Exemple #1
void mp_staging::on_team_select(window& window, ng::side_engine_ptr side, menu_button& team_menu)
	// Since we're not necessarily displaying every every team in the menu, we can't just
	// use the selected index to set a side's team. Instead, we grab the index we stored
	// in add_side_node from the selected config, which should correspond to the
	// appropriate entry in the connect_engine's team name vector.
	const unsigned team_index = team_menu.get_value_config()["team_index"].to_unsigned();

	if(team_index == side->team()) {


	// First, remove the node from the tree
	auto node = find_widget<tree_view>(&window, "side_list", false).remove_node(side_tree_map_[side]);

	// Then add a new node as a child to the appropriate team's node
	team_tree_map_[side->team_name()]->add_child(std::move(node.first), get_side_node_position(side));

Exemple #2
void mp_staging::add_side_node(window& window, ng::side_engine_ptr side)
	tree_view& tree = find_widget<tree_view>(&window, "side_list", false);
	static const std::map<std::string, string_map> empty_map;

	std::map<std::string, string_map> data;
	string_map item;

	item["label"] = std::to_string(side->index() + 1);
	data.emplace("side_number", item);

	// TODO: don't hardcode meganta?
	item["label"] = "units/unknown-unit.png~RC(magenta>" + std::to_string(side->color() + 1) + ")";
	data.emplace("leader_image", item);

	item["label"] = "icons/icon-random.png";
	data.emplace("leader_gender", item);

	// Check to see whether we've added a toplevel tree node for this team. If not, add one
	if(team_tree_map_.find(side->team_name()) == team_tree_map_.end()) {
		std::map<std::string, string_map> data;
		string_map item;

		item["label"] = (formatter() << _("Team:") << " " << side->user_team_name()).str();
		data.emplace("tree_view_node_label", item);

		tree_view_node& team_node = tree.add_node("team_header", data);
		team_node.add_sibling("side_spacer", empty_map);

		team_tree_map_[side->team_name()] = &team_node;

	tree_view_node& node = team_tree_map_[side->team_name()]->add_child("side_panel", data);

	side_tree_map_[side] = &node;

	grid& row_grid = node.get_grid();

	update_leader_display(side, row_grid);

	// Status variables
	const bool fls = connect_engine_.force_lock_settings();
	const bool ums = connect_engine_.params().use_map_settings;

	const bool lock_gold   = side->cfg()["gold_lock"].to_bool(fls);
	const bool lock_income = side->cfg()["income_lock"].to_bool(fls);
	const bool lock_team   = side->cfg()["team_lock"].to_bool(fls);
	const bool lock_color  = side->cfg()["color_lock"].to_bool(fls);

	const bool saved_game = connect_engine_.params().saved_game;

	// AI Algorithm
	int selection = 0;

	// We use an index-based loop in order to get the index of the selected option
	std::vector<config> ai_options;
	for(unsigned i = 0; i < ai_algorithms_.size(); i++) {
		ai_options.push_back(config_of("label", ai_algorithms_[i]->text));

		if(ai_algorithms_[i]->id == side->ai_algorithm()) {
			selection = i;

	menu_button& ai_selection = find_widget<menu_button>(&row_grid, "ai_controller", false);

	ai_selection.set_values(ai_options, selection);
	ai_selection.connect_click_handler(std::bind(&mp_staging::on_ai_select, this, side, std::ref(ai_selection)));

	on_ai_select(side, ai_selection);

	// Controller
	std::vector<config> controller_names;
	for(const auto& controller : side->controller_options()) {
		controller_names.push_back(config_of("label", controller.second));

	menu_button& controller_selection = find_widget<menu_button>(&row_grid, "controller", false);

	controller_selection.set_values(controller_names, side->current_controller_index());
	controller_selection.set_active(controller_names.size() > 1);
	controller_selection.connect_click_handler(std::bind(&mp_staging::on_controller_select, this, side, std::ref(row_grid)));

	on_controller_select(side, row_grid);

	// Leader controls
	button& leader_select = find_widget<button>(&row_grid, "select_leader", false);


		std::bind(&mp_staging::select_leader_callback, this, std::ref(window), side, std::ref(row_grid)));

	// Team
	std::vector<config> team_names;
	for(const auto& team : side->player_teams()) {
		team_names.push_back(config_of("label", team));

	menu_button& team_selection = find_widget<menu_button>(&row_grid, "side_team", false);

	// HACK: side->team() does not get its index from side->player_teams(), but rather side->team_names().
	// As such, the index is off if there is only 1 playable team. This is a hack to make sure the menu_button
	// widget doesn't assert with the invalid initial selection. The connect_engine should be fixed once the GUI1
	// dialog is dropped
	team_selection.set_values(team_names, std::min<int>(team_names.size() - 1, side->team()));
	team_selection.connect_click_handler(std::bind(&mp_staging::on_team_select, this, std::ref(window), side, std::ref(team_selection), _3, _4));

	// Colors
	std::vector<config> color_options;
	for(const auto& color : side->color_options()) {
			("label", font::get_color_string_pango(color))
			("icon", (formatter() << "misc/status.png~RC(magenta>" << color << ")").str())

	menu_button& color_selection = find_widget<menu_button>(&row_grid, "side_color", false);

	color_selection.set_values(color_options, side->color());
	color_selection.connect_click_handler(std::bind(&mp_staging::on_color_select, this, side, std::ref(row_grid)));

	// Gold and Income
	slider& slider_gold = find_widget<slider>(&row_grid, "side_gold_slider", false);

	connect_signal_notify_modified(slider_gold, std::bind(
		&mp_staging::on_side_slider_change<&ng::side_engine::set_gold>, this, side, std::ref(slider_gold)));

	slider& slider_income = find_widget<slider>(&row_grid, "side_income_slider", false);

	connect_signal_notify_modified(slider_income, std::bind(
		&mp_staging::on_side_slider_change<&ng::side_engine::set_income>, this, side, std::ref(slider_income)));

	// TODO: maybe display the saved values
	if(saved_game) {

	// Gold, income, team, and color are only suggestions unless explicitly locked
	if(!saved_game && ums) {

Exemple #3
void mp_staging::add_side_node(window& window, ng::side_engine_ptr side)
	std::map<std::string, string_map> data;
	string_map item;

	item["label"] = std::to_string(side->index() + 1);
	data.emplace("side_number", item);

	// TODO: don't hardcode magenta?
	item["label"] = "units/unknown-unit.png~RC(magenta>" + side->color_id() + ")";
	data.emplace("leader_image", item);

	item["label"] = "icons/icon-random.png";
	data.emplace("leader_gender", item);

	tree_view_node& node = team_tree_map_[side->team_name()]->add_child("side_panel", data, get_side_node_position(side));

	side_tree_map_[side] = &node;

	grid& row_grid = node.get_grid();

	update_leader_display(side, row_grid);

	// Status variables
	const bool fls = connect_engine_.force_lock_settings();
	const bool ums = connect_engine_.params().use_map_settings;

	const bool lock_gold   = side->cfg()["gold_lock"].to_bool(fls);
	const bool lock_income = side->cfg()["income_lock"].to_bool(fls);
	const bool lock_team   = side->cfg()["team_lock"].to_bool(fls);
	const bool lock_color  = side->cfg()["color_lock"].to_bool(fls);

	const bool saved_game = connect_engine_.params().saved_game == mp_game_settings::SAVED_GAME_MODE::MIDGAME;

	// AI Algorithm
	int selection = 0;

	// We use an index-based loop in order to get the index of the selected option
	std::vector<config> ai_options;
	// If this is loading a saved game, we add an option at the beginning of the menu.
	// This results in a mismatch between the indices of ai_options and ai_algorithms_
	// that we need to account for later.
	if(saved_game) {
		ai_options.emplace_back("label", "Keep saved AI");
	for(unsigned i = 0; i < ai_algorithms_.size(); ++i) {
		ai_options.emplace_back("label", ai_algorithms_[i]->text);

		if(ai_algorithms_[i]->id == side->ai_algorithm()) {
			selection = i;

	menu_button& ai_selection = find_widget<menu_button>(&row_grid, "ai_controller", false);

	ai_selection.set_values(ai_options, selection);

		std::bind(&mp_staging::on_ai_select, this, side, std::ref(ai_selection), saved_game));

	on_ai_select(side, ai_selection, saved_game);
	// Controller
	std::vector<config> controller_names;
	for(const auto& controller : side->controller_options()) {
		controller_names.emplace_back("label", controller.second);

	menu_button& controller_selection = find_widget<menu_button>(&row_grid, "controller", false);

	controller_selection.set_values(controller_names, side->current_controller_index());
	controller_selection.set_active(controller_names.size() > 1);

		std::bind(&mp_staging::on_controller_select, this, side, std::ref(row_grid)));

	on_controller_select(side, row_grid);

	// Leader controls
	button& leader_select = find_widget<button>(&row_grid, "select_leader", false);

	//todo: shouldn't this also be disabled when the flg settings are locked.

		std::bind(&mp_staging::select_leader_callback, this, side, std::ref(row_grid)));

	// Team
	std::vector<config> team_names;
	unsigned initial_team_selection = 0;

	for(unsigned i = 0; i < connect_engine_.team_data().size(); ++i) {
		const ng::connect_engine::team_data_pod& tdata = connect_engine_.team_data()[i];

		if(!tdata.is_player_team && !game_config::debug) {

		config entry;
		entry["label"] = t_string::from_serialized(tdata.user_team_name);

		// Since we're not necessarily displaying every every team, we need to store the
		// index a displayed team has in the connect_engine's team_data vector. This is
		// then utilized in the click callback.
		entry["team_index"] = i;


		// Since, again, every team might not be displayed, and side_engine::team() returns
		// an index into the team_data vector, get an initial selection index for the menu
		// adjusted for the displayed named.
		if(side->team() == i) {
			initial_team_selection = team_names.size() - 1;

	menu_button& team_selection = find_widget<menu_button>(&row_grid, "side_team", false);

	team_selection.set_values(team_names, initial_team_selection);
	//todo: shouldn't this also be disabled when team settings are locked.

		std::bind(&mp_staging::on_team_select, this, std::ref(window), side, std::ref(team_selection)));

	// Colors
	std::vector<config> color_options;
	for(const auto& color : side->color_options()) {
			"label", font::get_color_string_pango(color),
			"icon", (formatter() << "misc/status.png~RC(magenta>" << color << ")").str()

	menu_button& color_selection = find_widget<menu_button>(&row_grid, "side_color", false);

	color_selection.set_values(color_options, side->color());

		std::bind(&mp_staging::on_color_select, this, side, std::ref(row_grid)));

	// Gold and Income
	const auto slider_setup_helper = [](slider& slider, const int value) {
		// For the gold and income sliders, the usual min and max values are set in
		// the dialog WML. However, if a side specifies a value out of that range,
		// we adjust the bounds to accommodate it.
			std::min(value, slider.get_minimum_value()),
			std::max(value, slider.get_maximum_value())


	slider& slider_gold = find_widget<slider>(&row_grid, "side_gold_slider", false);
	slider_setup_helper(slider_gold, side->gold());

	connect_signal_notify_modified(slider_gold, std::bind(
		&mp_staging::on_side_slider_change<&ng::side_engine::set_gold>, this, side, std::ref(slider_gold)));

	slider& slider_income = find_widget<slider>(&row_grid, "side_income_slider", false);
	slider_setup_helper(slider_income, side->income());

	connect_signal_notify_modified(slider_income, std::bind(
		&mp_staging::on_side_slider_change<&ng::side_engine::set_income>, this, side, std::ref(slider_income)));

	// TODO: maybe display the saved values
	if(saved_game) {

	// Gold, income, team, and color are only suggestions unless explicitly locked
	if(!saved_game && ums) {
