    Leap::Gesture gesture = gestures[g];

    switch (gesture.type()) {
      case Leap::Gesture::TYPE_CIRCLE:
        Leap::CircleGesture circle = gesture;
        std::string clockwiseness;

        if (circle.pointable().direction().angleTo(circle.normal()) <= M_PI/4) {
          clockwiseness = "clockwise";
        } else {
          clockwiseness = "counterclockwise";

        // Calculate angle swept since last frame
        float sweptAngle = 0;
        if (circle.state() != Leap::Gesture::STATE_START) {
          Leap::CircleGesture previousUpdate = Leap::CircleGesture(controller.frame().gesture(circle.id()));
          sweptAngle = (circle.progress() - previousUpdate.progress()) * 2 * M_PI;
        std::cout << "Circle id: " << gesture.id()
                  << ", state: " << gesture.state()
                  << ", progress: " << circle.progress()
                  << ", radius: " << circle.radius()
                  << ", angle " << sweptAngle * Leap::RAD_TO_DEG
                  <<  ", " << clockwiseness << std::endl;
      case Leap::Gesture::TYPE_SWIPE:
        Leap::SwipeGesture swipe = gesture;
        std::cout << "Swipe id: " << gesture.id()
          << ", state: " << gesture.state()
          << ", direction: " << swipe.direction()
          << ", speed: " << swipe.speed() << std::endl;
      case Leap::Gesture::TYPE_KEY_TAP:
        Leap::KeyTapGesture tap = gesture;
        std::cout << "Key Tap id: " << gesture.id()
          << ", state: " << gesture.state()
          << ", position: " << tap.position()
          << ", direction: " << tap.direction()<< std::endl;
      case Leap::Gesture::TYPE_SCREEN_TAP:
        Leap::ScreenTapGesture screentap = gesture;
        std::cout << "Screen Tap id: " << gesture.id()
        << ", state: " << gesture.state()
        << ", position: " << screentap.position()
        << ", direction: " << screentap.direction()<< std::endl;
        std::cout << "Unknown gesture type.";

Exemple #28
int main()
	//Leap Motion Vairables
	Leap::Controller controller;
	Leap::Frame frame;
	Leap::HandList hands;
	Leap::Hand h1;
	Leap::FingerList fingers;
	Leap::Finger index;
	Leap::Finger thumb;
	Leap::PointableList pointables;
	float indexX = 0, indexY = 0, indexZ = 0, thumbX = 0, thumbY = 0, thumbZ = 0, sum = 0;
	unsigned long cycles = 0;

	// TCP Variables
	WSADATA wsaData;

	struct addrinfo* result = NULL;
	struct addrinfo* ptr = NULL;
	struct addrinfo  hints;

	char cSendBuf[512][512];
	char sSendBuf[512];

	int iResult;
	int recvBufLen = DEFAULT_BUFLEN;

	int i = 0;

	iResult = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData);
	if (iResult != 0) {
		printf("WSAStartup failed with error: %d\n", iResult);
		return 1;

	// Initialize all address info to 0 to start.
	SecureZeroMemory(&hints, sizeof(hints));
	hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;     // Doesn't matter if we use IPV4 or IPV6
	hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; // TCP Stream sockets
	hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;

	// Resolve the server address and port
	iResult = getaddrinfo("", DEFAULT_PORT, &hints, &result);
	if (iResult != 0) {
		printf("getaddrinfo failed with error: %d\n", iResult);
		return 1;

	// Attempt to connect to an address until one succeeds
	for (ptr = result; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->ai_next) {

		// create a socket for connecting to the server
		connectSocket = socket(ptr->ai_family, ptr->ai_socktype, ptr->ai_protocol);

		if (connectSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) {
			printf("socket failed with error: %ld\n", WSAGetLastError());
			return 1;

		// Connect to the server
		iResult = connect(connectSocket, ptr->ai_addr, (int)ptr->ai_addrlen);
		if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) {
			connectSocket = INVALID_SOCKET;


	// Deallocate the address info

	if (connectSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) {
		printf("Unable to connect to server!\n");
		return 1;

	// Setup serial port connection and needed variables.
	SerialPort.Open(PORT_NUM, BAUD);

	Controller[20].value = 9;	//Verification Byte sent to make sure everything else ends up in the right location

	while (true)
		UpdateControllerState();	//Updates all values on the controller
		WORD wButtons = g_Controllers[CONTROLLER1].state.Gamepad.wButtons;

		//Stores all of the values from the controller into the controller structure
		Controller[0].value = g_Controllers[CONTROLLER1].state.Gamepad.sThumbRX;
		Controller[1].value = g_Controllers[CONTROLLER1].state.Gamepad.sThumbRY;
		Controller[2].value = g_Controllers[CONTROLLER1].state.Gamepad.sThumbLX;
		Controller[3].value = g_Controllers[CONTROLLER1].state.Gamepad.sThumbLY;
		Controller[4].value = (g_Controllers[CONTROLLER1].state.Gamepad.bRightTrigger);
		Controller[5].value = (g_Controllers[CONTROLLER1].state.Gamepad.bLeftTrigger);
		Controller[6].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_THUMB);
		Controller[7].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_THUMB);
		Controller[8].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_SHOULDER);
		Controller[9].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_SHOULDER);
		Controller[10].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_UP);
		Controller[11].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_DOWN);
		Controller[12].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_LEFT);
		Controller[13].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_RIGHT);
		Controller[14].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_A);
		Controller[15].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_B);
		Controller[16].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_Y);
		Controller[17].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_X);
		Controller[18].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_START);
		Controller[19].value = (wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_BACK);


		if (controller.isConnected() == true)
			sum = 0;
			frame = controller.frame();
			hands = frame.hands();
			h1 = hands[0];
			fingers = frame.fingers();
			thumb = fingers[0];
			index = fingers[1];
			pointables = frame.pointables();

			Leapvalues[0].value = h1.palmVelocity().x;
			Leapvalues[1].value = h1.palmVelocity().y;
			Leapvalues[2].value = h1.palmVelocity().z;

			Leapvalues[3].value = h1.direction().pitch()*Leap::RAD_TO_DEG;
			Leapvalues[4].value = h1.direction().yaw()*Leap::RAD_TO_DEG;
			Leapvalues[5].value = h1.direction().roll()*Leap::RAD_TO_DEG;

			indexX = index.tipPosition().x;
			indexY = index.tipPosition().y;
			indexZ = index.tipPosition().z;

			thumbX = thumb.tipPosition().x;
			thumbY = thumb.tipPosition().y;
			thumbZ = thumb.tipPosition().z;

			Leapvalues[6].value = sqrt(pow((indexX - thumbX), 2) + pow((indexY - thumbY), 2) + pow((indexZ - thumbZ), 2));

			leapConnected = true;


		for (i = 6; i < NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS; i++)	//DO NOT SET TO <= NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS, NOT A MISTAKE. Verification bit should always keep its value
				Controller[i].value = AnalogToDigital(Controller[i].value);	//converts all of the button presses on the controller to a binary value

		//turns all of the numerical values into buffers that can be passed to the arduino
		for (i = 0; i <= NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS; i++)
			_itoa_s(Controller[i].value, Controller[i].passedValue, 10);

		for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS; i++) {
			_itoa_s(Controller[i].value, cSendBuf[i], 10);
			cSendBuf[i][strlen(cSendBuf[i])] = '\0';

			iResult = send(connectSocket, cSendBuf[0], (int)strlen(cSendBuf[0]), 0);

			printf("String sent: %s\n", cSendBuf[0]);

			// Check for errors
			if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) {
				printf("send failed with error: %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
				return 1;

		// Try to send the packet
		iResult = send(connectSocket, "\n", (int)strlen("\n"), 0);

		//printf("String sent: %s\n", sendBuf);

		// Check for errors
		if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) {
			printf("send failed with error: %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
			return 1;

		if (leapConnected = true)
			for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_LEAP_INPUTS; i++)
				_itoa_s(Leapvalues[i].value, Leapvalues[i].passedValue, 10);

		/*Values recieved in this order:
		0) YAW
		1) PITCH
		2) ROLL
		if (SendData() == 1)
			for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
				while (SerialPort.ReadDataWaiting() < 3)

				if (i > 2 && i < 6)
					SerialPort.ReadData(received[i], 5);

					SerialPort.ReadData(received[i], 4);

				std::cout << received[i] << ' ';

				// Added this 6.25.14
				strcpy(sSendBuf, received[i]);
				sSendBuf[strlen(sSendBuf)] = '\0';
				iResult = send(connectSocket, sSendBuf, (int)strlen(sSendBuf), 0);

				printf("String sent: %s\n", sSendBuf);

				// Check for errors
				if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) {
					printf("send failed with error: %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
					return 1;

				// Try to send the packet
				iResult = send(connectSocket, "\n", (int)strlen("\n"), 0);

				//printf("String sent: %s\n", sendBuf);

				// Check for errors
				if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) {
					printf("send failed with error: %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
					return 1;
		//std::cout << recieved[0];
		printf("\t%d", cycles);
		//Sleep(500);  <<'\t' << recieved[1]


	return 0;
Exemple #29
void testApp::draw(){
    float r0 = 30;
    Leap::Vector ptp;
    Leap::Vector ptp0;
    Leap::Vector pNormal;
    ofTranslate(ofGetWidth()/2, ofGetHeight());
    //ofSetColor(255, 255, 255);
    Leap::Frame frame = leapController.frame();
    Leap::HandList hands = frame.hands();
    if (!hands.isEmpty()) {
        //ofLogNotice("hand detected");
        int count = hands.count();
        for (int i = 0; i<count; i++) {
            if (i>1) break;
            Leap::Hand tempHand = hands[i];
            pNormal = tempHand.palmNormal();
            ofLogNotice("hand " +ofToString(i) + "normal", ofToString(pNormal.x) + " " + ofToString(pNormal.y) + " " + ofToString(pNormal.z));
        Leap::Hand hand = hands[0];
        Leap::Hand hand1 = hands[1];
        double r = hand.sphereRadius();
        //ofLogNotice("r is" + ofToString(r));
        r0 = r * 5;
        ptp = hand1.palmNormal();
        ptp0 = hand.palmNormal();
        ofLogNotice("distance is ", ofToString(abs(ptp.x)-abs(pNormal.x)) + " " + ofToString(abs(ptp.y)-abs(pNormal.y)));
        if (abs(abs(ptp.x)-abs(pNormal.x))<0.04 && abs(abs(ptp.y)-abs(pNormal.y))<0.04) {
            ofLogNotice("phase 2 triggered", ofToString(phase1));
        ofSphere(ptp.x,-ptp.y,ptp.z, r0);
    vector<Leap::FingerList> fingers = leap.getFingers();
    if (!fingers.empty() && phase1==false && phase2 == false && phase3==false
        && phase4==false && phase5==false && phase6 == false && phase7 == false) {
        //ofLogNotice("finger detected");
        //ofBox(100, -200, 4, 40, 40, 40);
        phase1 = true;
    if (!fingers.empty()) {
        for (int cnt = 0; cnt < fingers.size(); cnt++) {
            for (int fingerNum = 0; fingerNum < fingers[cnt].count(); fingerNum++) {
                Leap::Vector pt = fingers[cnt][fingerNum].tipPosition();
                Leap::Vector vpt = fingers[cnt][fingerNum].tipVelocity();
                pt.x = pt.x*2;
                pt.y = (pt.y * -1)*2;
                pt.z = pt.z *2;
                //ofLogNotice("finger number is " + ofToString(cnt) + ofToString(fingerNum));
                //ofSphere(pt.x,pt.y,pt.z, 10);
                //ofBox(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z, 10, 10, 10);
                //ofLogNotice("position is " + ofToString(pt.x) + " " + ofToString(pt.y) + " " + ofToString(pt.z));
                //ofLogNotice("velocity is " + ofToString(vpt.x) + " " + ofToString(vpt.y) + " " + ofToString(vpt.z));
                drawSphere(pt, 10);
        Leap::Vector tpt = fingers[0][0].tipPosition();
Exemple #30
//Main Event driven tick
void ULeapController::InterfaceEventTick(float DeltaTime)
	//This is our tick event that is forwarded from the delegate, check validity
	if (!_private->interfaceDelegate) return;

	Leap::Frame frame = _private->leap.frame();
	Leap::Frame pastFrame = _private->leap.frame(1);


	//Hand Count
	int handCount = frame.hands().count();

	if (_private->pastState.handCount != handCount)
		ILeapEventInterface::Execute_HandCountChanged(_private->interfaceDelegate, handCount);
		//Zero our input mapping orientations (akin to letting go of a joystick)
		if (handCount == 0)
			EmitAnalogInputEventForKey(EKeysLeap::LeapLeftPalmPitch, 0, 0, 0);
			EmitAnalogInputEventForKey(EKeysLeap::LeapLeftPalmYaw, 0, 0, 0);
			EmitAnalogInputEventForKey(EKeysLeap::LeapLeftPalmRoll, 0, 0, 0);
			EmitAnalogInputEventForKey(EKeysLeap::LeapRightPalmPitch, 0, 0, 0);
			EmitAnalogInputEventForKey(EKeysLeap::LeapRightPalmYaw, 0, 0, 0);
			EmitAnalogInputEventForKey(EKeysLeap::LeapRightPalmRoll, 0, 0, 0);

	//Cycle through each hand
	for (int i = 0; i < handCount; i++)
		Leap::Hand hand = frame.hands()[i];
		LeapHandStateData pastHandState = _private->pastState.stateForId(hand.id());		//we use a custom class to hold reliable state tracking based on id's

		//Make a ULeapHand
		if (_private->eventHand == NULL)
			_private->eventHand = NewObject<ULeapHand>(this);

		//Emit hand
		ILeapEventInterface::Execute_LeapHandMoved(_private->interfaceDelegate, _private->eventHand);

		//Left/Right hand forwarding
		if (hand.isRight())
			ILeapEventInterface::Execute_LeapRightHandMoved(_private->interfaceDelegate, _private->eventHand);
			//Input Mapping
			FRotator palmOrientation = _private->eventHand->PalmOrientation;
			EmitAnalogInputEventForKey(EKeysLeap::LeapRightPalmPitch, palmOrientation.Pitch * LEAP_IM_SCALE, 0, 0);
			EmitAnalogInputEventForKey(EKeysLeap::LeapRightPalmYaw, palmOrientation.Yaw * LEAP_IM_SCALE, 0, 0);
			EmitAnalogInputEventForKey(EKeysLeap::LeapRightPalmRoll, palmOrientation.Roll * LEAP_IM_SCALE, 0, 0);
		} else if (hand.isLeft())
			ILeapEventInterface::Execute_LeapLeftHandMoved(_private->interfaceDelegate, _private->eventHand);
			//Input Mapping
			FRotator palmOrientation = _private->eventHand->PalmOrientation;
			EmitAnalogInputEventForKey(EKeysLeap::LeapLeftPalmPitch, palmOrientation.Pitch * LEAP_IM_SCALE, 0, 0);
			EmitAnalogInputEventForKey(EKeysLeap::LeapLeftPalmYaw, palmOrientation.Yaw * LEAP_IM_SCALE, 0, 0);
			EmitAnalogInputEventForKey(EKeysLeap::LeapLeftPalmRoll, palmOrientation.Roll * LEAP_IM_SCALE, 0, 0);

		float grabStrength = hand.grabStrength();
		bool grabbed = handClosed(grabStrength);

		if (grabbed)
			ILeapEventInterface::Execute_LeapHandGrabbing(_private->interfaceDelegate, grabStrength, _private->eventHand);

		if (grabbed && !pastHandState.grabbed)
			ILeapEventInterface::Execute_LeapHandGrabbed(_private->interfaceDelegate, grabStrength, _private->eventHand);
			//input mapping
			if (_private->eventHand->HandType == LeapHandType::HAND_LEFT)
				EmitKeyDownEventForKey(EKeysLeap::LeapLeftGrab, 0, 0);
				EmitKeyDownEventForKey(EKeysLeap::LeapRightGrab, 0, 0);
		}else if (!grabbed && pastHandState.grabbed)
			ILeapEventInterface::Execute_LeapHandReleased(_private->interfaceDelegate, grabStrength, _private->eventHand);

			//input mapping
			if (_private->eventHand->HandType == LeapHandType::HAND_LEFT)
				EmitKeyUpEventForKey(EKeysLeap::LeapLeftGrab, 0, 0);
				EmitKeyUpEventForKey(EKeysLeap::LeapRightGrab, 0, 0);

		float pinchStrength = hand.pinchStrength();
		bool pinched = handPinched(pinchStrength);

		//While grabbing disable pinching detection, this helps to reduce spam as pose confidence plummets
		if (grabbed) pinched = pastHandState.pinched;
			if (pinched)
				ILeapEventInterface::Execute_LeapHandPinching(_private->interfaceDelegate, pinchStrength, _private->eventHand);

			if (pinched && !pastHandState.pinched)
				ILeapEventInterface::Execute_LeapHandPinched(_private->interfaceDelegate, pinchStrength, _private->eventHand);
				//input mapping
				if (_private->eventHand->HandType == LeapHandType::HAND_LEFT)
					EmitKeyDownEventForKey(EKeysLeap::LeapLeftPinch, 0, 0);
					EmitKeyDownEventForKey(EKeysLeap::LeapRightPinch, 0, 0);
			else if (!pinched && pastHandState.pinched)
				ILeapEventInterface::Execute_LeapHandUnpinched(_private->interfaceDelegate, pinchStrength, _private->eventHand);
				//input mapping
				if (_private->eventHand->HandType == LeapHandType::HAND_LEFT)
					EmitKeyUpEventForKey(EKeysLeap::LeapLeftPinch, 0, 0);
					EmitKeyUpEventForKey(EKeysLeap::LeapRightPinch, 0, 0);

		Leap::FingerList fingers = hand.fingers();

		int fingerCount = fingers.count();
		if ((pastHandState.fingerCount != fingerCount))
			ILeapEventInterface::Execute_FingerCountChanged(_private->interfaceDelegate, fingerCount);

		if (_private->eventFinger == NULL)
			_private->eventFinger = NewObject<ULeapFinger>(this);

		Leap::Finger finger;

		//Cycle through each finger
		for (int j = 0; j < fingerCount; j++)
			finger = fingers[j];

			//Finger Moved
			if (finger.isValid())
				ILeapEventInterface::Execute_LeapFingerMoved(_private->interfaceDelegate, _private->eventFinger);

		//Do these last so we can easily override debug shapes

		finger = fingers.leftmost();
		ILeapEventInterface::Execute_LeapLeftMostFingerMoved(_private->interfaceDelegate, _private->eventFinger);

		finger = fingers.rightmost();
		ILeapEventInterface::Execute_LeapRightMostFingerMoved(_private->interfaceDelegate, _private->eventFinger);

		finger = fingers.frontmost();
		ILeapEventInterface::Execute_LeapFrontMostFingerMoved(_private->interfaceDelegate, _private->eventFinger);

		//touch only for front-most finger, most common use case
		float touchDistance = finger.touchDistance();
		if (touchDistance <= 0.f)
			ILeapEventInterface::Execute_LeapFrontFingerTouch(_private->interfaceDelegate, _private->eventFinger);

		//Set the state data for next cycle
		pastHandState.grabbed = grabbed;
		pastHandState.pinched = pinched;
		pastHandState.fingerCount = fingerCount;

		_private->pastState.setStateForId(pastHandState, hand.id());

	_private->pastState.handCount = handCount;

	for (int i = 0; i < frame.gestures().count(); i++)
		Leap::Gesture gesture = frame.gestures()[i];
		Leap::Gesture::Type type = gesture.type();

		switch (type)
		case Leap::Gesture::TYPE_CIRCLE:
			if (_private->eventCircleGesture == NULL){
				_private->eventCircleGesture = NewObject<ULeapCircleGesture>(this);
			ILeapEventInterface::Execute_CircleGestureDetected(_private->interfaceDelegate, _private->eventCircleGesture);
			_private->eventGesture = _private->eventCircleGesture;
		case Leap::Gesture::TYPE_KEY_TAP:
			if (_private->eventKeyTapGesture == NULL)
				_private->eventKeyTapGesture = NewObject<ULeapKeyTapGesture>(this);
			ILeapEventInterface::Execute_KeyTapGestureDetected(_private->interfaceDelegate, _private->eventKeyTapGesture);
			_private->eventGesture = _private->eventKeyTapGesture;
		case Leap::Gesture::TYPE_SCREEN_TAP:
			if (_private->eventScreenTapGesture == NULL)
				_private->eventScreenTapGesture = NewObject<ULeapScreenTapGesture>(this);
			ILeapEventInterface::Execute_ScreenTapGestureDetected(_private->interfaceDelegate, _private->eventScreenTapGesture);
			_private->eventGesture = _private->eventScreenTapGesture;
		case Leap::Gesture::TYPE_SWIPE:
			if (_private->eventSwipeGesture == NULL)
				_private->eventSwipeGesture = NewObject<ULeapSwipeGesture>(this);
			ILeapEventInterface::Execute_SwipeGestureDetected(_private->interfaceDelegate, _private->eventSwipeGesture);
			_private->eventGesture = _private->eventSwipeGesture;

		//emit gesture
		if (type != Leap::Gesture::TYPE_INVALID)
			ILeapEventInterface::Execute_GestureDetected(_private->interfaceDelegate, _private->eventGesture);

	if (_private->allowImages && _private->imageEventsEnabled)
		int imageCount = frame.images().count();
		for (int i = 0; i < imageCount; i++)
			Leap::Image image = frame.images()[i];

			//Loop modification - Only emit 0 and 1, use two different pointers so we can get different images
			if (i == 0)
				if (_private->eventImage1 == NULL)
					_private->eventImage1 = NewObject<ULeapImage>(this);

				ILeapEventInterface::Execute_RawImageReceived(_private->interfaceDelegate, _private->eventImage1->Texture(), _private->eventImage1);
			else if (i == 1)
				if (_private->eventImage2 == NULL)
					_private->eventImage2 = NewObject<ULeapImage>(this);

				ILeapEventInterface::Execute_RawImageReceived(_private->interfaceDelegate, _private->eventImage2->Texture(), _private->eventImage2);