Exemple #1
 |                                                           mwgee 08/05|
 | 2D case:                                                             |
 | this method evaluates the function                                   |
 | F(eta) = ( Ni * xis - xm ) dot g(xi)                                 |
 | with Ni shape functions of slave segment                             |
 |      xm  nodal coords of master node                                 |
 |      xs  nodal coords of slave nodes on segment                      |
 |      njs nodal outward normal of nodes xs (slave side)               |
double MOERTEL::Projector::evaluate_F_2D_SegmentOrthogonal(MOERTEL::Node& node,
                                                        MOERTEL::Segment& seg, 
                                                        double eta,
														double &gap)
  // check the type of function on the segment
  // Here, we need 1D functions set as function id 0
  MOERTEL::Function::FunctionType type = seg.FunctionType(0);
  if (type != MOERTEL::Function::func_Linear1D)
	  std::stringstream oss;
    oss << "***ERR*** MOERTEL::Projector::evaluate_F_2D_SegmentOrthogonal:\n"
    	 << "***ERR*** function is of wrong type\n"
    	 << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
	throw ReportError(oss);
  // evaluate the first function set on segment at eta
  int nsnode = seg.Nnode();
  double val[100];
  // get nodal coords and normals of slave nodes and interpolate them
  double Nx[2]; 
  Nx[0] = Nx[1] = 0.0;
  MOERTEL::Node** snodes = seg.Nodes();
  if (!snodes)
	  std::stringstream oss;
    oss << "***ERR*** MOERTEL::Projector::evaluate_F_2D_SegmentOrthogonal:\n"
    	 << "***ERR*** segment " << seg.Id() << " ptr to it's nodes is zero\n"
    	 << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
	throw ReportError(oss);
  for (int i=0; i<nsnode; ++i)
    const double* X = snodes[i]->X();
    Nx[0] += val[i]*X[0];
    Nx[1] += val[i]*X[1];
  // subtract xm from interpolated coords Nx
  const double* X = node.X();
  Nx[0] -= X[0];
  Nx[1] -= X[1];
  // evaluate the metric of the segment in point xi
  double g[2];

  // calculate F
  double F = Nx[0]*g[0] + Nx[1]*g[1];

  gap = (Nx[0] * g[0] + Nx[1] * g[1]);
//  gap = ((Nx[0] - X[0]) * g[0] + (Nx[1] - X[1]) * g[1])
//		  / sqrt(g[0] * g[0] + g[1] * g[1]);  // ||gap|| cos theta

  return F;
Exemple #2
 |                                                           mwgee 08/05|
 | 2D case:                                                             |
 | this method evaluates the function                                   |
 | gradF(eta) =                                                         |
 |   ( Ni,eta * xis ) * ( Ni,eta * xis )                                |
 | with Ni,eta derivative of shape functions of segment                 |
 |      Ni,Nj shape functions of segment                                |
 |      xis nodal coords of segment's nodes i (slave side)              |
double MOERTEL::Projector::evaluate_gradF_2D_SegmentOrthogonal_to_g(
                                                        MOERTEL::Node& node,
                                                        MOERTEL::Segment& seg, 
	      				                double eta,
                                                        double* g)
  // check the type of function on the segment
  // Here, we need 1D functions set as function id 0
  MOERTEL::Function::FunctionType type = seg.FunctionType(0);
  if (type != MOERTEL::Function::func_Linear1D)
	  std::stringstream oss;
    oss << "***ERR*** MOERTEL::Projector::evaluate_gradF_2D_SegmentOrthogonal_to_g:\n"
    	 << "***ERR*** function is of wrong type\n"
    	 << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
	throw ReportError(oss);
  // evaluate function and derivatives of the first function set on segment at eta
  int nmnode = seg.Nnode();
  double deriv[200];
  // intermediate data:
  // Nxeta  = Ni,eta * xi
  // get nodal coords and normals of nodes and interpolate them
  double Nxeta[2];  Nxeta[0] = Nxeta[1] = 0.0;
  MOERTEL::Node** mnodes = seg.Nodes();
  if (!mnodes)
	  std::stringstream oss;
    oss << "***ERR*** MOERTEL::Projector::evaluate_gradF_2D_SegmentOrthogonal_to_g:\n"
    	 << "***ERR*** segment " << seg.Id() << " ptr to it's nodes is zero\n"
    	 << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
	throw ReportError(oss);
  for (int i=0; i<nmnode; ++i)
    const double* X = mnodes[i]->X();
    Nxeta[0] += deriv[i]*X[0];
    Nxeta[1] += deriv[i]*X[1];
  // calculate gradF
  double gradF =   Nxeta[0]*g[0] + Nxeta[1]*g[1];
  return gradF;
Exemple #3
 |                                                           mwgee 07/05|
 | 2D case:                                                             |
 | this method evaluates the function                                   |
 | gradF(eta) =                                                         |
 |   ( Ni,eta * xis ) * ( Nj nyjs )                                     |
 | + ( Ni * xis - xm ) * ( Nj,eta * nyjs)                               |
 | - ( Ni,eta * yis ) * ( Nj nxjs )                                     |
 | - ( Ni * yis - ym ) * ( Nj,eta * nxjs)                               |
 | with Ni,eta derivative of shape functions of segment                 |
 |      Ni,Nj shape functions of segment                                |
 |      xis,yis nodal coords of segment's nodes i (slave side)          |
 |      xm,ym   nodal coords of master node                             |
 |      nxjs,nyjs outward normals of node j (slave side)                |
double MOERTEL::Projector::evaluate_gradF_2D_SegmentNormal(MOERTEL::Node& node,
                                                        MOERTEL::Segment& seg, 
                                                        double eta)
  // check the type of function on the segment
  // Here, we need 1D functions set as function id 0
  MOERTEL::Function::FunctionType type = seg.FunctionType(0);
  if (type != MOERTEL::Function::func_Linear1D)
	  std::stringstream oss;
    oss << "***ERR*** MOERTEL::Projector::evaluate_gradF_2D_SegmentNormal:\n"
    	 << "***ERR*** function is of wrong type\n"
    	 << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
	throw ReportError(oss);
  // evaluate function and derivatives of the first function set on segment at eta
  int nsnode = seg.Nnode();
  double val[100];  
  double deriv[200];
  // several intermediate data:
  // Nx     = Ni * xi
  // Nxeta  = Ni,eta * xi
  // NN     = Nj * nj
  // NNeta  = Nj,eta * nj
  // get nodal coords and normals of nodes and interpolate them
  double Nx[2];     Nx[0] = Nx[1] = 0.0;
  double Nxeta[2];  Nxeta[0] = Nxeta[1] = 0.0;
  double NN[2];     NN[0] = NN[1] = 0.0;
  double NNeta[2];  NNeta[0] = NNeta[1] = 0.0;
  MOERTEL::Node** snodes = seg.Nodes();
  if (!snodes)
	  std::stringstream oss;
    oss << "***ERR*** MOERTEL::Projector::evaluate_gradF_2D_SegmentNormal:\n"
    	 << "***ERR*** segment " << seg.Id() << " ptr to it's nodes is zero\n"
    	 << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
	throw ReportError(oss);
  for (int i=0; i<nsnode; ++i)
    const double* X = snodes[i]->X();
    Nx[0]    += val[i]*X[0];
    Nx[1]    += val[i]*X[1];
    Nxeta[0] += deriv[i]*X[0];
    Nxeta[1] += deriv[i]*X[1];
    const double* N = snodes[i]->N();
    NN[0]    += val[i]*N[0];
    NN[1]    += val[i]*N[1];
    NNeta[0] += deriv[i]*N[0];
    NNeta[1] += deriv[i]*N[1];
  // get master node coords
  const double* xm = node.X();
  // calculate gradF
  double gradF =   Nxeta[0]*NN[1] + (Nx[0] - xm[0])*NNeta[1]  
                 - Nxeta[1]*NN[0] - (Nx[1] - xm[1])*NNeta[0];
  return gradF;
Exemple #4
 |                                                           mwgee 07/05|
 |                                                   modded gah 07/2010 |
 | 2D case:                                                             |
 | this function evaluates the function                                 |
 | F(eta) = ( Ni * xim - xs ) cross ns ,                                |
 | with Ni shape functions of segment                                   |
 |      xim nodal coords of segment's nodes (master side)               |
 |      xs  nodal coords of node (slave side)                           |
 |      ns  outward normal of node (slave side)                         |
double MOERTEL::Projector::evaluate_F_2D_NodalNormal(MOERTEL::Node& node,
          MOERTEL::Segment& seg, double eta, double &gap)
  // check the type of function on the segment
  // Here, we need 1D functions set as function id 0
  MOERTEL::Function::FunctionType type = seg.FunctionType(0);
  if (type != MOERTEL::Function::func_Linear1D)
	  std::stringstream oss;
    oss << "***ERR*** MOERTEL::Projector::evaluate_F_2D_NodalNormal:\n"
    	 << "***ERR*** function is of wrong type\n"
    	 << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
	throw ReportError(oss);
  // evaluate the first function set on segment at eta
  int nmnode = seg.Nnode();
  double val[100];
  // get nodal coords of nodes and interpolate them
  double Nx[2]; 
  Nx[0] = Nx[1] = 0.0;
  MOERTEL::Node** mnodes = seg.Nodes();
  if (!mnodes)
	  std::stringstream oss;
    oss << "***ERR*** MOERTEL::Projector::evaluate_F_2D_NodalNormal:\n"
    	 << "***ERR*** segment " << seg.Id() << " ptr to it's nodes is zero\n"
    	 << "***ERR*** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
	throw ReportError(oss);

  // Here, Nx[0] and Nx[1] are the coordinates of the guess at the root
  for (int i=0; i<nmnode; ++i)
    const double* X = mnodes[i]->X();
    Nx[0] += val[i]*X[0];
    Nx[1] += val[i]*X[1];
  // subtract xs (Coordinates of the slave node)
  const double* X = node.X();
  Nx[0] -= X[0];
  Nx[1] -= X[1];

  // get the normal of node
  const double* n = node.N();
  // calculate F
  double F = Nx[0]*n[1] - Nx[1]*n[0];

  gap = Nx[0] * n[0] + Nx[1] * n[1];

  // Do we need to divide by the length of the normal???  GAH
//  gap = (Nx[0] * n[0] + Nx[1] * n[1])
//		  / sqrt(n[0] * n[0] + n[1] * n[1]);  // ||gap|| cos theta
#if 0
  std::cout << "node " << node.Id() << " seg " << seg.Id() << " n[0] " << n[0] << " n[1] " << n[1] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "X[0] " << X[0] << " X[1] " << X[1] << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Nx[0] " << Nx[0] << " Nx[1] " << Nx[1] << " gap " << gap << std::endl;
  std::cout << "norm " << sqrt(n[0] * n[0] + n[1] * n[1]) << std::endl;
  return F;