string getOFRelPath(string from){ Poco::Path base(true); base.parse(from); Poco::Path path; path.parse( getOFRoot() ); path.makeAbsolute(); cout << "getOFRelPath " << base.toString() << " " << path.toString() << endl; string relPath; if (path.toString() == base.toString()){ // do something. } int maxx = MAX(base.depth(), path.depth()); for (int i = 0; i <= maxx; i++){ bool bRunOut = false; bool bChanged = false; if (i <= base.depth() && i <= path.depth()){ if ( =={ } else { bChanged = true; } } else { bRunOut = true; } if (bRunOut == true || bChanged == true){ for (int j = i; j <= base.depth(); j++){ relPath += "../"; } for (int j = i; j <= path.depth(); j++){ relPath += + "/"; } break; } } cout << relPath << " ---- " << endl; return relPath; }
void ofxRemoteUIServer::updateServer(float dt){ timeCounter += dt; broadcastTime += dt; timeSinceLastReply += dt; if(readyToSend){ if (timeCounter > updateInterval){ timeCounter = 0.0f; //vector<string> changes = scanForUpdatedParamsAndSync(); //sends changed params to client //cout << "ofxRemoteUIServer: sent " << ofToString(changes.size()) << " updates to client" << endl; //sendUpdateForParamsInList(changes); } } //let everyone know I exist and which is my port, every now and then if(broadcastTime > OFXREMOTEUI_BORADCAST_INTERVAL){ if(doBroadcast){ broadcastTime = 0.0f; if (computerName.size() == 0){ #ifdef OF_AVAILABLE Poco::Environment e; computerName = e.nodeName(); char pathbuf[2048]; uint32_t bufsize = sizeof(pathbuf); #ifdef TARGET_OSX _NSGetExecutablePath(pathbuf, &bufsize); Poco::Path p = Poco::Path(pathbuf); binaryName = p[p.depth()]; #endif #ifdef TARGET_WIN32 GetModuleFileNameA( NULL, pathbuf, bufsize ); //no iea why, but GetModuleFileName() is not defined? Poco::Path p = Poco::Path(pathbuf); binaryName = p[p.depth()]; #endif #endif } ofxOscMessage m; m.addIntArg(port); //0 m.addStringArg(computerName); //1 m.addStringArg(binaryName); //2 broadcastSender.sendMessage(m); } } while( oscReceiver.hasWaitingMessages() ){// check for waiting messages from client ofxOscMessage m; oscReceiver.getNextMessage(&m); if (!readyToSend){ // if not connected, connect to our friend so we can talk back connect(m.getRemoteIp(), port + 1); } DecodedMessage dm = decode(m); RemoteUIServerCallBackArg cbArg; // to notify our "delegate" = m.getRemoteIp(); switch (dm.action) { case HELO_ACTION: //if client says hi, say hi back sendHELLO(); if(callBack != NULL){ cbArg.action = CLIENT_CONNECTED; callBack(cbArg); } if(verbose_) cout << "ofxRemoteUIServer: " << m.getRemoteIp() << " says HELLO!" << endl; onScreenNotifications.addNotification("CONNECTED (" + + ")!"); break; case REQUEST_ACTION:{ //send all params to client if(verbose_) cout << "ofxRemoteUIServer: " << m.getRemoteIp() << " sends REQU!" << endl; vector<string>paramsList = getAllParamNamesList(); syncAllParamsToPointers(); sendUpdateForParamsInList(paramsList); sendREQU(true); //once all send, confirm to close the REQU } break; case SEND_PARAM_ACTION:{ //client is sending us an updated val if(verbose_) cout << "ofxRemoteUIServer: " << m.getRemoteIp() << " sends SEND!" << endl; updateParamFromDecodedMessage(m, dm); if(callBack != NULL){ cbArg.action = CLIENT_UPDATED_PARAM; cbArg.paramName = dm.paramName; cbArg.param = params[dm.paramName]; //copy the updated param to the callbakc arg callBack(cbArg); } } break; case CIAO_ACTION:{ if(verbose_) cout << "ofxRemoteUIServer: " << m.getRemoteIp() << " says CIAO!" << endl; sendCIAO(); onScreenNotifications.addNotification("DISCONNECTED (" + + ")!"); if(callBack != NULL){ cbArg.action = CLIENT_DISCONNECTED; callBack(cbArg); } clearOscReceiverMsgQueue(); readyToSend = false; }break; case TEST_ACTION: // we got a request from client, lets bounce back asap. sendTEST(); //if(verbose)cout << "ofxRemoteUIServer: " << m.getRemoteIp() << " says TEST!" << endl; break; case PRESET_LIST_ACTION: //client wants us to send a list of all available presets presetNames = getAvailablePresets(); if (presetNames.size() == 0){ presetNames.push_back(OFXREMOTEUI_NO_PRESETS); } sendPREL(presetNames); break; case SET_PRESET_ACTION:{ // client wants to set a preset //presetNames = getAvailablePresets(); string presetName = m.getArgAsString(0); vector<string> missingParams = loadFromXML(string(OFXREMOTEUI_PRESET_DIR) + "/" + presetName + ".xml"); if(verbose_) cout << "ofxRemoteUIServer: setting preset: " << presetName << endl; sendSETP(presetName); sendMISP(missingParams); if(callBack != NULL){ cbArg.action = CLIENT_DID_SET_PRESET; cbArg.msg = presetName; callBack(cbArg); } onScreenNotifications.addNotification("SET PRESET to '" + string(OFXREMOTEUI_PRESET_DIR) + "/" + presetName + ".xml'"); }break; case SAVE_PRESET_ACTION:{ //client wants to save current xml as a new preset string presetName = m.getArgAsString(0); if(verbose_) cout << "ofxRemoteUIServer: saving NEW preset: " << presetName << endl; saveToXML(string(OFXREMOTEUI_PRESET_DIR) + "/" + presetName + ".xml"); sendSAVP(presetName); onScreenNotifications.addNotification("SAVED PRESET to '" + string(OFXREMOTEUI_PRESET_DIR) + "/" + presetName + ".xml'"); if(callBack != NULL){ cbArg.action = CLIENT_SAVED_PRESET; cbArg.msg = presetName; callBack(cbArg); } }break; case DELETE_PRESET_ACTION:{ string presetName = m.getArgAsString(0); if(verbose_) cout << "ofxRemoteUIServer: DELETE preset: " << presetName << endl; deletePreset(presetName); sendDELP(presetName); onScreenNotifications.addNotification("DELETED PRESET '" + string(OFXREMOTEUI_PRESET_DIR) + "/" + presetName + ".xml'"); if(callBack != NULL){ cbArg.action = CLIENT_DELETED_PRESET; cbArg.msg = presetName; callBack(cbArg); } }break; case SAVE_CURRENT_STATE_ACTION:{ if(verbose_) cout << "ofxRemoteUIServer: SAVE CURRENT PARAMS TO DEFAULT XML: " << endl; saveToXML(OFXREMOTEUI_SETTINGS_FILENAME); onScreenNotifications.addNotification("SAVED CONFIG to default XML"); sendSAVE(true); if(callBack != NULL){ cbArg.action = CLIENT_SAVED_STATE; callBack(cbArg); } }break; case RESET_TO_XML_ACTION:{ if(verbose_) cout << "ofxRemoteUIServer: RESET TO XML: " << endl; restoreAllParamsToInitialXML(); sendRESX(true); onScreenNotifications.addNotification("RESET CONFIG TO SERVER-LAUNCH XML values"); if(callBack != NULL){ cbArg.action = CLIENT_DID_RESET_TO_XML; callBack(cbArg); } }break; case RESET_TO_DEFAULTS_ACTION:{ if(verbose_) cout << "ofxRemoteUIServer: RESET TO DEFAULTS: " << endl; restoreAllParamsToDefaultValues(); sendRESD(true); onScreenNotifications.addNotification("RESET CONFIG TO DEFAULTS (source defined values)"); if(callBack != NULL){ cbArg.action = CLIENT_DID_RESET_TO_DEFAULTS; callBack(cbArg); } }break; default: cout << "ofxRemoteUIServer::update >> ERR!" <<endl; break; } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { std::string BuildVer(BUILD_VERSION); cout<<"FastCraft Minecraft Server"<<"\n"; cout<<"Version "<<BUILD_VERSION<<("") == 0 ? "" : "-")<<FC_VERSION<<" for Minecraft "<<FC_SUPPORTED_MINCRAFTVERSION<<"\n"<<std::endl; Poco::Path pathRoot(argv[0]); pathRoot.setFileName(""); //Remove filename pathRoot.pushDirectory("Server"); Poco::File fileRootDirectory(pathRoot.toString()); if (!fileRootDirectory.exists()) { try { fileRootDirectory.createDirectories(); }catch(Poco::FileException& ex) { cout<<"Unable to create server directory ("<<ex.message()<<")"<<std::endl; } }else{ if ((!fileRootDirectory.canRead()) || (!fileRootDirectory.canWrite())) { cout<<"Unable to read or write FastCraft root directory"<<std::endl; Thread::sleep(3000); return 0; } } std::vector<MinecraftServer*> vpServer(0); std::vector<Poco::File> vFileList(0); fileRootDirectory.list(vFileList); if (vFileList.empty()) { cout<<"No server configurations found!"<<std::endl; Thread::sleep(3000); return 0; } Poco::Data::SQLite::Connector::registerConnector(); //Startup sqlite engine Constants::init(); //load constants MinecraftServer* pServer; Poco::Path pathTemp; int x; //Start all server for (x=0;x<=vFileList.size()-1;x++) { if (!vFileList[x].isDirectory()) {continue;} //Skip files if(!pathTemp.tryParse(vFileList[x].path())) { cout<<"Illegal path!"<<std::endl; Thread::sleep(3000); return 0; } try { cout<<"Starting "<<pathTemp[pathTemp.depth()]<<"\n"; pathTemp.pushDirectory(pathTemp[pathTemp.depth()]); pathTemp.setFileName(""); pServer = new MinecraftServer(pathTemp[pathTemp.depth()-1],pathTemp); }catch(Poco::RuntimeException& ex) { cout<<"Unable to start server ("<<ex.message()<<")"<<std::endl; Thread::sleep(3000); return 0; } vpServer.push_back(pServer); pathTemp.clear(); } cout<<"Loading done!\n"; bool fSomethingRuns = false; while(1) { Thread::sleep(1000); //Check if there is at least one server that runs fSomethingRuns=false; for (x=0;x<=vpServer.size()-1;x++) { if (vpServer[x]->isRunning()) { fSomethingRuns=true; break; } } if (!fSomethingRuns) {break;} } Poco::Data::SQLite::Connector::unregisterConnector(); return 1; }