Exemple #1
static osgDB::DirectoryContents getSuitableFiles(osg::ArgumentParser& arguments)
    osgDB::DirectoryContents files;
    for(int i=1; i<arguments.argc(); ++i)
        if (osgDB::fileType(arguments[i]) == osgDB::DIRECTORY)
            const std::string& directory = arguments[i];
            osgDB::DirectoryContents dc = osgDB::getSortedDirectoryContents(directory);

            for(osgDB::DirectoryContents::iterator itr = dc.begin(); itr != dc.end(); ++itr)
                std::string full_file_name = directory + "/" + (*itr);
                std::string ext = osgDB::getLowerCaseFileExtension(full_file_name);
                if ((ext == "jpg") || (ext == "png") || (ext == "gif") ||  (ext == "rgb") || (ext == "dds") )
        else {
    return files;
bool p3d::readEnvVars(osg::ArgumentParser& arguments)
    bool readVars = false;

    for(int i=1; i<arguments.argc(); ++i)
        if (!arguments.isOption(i))
            std::string ext = osgDB::getLowerCaseFileExtension(arguments[i]);
            if (ext=="xml" || ext=="p3d")
                std::string file = osgDB::findDataFile(arguments[i]);
                if (!file.empty())
                    std::string path = osgDB::getFilePath(file);
                    if (!path.empty())
                    if (p3d::readEnvVars(file)) readVars = true;
    return readVars;
static osgDB::DirectoryContents getSuitableFiles(osg::ArgumentParser& arguments)
    osgDB::DirectoryContents files;
    for(int i=1; i<arguments.argc(); ++i)
        if (arguments.isOption(i))

        if (osgDB::fileType(arguments[i]) == osgDB::DIRECTORY)
            const std::string& directory = arguments[i];
            osgDB::DirectoryContents dc = osgDB::getSortedDirectoryContents(directory);

            for(osgDB::DirectoryContents::iterator itr = dc.begin(); itr != dc.end(); ++itr)
                std::string full_file_name = directory + "/" + (*itr);
                if (osgDB::fileType(full_file_name) != osgDB::DIRECTORY)
        else {
    return files;
Exemple #4
Album::Album(osg::ArgumentParser& arguments, float width, float height)

    typedef std::vector<std::string> FileList;
    FileList fileList;

    for(int pos=1;pos<arguments.argc();++pos)
        if (arguments.isString(pos)) 
            std::string filename(arguments[pos]);
            if (osgDB::getLowerCaseFileExtension(filename)=="album")
                PhotoArchive* photoArchive = PhotoArchive::open(filename);
                if (photoArchive)
    _radiusOfRings = 0.02;
    _startAngleOfPages = 0.0f;
    _deltaAngleBetweenPages = osg::PI/(float)fileList.size();
    _group = new osg::Group;
    _group->getOrCreateStateSet()->setAttributeAndModes(new osg::CullFace,osg::StateAttribute::ON);
    _backgroundStateSet = new osg::StateSet;
    _backgroundStateSet->setAttributeAndModes(new osg::PolygonOffset(1.0f,1.0f),osg::StateAttribute::ON);
    // load the images.
    unsigned int i;
        Page* page = i+1<fileList.size()?
                     Page::createPage(this,_pages.size(),fileList[i],fileList[i+1], width, height):
                     Page::createPage(this,_pages.size(),fileList[i],"", width, height);
        if (page)

/** Finds an argument with the specified extension. */
findArgumentWithExtension( osg::ArgumentParser& args, const std::string& ext )
    for( int i = 0; i < args.argc(); ++i )
        std::string arg( args.argv()[i] );
        if( endsWith( toLower( trim( arg ) ), ".earth" ) )
            return arg;
    return "";
bool p3d::getFileNames(osg::ArgumentParser& arguments, FileNameList& xmlFiles, FileNameList& normalFiles)
    // note currently doesn't delete the loaded file entries from the command line yet...
    for(int pos=1;pos<arguments.argc();++pos)
        if (!arguments.isOption(pos))
            std::string ext = osgDB::getFileExtension(arguments[pos]);
            if (osgDB::equalCaseInsensitive(ext,"xml") || osgDB::equalCaseInsensitive(ext,"p3d")) 
    return (!xmlFiles.empty() || !normalFiles.empty());
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> p3d::readShowFiles(osg::ArgumentParser& arguments,const osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options* options)
    osg::ref_ptr<osgDB::Options> local_options = createOptions(options);

    typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> > NodeList;
    NodeList nodeList;

    std::string filename;
    while (arguments.read("--image",filename))
        osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> image = readImageFile(filename.c_str(), local_options.get());
        if (image.valid()) nodeList.push_back(osg::createGeodeForImage(image.get()));

    while (arguments.read("--movie",filename))
        osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> image = readImageFile(filename.c_str(), local_options.get());
        osg::ref_ptr<osg::ImageStream> imageStream = dynamic_cast<osg::ImageStream*>(image.get());
        if (image.valid())

    while (arguments.read("--dem",filename))
        osg::HeightField* hf = readHeightFieldFile(filename.c_str(), local_options.get());
        if (hf)
            osg::Geode* geode = new osg::Geode;
            geode->addDrawable(new osg::ShapeDrawable(hf));

    // note currently doesn't delete the loaded file entries from the command line yet...
    for(int pos=1;pos<arguments.argc();++pos)
        if (!arguments.isOption(pos))
            // not an option so assume string is a filename.
            osg::Node *node = osgDB::readNodeFile( arguments[pos], local_options.get());

                if (node->getName().empty()) node->setName( arguments[pos] );
    if (nodeList.empty())
        return NULL;
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> root;

    if (nodeList.size()==1)
        root = nodeList.front().get();
    else  // size >1
        osg::Switch* sw = new osg::Switch;
        for(NodeList::iterator itr=nodeList.begin();
        sw->setEventCallback(new p3d::ShowEventHandler());

        root = sw;

    if (root.valid())
        osg::notify(osg::INFO)<<"Got node now adding callback"<<std::endl;
        AddVolumeEditingCallbackVisitor avecv;

    return root;
/** Packages an image layer as a TMS folder. */
makeTMS( osg::ArgumentParser& args )

    //Read the min level
    unsigned int minLevel = 0;
    while (args.read("--min-level", minLevel));

    //Read the max level
    unsigned int maxLevel = 5;
    while (args.read("--max-level", maxLevel));

    std::vector< Bounds > bounds;
    // restrict packaging to user-specified bounds.    
    double xmin=DBL_MAX, ymin=DBL_MAX, xmax=DBL_MIN, ymax=DBL_MIN;
    while (args.read("--bounds", xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax ))
        Bounds b;
        b.xMin() = xmin, b.yMin() = ymin, b.xMax() = xmax, b.yMax() = ymax;
        bounds.push_back( b );

    std::string tileList;
    while (args.read( "--tiles", tileList ) );

    bool verbose = args.read("--verbose");

    unsigned int batchSize = 0;
    args.read("--batchsize", batchSize);

    // Read the concurrency level
    unsigned int concurrency = 0;
    args.read("-c", concurrency);
    args.read("--concurrency", concurrency);

    bool writeXML = true;

    // load up the map
    osg::ref_ptr<MapNode> mapNode = MapNode::load( args );
    if( !mapNode.valid() )
        return usage( "Failed to load a valid .earth file" );

    // Read in an index shapefile
    std::string index;
    while (args.read("--index", index))
        //Open the feature source
        OGRFeatureOptions featureOpt;
        featureOpt.url() = index;        

        osg::ref_ptr< FeatureSource > features = FeatureSourceFactory::create( featureOpt );

        osg::ref_ptr< FeatureCursor > cursor = features->createFeatureCursor();
        while (cursor.valid() && cursor->hasMore())
            osg::ref_ptr< Feature > feature = cursor->nextFeature();
            osgEarth::Bounds featureBounds = feature->getGeometry()->getBounds();
            GeoExtent ext( feature->getSRS(), featureBounds );
            ext = ext.transform( mapNode->getMapSRS() );
            bounds.push_back( ext.bounds() );            

    // see if the user wants to override the type extension (imagery only)
    std::string extension;
    args.read( "--ext", extension );

    // find a .earth file on the command line
    std::string earthFile = findArgumentWithExtension( args, ".earth" );
    // folder to which to write the TMS archive.
    std::string rootFolder;
    if( !args.read( "--out", rootFolder ) )
        rootFolder = Stringify() << earthFile << ".tms_repo";

    // whether to overwrite existing tile files
    //TODO:  Support
    bool overwrite = false;
    if( args.read( "--overwrite" ) )
        overwrite = true;

    // write out an earth file
    std::string outEarth;
    args.read( "--out-earth", outEarth );

    std::string dbOptions;
    args.read( "--db-options", dbOptions );
    std::string::size_type n = 0;
    while( (n = dbOptions.find( '"', n )) != dbOptions.npos )
        dbOptions.erase( n, 1 );

    osg::ref_ptr<osgDB::Options> options = new osgDB::Options( dbOptions );

    // whether to keep 'empty' tiles    
    bool keepEmpties = args.read( "--keep-empties" );

    //TODO:  Single color
    bool continueSingleColor = args.read( "--continue-single-color" );

    // elevation pixel depth
    unsigned elevationPixelDepth = 32;
    args.read( "--elevation-pixel-depth", elevationPixelDepth );
    // create a folder for the output
    osgDB::makeDirectory( rootFolder );
    if( !osgDB::fileExists( rootFolder ) )
        return usage( "Failed to create root output folder" );

    int imageLayerIndex = -1;
    args.read("--image", imageLayerIndex);

    int elevationLayerIndex = -1;
    args.read("--elevation", elevationLayerIndex);
    Map* map = mapNode->getMap();

    osg::ref_ptr< TileVisitor > visitor;

    // If we are given a task file, load it up and create a new TileKeyListVisitor
    if (!tileList.empty())
        TaskList tasks( mapNode->getMap()->getProfile() );
        tasks.load( tileList );

        TileKeyListVisitor* v = new TileKeyListVisitor();
        v->setKeys( tasks.getKeys() );
        visitor = v;     
        // This process is a lowly worker, and shouldn't write out the XML file.
        writeXML = false;

    // If we dont' have a visitor create one.
    if (!visitor.valid())
        if (args.read("--mt"))
            // Create a multithreaded visitor
            MultithreadedTileVisitor* v = new MultithreadedTileVisitor();
            if (concurrency > 0)
            visitor = v;            
        else if (args.read("--mp"))
            // Create a multiprocess visitor
            MultiprocessTileVisitor* v = new MultiprocessTileVisitor();
            if (concurrency > 0)
                OE_NOTICE << "Set num processes " << concurrency << std::endl;

            if (batchSize > 0)

            // Try to find the earth file
            std::string earthFile;
            for(int pos=1;pos<args.argc();++pos)
                if (!args.isOption(pos))
                    earthFile  = args[ pos ];

            v->setEarthFile( earthFile );

            visitor = v;            
            // Create a single thread visitor
            visitor = new TileVisitor();            

    osg::ref_ptr< ProgressCallback > progress = new ConsoleProgressCallback();

    if (verbose)
        visitor->setProgressCallback( progress );

    visitor->setMinLevel( minLevel );
    visitor->setMaxLevel( maxLevel );        

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bounds.size(); i++)
        GeoExtent extent(mapNode->getMapSRS(), bounds[i]);
        OE_DEBUG << "Adding extent " << extent.toString() << std::endl;                
        visitor->addExtent( extent );

    // Setup a TMSPackager with all the options.
    TMSPackager packager;

    // new map for an output earth file if necessary.
    osg::ref_ptr<Map> outMap = 0L;
    if( !outEarth.empty() )
        // copy the options from the source map first
        outMap = new Map( map->getInitialMapOptions() );

    std::string outEarthFile = osgDB::concatPaths( rootFolder, osgDB::getSimpleFileName( outEarth ) );

    // Package an individual image layer
    if (imageLayerIndex >= 0)
        ImageLayer* layer = map->getImageLayerAt(imageLayerIndex);
        if (layer)
            packager.run(layer, map);
            if (writeXML)
                packager.writeXML(layer, map);
            std::cout << "Failed to find an image layer at index " << imageLayerIndex << std::endl;
            return 1;
    // Package an individual elevation layer
    else if (elevationLayerIndex >= 0)
        ElevationLayer* layer = map->getElevationLayerAt(elevationLayerIndex);
        if (layer)
            packager.run(layer, map);
            if (writeXML)
                packager.writeXML(layer, map );
            std::cout << "Failed to find an elevation layer at index " << elevationLayerIndex << std::endl;
            return 1;
        // Package all the ImageLayer's
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < map->getNumImageLayers(); i++)
            ImageLayer* layer = map->getImageLayerAt(i);        
            OE_NOTICE << "Packaging " << layer->getName() << std::endl;
            osg::Timer_t start = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
            packager.run(layer, map);
            osg::Timer_t end = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
            if (verbose)
                OE_NOTICE << "Completed seeding layer " << layer->getName() << " in " << prettyPrintTime( osg::Timer::instance()->delta_s( start, end ) ) << std::endl;

            if (writeXML)
                packager.writeXML(layer, map);

            // save to the output map if requested:
            if( outMap.valid() )
                std::string layerFolder = toLegalFileName( packager.getLayerName() );

                // new TMS driver info:
                TMSOptions tms;
                tms.url() = URI(
                    osgDB::concatPaths( layerFolder, "tms.xml" ),
                    outEarthFile );

                ImageLayerOptions layerOptions( packager.getLayerName(), tms );
                layerOptions.mergeConfig( layer->getInitialOptions().getConfig( true ) );
                layerOptions.cachePolicy() = CachePolicy::NO_CACHE;

                outMap->addImageLayer( new ImageLayer( layerOptions ) );

        // Package all the ElevationLayer's
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < map->getNumElevationLayers(); i++)
            ElevationLayer* layer = map->getElevationLayerAt(i);        
            OE_NOTICE << "Packaging " << layer->getName() << std::endl;
            osg::Timer_t start = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
            packager.run(layer, map);
            osg::Timer_t end = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
            if (verbose)
                OE_NOTICE << "Completed seeding layer " << layer->getName() << " in " << prettyPrintTime( osg::Timer::instance()->delta_s( start, end ) ) << std::endl;
            if (writeXML)
                packager.writeXML(layer, map);

            // save to the output map if requested:
            if( outMap.valid() )
                std::string layerFolder = toLegalFileName( packager.getLayerName() );

                // new TMS driver info:
                TMSOptions tms;
                tms.url() = URI(
                    osgDB::concatPaths( layerFolder, "tms.xml" ),
                    outEarthFile );

                ElevationLayerOptions layerOptions( packager.getLayerName(), tms );
                layerOptions.mergeConfig( layer->getInitialOptions().getConfig( true ) );
                layerOptions.cachePolicy() = CachePolicy::NO_CACHE;

                outMap->addElevationLayer( new ElevationLayer( layerOptions ) );


    // Write out an earth file if it was requested
    // Finally, write an earth file if requested:
    if( outMap.valid() )
        MapNodeOptions outNodeOptions = mapNode->getMapNodeOptions();
        osg::ref_ptr<MapNode> outMapNode = new MapNode( outMap.get(), outNodeOptions );
        if( !osgDB::writeNodeFile( *outMapNode.get(), outEarthFile ) )
            OE_WARN << LC << "Error writing earth file to \"" << outEarthFile << "\"" << std::endl;
        else if( verbose )
            OE_NOTICE << LC << "Wrote earth file to \"" << outEarthFile << "\"" << std::endl;

    return 0;
seed( osg::ArgumentParser& args )

    //Read the min level
    int minLevel = -1;
    while (args.read("--min-level", minLevel));

    //Read the max level
    int maxLevel = -1;
    while (args.read("--max-level", maxLevel));

    bool estimate = args.read("--estimate");        

    std::vector< Bounds > bounds;
    // restrict packaging to user-specified bounds.    
    double xmin=DBL_MAX, ymin=DBL_MAX, xmax=DBL_MIN, ymax=DBL_MIN;
    while (args.read("--bounds", xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax ))
        Bounds b;
        b.xMin() = xmin, b.yMin() = ymin, b.xMax() = xmax, b.yMax() = ymax;
        bounds.push_back( b );

    std::string tileList;
    while (args.read( "--tiles", tileList ) );

    bool verbose = args.read("--verbose");

    unsigned int batchSize = 0;
    args.read("--batchsize", batchSize);

    // Read the concurrency level
    unsigned int concurrency = 0;
    args.read("-c", concurrency);
    args.read("--concurrency", concurrency);

    int imageLayerIndex = -1;
    args.read("--image", imageLayerIndex);

    int elevationLayerIndex = -1;
    args.read("--elevation", elevationLayerIndex);

    //Read in the earth file.
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> node = osgDB::readNodeFiles( args );
    if ( !node.valid() )
        return usage( "Failed to read .earth file." );

    MapNode* mapNode = MapNode::findMapNode( node.get() );
    if ( !mapNode )
        return usage( "Input file was not a .earth file" );

    // Read in an index shapefile
    std::string index;
    while (args.read("--index", index))
        //Open the feature source
        OGRFeatureOptions featureOpt;
        featureOpt.url() = index;        

        osg::ref_ptr< FeatureSource > features = FeatureSourceFactory::create( featureOpt );
        Status status = features->open();

        if (status.isOK())
            osg::ref_ptr< FeatureCursor > cursor = features->createFeatureCursor(0L);
            while (cursor.valid() && cursor->hasMore())
                osg::ref_ptr< Feature > feature = cursor->nextFeature();
                osgEarth::Bounds featureBounds = feature->getGeometry()->getBounds();
                GeoExtent ext( feature->getSRS(), featureBounds );
                ext = ext.transform( mapNode->getMapSRS() );
                bounds.push_back( ext.bounds() );            
            OE_WARN << status.message() << "\n";

    // If they requested to do an estimate then don't do the seed, just print out the estimated values.
    if (estimate)
        CacheEstimator est;
        if ( minLevel >= 0 )
            est.setMinLevel( minLevel );
        if ( maxLevel >= 0 )
            est.setMaxLevel( maxLevel );
        est.setProfile( mapNode->getMap()->getProfile() );

        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bounds.size(); i++)
            GeoExtent extent(mapNode->getMapSRS(), bounds[i]);
            OE_DEBUG << "Adding extent " << extent.toString() << std::endl;
            est.addExtent( extent );

        unsigned int numTiles = est.getNumTiles();
        double size = est.getSizeInMB();
        double time = est.getTotalTimeInSeconds();
        std::cout << "Cache Estimation " << std::endl
            << "---------------- " << std::endl
            << "Total number of tiles: " << numTiles << std::endl
            << "Size on disk:          " << osgEarth::prettyPrintSize( size ) << std::endl
            << "Total time:            " << osgEarth::prettyPrintTime( time ) << std::endl;

        return 0;
    osg::ref_ptr< TileVisitor > visitor;

    // If we are given a task file, load it up and create a new TileKeyListVisitor
    if (!tileList.empty())
        TaskList tasks( mapNode->getMap()->getProfile() );
        tasks.load( tileList );

        TileKeyListVisitor* v = new TileKeyListVisitor();
        v->setKeys( tasks.getKeys() );
        visitor = v;        
        OE_DEBUG << "Read task list with " << tasks.getKeys().size() << " tasks" << std::endl;

    // If we dont' have a visitor create one.
    if (!visitor.valid())
        if (args.read("--mt"))
            // Create a multithreaded visitor
            MultithreadedTileVisitor* v = new MultithreadedTileVisitor();
            if (concurrency > 0)
            visitor = v;            
        else if (args.read("--mp"))
            // Create a multiprocess visitor
            MultiprocessTileVisitor* v = new MultiprocessTileVisitor();
            if (concurrency > 0)

            if (batchSize > 0)

            // Try to find the earth file
            std::string earthFile;
            for(int pos=1;pos<args.argc();++pos)
                if (!args.isOption(pos))
                    earthFile  = args[ pos ];
            v->setEarthFile( earthFile );            
            visitor = v;            
            // Create a single thread visitor
            visitor = new TileVisitor();            

    osg::ref_ptr< ProgressCallback > progress = new ConsoleProgressCallback();
    if (verbose)
        visitor->setProgressCallback( progress.get() );

    if ( minLevel >= 0 )
        visitor->setMinLevel( minLevel );
    if ( maxLevel >= 0 )
        visitor->setMaxLevel( maxLevel );        

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bounds.size(); i++)
        GeoExtent extent(mapNode->getMapSRS(), bounds[i]);
        OE_DEBUG << "Adding extent " << extent.toString() << std::endl;                
        visitor->addExtent( extent );

    // Initialize the seeder
    CacheSeed seeder;

    osgEarth::Map* map = mapNode->getMap();

    // They want to seed an image layer
    if (imageLayerIndex >= 0)
        osg::ref_ptr< ImageLayer > layer = map->getLayerAt<ImageLayer>( imageLayerIndex );
        if (layer)
            OE_NOTICE << "Seeding single layer " << layer->getName() << std::endl;
            osg::Timer_t start = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();        
            seeder.run(layer.get(), map);
            osg::Timer_t end = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
            if (verbose)
                OE_NOTICE << "Completed seeding layer " << layer->getName() << " in " << prettyPrintTime( osg::Timer::instance()->delta_s( start, end ) ) << std::endl;
            std::cout << "Failed to find an image layer at index " << imageLayerIndex << std::endl;
            return 1;

    // They want to seed an elevation layer
    else if (elevationLayerIndex >= 0)
        osg::ref_ptr< ElevationLayer > layer = map->getLayerAt<ElevationLayer>( elevationLayerIndex );
        if (layer)
            OE_NOTICE << "Seeding single layer " << layer->getName() << std::endl;
            osg::Timer_t start = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();        
            seeder.run(layer.get(), map);
            osg::Timer_t end = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
            if (verbose)
                OE_NOTICE << "Completed seeding layer " << layer->getName() << " in " << prettyPrintTime( osg::Timer::instance()->delta_s( start, end ) ) << std::endl;
            std::cout << "Failed to find an elevation layer at index " << elevationLayerIndex << std::endl;
            return 1;
    // They want to seed the entire map
        TerrainLayerVector terrainLayers;

        // Seed all the map layers
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < terrainLayers.size(); ++i)
            osg::ref_ptr< TerrainLayer > layer = terrainLayers[i].get();
            OE_NOTICE << "Seeding layer" << layer->getName() << std::endl;            
            osg::Timer_t start = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
            seeder.run(layer.get(), map);            
            osg::Timer_t end = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
            if (verbose)
                OE_NOTICE << "Completed seeding layer " << layer->getName() << " in " << prettyPrintTime( osg::Timer::instance()->delta_s( start, end ) ) << std::endl;

        //for (unsigned int i = 0; i < map->getNumElevationLayers(); ++i)
        //    osg::ref_ptr< ElevationLayer > layer = map->getElevationLayerAt(i);
        //    OE_NOTICE << "Seeding layer" << layer->getName() << std::endl;
        //    osg::Timer_t start = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
        //    seeder.run(layer.get(), map);            
        //    osg::Timer_t end = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
        //    if (verbose)
        //    {
        //        OE_NOTICE << "Completed seeding layer " << layer->getName() << " in " << prettyPrintTime( osg::Timer::instance()->delta_s( start, end ) ) << std::endl;
        //    }                

    return 0;
Exemple #10
CefRefPtr<BrowserClient> CefHelper::load(osg::ArgumentParser& args, const std::string& htmlFile)
    // Initialize CEF
    CefMainArgs cef_args;
    CefRefPtr<CefApp> cef_app = new OECefApp();

    int exitCode = CefExecuteProcess(cef_args, cef_app, 0L);
    if (exitCode >= 0)
        return 0L;

        CefSettings settings;

        if (getenv("CEF_RESOURCES_DIR") != 0)
            CefString(&settings.resources_dir_path) = getenv("CEF_RESOURCES_DIR");
        if (getenv("CEF_LOCALES_DIR") != 0)
            CefString(&settings.locales_dir_path) = getenv("CEF_LOCALES_DIR");

        settings.windowless_rendering_enabled = true;

        bool result = CefInitialize(cef_args, settings, cef_app, 0L);
        if (!result)
            OE_WARN << LC << "CefInitialize failed." << std::endl;
            return 0L;

    // Read in the html file if needed
    std::string url = "";
    if (htmlFile.length() > 0)
      url = htmlFile;
        if (!args.read("--url", url))
            for( int i=0; i<args.argc(); ++i )
                if ( osgDB::getLowerCaseFileExtension(args[i]) == "html" )
                    url = args[i];
    // No file specified, try the default index.html
    if (url.length() == 0)
        url = osgDB::getRealPath("index.html");

    // No file specified and index.html does not exist so exit
    if (url.length() == 0)
        OE_WARN << LC << "No html file specified, exiting..." << std::endl;
        return 0L;

    // A file or url was specified so get the full address
    std::string fullPath = osgDB::containsServerAddress(url) ? url : osgDB::getRealPath(url);

    // Setup a CompositeViewer
    osg::ref_ptr<osgViewer::CompositeViewer> viewer = new osgViewer::CompositeViewer(args);

    // prevents "ESC" from killing the application
    viewer->setKeyEventSetsDone( 0 );
    viewer->setQuitEventSetsDone( false );

    // Create the BrowserClient
    CefRefPtr<BrowserClient> browserClient = new BrowserClient(viewer.get(), fullPath, 1024, 768);

    return browserClient;