void OSLShader::eval_displacement(KernelGlobals *kg, ShaderData *sd, ShaderContext ctx) { /* setup shader globals from shader data */ OSLThreadData *tdata = kg->osl_tdata; PathState state = {0}; shaderdata_to_shaderglobals(kg, sd, &state, 0, tdata); /* execute shader */ OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)kg->osl_ss; OSL::ShaderGlobals *globals = &tdata->globals; OSL::ShadingContext *octx = tdata->context[(int)ctx]; int shader = sd->shader & SHADER_MASK; if(kg->osl->displacement_state[shader]) { #if OSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_CODE < 10600 ss->execute(*octx, *(kg->osl->displacement_state[shader]), *globals); #else ss->execute(octx, *(kg->osl->displacement_state[shader]), *globals); #endif } /* get back position */ sd->P = TO_FLOAT3(globals->P); }
void OSLShader::eval_volume(KernelGlobals *kg, ShaderData *sd, float randb, int path_flag, ShaderContext ctx) { /* setup shader globals from shader data */ OSLThreadData *tdata = kg->osl_tdata; shaderdata_to_shaderglobals(kg, sd, path_flag, tdata); /* execute shader */ OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)kg->osl_ss; OSL::ShaderGlobals *globals = &tdata->globals; OSL::ShadingContext *octx = tdata->context[(int)ctx]; int shader = sd->shader & SHADER_MASK; if (kg->osl->volume_state[shader]) ss->execute(*octx, *(kg->osl->volume_state[shader]), *globals); if (globals->Ci) flatten_volume_closure_tree(sd, globals->Ci); }
void OSLShader::eval_background(KernelGlobals *kg, ShaderData *sd, PathState *state, int path_flag) { /* setup shader globals from shader data */ OSLThreadData *tdata = kg->osl_tdata; shaderdata_to_shaderglobals(kg, sd, state, path_flag, tdata); /* execute shader for this point */ OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)kg->osl_ss; OSL::ShaderGlobals *globals = &tdata->globals; OSL::ShadingContext *octx = tdata->context; if(kg->osl->background_state) { ss->execute(octx, *(kg->osl->background_state), *globals); } /* return background color immediately */ if(globals->Ci) flatten_background_closure_tree(sd, globals->Ci); }
float3 OSLShader::eval_background(KernelGlobals *kg, ShaderData *sd, int path_flag, ShaderContext ctx) { /* setup shader globals from shader data */ OSLThreadData *tdata = kg->osl_tdata; shaderdata_to_shaderglobals(kg, sd, path_flag, tdata); /* execute shader for this point */ OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)kg->osl_ss; OSL::ShaderGlobals *globals = &tdata->globals; OSL::ShadingContext *octx = tdata->context[(int)ctx]; if (kg->osl->background_state) ss->execute(*octx, *(kg->osl->background_state), *globals); /* return background color immediately */ if (globals->Ci) return flatten_background_closure_tree(globals->Ci); return make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); }
void OSLShader::eval_displacement(KernelGlobals *kg, ShaderData *sd, PathState *state) { /* setup shader globals from shader data */ OSLThreadData *tdata = kg->osl_tdata; shaderdata_to_shaderglobals(kg, sd, state, 0, tdata); /* execute shader */ OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)kg->osl_ss; OSL::ShaderGlobals *globals = &tdata->globals; OSL::ShadingContext *octx = tdata->context; int shader = sd->shader & SHADER_MASK; if(kg->osl->displacement_state[shader]) { ss->execute(octx, *(kg->osl->displacement_state[shader]), *globals); } /* get back position */ sd->P = TO_FLOAT3(globals->P); }
void OSLShader::eval_surface(KernelGlobals *kg, ShaderData *sd, float randb, int path_flag, ShaderContext ctx) { /* setup shader globals from shader data */ OSLThreadData *tdata = kg->osl_tdata; shaderdata_to_shaderglobals(kg, sd, path_flag, tdata); /* execute shader for this point */ OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)kg->osl_ss; OSL::ShaderGlobals *globals = &tdata->globals; OSL::ShadingContext *octx = tdata->context[(int)ctx]; int shader = sd->shader & SHADER_MASK; if (kg->osl->surface_state[shader]) ss->execute(*octx, *(kg->osl->surface_state[shader]), *globals); /* flatten closure tree */ sd->num_closure = 0; sd->randb_closure = randb; if (globals->Ci) { bool no_glossy = (path_flag & PATH_RAY_DIFFUSE) && kernel_data.integrator.no_caustics; flatten_surface_closure_tree(sd, no_glossy, globals->Ci); } }
static void flatten_volume_closure_tree(ShaderData *sd, const OSL::ClosureColor *closure, float3 weight = make_float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)) { /* OSL gives us a closure tree, we flatten it into arrays per * closure type, for evaluation, sampling, etc later on. */ #if OSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_CODE < 10700 switch(closure->type) { #else switch(closure->id) { #endif case OSL::ClosureColor::MUL: { OSL::ClosureMul *mul = (OSL::ClosureMul *)closure; flatten_volume_closure_tree(sd, mul->closure, TO_FLOAT3(mul->weight) * weight); break; } case OSL::ClosureColor::ADD: { OSL::ClosureAdd *add = (OSL::ClosureAdd *)closure; flatten_volume_closure_tree(sd, add->closureA, weight); flatten_volume_closure_tree(sd, add->closureB, weight); break; } default: { OSL::ClosureComponent *comp = (OSL::ClosureComponent *)closure; CClosurePrimitive *prim = (CClosurePrimitive *)comp->data(); if(prim) { ShaderClosure sc; #ifdef OSL_SUPPORTS_WEIGHTED_CLOSURE_COMPONENTS weight = weight*TO_FLOAT3(comp->w); #endif sc.weight = weight; prim->setup(); switch(prim->category) { case CClosurePrimitive::Volume: { CVolumeClosure *volume = (CVolumeClosure *)prim; /* sample weight */ float sample_weight = fabsf(average(weight)); sc.sample_weight = sample_weight; sc.type = volume->sc.type; sc.data0 = volume->sc.data0; sc.data1 = volume->sc.data1; /* add */ if((sc.sample_weight > CLOSURE_WEIGHT_CUTOFF) && (sd->num_closure < MAX_CLOSURE)) { sd->closure[sd->num_closure++] = sc; sd->flag |= volume->shaderdata_flag(); } break; } case CClosurePrimitive::Emissive: { /* sample weight */ float sample_weight = fabsf(average(weight)); sc.sample_weight = sample_weight; sc.type = CLOSURE_EMISSION_ID; sc.data0 = 0.0f; sc.data1 = 0.0f; sc.prim = NULL; /* flag */ if(sd->num_closure < MAX_CLOSURE) { sd->closure[sd->num_closure++] = sc; sd->flag |= SD_EMISSION; } break; } case CClosurePrimitive::Holdout: break; /* not implemented */ case CClosurePrimitive::Background: case CClosurePrimitive::BSDF: case CClosurePrimitive::BSSRDF: case CClosurePrimitive::AmbientOcclusion: break; /* not relevant */ } } } } } void OSLShader::eval_volume(KernelGlobals *kg, ShaderData *sd, PathState *state, int path_flag, ShaderContext ctx) { /* setup shader globals from shader data */ OSLThreadData *tdata = kg->osl_tdata; shaderdata_to_shaderglobals(kg, sd, state, path_flag, tdata); /* execute shader */ OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)kg->osl_ss; OSL::ShaderGlobals *globals = &tdata->globals; OSL::ShadingContext *octx = tdata->context[(int)ctx]; int shader = sd->shader & SHADER_MASK; if(kg->osl->volume_state[shader]) { #if OSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_CODE < 10600 ss->execute(*octx, *(kg->osl->volume_state[shader]), *globals); #else ss->execute(octx, *(kg->osl->volume_state[shader]), *globals); #endif } /* flatten closure tree */ if(globals->Ci) flatten_volume_closure_tree(sd, globals->Ci); }
static float3 flatten_background_closure_tree(const OSL::ClosureColor *closure) { /* OSL gives us a closure tree, if we are shading for background there * is only one supported closure type at the moment, which has no evaluation * functions, so we just sum the weights */ #if OSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_CODE < 10700 switch(closure->type) { #else switch(closure->id) { #endif case OSL::ClosureColor::MUL: { OSL::ClosureMul *mul = (OSL::ClosureMul *)closure; return TO_FLOAT3(mul->weight) * flatten_background_closure_tree(mul->closure); } case OSL::ClosureColor::ADD: { OSL::ClosureAdd *add = (OSL::ClosureAdd *)closure; return flatten_background_closure_tree(add->closureA) + flatten_background_closure_tree(add->closureB); } default: { OSL::ClosureComponent *comp = (OSL::ClosureComponent *)closure; CClosurePrimitive *prim = (CClosurePrimitive *)comp->data(); if(prim && prim->category == CClosurePrimitive::Background) #ifdef OSL_SUPPORTS_WEIGHTED_CLOSURE_COMPONENTS return TO_FLOAT3(comp->w); #else return make_float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); #endif } } return make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } float3 OSLShader::eval_background(KernelGlobals *kg, ShaderData *sd, PathState *state, int path_flag, ShaderContext ctx) { /* setup shader globals from shader data */ OSLThreadData *tdata = kg->osl_tdata; shaderdata_to_shaderglobals(kg, sd, state, path_flag, tdata); /* execute shader for this point */ OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)kg->osl_ss; OSL::ShaderGlobals *globals = &tdata->globals; OSL::ShadingContext *octx = tdata->context[(int)ctx]; if(kg->osl->background_state) { #if OSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_CODE < 10600 ss->execute(*octx, *(kg->osl->background_state), *globals); #else ss->execute(octx, *(kg->osl->background_state), *globals); #endif } /* return background color immediately */ if(globals->Ci) return flatten_background_closure_tree(globals->Ci); return make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); }
static void flatten_surface_closure_tree(ShaderData *sd, int path_flag, const OSL::ClosureColor *closure, float3 weight = make_float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)) { /* OSL gives us a closure tree, we flatten it into arrays per * closure type, for evaluation, sampling, etc later on. */ #if OSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_CODE < 10700 switch(closure->type) { #else switch(closure->id) { #endif case OSL::ClosureColor::MUL: { OSL::ClosureMul *mul = (OSL::ClosureMul *)closure; flatten_surface_closure_tree(sd, path_flag, mul->closure, TO_FLOAT3(mul->weight) * weight); break; } case OSL::ClosureColor::ADD: { OSL::ClosureAdd *add = (OSL::ClosureAdd *)closure; flatten_surface_closure_tree(sd, path_flag, add->closureA, weight); flatten_surface_closure_tree(sd, path_flag, add->closureB, weight); break; } default: { OSL::ClosureComponent *comp = (OSL::ClosureComponent *)closure; CClosurePrimitive *prim = (CClosurePrimitive *)comp->data(); if(prim) { ShaderClosure sc; #ifdef OSL_SUPPORTS_WEIGHTED_CLOSURE_COMPONENTS weight = weight*TO_FLOAT3(comp->w); #endif sc.weight = weight; prim->setup(); switch(prim->category) { case CClosurePrimitive::BSDF: { CBSDFClosure *bsdf = (CBSDFClosure *)prim; int scattering = bsdf->scattering(); /* caustic options */ if((scattering & LABEL_GLOSSY) && (path_flag & PATH_RAY_DIFFUSE)) { KernelGlobals *kg = sd->osl_globals; if((!kernel_data.integrator.caustics_reflective && (scattering & LABEL_REFLECT)) || (!kernel_data.integrator.caustics_refractive && (scattering & LABEL_TRANSMIT))) { return; } } /* sample weight */ float sample_weight = fabsf(average(weight)); sc.sample_weight = sample_weight; sc.type = bsdf->sc.type; sc.N = bsdf->sc.N; sc.T = bsdf->sc.T; sc.data0 = bsdf->sc.data0; sc.data1 = bsdf->sc.data1; sc.data2 = bsdf->sc.data2; sc.prim = bsdf->sc.prim; /* add */ if(sc.sample_weight > CLOSURE_WEIGHT_CUTOFF && sd->num_closure < MAX_CLOSURE) { sd->closure[sd->num_closure++] = sc; sd->flag |= bsdf->shaderdata_flag(); } break; } case CClosurePrimitive::Emissive: { /* sample weight */ float sample_weight = fabsf(average(weight)); sc.sample_weight = sample_weight; sc.type = CLOSURE_EMISSION_ID; sc.data0 = 0.0f; sc.data1 = 0.0f; sc.data2 = 0.0f; sc.prim = NULL; /* flag */ if(sd->num_closure < MAX_CLOSURE) { sd->closure[sd->num_closure++] = sc; sd->flag |= SD_EMISSION; } break; } case CClosurePrimitive::AmbientOcclusion: { /* sample weight */ float sample_weight = fabsf(average(weight)); sc.sample_weight = sample_weight; sc.type = CLOSURE_AMBIENT_OCCLUSION_ID; sc.data0 = 0.0f; sc.data1 = 0.0f; sc.data2 = 0.0f; sc.prim = NULL; if(sd->num_closure < MAX_CLOSURE) { sd->closure[sd->num_closure++] = sc; sd->flag |= SD_AO; } break; } case CClosurePrimitive::Holdout: { sc.sample_weight = 0.0f; sc.type = CLOSURE_HOLDOUT_ID; sc.data0 = 0.0f; sc.data1 = 0.0f; sc.data2 = 0.0f; sc.prim = NULL; if(sd->num_closure < MAX_CLOSURE) { sd->closure[sd->num_closure++] = sc; sd->flag |= SD_HOLDOUT; } break; } case CClosurePrimitive::BSSRDF: { CBSSRDFClosure *bssrdf = (CBSSRDFClosure *)prim; float sample_weight = fabsf(average(weight)); if(sample_weight > CLOSURE_WEIGHT_CUTOFF && sd->num_closure+2 < MAX_CLOSURE) { sc.sample_weight = sample_weight; sc.type = bssrdf->sc.type; sc.N = bssrdf->sc.N; sc.data1 = bssrdf->sc.data1; sc.T.x = bssrdf->sc.T.x; sc.prim = NULL; /* disable in case of diffuse ancestor, can't see it well then and * adds considerably noise due to probabilities of continuing path * getting lower and lower */ if(path_flag & PATH_RAY_DIFFUSE_ANCESTOR) bssrdf->radius = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); /* create one closure for each color channel */ if(fabsf(weight.x) > 0.0f) { sc.weight = make_float3(weight.x, 0.0f, 0.0f); sc.data0 = bssrdf->radius.x; sc.data1 = 0.0f; sd->flag |= bssrdf_setup(&sc, sc.type); sd->closure[sd->num_closure++] = sc; } if(fabsf(weight.y) > 0.0f) { sc.weight = make_float3(0.0f, weight.y, 0.0f); sc.data0 = bssrdf->radius.y; sc.data1 = 0.0f; sd->flag |= bssrdf_setup(&sc, sc.type); sd->closure[sd->num_closure++] = sc; } if(fabsf(weight.z) > 0.0f) { sc.weight = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, weight.z); sc.data0 = bssrdf->radius.z; sc.data1 = 0.0f; sd->flag |= bssrdf_setup(&sc, sc.type); sd->closure[sd->num_closure++] = sc; } } break; } case CClosurePrimitive::Background: case CClosurePrimitive::Volume: break; /* not relevant */ } } break; } } } void OSLShader::eval_surface(KernelGlobals *kg, ShaderData *sd, PathState *state, int path_flag, ShaderContext ctx) { /* setup shader globals from shader data */ OSLThreadData *tdata = kg->osl_tdata; shaderdata_to_shaderglobals(kg, sd, state, path_flag, tdata); /* execute shader for this point */ OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)kg->osl_ss; OSL::ShaderGlobals *globals = &tdata->globals; OSL::ShadingContext *octx = tdata->context[(int)ctx]; int shader = sd->shader & SHADER_MASK; if(kg->osl->surface_state[shader]) { #if OSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_CODE < 10600 ss->execute(*octx, *(kg->osl->surface_state[shader]), *globals); #else ss->execute(octx, *(kg->osl->surface_state[shader]), *globals); #endif } /* flatten closure tree */ if(globals->Ci) flatten_surface_closure_tree(sd, path_flag, globals->Ci); }
void OSLShader::eval_surface(KernelGlobals *kg, ShaderData *sd, PathState *state, int path_flag) { /* setup shader globals from shader data */ OSLThreadData *tdata = kg->osl_tdata; shaderdata_to_shaderglobals(kg, sd, state, path_flag, tdata); /* execute shader for this point */ OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)kg->osl_ss; OSL::ShaderGlobals *globals = &tdata->globals; OSL::ShadingContext *octx = tdata->context; int shader = sd->shader & SHADER_MASK; /* automatic bump shader */ if(kg->osl->bump_state[shader]) { /* save state */ float3 P = sd->P; float3 dPdx = sd->dP.dx; float3 dPdy = sd->dP.dy; /* set state as if undisplaced */ if(sd->flag & SD_HAS_DISPLACEMENT) { float data[9]; bool found = kg->osl->services->get_attribute(sd, true, OSLRenderServices::u_empty, TypeDesc::TypeVector, OSLRenderServices::u_geom_undisplaced, data); (void)found; assert(found); memcpy(&sd->P, data, sizeof(float)*3); memcpy(&sd->dP.dx, data+3, sizeof(float)*3); memcpy(&sd->dP.dy, data+6, sizeof(float)*3); object_position_transform(kg, sd, &sd->P); object_dir_transform(kg, sd, &sd->dP.dx); object_dir_transform(kg, sd, &sd->dP.dy); globals->P = TO_VEC3(sd->P); globals->dPdx = TO_VEC3(sd->dP.dx); globals->dPdy = TO_VEC3(sd->dP.dy); } /* execute bump shader */ ss->execute(octx, *(kg->osl->bump_state[shader]), *globals); /* reset state */ sd->P = P; sd->dP.dx = dPdx; sd->dP.dy = dPdy; globals->P = TO_VEC3(P); globals->dPdx = TO_VEC3(dPdx); globals->dPdy = TO_VEC3(dPdy); } /* surface shader */ if(kg->osl->surface_state[shader]) { ss->execute(octx, *(kg->osl->surface_state[shader]), *globals); } /* flatten closure tree */ if(globals->Ci) flatten_surface_closure_tree(sd, path_flag, globals->Ci); }