Exemple #1
 * Madara function that determines if an argument is false
  is_false (madara::knowledge::FunctionArguments & args,
             madara::knowledge::Variables & variables)
  // if we've been provided with an argument, check if it is true
  if (args.size () == 1)
    return madara::knowledge::KnowledgeRecord::Integer (
      args[0].to_double () < 0.5 && args[0].to_double () >= 0);
  // if the user didn't provide an argument, return false
    return madara::knowledge::KnowledgeRecord::Integer (0);
Exemple #2
 * Madara function that returns a random number. No argument means to generate
 * a random number up to the limits of the stdlib.h implementation's limits. An
 * integer argument means to generate a random up to the specified arg limit.
  rand_int (madara::knowledge::FunctionArguments & args,
             madara::knowledge::Variables & variables)
  // if the args list is greater than zero, is an integer, and is not 0
  if (args.size () > 0 && 
    args[0].type () == madara::knowledge::KnowledgeRecord::INTEGER &&
    args[0].to_integer () != 0)
    // then call rand () with a modulus up to that integer argument
    return madara::knowledge::KnowledgeRecord::Integer (
      rand () % (int)args[0].to_integer ());

  // otherwise, just return rand ()
    return madara::knowledge::KnowledgeRecord::Integer (rand ());
to_legible_hertz(engine::FunctionArguments & args, engine::Variables & /*vars*/)
  Record result;

  if (args.size() == 1)
    std::stringstream buffer;

    std::locale loc("C"); 

    const int ghz_mark = 1000000000;
    const int mhz_mark = 1000000;
    const int khz_mark = 1000;

    double hertz = args[0].to_double();

    double freq = hertz / ghz_mark;

    if (freq >= 1)
      buffer << std::setprecision(2) << std::fixed;
      buffer << freq;
      buffer << " ghz";
      result = Record(buffer.str().c_str());
      freq = hertz / mhz_mark;

      if (freq >= 1)
        buffer << std::setprecision(2) << std::fixed;
        buffer << freq;
        buffer << " mhz";
        result = Record(buffer.str().c_str());
        freq = hertz / khz_mark;

        if (freq >= 1)
          buffer << std::setprecision(2) << std::fixed;
          buffer << freq;
          buffer << " khz";
          result = Record(buffer.str().c_str());
          freq = hertz;

          buffer << std::setprecision(2) << std::fixed;
          buffer << freq;
          buffer << " hz";
          result = Record(buffer.str().c_str());
  return result;