Material::Ref createMaterial(const ArticulatedModel::Preprocess& preprocess) const { debugPrintf("Creating material %s...", name.c_str()); Material::Specification spec; if ((diffuseMap != "") && ! preprocess.stripMaterials) { Texture::Specification s; s.dimension = Texture::DIM_2D_NPOT; // If we turn this off, the BSDF just does it anyway s.preprocess.computeMinMaxMean = true; s.settings.maxAnisotropy = 2.0f; s.filename = diffuseMap; spec.setLambertian(s); } else { spec.setLambertian(diffuseConstant); } // Assume in air spec.setEta(max(1.0f, eta), 1.0f); // OBJ models are way too specular and not shiny enough spec.setSpecular(specularConstant.pow(9.0f) * 0.4f); spec.setGlossyExponentShininess(shininess * 100.0f); // spec.setBump(bumpMap); Material::Ref m = Material::create(spec); debugPrintf("Done\n"); return m; }
static Material::Specification compute3DSMaterial (const void* ptr, const std::string& path, const ArticulatedModel::Specification& specification) { const Parse3DS::Material& material = *reinterpret_cast<const Parse3DS::Material*>(ptr); Material::Specification spec; if (specification.stripMaterials) { spec.setLambertian(Color3::one() * 0.7f); spec.setSpecular(Color3::one() * 0.2f); spec.setGlossyExponentShininess(100); return spec; } const Parse3DS::Map& texture1 = material.texture1; const Color4& lambertianConstant = Color4((material.diffuse * material.texture1.pct) * (1.0f - material.transparency), 1.0f); const std::string& lambertianFilename = find3DSTexture(texture1.filename, path); spec.setLambertian(lambertianFilename, lambertianConstant); // Strength of the shininess (higher is brighter) spec.setSpecular(max(material.shininessStrength * material.specular, Color3(material.reflection)) * (1.0f - material.transparency)); if (material.reflection > 0.05f) { spec.setMirrorShininess(); } //extent (area, higher is closely contained, lower is spread out) of shininess. // Don't scale up to the G3D maximum (1024) because 3DS files don't expect to ever be that shiny spec.setGlossyExponentShininess(material.shininess * 512); spec.setTransmissive(Color3::white() * material.transparency); spec.setEmissive(Color3::white() * material.emissive); std::string bumpFilename = find3DSTexture(material.bumpMap.filename, path); if (bumpFilename != "") { // TODO: use percentage specified in material.bumpMap spec.setBump(bumpFilename); } // TODO: load reflection, specular, etc maps. // triList-> = /* if (preprocess.addBumpMaps) { // See if a bump map exists: std::string filename = FilePath::concat(FilePath::concat(path, filenamePath(texture1.filename)), filenameBase(texture1.filename) + "-bump"); filename = findAnyImage(filename); if (filename != "") { BumpMap::Settings s; s.scale = preprocess.bumpMapScale; s.bias = 0; s.iterations = preprocess.parallaxSteps; spec.setBump(filename, s, preprocess.normalMapWhiteHeightInPixels); } } // if bump maps */ return spec; }