Exemple #1
LLDBBacktrace::LLDBBacktrace(lldb::SBThread &thread)
    if ( thread.IsValid() ) {
        m_threadId = thread.GetIndexID();
        int nFrames = thread.GetNumFrames();
        for(int j=0; j<nFrames; ++j) {
            lldb::SBFrame frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(j);
            LLDBBacktrace::Entry entry;
            if ( frame.IsValid() ) {
                // do we have a file:line?
                if ( frame.GetLineEntry().IsValid() ) {

                    lldb::SBFileSpec fileSepc = frame.GetLineEntry().GetFileSpec();
                    entry.filename      = wxFileName(fileSepc.GetDirectory(), fileSepc.GetFilename()).GetFullPath();
                    entry.functionName  = frame.GetFunctionName();
                    entry.line          = frame.GetLineEntry().GetLine()-1;
                    entry.id            = j;
                    entry.address << wxString::Format("%p", (void*)frame.GetFP());
                    m_callstack.push_back( entry );

                } else {
                    // FIXME: if we dont have a debug symbol, we should learn how to construct a proper entry
                    // for now, we add an empty entry
                    entry.functionName = "??";
                    entry.id = j;
                    m_callstack.push_back( entry );

SBExecutionContext::SBExecutionContext (lldb::SBThread thread) :
m_exe_ctx_sp(new ExecutionContextRef())
SBThreadPlan::SBThreadPlan(lldb::SBThread &sb_thread, const char *class_name) {
  Thread *thread = sb_thread.get();
  if (thread)
    m_opaque_sp.reset(new ThreadPlanPython(*thread, class_name));