Exemple #1
//! Parse a text stream in MDL rxn format into a ChemicalReaction
ChemicalReaction *RxnDataStreamToChemicalReaction(std::istream &inStream,
                                                  unsigned int &line) {
  std::string tempStr;

  // header line
  tempStr = getLine(inStream);
  if (inStream.eof()) {
    throw ChemicalReactionParserException("premature EOF hit.");
  if (tempStr.substr(0, 4) != "$RXN") {
    throw ChemicalReactionParserException("$RXN header not found");
  int version = 2000;
  if (tempStr.size() >= 10 && tempStr.substr(5, 5) == "V3000") version = 3000;

  ChemicalReaction *res = nullptr;
  try {
    if (version == 2000) {
      ParseV2000RxnBlock(inStream, line, res);
    } else {
      ParseV3000RxnBlock(inStream, line, res);
  } catch (ChemicalReactionParserException &e) {
    // catch our exceptions and throw them back after cleanup
    delete res;
    res = nullptr;
    throw e;
  // convert atoms to queries:
  for (MOL_SPTR_VECT::const_iterator iter = res->beginReactantTemplates();
       iter != res->endReactantTemplates(); ++iter) {
    // to write the mol block, we need ring information:
    for (ROMol::AtomIterator atomIt = (*iter)->beginAtoms();
         atomIt != (*iter)->endAtoms(); ++atomIt) {
      FileParserUtils::replaceAtomWithQueryAtom((RWMol *)iter->get(),
  for (MOL_SPTR_VECT::const_iterator iter = res->beginProductTemplates();
       iter != res->endProductTemplates(); ++iter) {
    // to write the mol block, we need ring information:
    for (ROMol::AtomIterator atomIt = (*iter)->beginAtoms();
         atomIt != (*iter)->endAtoms(); ++atomIt) {
      FileParserUtils::replaceAtomWithQueryAtom((RWMol *)iter->get(),

  // RXN-based reactions do not have implicit properties
  return res;
Exemple #2
FragCatParams::FragCatParams(const FragCatParams &other) {
  // copy consttructor
  d_typeStr = other.getTypeStr();
  d_lowerFragLen = other.getLowerFragLength();
  d_upperFragLen = other.getUpperFragLength();
  d_tolerance = other.getTolerance();

  // std::cout << "In param copier\n";
  const MOL_SPTR_VECT &ofgrps = other.getFuncGroups();
  // const MOL_PTR_VECT &ofgrps = other.getFuncGroups();
  MOL_SPTR_VECT::const_iterator fgi;
  // MOL_PTR_VECT_CI fgi;
  for (fgi = ofgrps.begin(); fgi != ofgrps.end(); fgi++) {
    ROMol *nmol = new ROMol(*(fgi->get()));
    // ROMol *nmol = new ROMol(*(*fgi));
    // d_funcGroups.push_back(nmol);
void ReactionPickler::_pickle(const ChemicalReaction *rxn, std::ostream &ss) {
  PRECONDITION(rxn, "empty reaction");
  uint32_t tmpInt;

  tmpInt = static_cast<int32_t>(rxn->getNumReactantTemplates());
  streamWrite(ss, tmpInt);
  tmpInt = static_cast<int32_t>(rxn->getNumProductTemplates());
  streamWrite(ss, tmpInt);
  tmpInt = static_cast<int32_t>(rxn->getNumAgentTemplates());
  streamWrite(ss, tmpInt);

  uint32_t flag = 0;
  if (rxn->getImplicitPropertiesFlag()) flag |= 0x1;
  if (rxn->df_needsInit) flag |= 0x2;
  streamWrite(ss, flag);

  // -------------------
  // Write Reactants
  // -------------------
  streamWrite(ss, BEGINREACTANTS);
  for (MOL_SPTR_VECT::const_iterator tmpl = rxn->beginReactantTemplates();
       tmpl != rxn->endReactantTemplates(); ++tmpl) {
    MolPickler::pickleMol(tmpl->get(), ss);
  streamWrite(ss, ENDREACTANTS);

  streamWrite(ss, BEGINPRODUCTS);
  for (MOL_SPTR_VECT::const_iterator tmpl = rxn->beginProductTemplates();
       tmpl != rxn->endProductTemplates(); ++tmpl) {
    MolPickler::pickleMol(tmpl->get(), ss, PicklerOps::AllProps);
  streamWrite(ss, ENDPRODUCTS);

  if (rxn->getNumAgentTemplates()) {
    streamWrite(ss, BEGINAGENTS);
    for (MOL_SPTR_VECT::const_iterator tmpl = rxn->beginAgentTemplates();
         tmpl != rxn->endAgentTemplates(); ++tmpl) {
      MolPickler::pickleMol(tmpl->get(), ss);
    streamWrite(ss, ENDAGENTS);
  streamWrite(ss, ENDREACTION);
}  // end of _pickle
  MatchVectType findFuncGroupsOnMol(const ROMol &mol, 
				    const FragCatParams *params,
				    INT_VECT &fgBonds) {
    PRECONDITION(params,"bad params");

    std::pair<int, int> amat;
    MatchVectType aidFgrps;
    std::vector<MatchVectType> fgpMatches;
    std::vector<MatchVectType>::const_iterator mati;
    MatchVectType::const_iterator mi;
    int aid;
    //const ROMol *fgrp;

    INT_VECT_CI bi;
    int fid = 0;
    const MOL_SPTR_VECT &fgrps = params->getFuncGroups();
    MOL_SPTR_VECT::const_iterator fgci;
    for (fgci = fgrps.begin(); fgci != fgrps.end(); fgci++) {
      const ROMol *fgrp = fgci->get();
      std::string fname;
      (*fgci)->getProp(common_properties::_Name, fname);
      //std::cout << "Groups number: " << fname << "\n";
      // match this functional group onto the molecule
      SubstructMatch(mol, *fgrp, fgpMatches);

      // loop over all the matches we get for this fgroup
      for (mati = fgpMatches.begin(); mati != fgpMatches.end(); mati++) {
	//FIX: we will assume that the first atom in fgrp is always the connection
	// atom
	amat = mati->front();
	aid = amat.second; //FIX: is this correct - the second entry in the pair is the atom ID from mol

	// grab the list of atom Ids from mol that match the functional group 
	INT_VECT bondIds, maids;
	for (mi = mati->begin(); mi != mati->end(); mi++) {

	// create a list of bond IDs from these atom ID 
	// these are the bond in mol that are part of portion that matches the 
	// functional group
	bondIds = Subgraphs::bondListFromAtomList(mol, maids);
	// now check if all these bonds have been covered as part of larger 
	// functional group that was dealt with earlier
	// FIX: obviously we assume here that the function groups in params 
	// come in decreasing order of size.
	bool allDone = true;
	for (bi = bondIds.begin(); bi != bondIds.end(); bi++) {
	  if (std::find(fgBonds.begin(), fgBonds.end(), (*bi)) == fgBonds.end()) {
	    allDone = false;
	if (!allDone) {
	  // this functional group mapping onto mol is not part of a larger func
	  // group mapping so record it
	  aidFgrps.push_back(std::pair<int, int>(aid, fid));


    return aidFgrps;