Exemple #1
OSDWidget::ratingChanged( const QString& path, int rating )
    Meta::TrackPtr track = The::engineController()->currentTrack();
    if( !track )
    if( track->playableUrl().isLocalFile() && track->playableUrl().path() == path )
        ratingChanged( rating );
Exemple #2
Amarok::OSD::show( Meta::TrackPtr track ) //slot
    setAlignment( static_cast<OSDWidget::Alignment>( AmarokConfig::osdAlignment() ) );
    setOffset( AmarokConfig::osdYOffset() );

    QString text;
    if( !track || track->playableUrl().isEmpty() )
        text = i18n( "No track playing" );
        setRating( 0 ); // otherwise stars from last rating change are visible
        setRating( track->rating() );
        text = track->prettyName();
        if( track->artist() && !track->artist()->prettyName().isEmpty() )
            text = track->artist()->prettyName() + " - " + text;
        if( track->album() && !track->album()->prettyName().isEmpty() )
            text += "\n (" + track->album()->prettyName() + ") ";
            text += '\n';
        if( track->length() > 0 )
            text += Meta::msToPrettyTime( track->length() );

    if( text.isEmpty() )
        text =  track->playableUrl().fileName();

    if( text.startsWith( "- " ) ) //When we only have a title tag, _something_ prepends a f*****g hyphen. Remove that.
        text = text.mid( 2 );

    if( text.isEmpty() ) //still
        text = i18n("No information available for this track");

    QImage image;
    if( track && track->album() )
        image = The::svgHandler()->imageWithBorder( track->album(), 100, 5 ).toImage();

    OSDWidget::show( text, image );
 * called whenever metadata of the current track has changed

    // get the current track
    Meta::TrackPtr track = The::engineController()->currentTrack();
    if( !track )
        debug() << "no track";
        removeAllData( "tabs" );
        setData( "tabs", "state", "Stopped" );
    m_currentTrack = track;
    Meta::ArtistPtr artistPtr = track->artist();
    QString newArtist;
    if( artistPtr )
        if( ( track->playableUrl().protocol() == "lastfm" ) ||
            ( track->playableUrl().protocol() == "daap" ) ||
            !The::engineController()->isStream() )
            newArtist = artistPtr->name();
            newArtist = artistPtr->prettyName();

    QString newTitle = track->name();
    if( newTitle.isEmpty() )
        newTitle = track->prettyName();

    // check if something changed
    if( newTitle == m_titleName && newArtist == m_artistName )
        debug() << "nothing changed";

    // stop fetching for unknown artists or titles
    if( newTitle.isEmpty() || newArtist.isEmpty() )
        setData("tabs", "state", "noTabs" );
    requestTab( newArtist, newTitle );
Exemple #4
QString TrackOrganizer::buildDestination(const QString& format, const Meta::TrackPtr& track) const
    // get hold of the shared pointers
    Meta::AlbumPtr album = track->album();
    Meta::ArtistPtr artist = track->artist();
    Meta::ComposerPtr composer = track->composer();
    Meta::ArtistPtr albumArtist = album ? album->albumArtist() : Meta::ArtistPtr();
    Meta::GenrePtr genre = track->genre();
    Meta::YearPtr year = track->year();

    bool isCompilation = album && album->isCompilation();

    QMap<QString, QString> args;
    QString strArtist = artist ? artist->name() : QString();
    QString strAlbumArtist = isCompilation ? i18n( "Various Artists" ) :
        ( albumArtist ? albumArtist->name() : strArtist );

    args["theartist"] = strArtist;
    args["thealbumartist"] = strAlbumArtist;

    if( m_postfixThe )
        Amarok::manipulateThe( strArtist, true );
        Amarok::manipulateThe( strAlbumArtist, true );

    if ( track->trackNumber() )
        QString trackNum = QString("%1").arg( track->trackNumber(), 2, 10, QChar('0') );
        args["track"] = trackNum;
    args["title"] = track->name();
    args["artist"] = strArtist;
    args["composer"] = composer ? composer->name() : QString();
    // if year == 0 then we don't want include it
    QString strYear = year ? year->name() : QString();
    args["year"] = strYear.localeAwareCompare( "0" ) == 0 ? QString() : strYear;
    args["album"] = track->album() ? track->album()->name() : QString();
    args["albumartist"] = strAlbumArtist;
    args["comment"] = track->comment();
    args["genre"] = genre ? genre->name() : QString();
    if( m_targetFileExtension.isEmpty() )
        args["filetype"] = track->type();
        args["filetype"] = m_targetFileExtension;
    QString strFolder = QFileInfo( track->playableUrl().toLocalFile() ).path();
    strFolder = strFolder.mid( commonPrefixLength( m_folderPrefix, strFolder ) );
    args["folder"] = strFolder;
    args["initial"] = strAlbumArtist.mid( 0, 1 ).toUpper(); //artists starting with The are already handled above
    if( track->discNumber() )
        args["discnumber"] = QString::number( track->discNumber() );
    args["collectionroot"] = m_folderPrefix;

    // some additional properties not supported by organize dialog.
    args["rating"] = track->statistics()->rating();
    args["filesize"] = track->filesize();
    args["length"] = track->length() / 1000;

    // Fill up default empty values for StringX formater
    // TODO make this values changeable by user
    args["default_album"]           = i18n( "Unknown album" );
    args["default_albumartist"]     = i18n( "Unknown artist" );
    args["default_artist"]          = args["albumartist"];
    args["default_thealbumartist"]  = args["albumartist"];
    args["default_theartist"]       = args["albumartist"];
    args["default_comment"]         = i18n( "No comments" );
    args["default_composer"]        = i18n( "Unknown composer" );
    args["default_discnumber"]      = i18n( "Unknown disc number" );
    args["default_genre"]           = i18n( "Unknown genre" );
    args["default_title"]           = i18n( "Unknown title" );
    args["default_year"]            = i18n( "Unknown year" );

    foreach( const QString &key, args.keys() )
        if( key != "collectionroot" && key != "folder" )
            args[key] = args[key].replace( '/', '-' );

    Amarok::QStringx formatx( format );
    QString result = formatx.namedOptArgs( args );
    return cleanPath( result );
void WikipediaEngine::update()

    m_triedRefinedSearch = false;
    QString tmpWikiStr;

    unsubscribeFrom( m_currentTrack );
    Meta::TrackPtr currentTrack = The::engineController()->currentTrack();
    m_currentTrack = currentTrack;
    subscribeTo( currentTrack );

    if ( !currentTrack )
    DataEngine::Data data;

    if( selection() == "artist" ) // default, or applet told us to fetch artist
        data["wikipedia"] = "label, artist";
        if( currentTrack->artist() )
            data["wikipedia"] = "title", currentTrack->artist()->prettyName();

            if ( ( currentTrack->playableUrl().protocol() == "lastfm" ) ||
                ( currentTrack->playableUrl().protocol() == "daap" ) ||
                !The::engineController()->isStream() )
                tmpWikiStr = currentTrack->artist()->name();
                tmpWikiStr += wikiArtistPostfix(); //makes wikipedia bail out

                debug() << "tmpWikiStr: " << tmpWikiStr;
                tmpWikiStr = currentTrack->artist()->prettyName();
                tmpWikiStr += wikiArtistPostfix(); //makes wikipedia bail out
    else if( selection() == "title" )
        tmpWikiStr = currentTrack->prettyName();
        data["wikipedia"] = QString( "label" ), QString( "Title" );
        data["wikipedia"] = "title", currentTrack->prettyName();
    else if( selection() == "album" )
        if( currentTrack->album() )
            data["wikipedia"] = QString( "label" ), QString( "Album" );
            data["wikipedia"] = "title", currentTrack->album()->prettyName();
            if ( ( currentTrack->playableUrl().protocol() == "lastfm" ) ||
                ( currentTrack->playableUrl().protocol() == "daap" ) ||
                !The::engineController()->isStream() )
                tmpWikiStr = currentTrack->album()->name();
                tmpWikiStr += wikiAlbumPostfix();

    //Hack to make wiki searches work with magnatune preview tracks

    if ( tmpWikiStr.contains( "PREVIEW: buy it at www.magnatune.com" ) )
        tmpWikiStr = tmpWikiStr.remove(" (PREVIEW: buy it at www.magnatune.com)" );

        int index = tmpWikiStr.indexOf( '-' );
        if ( index != -1 )
            tmpWikiStr = tmpWikiStr.left (index - 1);

    if( m_wikiCurrentEntry == tmpWikiStr )
        debug() << "Same entry requested again. Ignoring.";

    removeAllData( "wikipedia" );

    foreach( const QString &key, data.keys() )
        setData( key, data[key] );

    m_wikiCurrentEntry = tmpWikiStr;
    m_wikiCurrentUrl = wikiUrl( tmpWikiStr );

    debug() << "wiki url: " << m_wikiCurrentUrl;

    setData( "wikipedia", "message", i18n( "Fetching content.." ) );
    m_wikiJob = KIO::storedGet( m_wikiCurrentUrl, KIO::NoReload, KIO::HideProgressInfo );
    connect( m_wikiJob, SIGNAL( result( KJob* ) ), SLOT( wikiResult( KJob* ) ) );
bool MoodbarManager::hasMoodbar( Meta::TrackPtr track )

    //check if we already checked this track:
    if ( m_hasMoodMap.contains( track ) )
        //debug() << "Cached value, returning: " << m_hasMoodMap.value( track );
        return m_hasMoodMap.value( track );
    KUrl trackUrl = track->playableUrl();
    //only supports local files for now.
    if ( !trackUrl.isLocalFile() )
        debug() << "non local file, no moodbar...";
        m_hasMoodMap.insert( track, false );
        return false;

    //do we already have a moodFile path for this track?
    QString moodFilePath;
    if ( m_moodFileMap.contains( track ) )
        moodFilePath = m_moodFileMap.value( track );
        //Now, lets see if there is a mood file that matches the track filename
        moodFilePath = moodPath( trackUrl.path() );


    debug() << "file path: " << trackUrl.path();
    debug() << "mood file path: " << moodFilePath;

    if( !QFile::exists( moodFilePath ) )
        debug() << "no such file";
        //for fun, try without the leading '.'

        QFileInfo fInfo( moodFilePath );
        QString testName = fInfo.fileName(); 
        testName.remove( 0, 1 );

        moodFilePath.replace( fInfo.fileName(), testName );

        debug() << "trying : " << moodFilePath;
        if( !QFile::exists( moodFilePath ) )
            debug() << "no luck removing the leading '.' either...";
            m_hasMoodMap.insert( track, false );
            return false;

        debug() << "whoops, missing leading '.', so mood file path: " << moodFilePath;

    //it is a local file with a matching .mood file. Good enough for now!
    m_moodFileMap.insert( track, moodFilePath );
    m_hasMoodMap.insert( track, true );
    return true;
QPixmap MoodbarManager::getMoodbar( Meta::TrackPtr track, int width, int height, bool rtl )
    //if we have already marked this track as
    //not having a moodbar, don't even bother...
    if ( m_hasMoodMap.contains( track ) )
        if( !m_hasMoodMap.value( track ) )
            return QPixmap();

    //first of all... Check if rendering settings have changed. If
    //so, clear data and pixmap caches.

    if( m_lastPaintMode != AmarokConfig::moodbarPaintStyle() )
        m_lastPaintMode = AmarokConfig::moodbarPaintStyle();
        emit moodbarStyleChanged();

    //Do we already have this pixmap cached?
    const QString pixmapKey = QString( "mood:%1-%2x%3%4" ).arg( track->uidUrl() ).arg(width).arg(height).arg( rtl?"r":"" );
    QPixmap moodbar;
    if( m_cache->findPixmap( pixmapKey, &moodbar ) )
        return moodbar;
    //No? Ok, then create it reusing as much info as possible

    MoodbarColorList data;

    if ( m_moodDataMap.contains( track ) )
        data = m_moodDataMap.value( track );

        QString moodFilePath;
        if ( m_moodFileMap.contains( track ) )
            moodFilePath = m_moodFileMap.value( track );
            moodFilePath = moodPath( track->playableUrl().path() );
        data = readMoodFile( moodFilePath );

        if ( data.size() > 10 )
            m_moodDataMap.insert( track, data );
            //likely a corrupt file, so mark this track as not having a moodbar
             m_hasMoodMap.insert( track, false );

    //assume that the readMoodFile function emits the proper error...
    if ( data.size() < 10 )
        return moodbar;

    moodbar = drawMoodbar( data, width, height, rtl );
    m_cache->insertPixmap( pixmapKey, moodbar );
    return moodbar;
    QString title, artist, album, url;
    int year = -1, bpm = -1, playcount = -1, rating = -1;
    QDateTime lastplayed;
    while( !( isEndElement() && name() == "dict" ) )
        QString text = readElementText();
        if( name() == "key" && text == "Name" )
            readNext(); // skip past the </key> and to the data tag
            QString text = readElementText();
            title = text;
        } else if( name() == "key" && text == "Artist" )
            readNext(); // skip past the </key> and to the data tag
            artist = readElementText();
        } else if( isStartElement() && name() == "key" && text == "Album" )
            readNext(); // skip past the </key> and to the data tag
            album = readElementText();
        } else if( name() == "key" && text == "Year" )
            readNext(); // skip past the </key> and to the data tag
            year = readElementText().toInt();
        } else if( name() == "key" && text == "BPM" )
            readNext(); // skip past the </key> and to the data tag
            bpm = readElementText().toInt();
        } else if( name() == "key" && text == "Play Count" )
            readNext(); // skip past the </key> and to the data tag
            playcount = readElementText().toInt();
        } else if( name() == "key" && text == "Rating" )
            readNext(); // skip past the </key> and to the data tag
            rating = readElementText().toInt() / 10; // itunes rates 0-100
        } else if( name() == "key" && text == "Play Date" )
            readNext(); // skip past the </key> and to the data tag
            lastplayed = QDateTime::fromTime_t(readElementText().toInt());
        } else if( name() == "key" && text == "Location" )
            readNext(); // skip past the </key> and to the data tag
            url = readElementText();
    //split the file://localhost/path/to/track   to just file:///path/to/track
    if( url.indexOf( "file://localhost" ) == 0 )
        url = url.remove( 7, 9 );
    debug() << "got track info:" << title << artist << album << year << bpm << url;
    Meta::TrackPtr track = CollectionManager::instance()->trackForUrl( KUrl( url ) );
    if( track )
        QScopedPointer<Capabilities::StatisticsCapability> ec( track->create<Capabilities::StatisticsCapability>() );
        if( ec )
            if( rating != -1 ) 
                ec->setRating( rating );
            if( lastplayed.isValid() )
                ec->setLastPlayed( lastplayed );
            if( playcount != -1 ) 
                ec->setPlayCount( playcount );
            if( !track->inCollection() )
                m_tracksForInsert.insert( track, track->playableUrl().url() );
                debug() << " inserting track:" << track->playableUrl();
            else {
                Collections::Collection* collection = track->collection();
                if (collection)
                    debug() << "track in collection (" << collection->location()->prettyLocation() << "):" << track->playableUrl();

            emit trackAdded( track );
Exemple #9


    // Hiding the OSD before exit prevents crash

    // This following can't go in the PlaylistModel destructor, because by the time that
    // happens, the Config has already been written.

    // Use the bottom model because that provides the most dependable/invariable row
    // number to save in an external file.
    AmarokConfig::setLastPlaying( Playlist::ModelStack::instance()->bottom()->activeRow() );

    if ( AmarokConfig::resumePlayback() )
        Meta::TrackPtr engineTrack = The::engineController()->currentTrack();
        if( engineTrack )
            AmarokConfig::setResumeTrack( engineTrack->playableUrl().prettyUrl() );
            AmarokConfig::setResumeTime( The::engineController()->trackPositionMs() );
            AmarokConfig::setResumeTrack( QString() ); //otherwise it'll play previous resume next time!

    The::engineController()->endSession(); //records final statistics

#ifndef Q_WS_MAC
    // do even if trayicon is not shown, it is safe
    Amarok::config().writeEntry( "HiddenOnExit", mainWindow()->isHidden() );
    // for some reason on OS X the main window always reports being hidden
    // this means if you have the tray icon enabled, amarok will always open minimized
    Amarok::config().writeEntry( "HiddenOnExit", false );


    // this must be deleted before the connection to the Xserver is
    // severed, or we risk a crash when the QApplication is exited,
    // I asked Trolltech! *smug*


    delete mainWindow();


    //this should be moved to App::quit() I guess

#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
    // work around for KUniqueApplication being not completely implemented on windows
    QDBusConnectionInterface* dbusService;
    if (QDBusConnection::sessionBus().isConnected() && (dbusService = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().interface()))
Exemple #10
 virtual QString value( Meta::TrackPtr track ) const
 { return track->playableUrl().url(); }
Exemple #11
QVariant Meta::valueForField( qint64 field, Meta::TrackPtr track )
    if( !track )
        return QVariant();

    switch( field )
    case 0:
        // that is the simple search for MetaQueryWidget
        QSet<QString> allInfos;
        allInfos += track->playableUrl().path()
            += track->name()
            += track->comment();
        if( track->artist() )
            allInfos += track->artist()->name();
        if( track->album() )
            allInfos += track->album()->name();
        if( track->genre() )
            allInfos += track->genre()->name();

        return QVariant( allInfos.toList() );
    case Meta::valUrl:         return track->playableUrl().path();
    case Meta::valTitle:       return track->name();
    case Meta::valArtist:      return track->artist() ?
                               QVariant(track->artist()->name()) : QVariant();
    case Meta::valAlbum:       return track->album() ?
                               QVariant(track->album()->name()) : QVariant();
    case Meta::valGenre:       return track->genre() ?
                               QVariant(track->genre()->name()) : QVariant();
    case Meta::valComposer:    return track->composer() ?
                               QVariant(track->composer()->name()) : QVariant();
    case Meta::valYear:        return track->year() ?
                               QVariant(track->year()->name().toInt()) : QVariant();
    case Meta::valComment:     return track->comment();
    case Meta::valTrackNr:     return track->trackNumber();
    case Meta::valDiscNr:      return track->discNumber();
    case Meta::valBpm:         return track->bpm();
    case Meta::valLength:      return track->length();
    case Meta::valBitrate:     return track->bitrate();
    case Meta::valSamplerate:  return track->sampleRate();
    case Meta::valFilesize:    return track->filesize();
    case Meta::valFormat:      return int(Amarok::FileTypeSupport::fileType(track->type()));

    case Meta::valCreateDate:  return track->createDate();
    case Meta::valScore:       return track->statistics()->score();
    case Meta::valRating:      return track->statistics()->rating();
    case Meta::valFirstPlayed: return track->statistics()->firstPlayed();
    case Meta::valLastPlayed:  return track->statistics()->lastPlayed();
    case Meta::valPlaycount:   return track->statistics()->playCount();
    case Meta::valUniqueId:    return track->uidUrl();

    // todo
    case Meta::valTrackGain:   return "track gain";
    case Meta::valTrackGainPeak:   return "track gain peak";
    case Meta::valAlbumGain:   return "album gain";
    case Meta::valAlbumGainPeak:   return "album gain peak";

    case Meta::valAlbumArtist: return (track->album() && track->album()->albumArtist()) ?
                               QVariant(track->album()->albumArtist()->name()) : QVariant();
    case Meta::valLabel:
          Meta::LabelList labels = track->labels();
          QStringList strLabels;
          foreach( Meta::LabelPtr label, labels )
              strLabels.append( label->name() );
          return QVariant( strLabels );
    case Meta::valModified:  return track->modifyDate();
    default: return QVariant();