Exemple #1
  EReturn OMPLsolver::convertPath(const ompl::geometric::PathGeometric &pg,
      Eigen::MatrixXd & traj)
    traj.resize(pg.getStateCount(), state_space_->getDimension());
    Eigen::VectorXd tmp(state_space_->getDimension());

    for (int i = 0; i < (int) pg.getStateCount(); ++i)
      if (!ok(
          compound_ ?
                  state_space_)->OMPLStateToEigen(pg.getState(i), tmp) :
                  pg.getState(i), tmp)))
        ERROR("Can't copy state "<<i);
        return FAILURE;
        traj.row(i) = tmp;
    return SUCCESS;
Exemple #2
void OmnidirectionalMotionModel::generateOpenLoopControlsForPath(const ompl::geometric::PathGeometric path, std::vector<ompl::control::Control*> &openLoopControls)
    for(int i=0;i<path.getStateCount()-1;i++)
        std::vector<ompl::control::Control*> olc;

        this->generateOpenLoopControls(path.getState(i),path.getState(i+1),olc) ;

Exemple #3
bool ompl::tools::Lightning::reversePathIfNecessary(og::PathGeometric &path1, og::PathGeometric &path2)
    // Reverse path2 if it matches better
    const ob::State* s1 = path1.getState(0);
    const ob::State* s2 = path2.getState(0);
    const ob::State* g1 = path1.getState(path1.getStateCount()-1);
    const ob::State* g2 = path2.getState(path2.getStateCount()-1);

    double regularDistance  = si_->distance(s1, s2) + si_->distance(g1, g2);
    double reversedDistance = si_->distance(s1, g2) + si_->distance(s2, g1);

    // Check if path is reversed from normal [start->goal] direction
    if ( regularDistance > reversedDistance )
        // needs to be reversed
        return true;

    return false;
OpenRAVE::PlannerStatus ToORTrajectory(
        OpenRAVE::RobotBasePtr const &robot,
        ompl::geometric::PathGeometric& ompl_traj,
        OpenRAVE::TrajectoryBasePtr or_traj) {
    using ompl::geometric::PathGeometric;

    size_t const num_dof = robot->GetActiveDOF();

    ompl::base::StateSpacePtr space = ompl_traj.getSpaceInformation()->getStateSpace();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < ompl_traj.getStateCount(); ++i){
        std::vector<double> values;
        space->copyToReals(values, ompl_traj.getState(i));
        or_traj->Insert(i, values, true);
    return OpenRAVE::PS_HasSolution;
bool ompl::geometric::LightningRetrieveRepair::repairPath(const base::PlannerTerminationCondition &ptc,
                                                          ompl::geometric::PathGeometric &primaryPath)
    // \todo: we should reuse our collision checking from the previous step to make this faster

    OMPL_INFORM("LightningRetrieveRepair: Repairing path");

    // Error check
    if (primaryPath.getStateCount() < 2)
        OMPL_ERROR("LightningRetrieveRepair: Cannot repair a path with less than 2 states");
        return false;

    // Loop through every pair of states and make sure path is valid.
    // If not, replan between those states
    for (std::size_t toID = 1; toID < primaryPath.getStateCount(); ++toID)
        std::size_t fromID = toID - 1; // this is our last known valid state
        ompl::base::State *fromState = primaryPath.getState(fromID);
        ompl::base::State *toState = primaryPath.getState(toID);

        // Check if our planner is out of time
        if (ptc == true)
            OMPL_DEBUG("LightningRetrieveRepair: Repair path function interrupted because termination condition is true.");
            return false;

        // Check path between states
        if (!si_->checkMotion(fromState, toState))
            // Path between (from, to) states not valid, but perhaps to STATE is
            // Search until next valid STATE is found in existing path
            std::size_t subsearchID = toID;
            ompl::base::State *new_to;
            OMPL_DEBUG("LightningRetrieveRepair: Searching for next valid state, because state %d to %d was not valid out  %d total states",
            while (subsearchID < primaryPath.getStateCount())
                new_to = primaryPath.getState(subsearchID);
                if (si_->isValid(new_to))
                    OMPL_DEBUG("LightningRetrieveRepair: State %d was found to valid, we can now repair between states", subsearchID);
                    // This future state is valid, we can stop searching
                    toID = subsearchID;
                    toState = new_to;
                ++subsearchID; // keep searching for a new state to plan to
            // Check if we ever found a next state that is valid
            if (subsearchID >= primaryPath.getStateCount())
                // We never found a valid state to plan to, instead we reached the goal state and it too wasn't valid. This is bad.
                // I think this is a bug.
                OMPL_ERROR("LightningRetrieveRepair: No state was found valid in the remainder of the path. Invalid goal state. This should not happen.");
                return false;

            // Plan between our two valid states
            PathGeometric newPathSegment(si_);

            // Not valid motion, replan
            OMPL_DEBUG("LightningRetrieveRepair: Planning from %d to %d", fromID, toID);

            if (!replan(fromState, toState, newPathSegment, ptc))
                OMPL_INFORM("LightningRetrieveRepair: Unable to repair path between state %d and %d", fromID, toID);
                return false;

            // TODO make sure not approximate solution

            // Reference to the path
            std::vector<base::State*> &primaryPathStates = primaryPath.getStates();

            // Remove all invalid states between (fromID, toID) - not including those states themselves
            while (fromID != toID - 1)
                OMPL_INFORM("LightningRetrieveRepair: Deleting state %d", fromID + 1);
                primaryPathStates.erase(primaryPathStates.begin() + fromID + 1);
                --toID; // because vector has shrunk
                OMPL_INFORM("LightningRetrieveRepair: toID is now %d", toID);

            // Insert new path segment into current path
            OMPL_DEBUG("LightningRetrieveRepair: Inserting new %d states into old path. Previous length: %d",
                newPathSegment.getStateCount()-2, primaryPathStates.size());

            // Note: skip first and last states because they should be same as our start and goal state, same as `fromID` and `toID`
            for (std::size_t i = 1; i < newPathSegment.getStateCount() - 1; ++i)
                std::size_t insertLocation = toID + i - 1;
                OMPL_DEBUG("LightningRetrieveRepair: Inserting newPathSegment state %d into old path at position %d",
                    i, insertLocation);
                primaryPathStates.insert(primaryPathStates.begin() + insertLocation,
                    si_->cloneState(newPathSegment.getStates()[i]) );
            OMPL_DEBUG("LightningRetrieveRepair: Inserted new states into old path. New length: %d", primaryPathStates.size());

            // Set the toID to jump over the newly inserted states to the next unchecked state. Subtract 2 because we ignore start and goal
            toID = toID + newPathSegment.getStateCount() - 2;
            OMPL_DEBUG("LightningRetrieveRepair: Continuing searching at state %d", toID);

    OMPL_INFORM("LightningRetrieveRepair: Done repairing");

    return true;