void test_vertex_is_fixed()
   size_t nbVert = mVertices.size();
   bool correct_fixed[9] = {false, false, false, true, true, true, true, true, true};
   bool fixed[9];
   mMesh->vertices_get_fixed_flag( &mVertices[0], fixed, 9, mErr );
   for (size_t i=0; i<nbVert; ++i) {
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT(fixed[i] == correct_fixed[i]);
 void test_vertex_is_fixed()
   size_t nbVert = mVertices.size();
   bool correct_fixed[9] = {false, false, false, true, true, true, true, true, true};
   std::vector<bool> fixed;
   mMesh->vertices_get_fixed_flag( arrptr(mVertices), fixed, 9, mErr );
   CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( (size_t)8, fixed.size() );
   for (size_t i=0; i<nbVert; ++i) {
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(correct_fixed[i], (bool)fixed[i]);
Exemple #3
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  const char* input_file = DEFAULT_INPUT;
  const char* output_file = NULL;
  switch (argc) {
    case 3:
      if (!strcmp(argv[2],"-h"))
      output_file = argv[2];
    case 2:
      if (!strcmp(argv[1],"-h"))
      input_file = argv[1];
    case 1:

    /* Read a VTK Mesh file */
  MsqPrintError err(cout);
  Mesquite::MeshImpl mesh;
  mesh.read_vtk( input_file, err);
  if (err) return 1;
    // creates an intruction queue
  InstructionQueue queue1;
    // creates a mean ratio quality metric ...
  ConditionNumberQualityMetric shape_metric;
  EdgeLengthQualityMetric lapl_met;
    // creates the laplacian smoother  procedures
  LaplacianSmoother lapl1;
  QualityAssessor stop_qa=QualityAssessor(&shape_metric);
    //**************Set stopping criterion****************
  TerminationCriterion sc2;
  sc2.add_iteration_limit( 10 );
  if (err) return 1;
    // adds 1 pass of pass1 to mesh_set1
  if (err) return 1;
  queue1.set_master_quality_improver(&lapl1, err); 
  if (err) return 1;
  if (err) return 1;
    // adds 1 passes of pass2 to mesh_set1
    //  mesh_set1.add_quality_pass(pass2);
    //writeVtkMesh("original_mesh", mesh, err); MSQ_CHKERR(err);
  PlanarDomain plane(Vector3D(0,0,1), Vector3D(0,0,5));
    // launches optimization on mesh_set1
  MeshDomainAssoc mesh_and_domain = MeshDomainAssoc(&mesh, &plane);
  Timer t;
  queue1.run_instructions(&mesh_and_domain, err); 
  if (err) return 1;
  double secs = t.since_birth();
  std::cout << "Optimization completed in " << secs << " seconds" << std::endl;
  if (output_file) {
    mesh.write_vtk(output_file, err); 
    if (err) return 1;
    std::cout << "Wrote file: " << output_file << std::endl;
    // check that smoother is working: 
    // the one free vertex must be at the origin
  if (input_file == DEFAULT_INPUT) {
    std::vector<Mesh::VertexHandle> vertices;
    mesh.get_all_vertices( vertices, err );
    if (err) return 1;

    std::vector<bool> fixed_flags;
    mesh.vertices_get_fixed_flag( arrptr(vertices), fixed_flags, vertices.size(), err );
    if (err) return 1;

    // find one free vertex
    int idx = -1;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < vertices.size(); ++i) {
      if (fixed_flags[i] == true)
      if (idx != -1) {
        std::cerr << "Multiple free vertices in mesh." << std::endl;
        return 1;
      idx = i;

    if (idx == -1) {
      std::cerr << "No free vertex in mesh!!!!!" << std::endl;
      return 1;

    Mesh::VertexHandle vertex = vertices[idx];
    MsqVertex coords;
    mesh.vertices_get_coordinates( &vertex, &coords, 1, err );
    if (err) return 1;

      // calculate distance from origin
    double dist = sqrt( coords[0]*coords[0] + coords[1]*coords[1] );
    if  (dist > 1e-8) {
      std::cerr << "Free vertex not at origin after Laplace smooth." << std::endl
                    << "Expected location: (0,0)" << std::endl
                    << "Actual location: (" << coords[0] << "," << coords[1] << ")" << std::endl;
      return 2;
  return 0;