string HRCReport::toStr(const Poco::DateTime& date) const{ std::ostringstream ostr; string sDate; ostr << << "/" << date.month() << "/" << date.year(); sDate = ostr.str(); return sDate; }
void InactiveIdentityRequester::PopulateIDList() { Poco::DateTime weekago; int id; int count=0; SQLite3DB::Transaction trans(m_db); weekago-=Poco::Timespan(7,0,0,0,0); weekago.assign(weekago.year(),weekago.month(),,0,0,0); // only selects, deferred OK trans.Begin(); // select identities we want to query (haven't seen yet today) - sort by their trust level (descending) with secondary sort on how long ago we saw them (ascending) SQLite3DB::Statement st=m_db->Prepare("SELECT IdentityID FROM tblIdentity WHERE PublicKey IS NOT NULL AND PublicKey <> '' AND LastSeen IS NOT NULL AND LastSeen<? AND tblIdentity.FailureCount<=(SELECT OptionValue FROM tblOption WHERE Option='MaxFailureCount') AND (PurgeDate IS NULL OR PurgeDate>datetime('now')) ORDER BY RANDOM();"); st.Bind(0, Poco::DateTimeFormatter::format(weekago,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")); trans.Step(st); m_ids.clear(); while(st.RowReturned()) { st.ResultInt(0,id); m_ids[std::pair<long,long>(count,id)].m_requested=false; trans.Step(st); count+=1; } trans.Finalize(st); trans.Commit(); }
void ForecastParser::startElement(const Poco::XML::XMLString& namespaceURI, const Poco::XML::XMLString& localName, const Poco::XML::XMLString& qname, const Poco::XML::Attributes& attributes) { static std::map <int, int> hmap = hourMap(); if (localName == "time"){ int tz = 0; data.dateStr = attributes.getValue("", "from"); std::cout << data.dateStr << std::endl; Poco::DateTime dt; Poco::DateTimeParser::parse(data.dateStr, dt, tz); = Poco::DateTime( dt.year(), dt.month(),, hmap[dt.hour()] ); } if (localName == "temperature"){ data.temperature = Poco::NumberParser::parse(attributes.getValue("", "value")); } if (localName == "symbol"){ data.img = Poco::NumberParser::parse(attributes.getValue("", "number")); = attributes.getValue("", "name"); } if (localName == "windSpeed"){ data.wind = Poco::NumberParser::parseFloat(attributes.getValue("", "mps")); } if (localName == "precipitation"){ data.precipitation = Poco::NumberParser::parseFloat(attributes.getValue("", "value")); } }
void SyslogParser::parseNew(const std::string& msg, RemoteSyslogChannel::Severity severity, RemoteSyslogChannel::Facility fac, std::size_t& pos) { Poco::Message::Priority prio = convert(severity); // rest of the unparsed header is: // VERSION SP TIMESTAMP SP HOSTNAME SP APP-NAME SP PROCID SP MSGID std::string versionStr(parseUntilSpace(msg, pos)); std::string timeStr(parseUntilSpace(msg, pos)); // can be the nilvalue! std::string hostName(parseUntilSpace(msg, pos)); std::string appName(parseUntilSpace(msg, pos)); std::string procId(parseUntilSpace(msg, pos)); std::string msgId(parseUntilSpace(msg, pos)); std::string message(msg.substr(pos)); pos = msg.size(); Poco::DateTime date; int tzd = 0; bool hasDate = Poco::DateTimeParser::tryParse(RemoteSyslogChannel::SYSLOG_TIMEFORMAT, timeStr, date, tzd); Poco::Message logEntry(msgId, message, prio); logEntry["host"] = hostName; logEntry["app"] = appName; if (hasDate) logEntry.setTime(date.timestamp()); int lval(0); Poco::NumberParser::tryParse(procId, lval); logEntry.setPid(lval); _pListener->log(logEntry); }
void MongoDBTest::testInsertRequest() { if (!_connected) { std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl; return; } Poco::MongoDB::Document::Ptr player = new Poco::MongoDB::Document(); player->add("lastname", std::string("Braem")); player->add("firstname", std::string("Franky")); Poco::DateTime birthdate; birthdate.assign(1969, 3, 9); player->add("birthdate", birthdate.timestamp()); player->add("start", 1993); player->add("active", false); Poco::DateTime now; std::cout << << " " << now.hour() << ":" << now.minute() << ":" << now.second() << std::endl; player->add("lastupdated", now.timestamp()); player->add("unknown", NullValue()); Poco::MongoDB::InsertRequest request("team.players"); request.documents().push_back(player); _mongo.sendRequest(request); }
void run() { for(int i=0; i<kNumEnqueueByChild; ++i) { int counter = ++m_counter; Poco::DateTime datetime; datetime += Poco::Timespan(*1000); m_queue.enqueueNotification(new ChildNotification(counter, m_name, datetime), datetime.timestamp()); datetime.makeLocal(Poco::Timezone::tzd()); m_msg.Message(Poco::format(" enqueueNotification #%d from %s (%s)" , counter , m_name , Poco::DateTimeFormatter::format(datetime.timestamp(), "%H:%M:%S.%i"))); } }
int main() { Poco::DateTime now; char szClientName[256] = { 0, }; sprintf_s(szClientName, 256 - 1, "(%d-%d)", now.second(), now.millisecond()); std::cout << "clinet(" << szClientName << ") 서버에 연결 시도..." << std::endl; Poco::Net::StreamSocket ss; try { ss.connect(Poco::Net::SocketAddress("localhost", PORT)); for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { char szMessage[256] = { 0, }; sprintf_s(szMessage, 256 - 1, "%d, Send Message From %s", i, szClientName); auto nMsgLen = (int)strnlen_s(szMessage, 256 - 1); ss.sendBytes(szMessage, nMsgLen); std::cout << "서버에 보낸 메시지: " << szMessage << std::endl; char buffer[256] = { 0, }; auto len = ss.receiveBytes(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (len <= 0) { std::cout << "서버와 연결이 끊어졌습니다" << std::endl; break; } std::cout << "서버로부터 받은 메시지: " << buffer << std::endl; Poco::Thread::sleep(256); } ss.close(); } catch (Poco::Exception& exc) { std::cout << "서버 접속 실패: " << exc.displayText() << std::endl; } getchar(); return 0; }
void ClearHistory::Stop() { if (!_stopped) { _rdbmsClearHis->stop(); _stopped = true; Poco::DateTime dataTime; dataTime += 10; ClearQueue.enqueueNotification(new ClearNotofication(0 ),dataTime.timestamp()); _thread.join(); ClearQueue.clear(); g_pClearHistory = NULL; } }
void TextSerializer::dump() { if (buffer.size() == 0) return; Poco::DateTime date = buffer[0]->DateTime; string file = Poco::format("%s/%04d%02d%02d.csv", path, date.year(), date.month(),; std::ofstream os; (file, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app); for (int i = 0; i < buffer.size(); i++) os << serTick(buffer[i]); os << std::flush; os.close(); }
//---------------------------------------- // main //---------------------------------------- int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/) { PrepareConsoleLogger logger(Poco::Logger::ROOT, Poco::Message::PRIO_INFORMATION); ScopedLogMessage msg("DateTimeTest ", "start", "end"); Poco::DateTime dateTime; msg.Message(" Current DateTime (UTC)"); DisplayDateTime(dateTime, msg); msg.Message(Poco::format(" Current DateTime (Locat Time: %s [GMT%+d])", Poco::Timezone::name(), Poco::Timezone::tzd()/(60*60))); dateTime.makeLocal(Poco::Timezone::tzd()); DisplayDateTime(dateTime, msg); msg.Message(Poco::format(Poco::DateTimeFormatter::format(dateTime, " DateTimeFormatter: %w %b %e %H:%M:%S %%s %Y") , Poco::Timezone::name())); return 0; }
void TrustListInserter::CheckForNeededInsert() { Poco::DateTime date; int; date-=Poco::Timespan(0,6,0,0,0); // insert trust lists every 6 hours - if 6 hours ago was different day then set to midnight of current day to insert list today ASAP if(currentday! { date.assign(date.year(),date.month(),currentday,0,0,0); } SQLite3DB::Statement st=m_db->Prepare("SELECT LocalIdentityID, PrivateKey FROM tblLocalIdentity WHERE tblLocalIdentity.Active='true' AND PrivateKey IS NOT NULL AND PrivateKey <> '' AND PublishTrustList='true' AND InsertingTrustList='false' AND (LastInsertedTrustList<=? OR LastInsertedTrustList IS NULL);"); st.Bind(0,Poco::DateTimeFormatter::format(date,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")); st.Step(); if(st.RowReturned()) { int lid=0; std::string pkey(""); st.ResultInt(0,lid); st.ResultText(1,pkey); StartInsert(lid,pkey); } }
CThostFtdcDepthMarketDataField* Exchange::GenTick() { Poco::DateTime now; string date = Poco::format("%02d%02d%02d", now.year(), now.month(),; string time = Poco::format("%02d:%02d:%02d", now.hour(), now.minute(), now.second()); strcpy(tick->TradingDay, date.c_str()); strcpy(tick->UpdateTime, time.c_str()); strcpy(tick->InstrumentID, INSTRUMENT); tick->UpdateMillisec = now.millisecond(); tick->LastPrice = RandomWalk(tick->LastPrice); tick->Volume = tick->Volume; return tick; }
char* prefix(char* buffer, const std::size_t len, const char* level) { const char *threadName = Util::getThreadName(); #ifdef __linux const long osTid = Util::getThreadId(); #elif defined IOS const auto osTid = pthread_mach_thread_np(pthread_self()); #endif Poco::DateTime time; snprintf(buffer, len, "%s-%.05lu %.4u-%.2u-%.2u %.2u:%.2u:%.2u.%.6u [ %s ] %s ", (Source.getInited() ? Source.getId().c_str() : "<shutdown>"), osTid, time.year(), time.month(),, time.hour(), time.minute(), time.second(), time.millisecond() * 1000 + time.microsecond(), threadName, level); return buffer; }
void IntroductionPuzzleInserter::CheckForNeededInsert() { // only do 1 insert at a time if(m_inserting.size()==0) { // select all local ids that aren't single use and that aren't currently inserting a puzzle and are publishing a trust list SQLite3DB::Statement st=m_db->Prepare("SELECT LocalIdentityID FROM tblLocalIdentity WHERE tblLocalIdentity.Active='true' AND PublishTrustList='true' AND SingleUse='false' AND PrivateKey IS NOT NULL AND PrivateKey <> '' ORDER BY LastInsertedPuzzle;"); st.Step(); // FIXME Convert to nested SELECT SQLite3DB::Statement st2=m_db->Prepare("SELECT UUID FROM tblIntroductionPuzzleInserts WHERE Day=? AND FoundSolution='false' AND LocalIdentityID=?;"); while(st.RowReturned()) { int localidentityid=0; std::string localidentityidstr=""; Poco::DateTime now; float minutesbetweeninserts=0; minutesbetweeninserts=1440.0/(float)m_maxpuzzleinserts; Poco::DateTime lastinsert=now; lastinsert-=Poco::Timespan(0,0,minutesbetweeninserts,0,0); st.ResultInt(0, localidentityid); StringFunctions::Convert(localidentityid, localidentityidstr); // if this identity has any non-solved puzzles for today, we don't need to insert a new puzzle st2.Bind(0, Poco::DateTimeFormatter::format(now,"%Y-%m-%d")); st2.Bind(1, localidentityid); st2.Step(); // identity doesn't have any non-solved puzzles for today - start a new insert if(!st2.RowReturned()) { // make sure we are on the next day or the appropriate amount of time has elapsed since the last insert std::map<int,Poco::DateTime>::iterator i; if((i=m_lastinserted.find(localidentityid))==m_lastinserted.end() || (*i).second<=lastinsert || (*i)! { StartInsert(localidentityid); m_lastinserted[localidentityid]=now; } else { m_log->trace("IntroductionPuzzleInserter::CheckForNeededInsert waiting to insert puzzle for "+localidentityidstr); } } else { st2.Reset(); } st.Step(); } } }
void MongoDBTest::testInsertRequest() { Poco::MongoDB::Document::Ptr player = new Poco::MongoDB::Document(); player->add("lastname", std::string("Braem")); player->add("firstname", std::string("Franky")); Poco::DateTime birthdate; birthdate.assign(1969, 3, 9); player->add("birthdate", birthdate.timestamp()); player->add("start", 1993); player->add("active", false); Poco::DateTime now; player->add("lastupdated", now.timestamp()); player->add("unknown", NullValue()); Poco::MongoDB::InsertRequest request("team.players"); request.documents().push_back(player); _mongo->sendRequest(request); }
void Utility::dateTimeSync(SQL_TIMESTAMP_STRUCT& ts, const Poco::DateTime& dt) { ts.year = dt.year(); ts.month = dt.month(); =; ts.hour = dt.hour(); ts.minute = dt.minute(); ts.second = dt.second(); // Fraction support is limited to milliseconds due to MS SQL Server limitation // see ts.fraction = (dt.millisecond() * 1000000);// + (dt.microsecond() * 1000); }
void Utility::dateTimeSync(Poco::DateTime& dt, const SQL_TIMESTAMP_STRUCT& ts) { double msec = ts.fraction/1000000; double usec = 1000 * (msec - std::floor(msec)); dt.assign(ts.year, ts.month,, ts.hour, ts.minute, ts.second, (int) std::floor(msec), (int) std::floor(usec)); }
Poco::DateTime CSunRiseSet::GetSolarNoon(double dLon, Poco::DateTime time) { bool bLeap = IsLeapYear(time.year()); int iJulianDay = CalcJulianDay(time.month(),,bLeap); double timeGMT = calcSolNoonGMT(iJulianDay, dLon); double dHour = timeGMT / 60; int iHour = (int)dHour; double dMinute = 60 * (dHour - iHour); int iMinute = (int)dMinute; double dSecond = 60 * (dMinute - iMinute); int iSecond = (int)dSecond; Poco::DateTime NewTime(time.year(),time.month(),,iHour,iMinute,iSecond); NewTime.makeLocal(Poco::Timezone::tzd() - Poco::Timezone::dst()); return NewTime; }
Poco::DateTime CSunRiseSet::GetSunrise(double dLat,double dLon, Poco::DateTime time) { bool bLeap = IsLeapYear(time.year()); int iJulianDay = CalcJulianDay(time.month(),,bLeap); double timeGMT = calcSunriseGMT(iJulianDay, dLat,dLon); // if Northern hemisphere and spring or summer, use last sunrise and next sunset if ((dLat > 66.4) && (iJulianDay > 79) && (iJulianDay < 267)) timeGMT = findRecentSunrise(iJulianDay, dLat, dLon); // if Northern hemisphere and fall or winter, use next sunrise and last sunset else if ((dLat > 66.4) && ((iJulianDay < 83) || (iJulianDay > 263))) timeGMT = findNextSunrise(iJulianDay, dLat, dLon); // if Southern hemisphere and fall or winter, use last sunrise and next sunset else if((dLat < -66.4) && ((iJulianDay < 83) || (iJulianDay > 263))) timeGMT = findRecentSunrise(iJulianDay, dLat, dLon); // if Southern hemisphere and spring or summer, use next sunrise and last sunset else if((dLat < -66.4) && (iJulianDay > 79) && (iJulianDay < 267)) timeGMT = findNextSunrise(iJulianDay, dLat, dLon); // else // { //("Unaccountable Missing Sunrise!"); // } double dHour = timeGMT / 60; int iHour = (int)dHour; double dMinute = 60 * (dHour - iHour); int iMinute = (int)dMinute; double dSecond = 60 * (dMinute - iMinute); int iSecond = (int)dSecond; Poco::DateTime NewTime(time.year(),time.month(),,iHour,iMinute,iSecond); NewTime.makeLocal(Poco::Timezone::tzd() - Poco::Timezone::dst()); return NewTime; }
/* Function to populate TSK Blackboard exif related attributes */ void extractExifData(ExifData * exifData, TskFile * pFile) { std::map<ExifTag, TSK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE>::iterator it; std::vector<TskBlackboardAttribute> attrs; std::string datetime = ""; int timezone = 0; for (it = tagMap.begin(); it != tagMap.end(); ++it) { ExifEntry * exifEntry = exif_data_get_entry(exifData, it->first); char tag_data[256]; if (exifEntry == NULL) continue; if (it->first == EXIF_TAG_GPS_LATITUDE || it->first == EXIF_TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE) { // Check for the EXIF_IFD_GPS image file directory to avoid interoperability value ExifIfd ifd = exif_entry_get_ifd(exifEntry); if (ifd != EXIF_IFD_GPS) continue; exif_entry_get_value(exifEntry, tag_data, 256); float decDegrees = getDecimalDegrees(tag_data); char refValue[2]; if (it->first == EXIF_TAG_GPS_LATITUDE) { // Get the latitude reference value; used to determine if positive or negative decimal value ExifEntry * latitudeRef = exif_data_get_entry(exifData, it->first); exif_entry_get_value(latitudeRef, refValue,2); if (strcmp(refValue, "S") == 0) decDegrees *= -1; } else { // Get the longitude reference value; used to determine if positive or negative decimal value ExifEntry * longitudeRef = exif_data_get_entry(exifData, it->first); exif_entry_get_value(longitudeRef, refValue,2); if (strcmp(refValue, "W") == 0) decDegrees *= -1; } TskBlackboardAttribute attr(it->second, name(), "", decDegrees); attrs.push_back(attr); } else if (it->first == EXIF_TAG_GPS_SPEED) { // Check for the EXIF_IFD_GPS image file directory to avoid interoperability value ExifIfd ifd = exif_entry_get_ifd(exifEntry); if (ifd != EXIF_IFD_GPS) continue; //Get the GPS speed value exif_entry_get_value(exifEntry, tag_data, 256); float speed = getGPSSpeed(tag_data); char refValue[2]; //Get the GPS speed reference value ExifEntry * speedRef = exif_data_get_entry(exifData, it->first); exif_entry_get_value(speedRef, refValue,2); //Convert Kilometers per hour to meters per second if (strcmp(refValue, "K") == 0) { speed *= 0.277778; } //Convert Miles per hour to meters per second if (strcmp(refValue, "M") == 0) { speed *= 0.44704; } //Convert Knots to meters per second if (strcmp(refValue, "N") == 0) { speed *= 0.514444; } TskBlackboardAttribute attr(it->second, name(), "", speed); attrs.push_back(attr); } else if (it->first == EXIF_TAG_DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL) { exif_entry_get_value(exifEntry, tag_data, 256); datetime = std::string(tag_data); } else if(it->first == EXIF_TAG_TIME_ZONE_OFFSET){ exif_entry_get_value(exifEntry, tag_data, 256); timezone = atoi(tag_data); } else { // Get the tag's data exif_entry_get_value(exifEntry, tag_data, 256); // Add tag data to blackboard TskBlackboardAttribute attr(it->second, name(), "", tag_data); attrs.push_back(attr); } } if(!datetime.empty()){ Poco::DateTime parsedDT; int tzd; Poco::DateTimeParser::tryParse(datetime, parsedDT, tzd); if(timezone) parsedDT.makeUTC(timezone); else parsedDT.makeUTC(tzd); TskBlackboardAttribute attr(TSK_DATETIME, name(), "", (uint64_t)parsedDT.utcTime()); attrs.push_back(attr); } if(attrs.size() > 0){ TskBlackboardArtifact art = pFile->createArtifact(TSK_METADATA_EXIF); for(size_t i = 0; i < attrs.size(); i++){ art.addAttribute(attrs[i]); } } }
void SyslogParser::parseBSD(const std::string& msg, RemoteSyslogChannel::Severity severity, RemoteSyslogChannel::Facility fac, std::size_t& pos) { Poco::Message::Priority prio = convert(severity); // rest of the unparsed header is: // "%b %f %H:%M:%S" SP hostname|ipaddress // detect three spaces int spaceCnt = 0; std::size_t start = pos; while (spaceCnt < 3 && pos < msg.size()) { if (msg[pos] == ' ') { spaceCnt++; if (spaceCnt == 1) { // size must be 3 chars for month if (pos - start != 3) { // probably a shortened time value, or the hostname // assume hostName Poco::Message logEntry(msg.substr(start, pos-start), msg.substr(pos+1), prio); _pListener->log(logEntry); return; } } else if (spaceCnt == 2) { // a day value! if (!(std::isdigit(msg[pos-1]) && (std::isdigit(msg[pos-2]) || std::isspace(msg[pos-2])))) { // assume the next field is a hostname spaceCnt = 3; } } if (pos + 1 < msg.size() && msg[pos+1] == ' ') { // we have two spaces when the day value is smaller than 10! ++pos; // skip one } } ++pos; } std::string timeStr(msg.substr(start, pos-start-1)); int tzd(0); Poco::DateTime date; int year = date.year(); // year is not included, use the current one bool hasDate = Poco::DateTimeParser::tryParse(RemoteSyslogChannel::BSD_TIMEFORMAT, timeStr, date, tzd); if (hasDate) { int m = date.month(); int d =; int h = date.hour(); int min = date.minute(); int sec = date.second(); date = Poco::DateTime(year, m, d, h, min, sec); } // next entry is host SP std::string hostName(parseUntilSpace(msg, pos)); // TAG: at most 32 alphanumeric chars, ANY non alphannumeric indicates start of message content // ignore: treat everything as content std::string message(msg.substr(pos)); pos = msg.size(); Poco::Message logEntry(hostName, message, prio); logEntry.setTime(date.timestamp()); _pListener->log(logEntry); }
void convert(const std::string& path) { Poco::Path p(path); Poco::Path op(path); if (_output.empty()) { op.setExtension("cpsp"); } else { op = _output; } if (_contentType.empty()) { _contentType = extToContentType(p.getExtension()); } if (_clazz.empty()) { _clazz = p.getBaseName(); } Poco::FileInputStream istr(path); Poco::FileOutputStream ostr(op.toString()); ostr << "<%@ page\n" << " contentType=\"" << _contentType << "\"\n" << " form=\"false\"\n" << " namespace=\"" << _namespace << "\"\n" << " class=\"" << _clazz << "\"\n" << " precondition=\"checkModified(request)\"%><%@" << " impl include=\"Poco/DateTime.h\"\n" << " include=\"Poco/DateTimeParser.h\"\n" << " include=\"Poco/DateTimeFormatter.h\"\n" << " include=\"Poco/DateTimeFormat.h\"%><%!\n\n"; ostr << "// " << path << "\n"; ostr << "static const unsigned char data[] = {\n\t"; int ch = istr.get(); int pos = 0; while (ch != -1) { ostr << "0x" << NumberFormatter::formatHex(ch, 2) << ", "; if (pos++ == 16) { ostr << "\n\t"; pos = 0; } ch = istr.get(); } Poco::File f(path); Poco::DateTime lm = f.getLastModified(); ostr << "\n};\n\n\n"; ostr << "static bool checkModified(Poco::Net::HTTPServerRequest& request)\n" << "{\n" << "\tPoco::DateTime modified(" << lm.year() << ", " << lm.month() << ", " << << ", " << lm.hour() << ", " << lm.minute() << ", " << lm.second() << ");\n" << "\trequest.response().setChunkedTransferEncoding(false);\n" << "\trequest.response().set(\"Last-Modified\", Poco::DateTimeFormatter::format(modified, Poco::DateTimeFormat::HTTP_FORMAT));\n" << "\tif (request.has(\"If-Modified-Since\"))\n" << "\t{\n" << "\t\tPoco::DateTime modifiedSince;\n" << "\t\tint tzd;\n" << "\t\tPoco::DateTimeParser::parse(request.get(\"If-Modified-Since\"), modifiedSince, tzd);\n" << "\t\tif (modified <= modifiedSince)\n" << "\t\t{\n" << "\t\t\trequest.response().setContentLength(0);\n" << "\t\t\trequest.response().setStatusAndReason(Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED);\n" << "\t\t\trequest.response().send();\n" << "\t\t\treturn false;\n" << "\t\t}\n" << "\t}\n" << "\trequest.response().setContentLength(static_cast<int>(sizeof(data)));\n" << "\treturn true;\n" << "}\n" << "%><%\n" << "\tresponseStream.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data), sizeof(data));\n" << "%>"; }
void AppRequestHandler::handleRequest(Poco::Net::HTTPServerRequest& request, Poco::Net::HTTPServerResponse& response) { // Check for the favicon.ico request, we don't have one for now, // so set status code to HTTP_NOT_FOUND if ( request.getURI().compare("/favicon.ico") == 0 ) { response.setStatus(Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_NOT_FOUND); response.send(); return; } std::string lastModifiedHeader = request.get("If-Modified-Since", ""); Poco::URI uri(request.getURI()); Poco::Util::Application& app = Poco::Util::Application::instance(); std::string staticPathname = app.config().getString("", ""); if ( staticPathname.empty() ) { Poco::Logger& logger = Poco::Logger::get("mq.web"); logger.error(" property not defined. Check your configuration."); response.setStatus(Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); response.send(); return; } Poco::Path staticPath(staticPathname); staticPath.makeDirectory(); std::vector<std::string> uriPathSegments; uri.getPathSegments(uriPathSegments); std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = uriPathSegments.begin(); it++; for(; it != uriPathSegments.end(); ++it) { staticPath.append(*it); } if (staticPath.isDirectory()) { staticPath.append("index.html"); } Poco::File staticFile(staticPath); Poco::Logger& logger = Poco::Logger::get("mq.web.access"); if ( staticFile.exists() ) { if ( !lastModifiedHeader.empty() ) { Poco::DateTime lastModifiedDate; int timeZoneDifferential = 0; if ( Poco::DateTimeParser::tryParse(Poco::DateTimeFormat::HTTP_FORMAT, lastModifiedHeader, lastModifiedDate, timeZoneDifferential) ) { if ( staticFile.getLastModified() <= lastModifiedDate.timestamp() ) { logger.information(Poco::Logger::format("$0 : HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED", staticPath.toString())); response.setStatus(Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED); response.send(); return; } } } logger.information(Poco::Logger::format("$0 : HTTP_OK", staticPath.toString())); std::string mimeType; if ( staticPath.getExtension().compare("gif") == 0 ) { mimeType = "image/gif"; } else if ( staticPath.getExtension().compare("css") == 0 ) { mimeType = "text/css"; } else if ( staticPath.getExtension().compare("html") == 0 || staticPath.getExtension().compare("htm") == 0) { mimeType = "text/html"; } else if ( staticPath.getExtension().compare("js") == 0 ) { mimeType = "text/javascript"; } else if ( staticPath.getExtension().compare("png") == 0 ) { mimeType = "image/png"; } else if ( staticPath.getExtension().compare("jpg") == 0 || staticPath.getExtension().compare("jpeg") == 0) { mimeType = "image/jpeg"; } try { response.sendFile(staticPath.toString(), mimeType); } catch(Poco::FileNotFoundException&) { // We can't get here normally ... but you never know :) response.setStatusAndReason(Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_NOT_FOUND, Poco::Logger::format("Can't find file $0", staticPath.toString())); } catch(Poco::OpenFileException&) { response.setStatusAndReason(Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, Poco::Logger::format("Can't open file $0", staticPath.toString())); } return; } logger.error(Poco::Logger::format("$0 : HTTP_NOT_FOUND", staticFile.path())); response.setStatus(Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_NOT_FOUND); response.send(); }
void CalendarWidget::draw() { ofFill(); ofSetColor(0, 200); ofDrawRectangle(_window); std::string formatStringHourMin = "%h:%M %A"; std::string formatStringHour = "%h:%M"; std::string formatStringHourMinSec = "%h:%M:%S %A"; Poco::LocalDateTime minTime(_windowInterval.getStart()); Poco::LocalDateTime maxTime(_windowInterval.getEnd()); Poco::LocalDateTime startQuarter = Utils::ceiling(minTime, Poco::Timespan::MINUTES * 5); ofPushMatrix(); ofTranslate(_window.getPosition()); std::vector<Poco::Timestamp> hours = Utils::getInstances(startQuarter.utc().timestamp(), maxTime.utc().timestamp(), Period(Period::MINUTE, 5)); std::vector<Poco::Timestamp>::const_iterator hourIter = hours.begin(); while (hourIter != hours.end()) { Poco::DateTime time = Poco::DateTime(*hourIter); int y = _window.getHeight() *; int minute = time.minute(); float alpha = ofMap(std::abs( - 0.5), 0, .2, .25, 1, true); if (0 == minute) { ofSetColor(255, 80 * alpha); ofDrawLine(0, y, _window.getWidth(), y); } else if (0 == minute % 15) { ofSetColor(255, 255, 0, 80 * alpha); ofDrawLine(0, y, _window.getWidth(), y); } else { ofSetColor(127, 80 * alpha); ofDrawLine(0, y, _window.getWidth(), y); } std::string label = Utils::format(Poco::LocalDateTime(time), formatStringHourMinSec); int width = _font.stringWidth(label); int height = _font.stringHeight(label); if (y - height - 4 > 0) { _font.drawString(label, _window.getWidth() - width - 4, y - 4); } ++hourIter; } int y = _window.getHeight() *; ofSetColor(255); ofDrawLine(0, y, _window.getWidth(), y); std::string label = Utils::format(Poco::LocalDateTime(_now), formatStringHourMinSec); int width = _font.stringWidth(label); _font.drawString(label, _window.getWidth() - width - 4, y - 4); std::sort(_currentEvents.begin(), _currentEvents.end()); ICalendar::EventInstances::const_iterator iter = _currentEvents.begin(); int x = 0; while (iter != _currentEvents.end()) { const ICalendarEvent& event = (*iter).getEvent(); const Interval& interval = (*iter).getInterval(); if (_windowInterval.intersects(interval)) { int y0 = _window.getHeight() *; int y1 = _window.getHeight() *; ofFill(); ofSetColor(255, 50); if (interval.contains(_now)) { ofSetColor(255, 255, 0, 50); } else { ofSetColor(255, 50); } ofDrawRectRounded(x, y0, 80, y1 - y0, 5); ofNoFill(); ofSetColor(127); ofDrawRectRounded(x, y0, 80, y1 - y0, 5); ofSetColor(255); ofDrawRectRounded(x-1, y0-1, 80+2, y1 - y0+2, 5); std::string startLabel = Utils::format(Poco::LocalDateTime(interval.getStart()), formatStringHour); std::string endLabel = Utils::format(Poco::LocalDateTime(interval.getEnd()), formatStringHour); ofFill(); ofSetColor(255); _font.drawString(event.getSummary(), x + 5, y0 + 10); _font.drawString(startLabel, x + 5, y0 + 20); _font.drawString(endLabel, x + 5, y0 + 30); x+= 84; if (x > _window.getWidth() - 160) x = 0; } ++iter; } ofPopMatrix(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- Poco::DateTime nowLocal() { Poco::DateTime nowLocal; nowLocal.makeLocal(Poco::Timezone::tzd()); return nowLocal; }
void ofApp::updateSunPosition(){ Poco::DateTime now; //UTC ofLogVerbose() << "updating sun position :"; ofLogVerbose() << << " " << now.month() << " " << now.year() << " " << now.hour() << " " << now.minute(); cTime ctime; ctime.iYear = now.year(); ctime.iMonth = now.month(); ctime.iDay =; ctime.dHours = now.hour(); //UTC ctime.dMinutes = now.minute(); ctime.dSeconds = now.second(); cLocation location; location.dLatitude = Manager.myCoordinates.getLatitude(); location.dLongitude = Manager.myCoordinates.getLongitude(); ofVec2f data = sunpos(ctime, location, &sunCalc); double angle = 15 * (ctime.dHours + ctime.dMinutes/60); //convert time to angle sunCoordinates.x = ofMap(angle, 0, 360, 180, -180); //map angle to longitude sunCoordinates.y = -data.y *180/PI; //inclination of earth - convert from rad to degrees and invert ofLogVerbose() << "sun coordinates: longitude " << sunCoordinates.x << " / latitude:" << sunCoordinates.y; }
void FileServerRequestHandler::handleRequest(const HTTPRequest& request, Poco::MemoryInputStream& message, const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket>& socket) { try { bool noCache = false; #if ENABLE_DEBUG noCache = true; #endif Poco::Net::HTTPResponse response; Poco::URI requestUri(request.getURI()); LOG_TRC("Fileserver request: " << requestUri.toString()); requestUri.normalize(); // avoid .'s and ..'s std::string path(requestUri.getPath()); if (path.find("loleaflet/" LOOLWSD_VERSION_HASH "/") == std::string::npos) { LOG_WRN("client - server version mismatch, disabling browser cache."); noCache = true; } std::vector<std::string> requestSegments; requestUri.getPathSegments(requestSegments); const std::string relPath = getRequestPathname(request); // Is this a file we read at startup - if not; its not for serving. if (requestSegments.size() < 1 || FileHash.find(relPath) == FileHash.end()) throw Poco::FileNotFoundException("Invalid URI request: [" + requestUri.toString() + "]."); const auto& config = Application::instance().config(); const std::string loleafletHtml = config.getString("loleaflet_html", "loleaflet.html"); const std::string endPoint = requestSegments[requestSegments.size() - 1]; if (endPoint == loleafletHtml) { preprocessFile(request, message, socket); return; } if (request.getMethod() == HTTPRequest::HTTP_GET) { if (endPoint == "admin.html" || endPoint == "adminSettings.html" || endPoint == "adminHistory.html" || endPoint == "adminAnalytics.html") { preprocessAdminFile(request, socket); return; } if (endPoint == "admin-bundle.js" || endPoint == "admin-localizations.js") { noCache = true; if (!LOOLWSD::AdminEnabled) throw Poco::FileAccessDeniedException("Admin console disabled"); if (!FileServerRequestHandler::isAdminLoggedIn(request, response)) throw Poco::Net::NotAuthenticatedException("Invalid admin login"); // Ask UAs to block if they detect any XSS attempt response.add("X-XSS-Protection", "1; mode=block"); // No referrer-policy response.add("Referrer-Policy", "no-referrer"); } // Do we have an extension. const std::size_t extPoint = endPoint.find_last_of('.'); if (extPoint == std::string::npos) throw Poco::FileNotFoundException("Invalid file."); const std::string fileType = endPoint.substr(extPoint + 1); std::string mimeType; if (fileType == "js") mimeType = "application/javascript"; else if (fileType == "css") mimeType = "text/css"; else if (fileType == "html") mimeType = "text/html"; else if (fileType == "png") mimeType = "image/png"; else if (fileType == "svg") mimeType = "image/svg+xml"; else mimeType = "text/plain"; auto it = request.find("If-None-Match"); if (it != request.end()) { // if ETags match avoid re-sending the file. if (!noCache && it->second == "\"" LOOLWSD_VERSION_HASH "\"") { // TESTME: harder ... - do we even want ETag support ? std::ostringstream oss; Poco::DateTime now; Poco::DateTime later(now.utcTime(), int64_t(1000)*1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 128); oss << "HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified\r\n" << "Date: " << Poco::DateTimeFormatter::format( now, Poco::DateTimeFormat::HTTP_FORMAT) << "\r\n" << "Expires: " << Poco::DateTimeFormatter::format( later, Poco::DateTimeFormat::HTTP_FORMAT) << "\r\n" << "User-Agent: " << WOPI_AGENT_STRING << "\r\n" << "Cache-Control: max-age=11059200\r\n" << "\r\n"; socket->send(oss.str()); socket->shutdown(); return; } } response.set("User-Agent", HTTP_AGENT_STRING); response.set("Date", Poco::DateTimeFormatter::format(Poco::Timestamp(), Poco::DateTimeFormat::HTTP_FORMAT)); bool gzip = request.hasToken("Accept-Encoding", "gzip"); const std::string *content; #if ENABLE_DEBUG if (std::getenv("LOOL_SERVE_FROM_FS")) { // Useful to not serve from memory sometimes especially during loleaflet development // Avoids having to restart loolwsd everytime you make a change in loleaflet const std::string filePath = Poco::Path(LOOLWSD::FileServerRoot, relPath).absolute().toString(); HttpHelper::sendFile(socket, filePath, mimeType, response, noCache); return; } #endif if (gzip) { response.set("Content-Encoding", "gzip"); content = getCompressedFile(relPath); } else content = getUncompressedFile(relPath); if (!noCache) { // 60 * 60 * 24 * 128 (days) = 11059200 response.set("Cache-Control", "max-age=11059200"); response.set("ETag", "\"" LOOLWSD_VERSION_HASH "\""); } response.setContentType(mimeType); response.add("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff"); std::ostringstream oss; response.write(oss); const std::string header = oss.str(); LOG_TRC("#" << socket->getFD() << ": Sending " << (!gzip ? "un":"") << "compressed : file [" << relPath << "]: " << header); socket->send(header); socket->send(*content); } } catch (const Poco::Net::NotAuthenticatedException& exc) { LOG_ERR("FileServerRequestHandler::NotAuthenticated: " << exc.displayText()); sendError(401, request, socket, "", "", "WWW-authenticate: Basic realm=\"online\"\r\n"); } catch (const Poco::FileAccessDeniedException& exc) { LOG_ERR("FileServerRequestHandler: " << exc.displayText()); sendError(403, request, socket, "403 - Access denied!", "You are unable to access"); } catch (const Poco::FileNotFoundException& exc) { LOG_WRN("FileServerRequestHandler: " << exc.displayText()); sendError(404, request, socket, "404 - file not found!", "There seems to be a problem locating"); } }
//---------------------------------------- // DisplayDateTime //---------------------------------------- void DisplayDateTime(const Poco::DateTime& dateTime, ScopedLogMessage& msg) { msg.Message(Poco::format(" year = %d", dateTime.year())); msg.Message(Poco::format(" month = %d\t(1 to 12)", dateTime.month())); msg.Message(Poco::format(" day = %d\t(1 to 31)",; msg.Message(Poco::format(" hour = %d\t(0 to 23)", dateTime.hour())); msg.Message(Poco::format(" minute = %d\t(0 to 59)", dateTime.minute())); msg.Message(Poco::format(" second = %d\t(0 to 59)", dateTime.second())); msg.Message(Poco::format(" millisecond = %d\t(0 to 999)", dateTime.millisecond())); msg.Message(Poco::format(" microsecond = %d\t(0 to 999)", dateTime.microsecond())); msg.Message(Poco::format(" isAM = %s\t(true or false)", std::string(dateTime.isAM() ? "true":"false"))); msg.Message(Poco::format(" isPM = %s\t(true or false)", std::string(dateTime.isPM() ? "true":"false"))); msg.Message(Poco::format(" isLeapYear = %s\t(true or false)", std::string(Poco::DateTime::isLeapYear(dateTime.year()) ? "true":"false"))); msg.Message(Poco::format(" hourAMPM = %d\t(0 to 12)", dateTime.hourAMPM())); msg.Message(Poco::format(" dayOfWeek = %d\t(0 to 6, 0: Sunday)", dateTime.dayOfWeek())); msg.Message(Poco::format(" dayOfYear = %d\t(1 to 366, 1: January 1)", dateTime.dayOfYear())); msg.Message(Poco::format(" daysOfMonth = %d\t(1 to 366, 1: January 1)", Poco::DateTime::daysOfMonth(dateTime.year(), dateTime.month()))); msg.Message(Poco::format(" week = %d\t(0 to 53, 1: the week containing January 4)", dateTime.week())); msg.Message(""); }
void ClearHistory::run() { UarcRmemdServer::GetLogger().information("ClearHistory Process is running!"); //1.获取当前时间 time_t thistime; thistime = time(NULL); std::string TimeChar = ""; g_pClearHistory->TimeToChar(thistime, TimeChar); UarcRmemdServer::GetLogger().information("首次执行,当前时间为:%s", TimeChar); //2.计算下次清除时间 int nClearTime = g_pClearHistory->nextClearTime(thistime); long int timedeff = 0; timedeff = nClearTime - (long int) thistime; Poco::DateTime dataTime; dataTime += timedeff*1000000; //加入清除队列 g_pClearHistory->TimeToChar(nClearTime,TimeChar); ClearQueue.enqueueNotification(new ClearNotofication(nClearTime),dataTime.timestamp()); UarcRmemdServer::GetLogger().information("首次执行,设置下次清除数据时间为:%s", TimeChar); printf("首次执行,设置下次清除数据时间为:%s\n", TimeChar.c_str()); while (!_stopped) { //1.等待清除任务时刻的到来 Poco::Notification::Ptr pNf(ClearQueue.waitDequeueNotification()); if (_stopped) { return ; } if(pNf) { //ClearNotofication* pSNf = pNf.cast<ClearNotofication> (); //2先设置下次清除时间 time_t thistime; thistime = time(NULL); std::string TimeChar = ""; g_pClearHistory->TimeToChar(thistime, TimeChar); UarcRmemdServer::GetLogger().information("清除%s 时刻的定时任务",TimeChar); //3.计算下次清除时间 int nClearTime = g_pClearHistory->nextClearTime(thistime); long int timedeff = 0; timedeff = nClearTime - (long int) thistime; Poco::DateTime dataTime; dataTime += timedeff*1000000; //4再加入清除队列 g_pClearHistory->TimeToChar(nClearTime,TimeChar); ClearQueue.enqueueNotification(new ClearNotofication(nClearTime ),dataTime.timestamp()); UarcRmemdServer::GetLogger().information("设置下次清除数据时间为:%s", TimeChar); //5此时执行清除处理 Clearstwch.restart(); bool bCleard = false; bCleard = _rdbmsClearHis->clearHisData(); Clearstwch.stop(); if (bCleard == true) { UarcRmemdServer::GetLogger().information("清除历史数据成功,用时%d 秒",(int)Clearstwch.elapsedSeconds()); } else { UarcRmemdServer::GetLogger().information("清除历史数据失败,用时%d 秒",(int)Clearstwch.elapsedSeconds()); UarcRmemdServer::GetLogger().information("再次调用清除命令"); bCleard = _rdbmsClearHis->clearHisData(); if (bCleard == true) { UarcRmemdServer::GetLogger().information("再次清除历史数据并且成功被清除"); } else { UarcRmemdServer::GetLogger().information("连续两次清除历史均失败"); } } } } UarcRmemdServer::GetLogger().information("ClearHistory Process quit!", __FILE__, __LINE__); }