RawInput::read_tiff_metadata (const std::string &filename)
    // Many of these raw formats look just like TIFF files, and we can use
    // that to extract a bunch of extra Exif metadata and thumbnail.
    ImageInput *in = ImageInput::create ("tiff");
    if (! in) {
        (void) OIIO::geterror();  // eat the error
    ImageSpec newspec;
    bool ok = in->open (filename, newspec);
    if (ok) {
        // Transfer "Exif:" metadata to the raw spec.
        for (ParamValueList::const_iterator p = newspec.extra_attribs.begin();
                p != newspec.extra_attribs.end();  ++p) {
            if (Strutil::istarts_with (p->name().c_str(), "Exif:")) {
                m_spec.attribute (p->name().c_str(), p->type(), p->data());

    in->close ();
    delete in;
Exemple #2
static void
gather_xmp_attribs(const ImageSpec& spec,
                   std::vector<std::pair<const XMPtag*, std::string>>& list)
    // Loop over all params...
    for (ParamValueList::const_iterator p = spec.extra_attribs.begin();
         p != spec.extra_attribs.end(); ++p) {
        // For this param, see if there's a table entry with a matching
        // name, where the xmp name is in the right category.
        const XMPtag* tag = xmp_tagmap_ref().find(p->name());
        if (tag) {
            if (!Strutil::iequals(p->name(), tag->oiioname))
                continue;  // Name doesn't match
            if (tag->special & Suppress) {
                break;  // Purposely suppressing
            std::string s = stringize(p, *tag);
            if (s.size()) {
                list.emplace_back(tag, s);
                //std::cerr << "  " << tag->xmpname << " = " << s << "\n";