Exemple #1
/**Set the xml string from which the dimension will be generated.
 @param dimensionXMLString : xml string to generate the dimension from.
void IMDDimensionFactory::setXMLString(const std::string& dimensionXMLString)
  Poco::XML::DOMParser pParser;
  Poco::XML::Document* pDoc = pParser.parseString(dimensionXMLString);
  Poco::XML::Element* pDimensionElement = pDoc->documentElement();
  m_dimensionXML = pDimensionElement;
Exemple #2
    Execution method to run the extraction.
    @return location string
    std::string vtkDataSetToWsLocation::execute()
      using Mantid::Geometry::MDGeometryXMLDefinitions;
      FieldDataToMetadata convert;
      std::string xmlString = convert(m_dataset->GetFieldData(), XMLDefinitions::metaDataId());

      Poco::XML::DOMParser pParser;
      Poco::XML::Document* pDoc = pParser.parseString(xmlString);
      Poco::XML::Element* pRootElem = pDoc->documentElement();
      Poco::XML::Element* wsLocationElem = pRootElem->getChildElement(MDGeometryXMLDefinitions::workspaceLocationElementName());
      if(wsLocationElem == NULL)
        throw std::runtime_error("The element containing the workspace location must be present.");
      return wsLocationElem->innerText();
Exemple #3
    Execution method to run the extraction.
    @return implicit function if one could be found, or a NullImplicitFunction.
    Mantid::Geometry::MDImplicitFunction* vtkDataSetToImplicitFunction::execute()
      using Mantid::MDAlgorithms::NullImplicitFunction;
      using Mantid::Geometry::MDGeometryXMLDefinitions;
      Mantid::Geometry::MDImplicitFunction* function = new NullImplicitFunction;

      FieldDataToMetadata convert;
      std::string xmlString = convert(m_dataset->GetFieldData(), XMLDefinitions::metaDataId()); 
      if (false == xmlString.empty())
        Poco::XML::DOMParser pParser;
        Poco::XML::Document* pDoc = pParser.parseString(xmlString);
        Poco::XML::Element* pRootElem = pDoc->documentElement();
        Poco::XML::Element* functionElem = pRootElem->getChildElement(MDGeometryXMLDefinitions::functionElementName());
        if(NULL != functionElem)
          delete function;
          function = Mantid::API::ImplicitFunctionFactory::Instance().createUnwrapped(functionElem);
      return function;
svgtiny_code svgtiny_parse(struct svgtiny_diagram *diagram,
		const char *buffer, size_t size, const char *url,
		int viewport_width, int viewport_height)
    Poco::XML::Document *document;
	//Poco::XML::Element *svg;
    Poco::XML::Element *svg;
	struct svgtiny_parse_state state;
	float x, y, width, height;
	svgtiny_code code;

    std::string str(buffer);
    Poco::XML::DOMParser parser;
    document = parser.parseString(str);

    svg = document->documentElement();
    //std::cout << svg->localName() << std::endl;
	if (!svg)
		return svgtiny_NOT_SVG;
    if (svg->localName().compare("svg") != 0)
		return svgtiny_NOT_SVG;

	/* get graphic dimensions */
	state.diagram = diagram;
	state.document = document;
	state.viewport_width = viewport_width;
	state.viewport_height = viewport_height;
	svgtiny_parse_position_attributes(svg, state, &x, &y, &width, &height);
	diagram->width = width;
	diagram->height = height;

	/* set up parsing state */
	state.viewport_width = width;
	state.viewport_height = height;
	state.ctm.a = 1; /*(float) viewport_width / (float) width;*/
	state.ctm.b = 0;
	state.ctm.c = 0;
	state.ctm.d = 1; /*(float) viewport_height / (float) height;*/
	state.ctm.e = 0; /*x;*/
	state.ctm.f = 0; /*y;*/
	/*state.style = css_base_style;
	state.style.font_size.value.length.value = option_font_size * 0.1;*/
	state.fill = 0x000000;
	state.stroke = svgtiny_TRANSPARENT;
	state.stroke_width = 1;
	state.linear_gradient_stop_count = 0;

	/* parse tree */
	code = svgtiny_parse_svg(svg, state, diagram);

	/* free XML tree */

	return code;
   * Reads detctor ids for groups from an XML grouping file, such as one created by the SpatialGrouping algorithm.
   * @param filename :: path and name of input file
   * @throw FileError is there is a problem with the XML file
  void ReadGroupsFromFile::readXMLGroupingFile(const std::string& filename)
    Poco::XML::DOMParser xmlParser;
    Poco::XML::Document* file;
      file = xmlParser.parse(filename);
    catch ( ... )
      throw Kernel::Exception::FileError("Unable to parse file: ", filename);

    Poco::XML::Element* root = file->documentElement();
    if ( ! root->hasChildNodes() )
      throw Kernel::Exception::FileError("No root element in XML grouping file: ", filename);

    Poco::XML::NodeList* groups = root->getElementsByTagName("group");

    if ( groups->length() == 0 )
      throw Kernel::Exception::FileError("XML group file contains no group elements:", filename);

    unsigned int nGroups = static_cast<unsigned int>(groups->length());
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nGroups; i++ )
      // Get the "detids" element from the grouping file
      Poco::XML::Element* elem = static_cast<Poco::XML::Element*>(groups->item(i));
      Poco::XML::Element* group = elem->getChildElement("detids");

      if ( ! group )
        throw Mantid::Kernel::Exception::FileError("XML Group File, group contains no <detids> element:", filename);
      std::string ids = group->getAttribute("val");

      Poco::StringTokenizer data(ids, ",", Poco::StringTokenizer::TOK_TRIM);

      if ( data.begin() != data.end() )
        for ( Poco::StringTokenizer::Iterator it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); ++it )
          // cast the string to an int
          int detID;
            detID = boost::lexical_cast<int>(*it);
          } catch ( boost::bad_lexical_cast & )
            throw Mantid::Kernel::Exception::FileError("Could cast string to integer in input XML file", filename);
          if ( calibration.find(detID) == calibration.end() )
            // add detector to a group
            calibration[detID] = std::pair<int,int>(i+1, 1);

svgtiny_code svgtiny_parse(svgInfo &info,struct svgtiny_diagram *diagram, const char *buffer,int viewport_width, int viewport_height){
    Poco::XML::Document *document;
    Poco::XML::Element *svg;
	struct svgtiny_parse_state state;
	float x, y, width, height;
	svgtiny_code code;


    string rawXMLstring(buffer);
    //info.rawXML = rawXMLstring;
    //parser is statically allocated
    Poco::XML::DOMParser parser;
     Why does this upset the internal SVG parser?
    //parser.setFeature(Poco::XML::XMLReader::FEATURE_NAMESPACES, false);
    document = parser.parseString(rawXMLstring);

    svg = document->documentElement();
    //std::cout << svg->localName() << std::endl;
	if (!svg){
		code = svgtiny_NOT_SVG;
        return code;
    }else if(svg->localName().compare("svg") != 0){
		code= svgtiny_NOT_SVG;
        return code;
	/* get graphic dimensions */
	state.diagram = diagram;
	state.document = document;
	state.viewport_width = viewport_width;
	state.viewport_height = viewport_height;
	svgtiny_parse_position_attributes(svg, state, &x, &y, &width, &height);
	diagram->width = width;
	diagram->height = height;

	/* set up parsing state */
	state.viewport_width = width;
	state.viewport_height = height;
	state.ctm.a = 1; /*(float) viewport_width / (float) width;*/
	state.ctm.b = 0;
	state.ctm.c = 0;
	state.ctm.d = 1; /*(float) viewport_height / (float) height;*/
	state.ctm.e = 0; /*x;*/
	state.ctm.f = 0; /*y;*/
	/*state.style = css_base_style;
	state.style.font_size.value.length.value = option_font_size * 0.1;*/
	state.fill = 0x000000;
	state.stroke = svgtiny_TRANSPARENT;
	state.stroke_width = 1;
	state.linear_gradient_stop_count = 0;
    state.info = &info;

	/* parse tree */

    ofPtr<svgNode> rootnode(new svgNode());
    rootnode->type = SVG_TAG_TYPE_DOCUMENT;
    info.rootnode = rootnode;
        //store root svg info
        info.width = ofToString(svg->getAttribute("width").c_str());
        info.height = ofToString(svg->getAttribute("height").c_str());
        info.x = ofToString(svg->getAttribute("x").c_str());
        info.y = ofToString(svg->getAttribute("y").c_str());
        info.viewbox = ofToString(svg->getAttribute("viewBox").c_str());
        info.id = ofToString(svg->getAttribute("id").c_str());
        info.xmlns = ofToString(svg->getAttribute("xmlns").c_str());
        info.version = ofToString(svg->getAttribute("version").c_str());
        info.preserveAspectRatio = ofToString(svg->getAttribute("preserveAspectRatio").c_str());
	code = svgtiny_parse_svg(info,svg, state,rootnode);

	/* free XML tree */
    //return without namespace
    //parser.setFeature(Poco::XML::XMLReader::FEATURE_NAMESPACES, false);
    //document = parser.parseString(rawXMLstring);

	return code;
void DebugBreakpointManager::RestoreState(const Poco::Path& path)
    Poco::XML::DOMParser parser;

    Poco::FileInputStream reader(path.toString());
    Poco::XML::InputSource source(reader);

    Poco::XML::Document* doc = parser.parse(&source);
    Poco::XML::Element* breakpoints = doc->documentElement();

    if (breakpoints)
      // restore object breakpoints
      Poco::XML::NodeList* elementList = breakpoints->getElementsByTagName(
      for (std::size_t i = 0; i < elementList->length(); i++)
        Poco::XML::Element* elem =
            dynamic_cast<Poco::XML::Element*> (elementList->item(i));

        if (!elem->hasAttribute(ID_ATTR))

        const std::string& attr = elem->getAttribute(ID_ATTR);

        int traceId = 0;
          traceId = Poco::NumberParser::parse(attr);
        } catch (const Poco::SyntaxException& e)
          BERRY_WARN << e.displayText();


      // restore smartpointer breakpoints
      elementList = breakpoints->getElementsByTagName(SMARTPOINTER_TAG);
      for (std::size_t i = 0; i < elementList->length(); i++)
        Poco::XML::Element* elem =
            dynamic_cast<Poco::XML::Element*> (elementList->item(i));

        if (!elem->hasAttribute(ID_ATTR))

        const std::string& attr = elem->getAttribute(ID_ATTR);

        int spId = 0;
          spId = Poco::NumberParser::parse(attr);
        } catch (const Poco::SyntaxException& e)
          BERRY_WARN << e.displayText();


  } catch (Poco::XML::SAXParseException& e)
    BERRY_WARN << e.displayText();
  catch (Poco::FileNotFoundException& /*e*/)

  catch (Poco::FileException& e)
    BERRY_WARN << e.displayText();
Exemple #8
void DebugUtil::RestoreState()
    Poco::Path path;
    if (!GetPersistencePath(path)) return;


        Poco::XML::DOMParser parser;

        Poco::FileInputStream reader(path.toString());
        Poco::XML::InputSource source(reader);

        Poco::XML::Document* doc = parser.parse(&source);
        Poco::XML::Element* debugutil = doc->documentElement();

        if (debugutil)
            // restore traced objects
            Poco::XML::NodeList* elementList = debugutil->getElementsByTagName(TRACEOBJECT_TAG);
            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < elementList->length(); i++)
                Poco::XML::Element* elem =
                    dynamic_cast<Poco::XML::Element*> (elementList->item(static_cast<unsigned long>(i)));

                if (!elem->hasAttribute(ID_ATTR)) continue;

                const std::string& attr = elem->getAttribute(ID_ATTR);

                int traceId = 0;
                    traceId = Poco::NumberParser::parse(attr);
                catch (const Poco::SyntaxException& e)
                    BERRY_WARN << e.displayText();


            // restore traced classes
            elementList = debugutil->getElementsByTagName(TRACECLASS_TAG);
            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < elementList->length(); i++)
                Poco::XML::Element* elem =
                    dynamic_cast<Poco::XML::Element*> (elementList->item(static_cast<unsigned long>(i)));

                if (!elem->hasAttribute(NAME_ATTR)) continue;

                const std::string& traceClass = elem->getAttribute(NAME_ATTR);
                if (!traceClass.empty())

    catch (Poco::XML::SAXParseException& e)
        BERRY_WARN << e.displayText();
    catch (Poco::FileNotFoundException&)

    catch (Poco::FileException& e)
        BERRY_WARN << e.displayText();

    // restore BreakpointManager