void run ()

  DWI::Tractography::Properties properties;

  DWI::Tractography::Writer<> writer (argument.back(), properties);

  for (size_t n = 0; n < argument.size()-1; n++) {
    Math::Matrix<float> M;
    try {
      M.load (argument[n]);
      if (M.columns() != 3)
        throw Exception ("file \"" + argument[n] + "\" does not contain 3 columns - ignored");

      DWI::Tractography::Streamline<float> tck (M.rows());
      for (size_t i = 0; i < M.rows(); i++) {
        tck[i].set (M (i,0), M (i,1), M (i,2));
      writer (tck);
    catch (Exception) { }

Exemple #2
void run ()
    Image::Buffer<value_type> SH_data (argument[0]);
    Math::SH::check (SH_data);

    Options opt = get_options ("mask");

    std::unique_ptr<Image::Buffer<bool> > mask_data;
    if (opt.size())
        mask_data.reset (new Image::Buffer<bool> (opt[0][0]));

    opt = get_options ("seeds");
    Math::Matrix<value_type> dirs;
    if (opt.size())
        dirs.load (opt[0][0]);
    else {
        dirs.allocate (60,2);
        dirs = Math::Matrix<value_type> (default_directions, 60, 2);
    if (dirs.columns() != 2)
        throw Exception ("expecting 2 columns for search directions matrix");

    opt = get_options ("num");
    int npeaks = opt.size() ? opt[0][0] : 3;

    opt = get_options ("direction");
    std::vector<Direction> true_peaks;
    for (size_t n = 0; n < opt.size(); ++n) {
        Direction p (Math::pi*to<float> (opt[n][0]) /180.0, Math::pi*float (opt[n][1]) /180.0);
        true_peaks.push_back (p);
    if (true_peaks.size())
        npeaks = true_peaks.size();

    opt = get_options ("threshold");
    value_type threshold = -INFINITY;
    if (opt.size())
        threshold = opt[0][0];

    Image::Header header (SH_data);
    header.datatype() = DataType::Float32;

    opt = get_options ("peaks");
    std::unique_ptr<Image::Buffer<value_type> > ipeaks_data;
    if (opt.size()) {
        if (true_peaks.size())
            throw Exception ("you can't specify both a peaks file and orientations to be estimated at the same time");
        if (opt.size())
            ipeaks_data.reset (new Image::Buffer<value_type> (opt[0][0]));

        Image::check_dimensions (header, *ipeaks_data, 0, 3);
        npeaks = ipeaks_data->dim (3) / 3;
    header.dim(3) = 3 * npeaks;
    Image::Buffer<value_type> peaks_data (argument[1], header);

    DataLoader loader (SH_data, mask_data.get());
    Processor processor (peaks_data, dirs, Math::SH::LforN (SH_data.dim (3)),
                         npeaks, true_peaks, threshold, ipeaks_data.get());

    Thread::run_queue (loader, Item(), Thread::multi (processor));